Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Studeat Publicatios.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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Editor.............John G. Garlighouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor..........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
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Sunday Editor... ......Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor..............Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
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;eorge C. Johnson A. S. Simons
. A. Jose, Jr. . M. Smith
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman
W. L1. Mullins
Night Editor-EDWIN C. MACK
In the multifarious comments on
conditions in modern American uni-
versities and colleges both by our
own citizens and those of other coun-
tries, by far the larger amount of
criticism is devoted to the students.
The younger generation of seekers
after learning is generally given full
responsibility for the faults of edu-
Most of such comment is quite jus-
tified. As has been said miany times
the problem of the uncultured student
is only the outgrowth of the distinctly
American experiment-mass educa-
tion. It is inevitable that the hetero-
geneous mass of students, the ma-
jority of whom have had few advan-
tages in their early life, should have
little or no understanding of the true
aims and purposes of higher educa-
There is, however, another aspect of
this mass education that most critics
fail to take into account: namely, the
lack of a sufficient number of com-
petent teachers to inspire these
masses to study., While it is true that
there are just as many able scholars
and teachers as there ever were-
probably there are many more-the
increase in their responsibilities and
the relative decrease in their remun-
eration are generally overlooked.
Such a condition has resulted in the
general lowering of the average, com-
parable even to the much over-empha-
sized decline in the student personnel.
This is recognized in the annual
President's report to the Board of
Regents, the salient point of which is
the statement that the greatest need
of universities today is better teach-I
ing. In his own words:
"Our universities have increas-
'ed their enrollment enormously,
and education has assumed the
aspect of a wholesale business.
Faculties have had to be rein-
forced by unseasoned recruits.
These conditions have been fol-
lowed by sins of omission on our
cart-failures to adopt obvious
Prominent among these failures isl
the fact that salaries of faculties have'
not been. increased proportionatelyI
with the increased cost of living andI
the advance of the scale of wages in
other professions. It is practically
impossible for the teaching profession
to attract the best men and women
so long as the amount paid for life-
long services is so ridiculously low.,'
prominent British historian the bul- was left for the establishment of the
wark of our democracy-must be Pulitzer School of Journalism at Co-
lavishly supported if it is to be a suc- lumbia, now among the best in the M U S I C
cess. With the continued increase in country. AND
student population there must come All of Mr. Pulitzer's bequests were
on increased budget for teaching that$ made with a very definite purpose. D R A M A
these masses may be given the best This is more than true of the annual
of opportunities. awards. The purpose is to encourage
the best native work in every field of THIS AFTERNOON: The Students'
CURIOUS NEWSBOYS literature. It is for that purpose Recital in the University School of
Curious newsboys will appear on alone ,and this is what many of the 3tusic at 1:34 o'clack.
the streets of Ann Arbor today- critics apparently fail to realize. The TONIGHT: "Sankhio Ptnza" with
curious because they will know little ! belief seems prevalent that the awards Otis Skinner in the Whitney theatre
of the finer points of the news ven- are made for the best novel, play, at 8:15 o'clock,
dor's art, because they will seem un- editorial, etc., published during the * * *,
usually old for such an occupation, preceding year; that it is simply an "THE DEATH OF TINTAGILES"
and because they will sell a startling honor to the best piece of work. This A review, by Robert Ramsay.
number of papers. Their activities obviously is not true. The awards are When an actor or a producer seems
will be fruitful because their objec- made for the best works in their re- to have come to the summit of his art,
tive is sufficient funds to send the spective fields dealing with some and looks for something further to
city's children to a much-needed fresh phase of American life. In most
air camp, and to furnish aid in other cases this would imply that the author mself, when le has reached the
directions, be an American. height of his technique and sees
Several members of the faculty will Thus when Edna Ferber's "So Big" nothing more in view, he turns to
dispense papers on. State street and is given that 1925 award it is not as- lVaurice Maeterlinck, and in the Bel-
the University district, while local sumed that this is the best novel of inoelt, ainds theee tallreaihza-
business men will attend to bther the year, but that it gives the most highest, all that is most beautiful in
parts ofthe city. They will all be par- worthwhile picture of a type of Amer- art; he looks to Pelleas and Melis-
ticipating in the Ann Ar'oor Kiwanis ican life. The same applies to Sidney ande, The Seven Princesses, and The
club's campaign to help the children. Howard's. "They Knew What They Death of Tintagile as the ultimate
The papers sold will represent. a Wanted." consummation of his ideal.
clear profit, for they have been do- The value of such an award is two- The Death of Tintagile is the most
nated for, the occasion. Today, every fold. It not only brings to light new ambitious production which the class
paper purchased from an "old news- and valuable contributors to modern in Play Production has ever attempt-
boy" will play a part in the summer's American literature, and aids them e Isr been d ait was morean gycr
activities for some Ann Arbor child. ngm tains of University hall, the slender
Whatever you pay for your paper dreamt of opportunities for develop- columns, the deep shadows, the sub-
will help. ment and study; but tends to encour- dued lighting were wonderful, but it
age the growth of a literature which is characteristic of the poor taste of
FOR AMERICAN SEAMEN is native both in theme and workman- the play classes that in the midst of
If the United States is to maintain ship. the effective shadows, class room
t i wWhen we realize the large percent chairs were used to the detriment of
a commanding position world trade of plays produced in New York each the delicate beauty of the piece. A
in the future, she must have some sort llstudy of the struggle of love to stol
of an efficient merchant marine. Al- year and te euay arge percent I the inexplorable approach of death
- - ,I; ...
