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W. L. Mullins
Night Editor-THOS. P. HENRY JR.
Senator Borah is likely on any oc-
casion to say things he ought to re-
gret afterwards. To the world, his
statements nearly always sound rash
and unfounded. Though they are
sometimes based on sound reasoning,
his terminology and his mode of
phrasing seem to lend themselves to
public misinterpretation.I
His utterances concerning theI
recognition of Soviet Russia are well
known. From the standpoInt of,)
theory they can be accepted. In view
of the actual facts they are little short
^f b is declarations on the
We who come to college largely asTL
a matter of course, who attend classes ED R Lm U S I ;
because we are expected to, and who AND
follow Michigan's sports with perhaps
a trifle too much enthusiasm, are apt LADY D R A M A
sometimes to forget thedebt which I CONTESTANT J ,
we owe the faculty. In the swift rush The column below came in the day
of our college life the personalities of TheloumtnbIeAToaeIinlUhdE
after Washington's unfortunate prize
the men who teach us are apt to slip offer. You will observe that the au- A review, by Valentine L. Davies
from our mind. thor makes several references to Thl1ere is an embry , rapidly, jerh
But there is one -professor on the money, generously disclaiming any being developed in our mindst today.
campus whom few of those who have lust for the purse.
. .is called Mlodorn Amvrictm ,lit
been in his classes will quickly forget. *
The man is Robert M. Wenley, who Drama to Suit the Public Taste In Ann Jut wthat or why it is no one can s
has introduced 25 years of MichiganArbo as yet. Every w and again i
students into the fundamentals of (Modelled after The Passing Show) itself felt and heard. iaul Whiten
philosophy. Enter ,onto any scene, two persons. and George Gershwin gave it p
There is an opportunity to repay in FIRST PERSON: Who are you? licity. A few olters are writing
part the debt which the University SECOND PERSON: Fielding Yost. and another few intorpreting it;
f owes him. The Ives portrait of Pro- (Laughter from the house) ing it a fighting chance.
FIRST: Where are you from.iiitaihinchc.
fessor Wenley is being purchased to SECOND: Yp- Yp- silanti. John Alden Carpenter is among
present to him during commencement (Laughter from the house) composers and (ity Maier is one
week, and already a number of stu- Where are You from? the artists who are -giving it an
dents have contributed toward its cost1 FIRST: Dexter. portunity to expand. As a sort
'Checks are payable to the Treasurer l (Laughter from the house) .
of the University. I(A third person crosses the stage) Iminisiitg touch to his coUrse in int
- ~SECOND PERSON: (to TH IRD) l)retat itn, Mr. Mai ier gave an infroi
THE LAST LAUG H Who are you? recital of several modern compo
The world is pTHIRD: Ray Dolph (or Hackley tions last night in the School of M
Butler, or Joe Bursley) sic. Among the pieces he played w
things are happening. Somebody is (Laughter from house) Carpenters "Krazy Kat Ballet." WI),
being emancipated every day. Yester- FIRST: Where are you from? ever its value, it certainly typif
day it was extrenie youth the world THIRD: Whitmore Lake. modern America. It i:- a comic st
over. The International Council of (Laughter from house) in music. It relates an adventure
Women, in annual session passed a SECOND: Whyaren't you there Krazy Kat and his cohorts. How
resolution strongly denouncing the now? falls asleep, dreams, is awakened
spanking of children as barbarous. A THIRD: My mother-in-law is visit- find a vivid pcster staring him int
new era in child raising is about to nag me. face ,announcing a coming costu
dawn, they declared. The younger (Laughter from the house) ball. A stranger arrives and hal
FIRST: Where does she live? Krazy a bouquet. He takes one w
generation today will not use the old THIRD: Saline. and is oll. The flowers hide kati
fashion methods upon their progeny, Howl from the house as the Velvet and he goes :into a wild revel--"'I
but will adopt the more modern and curtain falls. Katnip Blues." This is the (essc'
saner system of treating them as J. Cowles. of syncopated rythnn As Mr. Ma
human beings.' ** played it there was something moe
It is with joy and a tinge of jealousy! FOUND-ONE CONTESTANT it than that, Perhaps it cont ains r
that those of us who have outgrown lCowles is trying to get up another Imusic, perhaps i was the interpre-
thttoe fu hohv utrw ion. At any rate it had a cert,
the rod greet this new movement. It j one of his contests. We feel such per- tin.At yr t- c
is a wonderful thing and the only sistence in the face of repeated fail-Ifasemation
fault to be found is that someone ures, deserves to be rewarded. So we Of the other examples he played
didn't think of it years ago. Just decided to be a contestant. That's one -ee oein oly ttl'There seemed
didnt thin of i year ago.Justmore than there ever has been before.eteehdce littietody rem.
