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May 03, 1925 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-03

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SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1925



Student Life At
Argentine S
It is impossible to include so vast.
It subject within the limits of an ar-
tidle and if one were to do it/ one
would be guilty of inaccuracy in many
points, because he would be referring
to general types which are not and
(.annot be universally common to the
students of South America. Our part
of the Continent is very large and
comprises many nations, one of which,#
like the Argentine Republic, may be
equal to one-third of the extent of
the United States.
In addition one is dealing with na-
tions which differ substantially from
one another, even in language since1
some talk Portuguese and others
Spanish;-and apart from this, they
have their own peculiaries, which ex-
tend to the life of their Students. To
describe this life as a whole, would be
then, the same thing as trying to de-
scribe abstractly the life of the stu-
dents in Europe, ascribing traits com-
mon to the students of Germany,
equally common to those of Italy;
traits common to the students of,
Frfnce equally common to those of.
Bulgaria, or the traits of students of
England the same as those of Spain.
Por this reason, I shall limit my-
self here in order to give a brief idea
of the activities of the students in the
Argentine Republic, the country of1
South America farthest south, which
is considered, for the various reasons,
'the most advanced among the South
American countries.
The fundamental stages mark the'
life of an Argentine student. These
are: elementary-school education,I
secondary education, which the Cole-.
gios Nacionales (National Academies)
give; and finally university education,)
which is the third cycle, follows the t
Colegio Nacional and in it the stu- '
dent remains until twenty-four or 1
twenty-seven years before ,Duing
this time that child, who in his pars-
ing through the lecture-halls has be-
come a man, has now completed his
ducationh and acquired a profession.

