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Cabot Lauds Fellowship of Athletes
Cites Examples of Later
Two faculty members, Dean Hug
Cabot of the medical school an
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politica
science department, supported b
two students, Ray L. Alexander, '27I
and K. F. Clardy, '25L, debated th
question: "Resoved that inter-col
legiate athletics, in their presen
form, are objectionable and shoul
be materially modified," in a Faculty
Student debate held last night in
Hill auditorium. Dean Edmund E
Day of the School of Business Admin-
istration acted as chairman.
Opening the discussion for the af-
firmative, Professor Reed criticized
the present system of intercollegiate
athletics because of their inadequacy
as a means of providing athletics for
the entire student body. "The base
is not broad, enough to include the
average student."
As a remedy to the present situa-
tion Professor Reed suggested a re-
duction or entire abolishment of paid
coaches, a limiting of hours to be de-
voted to specialized athletics and
that competition in stadium building
be brought to a halt whereby the pro-
ceeds of intercollegiate athletics
might be utilized toward providnig
competitiveathletics for all.
"We need men who are trained,
capable of suffering," declared Dean
Cabot in countering the arguments
that the present status of inter-col-
legiate athletics should be material-
ly modified, "and I know of nothing
in the University which accomplishes
this other than competitive athletics,
especially intercollegiate athletics."
In answer to the argument that
athletics reach only a limitel group,
Dean Cabot'inmaintained that "Inter-I
collegiate athletes have more to show
for it than appears on the field."
They do not live in water-tight com-
partments but circulate among their
fellows. Records of a period of 25
years show former athletes to be
among the substantial burgesses in
their community in positions of im-
Clardy, Professor Reed's teammate
in presenting the affirmative, retier-
ated the question as to the purpose
of athletics. "The only justification
for athletics in college is to train the
whole group," he said.
In upholding the negative, Alex-
ander attempted to justify athletics
as a distraction compared to other
"pleasant distractions" such as "Dat-
ing." With reference to the hours
spent in practicing football and- the
time wasted' in other miscellaneous
fields, Alexander pointed to the com-
parison as "painfully apparent."
In the ,rebuttal speeches both
teams took liberty to direct humor-
pus personal attacks upon their res-
pective opponents arriving at the
conclusion that "the whole debate
hinges on a matter of emphasis." No
decision was given.
St. Louis 5, Detroit 3.
Cleveland 3, Chicago 2.
Washington 9, Boston 2.
New York-Philadelphia, postponed,
Cincinnati 9, Chicago 3.
Pittsburgh 7, St. Louis 3.
Philadelphia 7, New York 5.
Boston-Brooklyn, postponed, rain.-
[cWeher an
-announces a 'ontinuna'Ce of fair
wela:her and possible cloudiness.
Ger man Election Most Ominent
Event Since 1918 Says Slosson
Characterizing the election of Field to give to the various militarist fac-
Marshall Von Hindenburg to the tions in Germany.
presidency of Germany as one of the "The election was the first time in
most ominous events that has oc- history that the German people have
curred in Europe since 1918, Prof. chosen their own president. Von
Preston W. Slosson of the history de- Hindenburg was elected by n almost
partment is of the opinion that the universal suffrage, and the interest
United States and Great Britain will ( displayed was unusually keen. Ac-
consequently now swing to the cording to the newspaper reports 80
French viewpoint, that of watching per cent of the German population
every move of the German nation went to the polls last Sunday, as
with :suspicion, compared to 50 per cent who voted
"The great menace of Von linden- in the last presidential election in
burg's election lies in the fact that this country. These figures alone
it may mean the restoration of the show the enthusiasm in Germany's
monarchist government," -declared election.