what effect this will have upon the -Almost, anyway. Not that we seek could discover little melody or ryt
citizens of thirty years hence, remains the reward ourselves. No. Honestly. in many of them. The suhjects
to be seen. Perhaps when this policy Its for Cowles' sake. The last effort titles are iteresting: "Cheese Da:t
has been in vogue for sufficiently of his last year at college-you know of the Mice," Merry-Go-Round" b
long period to test it thoroughly, some I how it is. by a Miss Troendle. "The Juggl
very up to date organization will pass * . * Girl" by Moskowski. "A Ghost Sto:
an equally striking resolution en- De Soto (off-stage): "Maybe we"The Funel March of a Canar
dorsing the "Spare the rod and spoilA stand a chance of getting some of the All of them quite short and v
s"s sg vivid. Is there, will there be Mod
the child" maxim. In that case the money he owes us. American Music, and if so is this it
children who lived during the period * * *
which is about to begin will be able Somebody told the boys who get out THE AY
this DAILY paper that the telephonesA FESTIVAL--IL
to laugh heartily at every other gen- had been made automatic. We were
eration that has ever come into being, somewhat skeptical, but open-minded,
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so we decided to give them a fair trial.
From now until the time when the We went into a corner store--it had
present sophomore class comes back signs all over it, so we knew it was
for its fiftieth reunion there will be a store. We picked up a phone and
argument by some unquestionable in- waited for it to work. But it didn't.
dividuals as to who really won the We knew it wouldn't.
tug-of-waryesterday.ISoeBut then we had our experience.
Somebody touched our shoulder. We
politely ignored it. Then a suave
The Navy department ii going to voice said:"That. zz showssthat
let a few million dollars worth of you can go ahead. I'll now show you
large oil tanks deteriorate from disuse how you dial. What is your number?"
simply because of a legal technicality. We told the fellow that we didn't
These Teapot Dome scandals are gamble with persons we hadn't been
costly. j introduced to, and we went out.
We hope he learns his place.
A seritseef asuabet
A Detroit speeder was unable to iWhat would the S. C. A. say about
spell the word, "stop," when asked to such conditions-right in its own
do so by the judge. He must have block!
been one of the city's aristocracy. * * *
- I Sunday we saw a lot of boys carry-
No doubt the foundem's of this ling canes. The general effect makes
"dream colony"hin Boston were plan- !iWwish the old picket fence had been
ning to live on "dream dollars." left up. It, at least, would serve one
purpose-keeping coeds off the grass.
Oh yeah.
CAMPUS OPINION jI But our grand vizier points out that
Anonv ous communications will be the canes serve a good purpose-you
Tihbe1t, Lawrence, baritone; born
in America, 1887 or 1878; the enfant
terrible of the Metropolitan, the art-
dirgadd Th saure .f ymui
disregarded. The nam es of conmmui- can tell which are the "grave old ist who created the sensation of the
subject have been many and varied, cants will, however, be regarded as sen
. . confidential upon request. I Wseniors. season by receiving a fifteen-minute
but the world, used to his wild vitu- We think the senior women ought ovation for his recitative as Ford in
perations, has done little but gape SEVERAL ERRORS Ito carry something-say a broom. "Falstaff"; a master of make-up and
and -twirl its collective finger near its To the Editor: That would be as useful to them, as stage tecunique, young, riding on the
forehead to signify what in the pop I should like the opportunity of cor- canes to the senior men. high-tide of the, stars of fortune; from
ular vernacular of some time past recting several errors in the absurd. . a purely theatric, commercial basis,
w"aOOur grand vizier points out that this
would have been "nobody home article on Mr. Ossip Gabrilowitsch must be an up-to-the-minute column- the most interesting feature of the
Seldom, if ever, has he said any- which appeared in the Music and make it vacuum cleaners. We fear. Festival.
