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May 09, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-09

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nitnr ew president. They are as follows: 19Is.Case 25-1926 will be held at a meetin
Hil'l Louise Roberts, '26, recorder of M . Low C Tr1IISD~t Announc I'Vrnoerte Student League of the Matine
Y 1 1 IIULUU STAIE Ipoints; Irene Field '27, hockey; liar- enorPa 8"'JLU5ILL Uv UiIUU I UU Q Of F ncing Match Musicale to be held at 4 o'clock Mon-
I ie Donaldson, '27. baseball; Lucille (fY~~p rnIl__ day at the School of Music.
CM N1i r T[II I alsh 27, track and rifle; lizabeth Very D stnciv ;T EO NEXTM liYGrtrudeBenhar, '28, placed first h 1i~e~t ir& Sh
II~I M iy L. urry, idn; ay cie ~ ~ ~ a a oneact l lecu n reshman Girls' Ge ball
-ji28, publicit y; Mary L ou ise Miller, i Ilay ig Ara .a ao q a5wilbchsnnxiw'c ased yesterday i Barbourj club,whar planning to attend thei chan
pleaylgs edDeeaiosT by Edna St. Vincent Millay, Mrs. i wekbyi1r ,onuie(;iiot of the ,gymnasium. Miss Benham won from framstbighe fe ,f lc
i!Conference Held May, 8, 9, 10 At The new officials will be in'ti~lledl Stanley Low, formerly Bernice Jones ; physical edcation (deartmen'ft . They I nSt e!2,th une ub $2.50 to the next meeting of the Gle follov
i ~~East Lansing 1ct a picic supper which will he held x'18, who is to direct the play, believes wHi be announced at the Thursday, a score of 5 to 4. In addition to the cu.PhiI
_1by' the W. A. A. executive board Wed- that the senior women of '25 will be jpractics and clss cCptains w~ill al oio w'28ranhd thuie hil, '28ydia Ru- Gam
MICHIGAN REPR ESENT ED neatay at the freplace. Evelyn oiig something distinctly different be elcted at those meetings. Tusa oprt'8,in hieChid, 1,toonmbe Election of officers for the year Zeta,
Ogbri, '28, is in charge of thear and worthwhile. The fact that the is the last (lay for ai ny u'nentie entries et in h orrudtora 9512 wl aepaea the rg o
rangemnients for the picnic. playha been written by Ms Millay. try out for (laSss quads. The hoursofIua etn ofhe nirsyGrl'jen
haspresearea4tovloc(afasrnioreandngoo- jthetUwasv1,swhichexceedsthe num
Representatives are being sent this --a-young Americani woman like them-ae4o'lcfrsnisad ph mntws1,hchxedsheum-I Glee club at 4:15 o'clock on Tues-1 Th
week end to the Y. W. C. A. state young ~ rnirsle, santal etue seoinores and 5 o'clock for juniors and' who took part in the mens tourna- a h colo ui ulig a
cabintItrininLconereneIwhch iIL1freshmen a amrfield Meetings!matlast fall.__________
caie riigcneec hc s~~riu statedl andl has mae a very definite il e aC~~nr gmaimmn a amni
held May 8, 9 and 10 at Michigan ww.~~ Lf~'Iiapa otewmninlease heldl in ihn'bourm naiu The judges for the matches werel, 1 HECASFIDAS
Stite College at East Lansing. Dele- ni a nt~ n ' Mr.lwlsrllte ly itselfe of raini. !Robert B. Finney of the Ronance __________________
hgations from rpeetseveral eother collegesfollowngIMrs.Low desrWbedYteLpany itslf More than !85 women have turned language department, Norman Ben-
wil be present. The Y. W. C. A. will ROWSII ~a leoydpnigfrisi-out for class baseball this spring. ham, 25, and Lawrence Pettibone,
terest to a large extent on a very1 Practicessofrhv benmil'2Etw jugsevng a ech
berpeetd!yteflown ---Ibeautiful setting and atmosphees frSaebentanlurdaywsjdessevng a ec
schools: Elope College, Alion, Mount The Sprin~g Drive for the Women's s atmosphere being auginmetdI batting and fielding, next week spec'round. Evelyn Smith, '25, acted as
Pleasant Normal, Hllsdale, Highland ial attention will le given to the bt master of combat. This is the first!
Park Junior College, Detroit Teach- egei nesfig (al.Ra yteitouto faltl ~l tery. According to Rss Guiot, the fencing match for women ever held D so n
er's College, MichiganbStatedNormalt i~ n inugu- een entryFrench dance. "Whlile nor tCInor es ai. dfreshmen seem to at the University. Clsewreo-D co n
University of Michigan and Michigan aI'~nw ognztos ali ol i hrce' r ntecs have she bst prospects to date altho,' ganized. in December and have been, on
State College. "car rying on" in the older groups- propl e,"nMrs.uLow statepSrore the next week may brinug up the working since then with Miss Smith
Conferences of this nature are held all with the deinite thought and hc a nadd inodrt upper-class record. as coach, in connection with the phys-i rme
eac spingfo nely letedcabnetgrwin hoe hattheMilio Do-1whaichtha syben cadd ing ode T efrtgmso h necasta dcto eatet
meahsro ingcrsnelyplectedfcabinetgrowingho pedtated Millone of-hislary. tseisayboli c ei oft hehsistgmso teiIrasiaeuaindeatet
tournament will be played on Field Po__ularPrice
eomning year, and present a mutual year. The total pledged to date is; not been possible to use all of the willMa wi Atthattm h e i
