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May 03, 1925 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-03

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SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1925


Forestry Week 'Observed As Reminder Of
Danger Seen.In Ruthless Timber Cutting
By Robert lK. Wititers aaitl himself of thle lbest possible mar- methTods essenltially 111in' the timlber ill
The Japan current is at forest tree? ket confd itions. nIuch the .same m~anner as ec.,al is
found onl the Pacific coast of ourl'I Plt, "how (does a forester fit illto a Illillell.'file typical lumbei~rmlan (!Ill,-
;'United 'States. These;(,are words of', this conceeption of forestry?" you a sk. Iploys the o ion lumbern ing mtlho I;,
truth, as ('xpresse(I in a recent blue-:Scunie one has raptly likened a lorest er although not a few' are liegiifi to;11
hook{ by a bui~ddig -young scholar. ito a. tree-farmer. lie tends Ilkisfore0st . ! realiz that eon t i tined prodtici ionl is'
Surely Dliogenes,, may now., clean his with a practiced eye he watches for 1impJerat i veif a peiriliimuet. torest blvd-
hiistoric lantern and set, it. away, for evidenctres of disease. Ie is 'ein on !ne'ss is to be SeCLIred. Tile practice of
here is found an honest: man--or pe'r-;I ie alert: aand ready to(1 to barttle With ' ?ore:;l iy perplettuly lvn ses t imbier 1as
haps woman. ! the tree-kit hug beetlesi. IHe is master it' crop aLnd instares tim binresources
As a forestry student,' I have been l ( the techiquei ie f fighting forest'for posterity~.
informed loy kindly folks who were, (' es. When the redl flames leap LPrivv Ite timber owner:, are evced-
no doubt, very SoliCitous8 rep-ardiiug my 1igliorn .j ud faster it. is hiis strategy ingly loath to in ves t monley in1 I he
proper edlucation, that forestry c'ote-- I thatinects the attack to the one veil- ipract ice 0of true honest ry. Gery tfteli
sisted of tree planting. One dear I ;.able point, andt his cool coirage it is good business to cut a- v lig
creature saidl, "But. you would not colut I h;:1inspires hiis mcii to endure in- torest and ;: ell the I umlber that- re -
trees dlown!, would you? I though lt f:cial b ;a'sfcil~ thajuired a cenutury and a half forit
you were a fores.t er." Others have 1 theIlamies ".haill not p1- ''rod netion. Buit a1 t'e w year1 s have
pictured f ~restry a.ws the art and A.; a boy, I recall that we _alwvays Iila psed sincec such t hut rani(is5 weisa
science o f ltooking faor forest, fires,, antI lan ted( car'rots ine outr si a 11 veget Ahll e purnelasedl at. a.tow figure.,1In such a
a Suicces'.rIifor'St ci' as oile-who (can1 ?;11d(Ii. ''iTheseed was sown very Iease 1the ocriod 0of inves t me'Il, t s
detect a foretire half an hour before thicXk ly, amiti \wherhI le car'otsi);ll short. and the profits ('orneslpond ingl :y
it. sitarts. Forestire is not solely treeI to grow larger and Ia rge'r, vw'e wonuld large. The 1 unbcliiaan broig lit thle
-lanitin,nor titsre pirotectionl. It, i, 1,11 a bout halIf of them in order thatj mature timber and ii mmcd ately begain
thiese plusia reaiItidealImore.. i h( ,e remaining 'might grow to 11111'to cut, it. Private ent erprnise (5011101 be
Porsty as ee dfied s hesie. In a forest the samte process is, expect etl to invest. money10 in I~ijuds
business of rai n g timtber as a crop. jloperat ive. rThe little treecs :spring illp) bearinig immature t Uber. The1i ,m1ine
Assuche,, hoa''st ry is placedon uhie l)Oilleath 1their pa rents, anid soon h11 e; ci. inse before. all inzcomTe viii ilce r-
comlle crowded. The Wise foiOst.'inlit- Ic'eived is too great:; interest anid tikes
same~lt plane, and uinder the same work- '
li' cocli-foi, s bnhiigor nyterveiies at this stage and cud-s some -1consume too 'large a lportion of the
. ng. coi ins a es ali ing, t s o;cf them, saving those. that lie thinks rois
a ~profit. The 1rodlucts of the forest wl grow and be largest andI best. J Sinice federal, state, and municipal