thing, however, more unfortunate Drama column on May 8. We fear. Just another mechanical
than a recently printed statement in 1. Mr. Gabrilowitsch was born at contraption to put in your pocket, TriUS SPEAKS ST. JOHN, THE
The Boston Transcript concerned with St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1878, not in along'with the wash basin and rake. BAPTIST-
French payment of her debts to Amer- 1887. Anyway, they carry lanterns. No. Maestro E. H. A. has submitted a
ica. His attitude is sound. It is that 2. Mr. Gabrilowitsch was never a We didn't peek. We saw it in this threnody, published in the adjoining
of most thinking world diplomats, in- pupil of Rubinstein. DAILY paper. Campus Opinion column, belaboring
cluding France's own Caillaux- 3. He is not "a profound atheist the recent paragraph on Gabrilo-
namely, Frace should and must pay as regards things Detroit or AmeriI Say talking about vacuum cleaners witsch, Ossip (Saloonowitsch). It
and lights-we bought a campus car. . (I
her debts, fulfiill her obligations, keep can." Indeed, he has signified his I yis only fair to say that the facts of the
Oh yeah. It won't run. Something ofednarilwretknrmth
her treaties, put is as you will, love for this country in the most em- wrong with the back end. Too bad. offending article were taken from the
But Senator Borah said: phatic and unmistakable manner by 1 We took it apart. Oh yeah. Now there 1924-25 edition of "Who's Who," and
"Domestic tranquility and in- marrying an American woman, by' are 114 pieces. We sure got our that Gabrilowitsch not only studied
ternational peace can have no making this country his home, by be- moneys worth. It takes up the whole under Rubinstein but received the I
foundation other than respect for coming an American citizen, and by back yard. We took the back yard Rubinstein prize in 1894.
law and the sanctity of obliga- learning to speak and write the Eng- down to the Ford Garage and they told As for the 100 per cent American-
tions and treaties. If the most Ilish language with rare felicity. us (as well as we remember) we need- ism, naturally, there is nothing to
solemn and binding obligations 4. Mr. Gabrilowitsch is a firm dis- ed a new ring gear and pigeon, to say. Anyone, however, with a
are to be disregarded and espe- ci le f German music nly intheistart with. They, said something schnitzl's worth of information -
ae on maters of ee- ciple of German music only in the about a course in differential calculus pcnites th wl in tSn ap-
eially upon matters of mere ma- sense that any intelligent music lover t and we knew they were joking about preciates that, while Saint-Saens is
terial interests, there is no altern- ,must be, for it is indisputable that the price. (Queer taste some people 1 French by birth, his music is thor-
ative in international affairs but three-fourths of all the world's music have). They made a list about a yard oughly Teutonic in spirit.
FORCE." { worth hearing or playing is of German long and we felt sure it would break * * "
Then he added: Of course these re- I origin. He is not "a confirmed critic our bank. We really don't have a GOING, GOING
flections 'are not for France alone. 1 of the French breeds" whatever that bank. But we like that phrase.' Then ; The Player's Club production of
am speaking generally-disregard of equestrian language was intended to the told us "sSeven dollars and "Not So Long Ago," the romantic
treaties is just as prevalent as disre- mean. His programs for the Detroit . And you should have seen the comedy by Arthur Richman, which
gard of law." Symphony Orchestra have been filled of things they handed us. was to have been presented Wednes-
There is, of course, nothing in- with French compositions and his in- If anybody thinks it will run when day evening, May 13, in Sarah Caswell
inherently wrong with his statement terpretations of Franck, Debussey and we get it all together, we'll give them Angell hall, has been abandoned, due,
if examined with care. Other people Ravel are singularly vital and inter- a reward. That kind of a man de- perhaps, to the illness of the cast.
have said the same thing many times,esting. Iserves recognition. Public recognition. !The organization will be re-organized
but in a different way. In this case 5. The most distressing aspect of Its that kind of faith that conquers the next fall. .
foreign newspapers have taken up the the situation is that the portrait was unconquerable, that vinces the invin- - - --
cry and have quoted the Senator from annarentlv intendedt n h enmnimen_ cible-whoa. Back!-that builds em- Speaking of fancy dress costumes
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