exchange of ideas. The program is; $633, 110.26, so the Million daily tryouts. But I believe it more worth compete wt the freshmen while 333 South Ma
as follows: Friday evening, 8 o'clock! grows nearer, in reality as well as in; while to do something good with five1 the juniors will oppose the sopho- ! .~''rrrc
-"Our Student Movement," led by anticipation. ( hnamdorepeeo okmors.O T..ICES12b
Miss Maude Gwinn, of Chicago. Among the active organized groups with fifteen."FisronintnsmutbplyI
iSaturday, 9 o'clock-Miss Mary are Ann Arbor, Cleveland, New York,j MsLo hahdx Fitruninensmstbply I
Ross, general secretary of the student Lansing, Toledo, Detroit, Baltimore, Mr.Lw a a considerable ede off today. "-
precsichegrdainhaigY W. C. A. at Michigan, will speak iPittsburgh, and Washington. Much hl h oiino rmtccah ____________________ The last Women's League party of
on "How Does Jesus' Law of Love enthusiasm is felt about the outcome at the Battle Creek high school and the year will be a picnic at Whitmore
Apply to My Campus?" At noon Mr. of these fresh activities, and all areI Sanitarium and subsequently ocu- LEAGE TEA% POSTPONEID Lake Thursday May 14. Trans-I
Weaver, Director of Religious educa- ' united in the one ambition of seeing pied the same position at Keene, New I--~- portation will be furnished by the
tiont at Michigan State College, will " Michigan women properly placed on Hampshire. During the last fourI Due to the uncertain weather League, and the party will leave
speak at a luncheon given at the peo- Campus and universally cognizant ofyer she has been consulting dire- it has been decided to indefi- Barbour gymnasium at 5 o'clock. All
pe's church, and at 2 o'clock thereI what their Alma Mater is doing.ryfor of the Women's Club at Appleton, I nitely3 potpone the Women's f women who are planning to go are
will be group discussions on the Miss Daphne. '18, Field secretary! Wisconsin. She has consequently League tea which was to have requested to sign up in the gymnas- I$ 95
question "Why My Job" This will be! of the League, has been In Baltimore, had no close acquaintance with the ! been held tis afternoon at the isnm. The League will furnish coffee.
followed by a discussion on "WorkingI Pittsburgh, and Washington during i Michian Senior plas o the last few hoeofMs JsphBrle.Ths__aar_ sp~a
ofrbtblee hsyerspou-Eeto f fiesfrteSa purchase for our May Sales
Burnison, of Hillsdale, will then leadl to Rochester, N. Y., to attend alumnae ti'sol eacnieal li Smart sprt and dress model.
a discussion of finance, entitledi luncheons and put campus activities provenment ovr the three-act play ~o oar n lnesi
"Making the Wheels go Round." A S nd needs directly to Michigan w-, given out of doors, which cannot be ^ fPlisad Fanl r
supper up the river will close the ac-1 men. Her enthusiasm and ideals are heard. "There has been a great im--'-I green, rose and tans ae
tivities of the day. contagious, and the successful out- provenient in dramatics all over the 11P trm e i aioswyswt
On Sunday, at noon an address will come of her visits throughout the conrdrn telstsvnter rimdn buttos afur. A
be given by President Butterfield of country is the growing young alum-'I dueilrgelybttthenLitledThuter 1 4.
Michigan State College. aeatsae clubs and the financial response movement," lreyshe ths ttle ToeaPr-_.L a terni S h o p ik lne. Vle h
Those from Michigan whoarat to the needs of the undergraduate i fessor Hlllister, although I do not be - glrysl o 3.0
tending the conference are the fol- women. . iv ti omny appreciated isselfr$9 0
lowing: Kathryn Wilson, '26, Saita There are 9,863 alumnae in the e in large measure the improDvaveifiutyi-fnig ASMN
Davis, '26, Pauline Bridgeman, '26, country at the present tinme-of this cu oyouhaedfiut inidngaBS EN
Anna Arnold, '26, Esther Anderson, number 4828 are in the state of Mich - 1melure at Michigan, because of his
Iinterest in better slays." IpaefrB E K A T oet OD- A R ,
'26, Aline Ewing, '26, Norma Bick- igan, and 687 in Ann Arbor. ________ -~ac frB E K A T oet ODI '
nell, '26, and Jane White,,'26. Probably some of the Ann Arbor I Li and your difficulty will be solved.j 124 SOUTH MAIN
W alumnae are in doubt about their YOUR CORSET MADE T0 MEASURE 1
pledges or the credit on those'Open from 7:30 A. M.
po t a a e spledges. If so, the office will gladly HELEN G. CHURCH p
unhosen By I4'C,A cooperate and answer all inquiries. Nu-1one Corselere _______ to 7:0 P. M.
vi 'National Campaign headquarters is'Wt
in Room A-Alumni Memorial hal. 11MISS MINT1,RE, Costumer , d D ~)~Es
Sports managers for the Women's Nickels Arcade _-ia 6.8' .73Es University I
Athletic association have been ap- Patronize Dlly Advertisers -- Wl'hone 2448 for Appointment =______ _______________
pointed by Myra Finsterwald, '27, the pays.-Adv.( - - -=w -