Professor Slosson, "although such a "Von Hindenburg was elected by
LOYD WILLSEA To Debate Tonight
ANNUAL SWVING OUT. .:::1'.::::::?::}...:::
Unusually Large Number of Tryouts
Competing For Places In
Annual Affair
Line of Seninrs In Cap and Gown Will
Form Black "M"; Varsity Band
To Lead Graduates
Spring Games Will Be Held May 7, 8;
Will Consist of Tug 0' War
And Three Other Events
h condition will not necessarily be the I the monarchist party which repre- At a meeting of the Union Opera Actingpresident Alfred H. Lloyd
d outcome. The danger of another sent the Nationalists and another appointment committee yesterday will give the address at the traditional
Ll monarchy is now greatly enhanced, group which is not quite as reaction- afternoon Eben M. Graves, '26E, was Swing Cut ceremonies which will be
however, because of the encourage- aryuie selected to act as general chairman
y ment and Hopes the lection is bound ary) of next year's Opera, succeeding John held on Thursday, May 7, in Hill
sP. Bromley, '25. Graves has been on auditorium.' All seniors garbed in Cap
e the make-up committee of the Opera and Gown will gather in front of the
-three years, acting as chairman library at 3 o'clock in prescribed line
hat comt ti er withof march. At 3:45 o'clock the Varsity
- sseveral band will lead the march to Hill audi
officesin the Union, acting as chair- toriunm.
. Rtman of the reception committee this The seniors will march in the fol-
F Ryear and havm g been the record- lowing order: lit women, lit men, en-
ing department for two years. The
-Will Observe Cane Day Sunday; Weem's Oriole Terrace Orchestra of committee which made the appoint- gineers, architects, medics, nurses,
Sings Set For May 13 and 20. lDetrolt and( Local Wolverines metis composed of ThmsCava- asdents, pharmics, graduates,ed-
Latter Follows Senior Banquet Are Selected naugh, '27L, president of the Union. cationals, and seniors in the School
--IJHomer L. Heath, general manager of of Music. In order to facilitate empty-
NAME OTHER DATES I LIMIT TICKETS TO 275 the Union, Charles Livingston, '27L, ing Hill auditorium and to preserve
___Ipresident of Mimes, and John P. the original line of march seats in the
Bromley; '25, general chairman of this back of the auditorium, will be oc-
will mark the last two Ted Weem's Oriole Terrace orches- year's Opera. cupied by the first seniors to enter
months of the college career of the tra of Detroit and Charlie Wolcott's The remainder of the staff of men and the last seniors in the line will
literary class of '25 were scheduled Wolveres of this city are the two who will work under Graves next year fill the front rows.
orchestras which have been selected will not be appointed until next fall at The gathering will be opened by the
ass migtothe y ran o the by the Senior Ball committee to furn- which time they will start their work customary invocation, after which1
class committees yesterday at the ish continuous music for the annual with the commencement of rehearsals. numbers will be presented by the
Union. The first of the traditions to senior dance which will be given May I A considerably enlarged opera is Varsity band and by the Glee club.
be observed will be Cane Day, which 22 in the Union ballroom. Applica- being planned for next year by E. Philip La Rowe, organist, will also
has been set for next Sunday. tions for tickets to the ball will be re- Mortimer Shuter, director of Mimes appear on the program.
The annual Senior Sings will take ceived for the first time today in the dramatics, the choruses being' larger At the completion of the ceremonies,
place on May 13 and 20, the latter to booth of the Union lobby from 3 to 5 j and the entire opera more elaborate the seniors will march out across
follow the Senior Banquet at th-e o'clock and also tomorrow afternoon Roy Hoyer, leading man with Fred designated walks on the campus. The
Union. Caps and gowns will be at the same time. Stone in "Stepping Stones," now play- line of March is so planned that thes
worn at both events. Plans are being The committee made the selection of ing in Chicago, will come to Ann Ar-;array of black figures will form an
formulated to broadcast the second The orchestras last night. A large bor for a three weeMs stay beginnin"M." The march will end on the steps
sing from one of the large Detroit number of orchestras were considered May 10 to coach the dancers for the of the library where te individual
radio stations. A committee of the : ]for the dance. Ted Weems has been show. class pictures will be taken.t
i class is cooperating with Detroit playing in Detroit after establishing An unusually large number of men -
alumni in arranging the broadcast- his reputation in several large cities have tried for the opera so far and Af' l
ing. The banquet, which is under the in the east. At pfresent he and his present indications are tht more than dw'syIT U WILL I[