Past and Present With, The Architects'
May Party,. Plans For 192 Neart Closet


(Continued from Page Nine) ' and an exoeedingly interesting scheme
lin onae panel a large Egyptian boatj was worked out. Costumes for the
was sho0wn i nder full sail, with the first time were worn, andl prizes offer-
telipleofC art, 4s its cargo, on its sail eol for the best. The decorative wall
aln C5itclletlol. the symol> of Hobe. suspended from the running track of
liialotti'iI i~ntiwa tli ParohBarbour gymnasium was treateod so

The costumes Were of all kinds,
mostly designed and constructed by
the students themselves. There were
Spaniards and Pirates and Hindus;
Orientals of all kinds ; Persians anod
costumnes s~tggestive, of' the harem

and has worked out very artistic °color
effects. The large central light is also
his dIesign andi is b~eing built under
his direction.
Douglas D. L.oree, president of thei
Architectural society, is generail chair-
man of the party and is aided by a
[committee composed of the following
chairmen: C. A. Sirrine, decorations ;
A. L. Roe, floor and guests; K. C.
Black, favors; RI. E. Burket, costumes;
R. E. Oester, programs; F. B. Joslin,
Ii Iblicity; L. R. Kiefer, purchasing;


must be',iusedl i i. lie it riies.
uset'; for which lumnber andl
prlo duicts of the forest are hest
maethem valuable. Thle price
thie public is willing to pay fort
(ommodlitiles mnakes possible a v
on the forest busiiness.
IForestr~y as a ci'op calls to

Mimi fj

the comparison between agriculture
rnml forestry, which is not at all fiis-
leading. BothI forester and farmer
depcnd upon sun, soil and climate for
the success of his clite ririse. In each
caethe crop is improved both in
duality and quantity by care and ill-
telligent management. There are,
however, differences. TPhe farm ('ropl)
is usually plantedl and( harvested with
in a single year. Hlf a century or
more may elapse between the planting
and harvesting of the forest. A farm-j
er must harvest his corn and wheat
at a certain definite time each year.
Most, of the farm products are more
or less perishable and cannot b~e held1
over long periods without serious
deterioration. Thie forest tree dloes
not needl to be cut at a definite age.
A forest owner may deciide to hold a
given piece of timber beyond the
ripening age in order to await higher
lumnber prices. He(can (10 this and-
su iffer very little in consequence; the
farmer cannot. or he may decide tol
cuit at the ripening age and hold the
lumnber for higher prices. Ilie can
alsio do this, because, when properly
stoired, luniber can be held for con-
siderable tuinn withbout serious odam,
ae. In this way the forest owner
has greater latiitude in his selling
practice than, has the farmer, and can

Anotlwer duty of the forester is the
. harve sting; of his tree crop when itI
is ripe. At this time he must,5111)'r
intend H ie cutting operation. Hie ole-j
tidles wvhich trees are mature and
ready to be cut., because those trees
g hat: are not yet, ipeIImiuist be saved
for another time, life must 'make sure
that the method's used ini the harvest.-1
ig operation are such that. thoseI
trees left st anding ton the area shall
not, be insured or de:troyed.
Thme forest ;schools of our edumotrye
are training men to perform these ;
duties, but there is one invalluablel
characteristic that an idleal fores,,ter
munist possess, and'one which no school
or collegt canl give hime.IHe must
' possess a -personality that will 'attratct
people to him. This personality mutt>
nimake p~eople want t~o (10'his will, even'
I against their own wishes, for if our
coun try is to enjoy timber prosperity
in the fture many reforms must "be:
!wrought in our lprEsent methods 01'
handling this valuable natural re-
sou rce. The forester's vision plus1
that; tact amnd personality must. change
these methods. It is truly a great
At present there is; very little real
forestry practiced in the 'United
states. lFormnerly great areas of our
t ouinlry were covered with fully
grown timbler waiting foir the axe. The
axe was p~romiptlhy applied andl great
areas were stripped of thieir forests.:
Ores, oil, and coal are natural re-
sour ce that are exhaustible and not
replaceable. Forests aire exhiaustible,
but rep~laceable if priopern cutting lprac-
tice is followed. Modern lumber'ing