Mother's Day Cards
We Also do
High (lass Work in
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We can use a few students
this summer who want to
earn money to defray col-
lege expenses next fall.
', s
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Special Parties by Arrangement
Ibooks sold by the p
most before the suggestion of the need I of foreign origin, w
of a merchant Viarine, there arises the!g
difficulty of organizing such a service i value of such an e
with the assurance that the ships willI worth of the Pulitze
be manned by Americans, because of
the higher wages which must be paid ( Bananas sell for
to American seamen in proportion to each but it costs fif
the sum for which a foreigner will split.
work. ---
Following a conference with Presi- j The Maj is shoN
dent Coolidge on the problem, T. V. "Too Many Kisse
O'Connor, chairman of the Shipping ought to be more trt
Board, has announced a plan to put
the American Merchant Fleet "on a No betting man
fighting basis with foreign competi- thing on The Daily'
tion" by paying a monthly wage
bonus of $20 to American sailors out-
of the national treasury. It is his l EDITORIAL
purpose to urge the acceptance of the
plan by Congress in its next session
as the major part of a program to THE EFFECT
build up the merchant marine.
The proposal is of particular im- The British Go'
portance in view of the fact that the mind benefits to tI
government is attempting at the pres- world trade when it
ent time to dispose of 600 ships of the gold standard.
various-types to private owners. One cannot be lost on
of the main obstacles to the successful Germany, Austriaa
sale of these vessels is the inability to be considered on a
employ American seamen at wages equivalent, it mean
which will allow the owners to oper- ing nations of Euri
ate them in foreign trade at a profit. mitted to sound me
Obviously, however, unless they are ception of France a
enabled in some way to employ Amer- of course, that th
ican crews, the whole fleet becomes upon these two cot
not an American merchant marine but tion to their resou
an American directed foreign service. sive that it would
As a solution for this problem, the impossible for then
bonus which is suggested by the chair-! their present unhap:
man of the Shipping Board will be But it is now a queE
large enough to make up for any dif- Great Britain has
ference in the cost of employing temptations which
American citizens as seamen. While rens as Keynes held
it would cost the government about ly and has fully
a million dollars for every hundred credit at homea
ships, it would amount to less expense France is still inch
than a government controlled mer- theorists who prete
chant marine and probably would be artificial substituteE
much more satisfactory both to the ligations squarely.
United States and to the ship owners. 1 That M. Caillaux
The bonus would be paid to all ship learned the lesson
owners who purchased any of the 600 remarks about the
vessels now on sale only for their penance" which the
American seamen, who must have have to undergo.]
completed a round trip as members take too drastic ste
of the crew. the necessary supp
The underlying cause for the entire ular plan could be
action, of course, is the expressed de- England, which wa
sire that the United States should a situation as Fran
have a premanent merchant marine. ,obtain sufficient st
The government has already shown the formal restora
itself to favor such a development standard. Furthern
and it is argued that the new plan there are honest d
will provide the means to build up the ion. Some are adv
desired service. If it can be put into tion, and would wit
successful operation, the benefits to currency and issue
America both in the matter of peace Others believe that
time foreign trade and war time pro- should be followed
tection, through the formation of an where the paperr
adequate body of American able cially stablized ato
bodied seamen, are apparent. If Amer- in gold. What is t
ica really wants a merchant marine, will probably be th
this is her opportunity. I longed and acrimon
ublishers that are
e begin to see the
ffort, and the true
r award.
about four cents
teen cents for one
wing the
s." The
.e to life.
would stake any-
s weather man.
-N. Y. Times.
vernment had in
the empire and to
decided to restore
But the lesson
the French. It
and Hungary may
gold basis or its
s that all the lead-
ope are now com-
oney with the ex-
nd Italy. It is true,
e financial strain
untries in propor-
'ces was so exces-
have been almost
m to have avoided
py financial status.
stion of the future.
resisted all the
such financial si-
d forth so alluring-
re-established her
and in the world.
lined to listen to
end that there are
s for meeting ob-
it is a play which is made by the
beauty of the setting, the beauty of
line and interpretation. Imagine it
produced in a theatre; imagine it pro-
duced on a stage; imagine watching
it unfold its delicate mystic beauty
sIon a stage far away, amid great deep
shadows, (lone by actors as skillful as
they are intelligent. I should like to
see it some time.
The omnipresent curtain raisers al-
ways attached to anything that Play
Production does were on hand again 1
tonight; it is pitiful that one must al-
ways take the dross with the gold.
