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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
control of Student ublications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titi-d to the use for republicatioa of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local neivs pub-
lished therein.
school and are now active in the pro-
fession, Governor Miriam "Ma" Fer-
guson early this week eliminatedI
from the general education bill $19,000
for the support of the journalism
The protest which was caused by
this action ought to be sufficient evi-
dence not only to the State of Texas
but also to all other states that the
teaching of journalism in the univer-
sities is very much desired by students
as well as newspaper men. Led by the
210 students of the department, the
entire student body of the University,
i m rm' d i d r i r i i ii rrmm a. v r r rv dim r r Nia
Mother's Day Cards
On Sunday night we attended an
Actors' Benefit in New York. About
forty great names were on the bill,
including such people as Pauline
Lord, Leon Errol, W. C. Fields, Amelia
Bingham, Irving Berlin, Vincent Lo-
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
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Editor.............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor...........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor..........Manning Houseworth
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Advertising....................E. L. Dunne
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George. C. Johnson A. S. Simons.
0. A. Jose, Jr. M. M. Smith
K. K. Klein 1. J. Winernan
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1925
4,000 in all, has petitioned the Board of pez and His Orchestra, and many oth-
Regents to take action against the ers even better known to the public.
abandonment of the school. In sup- The advertisements of the show look-
port of this stand, The Panhandle ed very attractive indeed, and we fig-
Press association, representing scores ured we could get to know all the
. I
,of Texas country newspapers, and the'
publishers and editors of a dozen city
dailies throughout the state have pub-
lished articles deploring the situation.
The only answer. to the protest is
that it was necessary to cut education-
al appropriations at some point and
the school of journalism was chosen
as one of the weaker departments
which should suffer because of the
lack of funds. It was the thought of
President Walter M. Splawn that the
university would be hurt less by the
elimination of the journalism work
along with music, library science and
the summer session.
Apparently lie did not realize what
a favorable sentiment for the school
existed throughout the state. Similar
indications of sympathy with the
teaching of journalism would serve to
establish it as a profession worthy
of greater notice than it has received
up to the present time. Another guess
may be necessary to find the weak de-
partment to cut instead of the School
of Journalism.
It seems that several students have
been getting decidedly promiscious in
their pursuit for source materials-
so much' so in fact that they have
resorted to clipping the newspaper
files in the general library. Tales are
also told of persons who have removed
books from reference rooms and of
seniors on the campus who have
taken books out of the library without
charging them with the attendant.
And they all plead ignorance of the,
Perhaps it would be well for the
library to adopt some novel means of1
publicity to make clear just what stu-
dents are permitted to 'do while in and
out of the building. They might print
a pamphlet to distribute at registra-
tion containing information on "how
to use a university library-its cata-
logue, newspaper files, reference
famous people in New York quite
easily just by going to the perform-
The seats were either one, three,
five, or seven dollars, and we bought
a dollar seat in what they call the
Family Circle.
* * *
Well we blew in at the Manhattan
Opera house at about the right time
and there were a whole covey of
trick-looking ginches, all decked out
in seductive garments. They were sell-
ing programs. Well, all I knew about
the show was what it had said in the
ads, and that was just a list of names.
So I though if I was to get any benefit
myself out of it I'd have to buy one
of these things. They were a dollar
but I bought one anyway.
Then I was directed to an elevator,'
and in due time reached the Family
Circles It was on the roof of the
opera house, but there were holes that
you could look through and so get a
glimpse of the stage.
The program, we confess, was some-
thing of a disappointment. There were
a great many advertisements, all com-
plimentary-like this:
Compliments of
A friend
And there were a great many ads
from members of the profession.
Clorea and Trevor
(Now playing Seattle, Wash.)
But when.we finally got to the pro-'
gram' proper, we found only the same
list of names that had been on the
bill-board outside.
* * *
Presently a man in a Tuxedo came
out on the stage and made a speech.
lie talked about what a pleasure it
was to have us all here this evening.
le said he wanted us all to be friend-
ly, both with the actors and with each
other. Like one big family, he said,
and all the people in the Family Cir-
cle looked flattered. He wanted every-
body 'to 'talk to the person on his
right, whether he knew him or not-
even if it was a lady, he said, at which
there was a loud laugh.
Then he introduced a radio an-
nouncer who is well known in the
The management of the Arcade The-
atre, calling a lull in their constant
round of dollar "super-pictures," are
presenting the film version of Ferenc
Molnar's "The Swan" today and to-
morrow-their artistic flier could last
them but two days. As a play, "The
Swan" was one of the outstanding
successes in New York last season;
as a picture, of course, minus the
sophisticated Shavian dialogues, it can-
not be as delightful. Nevertheless, it
should stand, with Dmitri Bucho-
wetzki as the director and Clare
Eames in the role of the Countess,
among the significant films of the year.