direction of Edward N. Hartwick, '25, eleven assistants are playing at the 1000 men will be competing for places
will take place at 0 o'clock the night Oriole Terrace in Detroit. Wolcott's in the show next fall. The unusual t
ofe ayt 20 d m usp ic ad en tertain - 1 l erinles are rw el l k o w i rga n C N ET erest is a trib t d to the fact th t
ment arc ein lneTceswl Arbor, ;havinrg recently reorganized the opera will includle the EFast in t
be . their group. itinerotryhnext year gn, visiting
Swing Out, the first appearance of hiic cities as New York, Washington Playing from the esplanade on the
the senior classes in their caps and year has been limited to 275, members and Philadelphia beside making the library steps, at 7;00 o'clock tonighta
gowgns, has been announced for next of the class are urged by the commit- regular mid-western tour. the Michigan Band will present its
tee to file their applications t his ater-_______________
week, on May 7. The official noon in order to insure acceptance. second evening concert to be given
I academic dress will be worn each i The demand for tickets is expected to Plan To Discuss on the campus. The program will be
Wednesday thereafter. be unusually large, according to the
Class Day has been officially set Smncharg prn Games A vari d, consisting of a considerablec
for June 12, the program opening at teincage number of the marches and classical'
10 o'clock n the morning. The fol- Fresh m an anquet selections hich the band has learned
lowing day, June 13, the President Fr during the year, as well as several
land Regents of the University will I L u L run U L Recommendations for the handling iduinpteyeAr, asel eeral
conduct a reception for the seniors of the spring ganes will be suggest- Michigan pieces. As a special feg-
at Alumni Memorial hall. The home ed by Charles A. Johnson, '28E, cap- ture, the Freshman Glee club has
'of the President has been the scene ( IU011 tain of last fall's games, at the annual I been secured to sing a number of
of this traditional reception in the --- spring banquet of the Freshman class Michigan songs. This organization
t past, but Alum i Memorial hall has Today will be the last day for try- at 6:15 o'clock Thursday in' the main which is primarily designed to pre-a
outs for the twentieth annual Mich- rssembly hall of the Union. Horace pare men to sing later on in the Var-t
Dr. Burton's recent death. igan Union Opera, according to an C. Lownsbery, '28, a member of the sity Glee Club, has been training for
The baccalaureate address will be announcement made by E. Mortimer Freshman football squad, is also some months under the direction of
delivered on June 14, and the final Shuter, the direkcor. All students scheduled to speak. Announcements W. W. Spanagel, '25E, a member oft
who desire to tryout are urged to do to the class as a whole will be made the Varsity club, and will make its
will conclude the undergraduate life so sometime today. ir. Shuter will by the president, Henry S. Grinnell, first public appearance on the cam-g
of the class of 25, will take place be in his office from 10:30 o'clock. in '28. Cheers between the various pus tonight.
on June 15. the morning until 9:30 o'clock at speeches are in charge of Paul W. Although it was originally plannedo
The annual mock elections have night for the purpose of interviewing Endriss, '28. Thomas C. Winter, '28, that the Varsity Glee club shouldt
not yet been placed on the official candidates. will be toastmaster. sing tonight, their appearance hasu
calendar. Over 400 students have filled out Its prime purpose is to have the been postponed until a later concert.
Invitations and announcements application blanks, and it will be im- class meet as a whole before the These campus programs will be I
will arrive soon after May 15, giving possible to handle many more than spring games. A full program of the given under the direction of Mr. Wil-
the seniors sufficient time to mail this at the spring tryouts. Actual spring games which are to be held fred Wilson of the School of Music
them before the final exercises. Caps rehearsals and eliminations will begin May 8'and 9 will be announced at on each Wednesday evening during
and gowns have arrived at Moe's, shortly in order that the choruses be this time. James K. Miller, Jr. '25, May, if the weather is favorable, atd
according to John P. Bromley, '25, cut down to a working number before will outline the plans of tie Student this same hour.c
chairman of the committee, and will Roy Hoyer, leading man with Fred Council for that occasion. f The concert tonight will end
be ready for distribution the latter Stone in "Stepping Stones" arrives to J. Fred Lawton, '11, author of promptly at 8:00 o'clock, and will
part of the week. begin coaching the routines. Those "Varsity," will be the main speaker begin at the exact time scheduled.