.J ., 'tain Capitals: Buenos Aires, La before and who attend to their studies into parties and spend large sums of
Plata, Cordola, Santa Fe, Fucuman, more industriously because their money on propaganda in the form of
etc. This condition determines a new work is being hindered. In this group placards and of speeches in order to
characteristic in the life of the stu- the members recognize one another attract votes to their candidates on
dent now a member of a University. and give each other information the day of the election.
howseeeatavieerencesFT-mr about thee
house, to go to the centers where the mon danger that they run unites them univer~isity life of' Argentina is the Ii-
abrupt change in the habits of the In Departments like mat of M ed ntet the rnt enjoys
kCA d EA Unifrsmtienarefrrnesce on anhel thrtoro.
n A nd European Cam pus A ffairs younglethan inkind o e e Iin iniwhich students,-inooa trfn
ha enleading up to thattie practice after thhorhya eoeGil prents from the lMeans and the
(Ecxcept for those who reside in the interns in the hospitals, (that is to ofepsnots of the University.
same place where a University is sit- say they live there, in buildings es- Tles.tudent governs himself. An
uated.) For them the transition is pecially provided which are near the absolute "self-government." lie elects
W ith A rgent eStudentsunperceptible. They notice the other buildings where the patients ain arranges his courses; his hours
~Vit Ar entne tud ntschange only in their studies. But are,) they are permitted to continue of study ; the work lie does to get
those in this situation are in the min- their studies without interruption, money and support himself. In at
ority. The rest find themselves obhg- and on account of the work the stu- word he controls all the actions of his
All work is graded on a fnal examination. ed to change their residence in ordei dent life is more intense and the fel- i
to go to a place where there is a lowship greater. They become espe- hca
There are no fraternities or sororities. The students University. ceialy attached to the Hospital where .i s re soies ofcarriespnwith
knout each other onp through classes and departmental clubs. The student at a University, be- they have spent many years and when tt cighs on int, - siiity
cause of the mere fact that he has they are graduated and must give up athatl wembs on him, -since in casel
Sports are controlled b a federation of students who become a member of it, has become their places to the new comrs it is of'fninurc, healone will blars nle
also goern the pmore serious. He attends classes, if not without a feeling of sadness that nl Wil lnt e able to blame anyone
he wants to. Attendance is not conm- they do so. for hi l,ilt, and when he has not
pulsory, and he has equal liberty to To describe the life of the medical been promoted to the next higher
follow the schedule of his courses by students as intexns would require a course in any given year, the student
studying them in the books at home. whole voime. Even so it is particu- looks for a pretext for not going home
He knows that at the end of the term ,larly interesting. to his fanly during the vacation, so
tents, aid the latter sbit hto dg11 of )?ogre.'lie must present himself at the exam- Let ts not get away from the ties that he can aid the dishonor of con-
their regulation, anti there are day 'in the 4olcgio NaciOnal the student ination and there, without being ask- that the students form among them- fssing his failure. He waits for the
schools, the students tof which live tacilny shows his inclinations toward ed whether or not he has regularly at-' selves, in each of the departments -r in w . e w ave an
with their parents and the ColegicIthe profession that he is going to tended the lectures, he will have to and let us say that each one of tlieni o tyr t vihke wfo hs ni
keeps thn only five or six hours a 'decide upon, if lie has resolved to show his examiner that he knows the has its club, its "Centro" (centers).oppoituty to mae up for his ne -
day. Studyy fo ay. course. In spite of this, the student This is a private association which gence.
Seventy-five per cent of these l The one who pays special attention himself finds, as is natural, an un- the students support and where, This control and authority over
schools belong to the latter class, to certain related studies, as Mathe- deniable advantage in attending lec- among other things, they have a lib- himself nt.ulds the character of the
Consequently the greatest number of miatic', will surely decide upon Engi- tures, in listening to a professor's rary and common rooms which are youth and gives him a discernment,
Argentine students, during the period |neering, for example; or he who pre- I explanations, particularly when the useful in bringing the students to- whiih he would otherwise not acquire.
of their preparatory studies at the ' fers the humaniies and the political topics he is explaining offer difficulty. gether. until much later.
Colegio live at home. and social sciences, will later become Normally there is a regular number These clubs are directed by Commit- Among European stdents,-often
lfe goes to the Colegio Nacional in a lawyer or an economist, etc. of students who go daily to the classes tees of Students; they have their jhbtter prepared,-one frequently en-
the morning or in .the afternoon and i The student who is not going to con- Of their department. own legal entity and they are the au- counters a lack of self-reliance, not-
uses the rest of the day to attend tojtinue his studies at the universityj In certain professions like medi-'thorized agency through which stu- .withstanding their great learning.
his work and prepare the lessons for;later on, will have acquired a general l cine, where one is required to do dents may communicate with the au- In the Argentine student, on the
the following day. The Argentine prepairat ion thait will equip him to 1certain practical pieces of work dur-thorities of the University and the lat- conItr*ry, the (onstant and habitual
student as a general rule, from the face life. ing the year, the student is obliged Itr i turn may address the students..
time when he has reached the middle such one can say is the urpose of to work in the laboratory, which re- The union of the "Centros" forms tue of the faculty has given hin an in-
of his preparatory studies, which is ! the Colgio Nacional, whic*h dend on mains open all day so thatsthes-as Federation of eendence f judgment which make
theroimatey, th)thir yearcours-_.-lepn pnaldy t t ~ iii iiw u ~drt Ilio e:;i le discrimination for
approximately, the third year course- the Government and in some cases on dents may go there at the time that is Students, which serves as a vinculum I
works at the same time to pay for fthe Universities. rthrough them see- most convenient for them. among the students of the different soixing his difficul i nation
his living expenses and his studies ondar education is carried on in the This new contact which is establish- departments, who otherwise, would From the time of the Coheglo
le may be emp:loyedr in a Publicn Rhubli of Aigentine.i ed anmong the tde wh hv m have little or no opportunity of know- I Nacional, he has been accustomed to
Ofice, a lerkrofethigoverndenm-ini the.sudents who have come race is diiliccuh situations :and there
Ofwice, aclerk of the government,-in The student who has thus received from different sections, awakens a ing one another.
his diploma of "Bachiller" will pass new fellowship, although it is not as ssitk they do not surprise him.
to other applicants as a means of en- anexamination -and become a mem-Inoticeable as in the Colegio Nacional 'ieets and every branch of sport and a when the student has
couraging education,-he may be em a er of aa"Deinartndent"ofmw here attendance at class at definite all the stulents compete and are very letel hi s (tdies, has acquired a
d to prhertofffaceDepartment",- of Medicine, of Ii ieAs eedh;rsutdehsaqie
ployed in rivate offices or discharg- Lav or of Engineering, etc., the corn- hours is compulsory. proud to be declared winners by the irofc ,sin, and nldeavors to expand
ng some dty in the Cois itlf s lition tes )epartmernts con- At the end of the year these friend- body they epresen- i: cti itinmfillthere is no tra-
mrontor, ett'., the fact is that in sonicshipsrbeome clhisroil tnother interestinfphasesthere s nIrn
titutes a tniversity, rships become closer, on account Another iteresting ihase i the sition ht trer. Nothing calls his at-
way he is tying to get a regucarein every town of moderate impor-, of the study and the activity that the election of the executive committee of tenti<,n to this new,
Itrcanot tthfully be said whether nce there is a "Colegio Nacional." examinations bring about. Then stu- these "Centros", the students become iu imoulded his ifdividality when
this yannom most unuse in the Argen- Universities are found only in cer- dents appear who have not been seen greatly excited, they divide themselves he possessed it a5 a student. He is