governments can borrow money at low
rates of inter'est, and since public,
activities ar e not generally condfuceo;
for profit, it, appears that these agen-
cies should he the in it itom's of Ierne
forestry practic'e in the United Stat en.
The fedleral government is undhoubht.ed-
ly the most, e t exsive practitioner of
'ue forestry in this ('OUntry. r'l1e0IiM11
area of nat ural forest land i,, more
than 1 57, 500,00(0 acres, ot, more' thanI
Aeln I inn': t111- a rea of 1the entire sati(
of rwel_ virginia. 'Thee land sine _ o
tprodliwi ,hclmbr perpetua lly, anld ii porn
theosearas imbier will ibe i'aisetd t tt
Thme weelicthu, ha Just: pns;ed.
Apiril '1-l~thmr 3. was proclaimed. 'Am-
erican IF'orest Wooek,'' by Pr s>idej
Coolidge. Not a few~ of our lead in 2 iifiKr~letbt~ nteno a-i
tant tfuture we shall 'be in thl nidni
of- an acute timber shortafe, it' hi'
presenlt pract3ice is co(:OinlelilIt, would
utlldotibtedllv surprise many to lnox'
that right iceein 011r'own) sta Ic of
M~ichigan there are today papler' mannr-
factu rein: who are priodluing pa p-rt
from ' spritl e pulIp imported fronit
Swxxedeni. Thle 1temit ac'les o1' Ii ihen
fani nc xvilI oho, imiperceptibly hut.
none thle less sulrely, upon 13us imlo:s;
forests -arefonnat, least. as I'a stas
thley are being o'ut. We mnt t.not; cea et
to iu e the forest Inducets, but we
Most:1 cert airily (10 need to pr'oduc'e
forests oii amnever incl'easinig scaile.
No ono' person ocanmffc~tdvery niuchi
of' a change upon present, tendencies.
T[he miost that can be done is to help
mld1(111 puibii'opinion to) the0'poinlt at
xv hic'h federal and st ate legislation