Both were interesting from a sociolog-
ical standpoint, the first "Fishing on
the Bridge" from the homely and not
too facile pen of K. Cid which had its
American premiere, was a rather racy
bit dealing obviously with the mar-
riage problem, while the second
"Judge Lynch" by J. W. Rogers, Jr.,
was a searching discussion of the
lynch problem in the South,
There are two productions which
you must not miss, not necessarily
because they are significant and art-
istic but solely on their value as in-
teresting, intelligent entertainment.
One is "Sancho Panza" this evening
in the Whitney theatre with Otis
- Skinner in the leading role. The play,
staged by Richard Boleslawsky and
decorated by James Reynolds, has
been praised by practically every New
York critic, and has been a constant
success for the last two seasons on
the road. According to the reviews,
it is much of an extravaganza with
lavish settings and costumes, some-
thing of a musical revue, something
of a melodrama, something of a com-
The other attraction, of course, is
the German motion picture, "The Last
Laugh," to be presented Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings in Hill audi-
torium. Its recommendations are al-
most sensational, ranging from Mor-
dant Mall of the New York Times to
Gilbert Seldes of The Dial. Of them
all, however, Robert Sherwood, the
nearly infallible movie critic of Life,
has been the most enthusiastic. "Here
is a marvelous picture," lie says,
- "marvelous in its simplicity, its econ-
I omy, its expressiveness and its dra-
:.I2 EIItI ftllllt Ill llilllltl;
Underwood Standard
Portable Typewriters
E The Machine you will Even-
tually Carry. Sold on easy
terms to suit every student's=;
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Read the Want Ads
Call at our office
334 Nickels Arcade
8 to 5, Saturday
has apparently
appears from his
"painful financial
French people will
It is impossible to
ps at once, even it
ort for any partic-
obtained. It took
s never in so bad matic power.
ce, a long time to "The men who were principally in-
ability to warrant volved in this production-Carl Meyer,
ation of the gold the author; Emil Jannings, the star;
more, in France and F. W. Murnau, the director-have
ifferences of opin' demonstrated that thought in Berlin
ocates of devalua- is farther ahead than thought in Hol-
hdraw the present lywood than the intervening seven
a new gold franc. thousand miles would indicate. These
some such course artists tell a humble story, devoid of
as in Austria, flourishes or frills, and tell it entire-
money was artifi- ly in eloquent pictures; there is not a
a given equivalent subtitle in the entire film! Never once
he best procedure is the issue in doubt. We see what
he subject of pro- the characters are doing, and we
nious debate. The know what thev are think in- w
csits .
.V. 1
Cotso plaran faSe usnal Sav$ ormn CAll! Vlr, ah
Al .rets esnssats stls No ishe im t'e ota
spavin Mny ofthes models hae jusarTried thr a e in eary i
saso. Allare t v e bes mteras and fie.styailorn. Sles or.
At $25.00 At.5 $9.50At$90
SubosoalnalSrnA (ater as
smavn sei ydress d es, models of ha jstarril lee r c Faein manlyi
syeos on ,andT iaeenoftherrn, ti a d Flaand ine loing. a s to e.)
At$9.0$69.50 -t $9.50 'ie eAe t X5.50'
smort nsemidres d des. B n emiilor SaEnse anls of aille,.Satn anFr
steles of Kasha, Flannel, Twill * Charuteen, Twill and Flannel. goinig at this low pile.
UCIL. 11 u icLL1 ~jL11n1g; We are
important thing is to discourage the permitted to fill in the whys and
THE PULITZER PRIZE inflationists and all those who believe wherefors from our own imaginations.
The annual award made by the com- it possible to solve the difficulties of "Emil Jannings plays the remark-
mittee chosen under the will of the ( French finances by camouflage, able part of the hotel porter who is
late Joseph Pulitzer is the signal for I Rumor has it that M. Caillaux in-! the central figure in the story, with all
nation wide comment and criticism, tends to devote the summer to the the fine fervor that is his; but it is
Some of the criticism is justified, no elaporation of his plan of financial re- 3not to Jannings so much as to Meyer
doubt,, but a large amount of it arises form. Perhaps in the meantime pub- j and to Murnau, that the real credit
from misunderstanding and ignorance lic opinion will take. measure of the belongs. For they have done things
of its true purpose. relative advantages of paying the price with a movie camera that have never
During his life, the founder and of sound financial reform or the loss been done before. Their manipulation
editor of the New York World was I of credit and the ruin of the middle I of photographic effects is simply as-
noted for his genuinely public spirited classes which are inevitable if the in- tounding; they have used the lens as
efforts and donations. Joseph Pulitzer fiationists ultimately triumph. In so a great painter would use a pliant
was the loyal supporter of any move- far as the restoration of the gold brush that produces broad strokes or
ment which he deemed of value or standard implies a general stabiliza- fine lines, sharp angles or graceful
service to the community at large. tion of exchange transactions, the re- curves. They have made in "The Last
This same spirit was manifest in the sudt is sure to be felt in France. Butt Laugh" a moving picture that is liter-