accustomed to use it and the strugglo
for a living, 'far from causing him any
fear, seems to him to be nothing but
a new stage of his university life.
This is the most important trait and
miost characteristic of the psychology
of the student of Argentina.
Such one can say is the development
of University life in that country,
and in order to becomne acquaittl
with it in its thousand aspects, one:
would require many articles.
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te einitey aan ns tnese e e-
halls, and rushes into life; fencing tine Republic is better or worse than
With the weapons which the Univer- the boarding school system. What I
city presented to him. maintain with certainty is that the
- Of these three periods, those which young nian living inder the former
are really of interest, are the last two; conditions is .subjected to two im-
secondary education and uiversity portantforces: (1) the struggle for a'
education, which are the only ones living and. (2) the home. The first1
that have a character of their own. soon makes him familiar with its
Elementary school education, on the difficulties, and gives him the forti-
contrary, is developed in various tude that results from disappoint-
ways: in schools supported by the ments and reverses encountered in
state, often in private institutions and daily life, and above all, it is slowly
oven frequently in the home itself. developing in him in dependence of
There the boy has learned his A. B. C. I thought ad action which is the out-
and those fundamental principles standing characteristic of the Argen-
vhich equip him to enter the Colegio tine Student when he arrives at the
Nacional after having passed an ex- University, as we shall see later.
amination, is hardly twelve or four- The home, with its powerful in-
teen years old. In it lie ought to fol- fitience, easily impresses on the still
low a course of study for five consecu- youthful character of the student the
tive years devoted equally to History, 14uialities of sweetness and kindness,
iterature, Psychology, Logic, Mathe- which will lighten the excessive
inatics, the Psysical and the Natural cruelty that the contact with the out-
j(iences and the beginnings of French side world may have impressed on the
and English. spirit of youth.
y There is opened up before the eyes This stage of the Colegio Nacional is
of the young man who has recently 1 highly important for the future of the
been initiated, a new world unknown student. Not only - because great
and imaginary, by the vision of the I changes take place during it, which
vast panorama of' Humanity which I happen before lie is twenty, but be-
the development of the Sciences cause life has taken on a new meaning
hrings before him, for the young man, who while ac-
lay studying those subjects he ought ( quiring that knowledge of different
p receive his title of "Bachelor" subjects discovers outlooks on life
(Bachiller-diploma). Iiunsuspected up to that time.
r It is natural that this study of On the other hand, during the years
i'ranches so different, cannot be other at the Colegio Nacional the student,
than synthetical. through the daily contact with hisj
The vast amount of knowledge that companions in the lecture-halls, I
first the enumeration of those subjects makes the strongest and most lasting
presents, indicates by itself, that the friendships which in later life will
purpose of the Colegio Nacional is to accompany him and will be of re-
develop parallelly up to a certain ciprocal aid in his undertakings, no
point the mentality of the individuality matter what course his activities may
of the individual, thus giving him take. Lecture-halls, and weapons,
cunly a general culture. f are XNithout doubt the two methods of
After this period of preparation is Ibringing about the strongest unions.
passed, the student will decide what In the lecture halls the young men be-
lie is going to specialize in, and that I gin to know one another's character,
is the time when he actively begins I and this, in spite of the changes that
his university work. It is worth the future may bring about, will have
while to say, that this comes after the I its characteristic traces which cannot
student has received his "Bachiller," be erased. A sort of lodge will pro-
q, certificate which is equal to what is te(t the friendship formed there and
known in some states here by thei will make the former school corn-
Y'me of "High School Graduation panions help one another wherever
diploma," which are awarded by the, they may meet later on. There is the
1igh Schools. example of many Argentine Presidents
Meanwhile, what has been the life, who have chosen the members of their
that that student has been leading? cabinet from among their former fel-
There are Colegios Nacionales that low-students, and strangely enough,
e boarding schools, that is to say, they have been the governors who j



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