Seniors of the literary class who who do not come out now will be of th'e evening. During the banquet
have not yet paid their class dues given another chance in the fall. The itself a prominent orchestra will fur- in i F t
must pay them before their invita- men who are picked at that time will nish music. The Varsity quartetteIntateFifteen
tions and announcements will be de- be used to replace those who have will sing several selections of itsI
livered. Another class dues day will been chosen in the spring but who own and will then lead the entire an-
be arranged by the class treasurer, become ineligible for any reason. Mr.- dience in a few Michigan songs. One
Frank Roberts, '25, but in the iean- Hoyer will arrive in Ann Arbor on classical and several popular selec- Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering
time, dues may be mailed to him at May 10, and ' actual rehearsals for tions will be furnished on the xylo- society, held its annual springinitia-
1923 Geddes avenue. Checks should next year's production will begin at: phone by Burton E. L. Hyde, '25M tion yesterday afternoon. The fol- i
be made payable to him. that time. TicketsPriced at $75 secured at lowing junior engineers and Prof.;
Definite action concerning the an-
nual spring games and the annual
all-cairpus elections was taken at the
regular meeting of the Student coun-
cil held last night at the Union.
Wednesday, May 13, has been set as
the date for the elections, Any aspir-
ant for senior or junior positions on
Hon. William L. Huggins, first chief the Student council must file a peti-
justice of the Kansas Court of Indus- tion with the secretary of the council
trial Relations, who will oppose by noon, Saturday, May 9. - The sec-
James Wilson, vice-president of the tion in the constitution of the council
American Federation of Labor in a relating to such petitions states:
Sdebateon the question, "Are Strikes "Section 3. Nomination by petition.
Justified-" Any man may be nominated by peti-
[tion, subject to the approval of the
nominating committee, said petition
to contain the names of at least ten
per cent of the men in each school or
cole soft he Ulniversity. Such peti-
tions must be filed with the secretary
of the Student council before a date
finally announced by the nominating
committee in order to be considered
Former Judge and Vice-President ofjby that body." The final dead 'line
A.F . of L. Vie-Preet in till ofset for petitions is 6 o'clock, Monday,
AALdill eMay 11. This will allow men who fail
Auditori um to receive the nomination at the reg-
ular meeting of the nominating com-
A RE NOTED SPEAKERS mittee to automatically place their
names on the ballot according to the
I provisions of the above section. Any
"Are strikes justified" will be the ! man who has been on the campus for
subject for the debate between Hon. 1 two years is eligible for nomination to
William L. Huggins, first chief jus- the Student council.
tice of the Kansas Court of Indus- All names of men nominated for of-
trial Relations which has recently fice by other organizations on the
tl R i campusthat regularly have a place
been declared unconstitutional by the on the annual campus ballot must be
United States Supreme court, and turned in to Irwin Deister, '25, chair-
Mr. James Wilson, vice-president of man of the elections committee by
the American Federation of Labor, at Wednesday, May 6.
the mercanFedraton f Lbor at Registration will take place from
8 o'clock tonight in hill auditorium. 9g to 2 o'clock, Thrsa and rda
The contet is beng Teld lun e N May 6 and 7. Booths will be stationed
auspices of the Round Table club. No at both ends of the diagonal, in front
admission will be charged. ' of the library, and in front of the
Mr. Huggins, who is a speaker of Union. No one will be permitted to
national reputation, is ably equipped cast a ballot who has not registered.
to discuss the subject from his varied The annual Spring Games will be
experience with labor. He has been held Friday and Saturday, May 7 and
a farm hand, teacher, superintendent 8. The traditional tug of war across
of schools, presiding judge of the ( the Huron will be held on Friday
Kansas court, attorney for the Santa 'afternoon. This event will consist of
Fe railroad, and at present is coun- three tugs. In the first two tugs each
sel for the anti-union organization class will be limited to a team of 50
known as the League for Industrial men chosen by the captain of the
Rights. - games. The third and final tug will
Tonight is the first appearance be a free for all event and the class
of the judge since the, Kansas court winning two of the three contests will
was pronounced unconstitutional, be credited with one point in the
and it is expected that he will take Spring Games. Three events will be
this opportunity to .express his first held on Saturday morning; the ob-
comment on th'at decision. stacle race, the cane spree, and the
Mr. Wilson, also a noted speaker, 1 rope tying contest. The first two
is likewise well prepared by exper- events will count one-fourth of a point
ience to present his side of the ar- each while the rope tying contest will
gument. In thirty years of activity count one-half point.