wd(uiles fo
games foi
ged1 slight
on Mond
w~s: MA
Beta, Let;
na, Collej
Phi Sigm,-
[ota, and
evs. Zone
oe games
are: Out
ma Deltft
in St.

to Changed
Ball Games
or the intr~amural base-
r' next week have been
thy. Starting at 4 o'-
day, the order wvill be as
&a Xi Delta vs. Gamma
ao rau Alpha vs. Delta,
giate Soro::,; v:. Deltat
ra Sigma v!;. Alpha. Epsi-
SHelen Newberry resi-
oe 8.
scheduled for Wednes-'
Ilaws vs. Zone 5, Alpha,
.a vs. Adelia Cheever
ied on Page Seven)
F #

R yr <:,

-- B a

Now on Display and Sale

Six of the Artists
who are to appear
on programs of the.



t a itos e)
"Not since iie days of Lillian
yor-ica has an Anmerican heard
such thuncders of applause be-
stowed by a --etropolitan audi-
cavce as fell to the lot of Law-
rence Tibbett in the part of
Ford inu Boitos 'Falstaff,' " re-
ports the Literary Digest under
i ate of February 7, 1925.

That Delight Rug Connoisseurs!
Connoisseurs of Oriental Rugs are delighted with the collection of beautiful
Oriental and Chinese rugs that Mr. ,Jamgotch has brought to Ann Arbor
for their selection. Included in this exceptionally attractive showing are many
rare kinds of rugs as well as hundreds of the more common types., Both
modern and antique pieces are found among those now on display.
You Will Be Delighted With the
Exceedingly Low Prices
Mr. Jamgotch is glad to offer these rugs for sale at prices which will delight
and amaze you at their lowness. Every effort has been made to secure the
type of Oriental Rugs demanded by Ann Arbor patrons and to provide
them in lavish number' at the lowest possible prices.
Every Kind--Every Size
Every Price
Whether you desire a large, room-size rug or a collection of small one j. or
even a single piece to fill in with your present group of rugs, you'll find just
the sort you desire among those now being shown.

Hill Auditorium
Ann Arbor
20, 21, 22, 23

V1I,- t F, B L1ES TER
;,a itont )
l.. Balie 3ier was born in
Sy"ain. lHe sang frequently in
Blarcelona, and later went to
Paris, w ere lie made his debut
in ope! a. Since then lie has
saung withP great success in Italy,
South America, and with both
the Chicago and Metropolitan
Opera. Companies.

Miss Meisle is the possessor
of one of the most beautiful and
opulent voices to be, heard to-
day.. She has been with the
Chicago Civic Opera Company
since 1923, making her debut in
the important role of Erda" in
Mr. Morgan, the young Welsh
tenor, has been described as
"Evan Willianms of this genera-
tion." Since coming to America
he has appeared in practically
all of- the mxusic centers of the
East and Middle West in ora-
torio and recital. His engage-
ments have been veritable tri-

Six Concerts

-Four Days

(M.-izo-Sovrano) 1.1 1

ii I Course Tickets on Sale Uv to May I I th II

1 11



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