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May 02, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-02

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SATT7RDAY, MAY 2, 1025



CABINETl Display NE wUE TUR A ET omen wo have signed up for
riloesItuyaetaerquae oSrng Fashions f u chir new tele~hone numbners1 afterd
5Y$TEM FOR NEXT YEARl, At Leagufe Party' WI IL ST90T W[DNESOAY theirnane on the list in Babour t
gynsum-h frtround mute : e
I Cnmr1dsplays of latest fashions plydofbMnayftro.
Changes will be made in the admin- Monday 13 the last day on wich ; YI ib tidy~tt&fO~l
istration of the cabinet of the Y.*W.1 iha. wievarie y in costume were =the house baselall teams~ will ha e leiT
piA.next year according to Kathriyn ~ laursinte tl an opporunty to practice beore te ! al~t a rcher pract ce xwii be
~.A.. sn 2,peieteeto hto-jsho'w lh'. d by the Womens League tournament. Teams will lpractice hldad5occkMnysan
Wisn 2,peieteeto hto-Wenesdays at Palmer field. All wo- t
yesterdlay in Sarah Caswell Angell during the periodl assig'ned1to theme. mnWows oet~'Iletun
ganization. The present system of hall. Eight women acting as models The ijterhouse tournament will rewowihtoi'rt othetourna
chairmen ill be rplaced b a de-mpnt shouldreoMndy
charmn wllbe epace b a e-passed in reviewv before an audience!i start at 4 o'clock, Wednesday, in
partmnental mrethod consisting of of approximately 150 women. Fre-I Palmer field. The schedule for the
heads of departments, who will act quent exclamations of 2dmniration ( games will be posted in Barbour Senior l lay tryouts5 wil )he ld at
Son the main cabinet, and sub-chair- 'and outbursts of enthusiasm in favor gymnasium today. Only one set of1 4 o clock Modcay and Tuesday in the
men. j of the fashions displayedI emphasized, games will be playedI Wednesday so; audtor~um of Newberry hal.
TheĀ° list of the new cabinet mem- the interest of the women in the that they will be finished in plenty Of -
be soKathryn.A W ilson,: s ow w n ol n W l on 2 l ye i e o h i s al ti n b n ue fj l ci n f of ce s f rf '2w0e r at r n W ls n 2 , president; the piano during the show and A nge- the W om en's League. an a report ot Ihe act ivities of the
Sarita Davis, '26, vice-president and' lene Wilson '27 rendered two vocal Entries in the tournament include Ivaios gi'oips o the I+acui ty w~om-
world fellowship chairman; Lillian solos before the appearance of the!I 28 teams. Games must be played at en's club will be made at the annual
Wetzel, '26, secretary; Arlene Ewing, models the times scheduled unless other perN- mfeetig Tuesday. The business mieet-
'26, treasurer; Marjorie Mathews, '26, 4 immediatley f,lowing, the showv the mission is granted by Miss Elsie Er- g will be called immediately follow-
undergraduate representative and ed- Kap~pa Sigma orchestra played for ley, who has charge of the tourna- n4 a. luncheon for mmibers of te
ucation chairman; Doris dines, '26, dancing., Ice Cream and cake were ment. ; club at the Ann Arbor Golf club.
membership; Anna Arnold, '26, social. served in the parlors of the' gymna -____________________
G~service; Charlene Shland, ,'27, com- ;sum by the committee. The style Announcement has been made ofI
n'lunity service; Ruth Hull, '26, lead- show each spring marks the close of the marriage of Miss Marian Hesse,I
ership commission; Norma Case, '27; the indoor parties put on throughout '25 to W. F. Gallaway, grad.
publicity chairman; Margaret Dow , the year by the Women's League. A
S '27, hrouse chairman; Helen Laraway,i lawn party will be held in May. ___________________
t '27, representative from the School of !-___
Music. REAl) THE (CLASSIFIED) ADS. f __________________
Here's our special for this
week end-Vanilla Lime-'. New Boyish
Ice and Maple Nut. Athletic Sets
of Cross-barred
Consisting of7
Phon 423Step-in and Brassiere
Nthe family circle Our Pastry I at only
D ial 41011 brings many dlelights. Fresh $1.50
fr om our ovens-fragrant with the
tasty goodness of the best ingredi- Ths amns r mrl
/aut tailored of fine cross-barred
'We Deliver. Phone 3310J muslin. Ideal for athletics
and dancing.
w Ann Arbor Dairy Co. Exquisite
HOME OF PURE MILK I .- . I Corset Shop
I UI!II!I~~ ~109 W. Liberty
e Thatlittle [11r r'yours. it, .'.
x x *,.
z you. The"Notnsinchthetdaysof Lillia
* :' onowedthey'a Metropolitant worl
""% I'"''" uchsthundersceofRapplauserbe-
e"Noetasinfellt the lots of Llaw-
* *I * Nord ~..i c hasi neticn hepardo
.~ *'-"" ord in Loitos IFalstaff, " re-
''w' ports the LiteraryDigest under
11Y f~ ~.H ~ I' ' I~ date of February 7, 1925.