fiort e. eforelhii(cha rinattakinga- as to depict a typical street in the Rajahs Yand other potentates, and J. 13I. Barry, finance; 1I. S. Cassidy,
fort l- fI'ore hich gdmnsesd we-Ie Latini quai'ter with thme enitranoes to manty weird un-nanmeables. Colorful music amid entetainmient; H. WEatts
shoexnilli another' panel pointing to re Istarns 511l ad aaes smocks were worn by -a' few. Several tickets; 0.1K. ° riffith, refreshmn ts.
Imiingn i s m-i;tion Te c a'aeersuch as "'Les Rats Morts'', "Cafe des notables were at the party as guests ) Sirrine, in c'harge of the decoratiorns
hiitia hi riltiof lie crit ctgewa Students'', "Cafe des Exiles", "Paris-l among theni, the Poet Laureate of has divided the classes in &lesgii up
hi at Egpt jmi mnnerTheserie">, "La Petite emime a la Bijou."I England, who intended, when he came into vaiious squads who are assigned
(ilil I ' A lar'ge light was suspended fronm the 'to be t-hei'e but-half an hour, but re- to various duties in connection -with
mi im c i' atxnt he isaws of ceiling with smaller lamps ba"ng iaineolther~e fully tw~o hours, as-= I the bilding and del o1'ations and, in
fr om its projecting top. Streamersi suring Professor LorcIt that he had this way the entire school is brought
thme SplIt x ros;e the building of the comlposed the -ceilinganid fell to the had a most enjoyable eveing. TheI into aiction and everyone has a hiandl
t; <<t~li- ti t.an n titer elil running track. Over alternate open- t party of last yea' was sucha a suctess in the completion of the scheme. The
i id ,oen iie treat sys pplicaftionn- m ngs were vivid awnlings done in blue that the committee decidedl to make 'invitations are of a special interest,
°i~ o( iegt yseyo ietn and yellow, and heldou rt with Bamboo this year's party also a costume af-I being printed. fm'om a special wood-
hlomu . Ar oundt and over the frieze Ipoles. Small trees inl tubs were plac- fair. May R is the date set for the cut oni bright vermillion paper. These
xx as .. we alhof color', studied from; ed between each of the openings.C party this year; and the setting is to are prIovided with envelopes and: it
tI'>i) itii Ocuill'hts, in the Architec- I Many small lanips we-re used along beOiental, With 'thlecharacteristic ; is expected that they will be i'etainieoh
uarr]amid (eCo'ailim'Aary. I the sides, these being artistically con- 1note of the decorations simpler and as favci.4. The prograin P will bei
'Te o-lo'1r1 chiefly used were the I stm'ucted ouit of c'ardboardl and crep~e: mor e refined in character; The coil- hand colored 'by, the students and will
phrtiO'ry color:;, I'ed, yellow ;and blue,I paper. Windows with curtains and ing is to zhe 'apricot in color, backing, be diffeorent Trom the usual thing.
;o ifoflretillble in Eg,,yptian decorative shutters pierced the walls above the l up four 'm~f,'ie panels 'whiichi wi ll; 3t" is .tte hope of the coiimmittee' that
ar t 'I'!is is thle first decorative + awning. These were constiructed ofI fall frani he' friter light, do-wn u-nder 'the "costuine feature will be retained
sIc helm' for- lme May Party, where1 ransparent. vellum paper and painted1 the .ruin~iig t-fiick and dlown to thein future parties. It is the only ,ffair
patiiiting; wa>>(dlne. Tphis xvas doneI with figures to silhouette when lights:1 outside 'Wail- t a height of e-ight feet.:I of this kind at the University and1 out-
chliefly 0)i bilding paper pasteud to- wvere lighted f'rom behind. in one j These 'finels"aile to be the chief dec- - side of the Scarab Pall in Deti'oit, thle
se tber and su-pported on framing.I window a tally was- shown with a I orative feaiti'6ss of the design and are1 only cne in the nmiddle west. It is
C'iepo' pager was also extensively black cat, a-fl'ower pot at her side on I eiri'g wi kd t by Benl. K. Wyatt, without question one of the- most urni-