in union organization he has held The freshmen will hold a pep meet-
offices in both the American Federa- ting at 6 o'clock on Thursday, May 6,
tion of Labor and the Pattern Makers for the purpose of electing a captain
union. During the war the labor offi- and organizing for the games. The
cal was .appointed by President WiI- Isophomores will gather at 6 o'clock
son to head a commission which went on Friday, May 7 ,for the same pur-
to England, France, and Italy to or- pose.
ganize the workers there. ! George Ross '26, was elected by the
Dougas W. Clephane, '27L, presi- I[Student council to fill a vacancy in
dent of the Round Table club, will be that organization. Ross will serve the
chairman of the meeting at Hill aud- remainder of this year and throughout
itorium. next year.
Architectural Colege Weeds
Outlined By Professor Lorch
"I have yet to find another architec-
tural school where such poor physical
conditions prevail as here at Mich-
igan," said Prof. Emil Lorch, head of
'the College of Architecture, in com-
1 menting upon the need of a new build-
ing for the architectural college. "The
! University has acquired many splen-
did buildings, and time for a new
architectural building has certainly,
"Members of the state legislature,
especially those of the upper house,
Professor Lorch then pointed to they
growth of the architectural college as
indicative of the demand for "our kind
of training." He stated that the value
of this training and its quality will be
greatly improved by a proper setting
and the proper physical equipment.
"A strong faculty and a strong
student body cannot long be held to-
geth-er in a discarded machine shop,"#
Professor Lorch continued. "The
entire spirit of our instruction is de-
nied. The mature creative worker
the niain desk of the Union or from falter F. Badger of the Chemical En-1
any freshman group head or comanit-gineering department were taken intoj
teeman. membership: Fred N. Eaton, Maurice
Markowitz, Lyle Walsh, Stephen L.
Burgwin, William H. Arnold, Theo-'
dore W. Barlow, Justice H. Beach,4
Mark L. Ireland, Rex H. McClintock,
JA S TWilliam L. Metcalf, Richard Earhart,E
INTO VOD FR NITY Harry Hawkins, Arthur Hartwell and
Waldeck W. Levi.
Following the initiation a banquet c
P1 Delta Epsilon, national honor- I was held in the Union. Prof. H. C.
ary journalistic fraternity, held an Sadler of the marine engineering and
annual spring initiation last night at naval engineering department gave
which time thirteen students and two the principle address. Russel F.
faculty men were taken into the or- Moody, '25E, acted as toastmas-
ganization. ter. The address of welcome was de-
The following students were ini- livered by Derek V. Osenbruggen,
tiated: Bryon Parker, '26, Manning '25E. Harry Hawkins responded for
Houseworth, '26, Robert Winter, '26, 1 the initiates.
Columbus, O., April 28.-Dr. John
W. Wilee, football coach at Ohio State
university for the last twelve years is
considering an offer to become ath-
letic director of the southern branch
of the University of California at Losr
Angeles, it became known today.
He has reached no decision, how-
ever, and said tonight that he prob-
ably would not for several days.
Ohio State University will make
every effort to retain her football
mentor who has turned out throe
Western Conference championship
Teams in the last nine years, athletic
director L. W. St. John said tonight.
Professors Emil Lrch, Eliel ' Saar- 1
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications will hold its
meeting for the appointment
of managing editors and busi-
ness managets of student pub-
lications on May 9, 1925. Each
applicant for a position is re-
quested to file seven copies of
his letter of application at the
Board office in the Press build-
ing no later than May 4, for the
use of seven members of the
Board. Carbon copies, if legi-
ble, will be satisfactory. Each
letter should state the facts as
to the applicant's scholastic rec-
ord in the University, his ex-
perience upon the publications
or elsewhere so far as it has
Paris, April 28.--A meeting of the
Allied Council .of Ambassadors has
been called for Wednesday to take up
the supplementary report of MarshaI
Foch, as head of the Allied Military
committee, on German violations of
the Versailles treaty.