0u h.a~ ,1~
i 'Baritone)
Mr. Ballester was born in
SSpain. He sang frequently in
mi~ ou ~" Barcelona, and later went to
'.eC a oe oQn vonr- aris, where he made his .debut
inooera1Sice then he has
forMa10th. " - , j sung with great success in Italy,
.A tl South America, and with both
~ the Chicago and Metropolitan
When you honor your "Mother on May tenth, her Opera Companies.
day, let it be with a gift she may enjoy for months. You
will find this store a treasure trove of things particularly sutd t2oey M t es ot ngi es od i lp es
for all mothers love dainty things for intimate use. Bright '
flowers and frivolous 'kerchiefs for the Mother who aims -.~-
'to keep abreast of the new. Filmy scarfs, gloves and hose ~
for the younger Mother socially popular or engaged in 'I" x
business. Select that Mother's Day remembrance today lx r'
and start the little gift package on its way so that when
you wear a pink carnation May 1 0th you may smile to
yourself and know that your Mother has a token of your AFG( STALENS IA
love and devotion. _ nohr eme of the Chi-
t A Miss Lenska has been a mem-



ITickets For

movie,, Peter Panj


For the benefit of the Women's
League building fund Jlames Barrie's
"Peter Pan," starring Betty Bronson,
wiii be presented at the Arcade
theater Sunday, Monday, and Tues-

The Season's Smartest Hats
Pattern Hats, Dress, Street and Tailored Hats
Felt Hats in White and Colors, and Children's Hats
Flowers of all Descriptions for Hats or Dresses.

Tickets for the movie may be I PUY 1EAR
bought at Waher's, Graham's, or Slat- I 328 SO
er's book stores, the Union and I
the League booth in University hall.1
Tickets have also been placed at allI
wvomen's houses. Boys will be buy tickets in order to aid the build-
stationed in front of tihe Arcade thea-I ing fund of tile League.
ter from whom students are urged to

uth Main

_. - _________________~a Y

First Exhibit of

Silk Undergarments and Negligees
An unusual assortment of lingeries and negligees marked by the richest
fabrics, the most beautiful laces and trimming effects, wonderful workman-
ship and economy. The styles are exclusive and have been developed
precisely for the college girl.

Saturday. Play

Plan to attend this extraordinary display





Arcade. Shop

'I il 1110i11Y/


MI /7r/ /Y1 I/ / / Ii/ / i4r /M itl/U/Y/il/AI YF :.ieM iIFM// I/*//iM ir/a/i l " i/4/ /r1r rFii/a/iM1 0


Six of the
wvho are to


on programs of the

i -

Hill Auditorium
Ann Arbor
20o, 21i, 2 2, 2 3

Six Concerts,

-Four Days

Course Tickets on Sale U,.p to May l11th
$5, $5.50, $6, $7
I1rr r-L_.__1---------


AI'R., n .n n . ,x,---------------------.1i..

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