useol. Puoftssor Lornchi, vhio has at- a window sill. Imn another was a mu- I '2GA,iK'o'is'alo supervising the cmy-'(tie i'd coorfl-parties of the season
tended manny of' the elaborate plartiesI sician, =playing a'gruitar and] a parr'otj strrmction. 4I1'n the panels 'he has Iused ,to- he 'helod iii this section of the couin-
in the 'East a.; well as in Paris, de- Famd Cage hung in anotheir. )oth naturalistic and -abstract forms tryt
Blares that here was a, party such asI
c'oihd not hbt'dulicated fon less thanmi 1111 tll l111111lilllllil l llI ill11 llllll~liIi~ '1 ~all 1 1#~ 111t1 ililiiflllll
l ifteecu thouisand dolliarus, were all of 1
the tdesignini', and labor to be hired'
I(cmtsitle, inste'ad of beinig contributed I -
1)V the st i~ljts. -
Tb l4,gyptian part y was -given ap -=
tn-et'stt i xe o'tiee by many of thel.r
~~edig papers of the state 'as well aus -
is ';of' tho' irchmit eetural journals oft ..-' -,,,,"''
ti th ('(imtt I'), ando Ance thlen the Archm-
I eels ball has beten recognized as one1-
of th l ieiehf soio'a events of the year , i'
-m ut ta:;ily the first, imndecorative ini-i --
Fon soncme ne uior' to 1924, there I - l3~1'a -lose- Fittings
had bewen consider-able agitation aborut ' t'he ib LawnMoe
the' calm puts for a costunit- 'ball. Real- I ihtMwe
iS ing I bat it. xvorld not b~e necessary's MIlelid(liv made xx-i thi lathed threads It all dep)ends upon the size of yoi' -
0) ;it t ('Init to) ex'ehl the decorations o1 that run 'easily- togethier 'Pakii- liwutnu l the lay of the f;roxitmo as to
lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ drl j',isyeraste hd xkkn ontineiern kpigsviih style or. sizes of lawn mriower yoll -
'ednlIhsprcdniwaoe- had better hay-. We have all the tliffer-
orlnod es.ll lhose pttincedillg, de-' e_ r ct sizes in widths and these irc the
ci e ra: zie 1 l o Ilin ii n am t i i ig t a nd-r niLO h' 'ye r f h se. (t n ; l ' t t ° a
- r' t adto ogln~es n iyyn, f}oe asiest running 'and the longest wcearing;
rd; th t'(tl:iin 'i y maii t i e also hax't e d e st '110,(, ili'fresh youranget at any lpric'e.
Your1ll' al. tc assuring arnon-eraekintg ose that outr old mtowver may'lbe all righ~lt wih
o1J24 Srt paert l i3o Ile"ayxvxv .xx una mi)d Cleaning anld r'stiau'pening. Ili
194 ,fr h ( it o h a ill w a till iti-is 'w rn tiraul 1, You itin'case h t Joll<i be a good jd~in io..
Partty ini the ILa tin qularter 0)f'Pa-is1, 1 paty lrss in ihe lonrg -run if y u imuy the bring it inl and le t isgin)over it anrd
I - e t at the- start. make it as g'ood as new..'
Av illm I;a e possib)Clie enecessarylitii-
:,c''tease'ii illiber priolducOt ion. To that-
extcnt , I 'xe' ( it linis obligated to'---
tte htis om' iar ' influence in changili;P ' shri ~t)1 ill h n t a a en - f
.n-conl iszli('th weeshahl1 be well started lE, AN ERW SINTNI
on Ii th'ren~d leading to t imbem' prosa-
pent y, anti(t hi'eoefforts of many comn-- MANN R ~AIIGTNW HNTO NAR AN
0-anit iouls publhic spirited wom'kers i=
wvill have' been mewarded.oi. I illtl1111 111I1tlllil1i1.It t3t1lt 1I llll~ lillll1111t 1111111lIIt11I t~ ltt~ltl1;


__~ _







5 and 6-8 P:M.



Tickets 50c at Wah r's, Grah am's,
Sl ter's,' Schaeberle & Song Music

; .
, .




AV f"~ (


He Was Greeted With Tauntifig Jeers!
This sublirme characterizationi will stir you as no other picture
evcr did! It played for weeks at three of Broadway 's largest
theatres, in New York. "There is drama that is tense 'and a
force that is real, an done's held i-n suspense by its poignant
appeal !"-N. Y. Evening Journ-al. "Simply superb-ex-
cellenPce itself--new and refreshiing! You'd better see it;
yo'u're sure to enjoy it!"-N. Y. Evening Post,
Shown by Special


'ii ,


Il-i4 Office Stile openis 10o'clock

But oane showing an evening.
Ric. 1--pr, £ri *-im n'c vTC earsn nfq-

i [


1 ; M.j

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