You should not miss it.
* * *
A review, by Robert Henderson.
"What Price Glory" represents the
mose effective pacifist propaganda in
New York and America today. It pic-
tures war as it doubtless is, sans sen-
timent, bathos or cant; the local pen-
ny patriots might do well to be chas-
tened by its acrid realism.
Yet even the most adriot thesis
conceivable could notdraw the months
of capacity houses that this play con-
tinues to, if it stopped at a mere con-
vincing doctrine. It is here that the
authors show their keen theatric skill
by introducing for their climax a tri-
angle theme of two men and a girl.
One is a bully by crass strength, heavy
and vicious; the other a bully by sheer
nerve, hard and sharp as steel; and
the girl, ironically enough, is nothing
but a ,loggy slattern, a sodden volup-
tuary by so much animal instinct.
The acting, of course, is flawless.
Louis Wolheim, transferred from a
similar part in "The Hairy Ape," plays
the overweaning Captain, and William
Boyd the keener Sergeant. One is like
iron, the other like flint, perhaps, and
the powerful picture they present is
due not alone to their individual in-
terpretations, but to the exact tech-
nique which foils their personalities
in contrast.
A great deal has been made of the
play's profanity by the scandal press
yet it is all so sincere, so natural and
in keeping that it offers no obvious
offense. As a matter of fact, the The-
atre Guild's production of "They
Knew What They Wanted" is consid-
erably more shocking with its tre-
mendous plethera of swearing.
In the end, one leaves the theatre
with the impression of the love story,
the drunken brawls, but basically,
above all, the sense of a keen apper-
ception into the actual filth and stu-
pidity of the entire war gamble. There
is the picture of the inju-stice, the
stench, the ghastly mass of blood and
infected wounds, the several touches
of ironic pathos. It makes one won-
der it has maede thonsands wonder
We Also do
high Class Work in
of all Kinds
617 Packard St. Phone 1792
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)
H A M' S
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Read the Want Ads
Dancing Tonight and
Saturday Night, 9-12
Dancing every
Wednesday, 8-1 1
Friday, 9-12
Saturday, 9-12
Music by
Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight
As 'we have mioved our entire organization to the
Lake, for tle haice of the school year Granger's
will be avallable for rentals.
1 - ...
WE HONOR- room, and circulation department."
In numerou.ways throughout the Or better yet stick up a few ugly signs
year students participating in various at strategic points reminding patrons
forms of student activity are honored what they should and should not do as
by their fellow undergraduates and to they gravitate here and there chasing
a certain extent by the faculty. Heroes knowledge,
of the gridiron are acclaimed on the At any rate to help the good work
field and off, other athletes are extol- along, The Daily makes the following
led continually, prominent figures on astute observations: all books must
publicatiofs are sometimes look'ed up be charged before they are taken from
to, and ca s ispoliticians are reward- the building, and no property of the
ed by publicity of a certain' sort. The library-books, newspapers, or pamph-
result is that university life has come lets-can be, tampered with in any
to be identified with student activities. way. There is a state law against it
An institution is judged by the quality as well a library rule.
of its football teams or its publica-
tions. Dean Whitney made a good point
Without minimizing the importance when he advocated that the State
of such extra-curricular endeavoi'-it spend any extra funds on .developing
has a real place in modern university the present four Normal schools be-
life-the resultant lowering of the fore establishing a new one. So-me
status of the young scholar can be de- might have been used to prevent the
plored. It is hardly an exaggeration adoption of the new set of rules for
to say that only a small minority of Ypsilanti girls.
the student body and a smaller ele-
ment of the alumni consider good As a suitable reward for the Ten-
scholarship in the University of first nessee State Legislature for prohibit-
importance. Most are content to fol- ing the teaching of evolution, "The In-
low the mobs to athletic contests, to dependent' suggests that each legis-
deify the successful activities man, lator be sent a copy of Kipling's
and barely to tolerate those rare per- story, "The Town That Voted the
sons who have a fundamental interest Earth Was Flat,"
in the pursuits for which the Uni-
versity% really exists. CAMPUS OPINION
Last year the University administra- Anonymous communications will be
tion started an annual convocation disregarded. The names of communi-
.~ants will, however, be re garded as
designed to give official recognition to tsconfidentia lwonrequest.
the upper 10 percent of the seniorI
classes and other students who in the DISORDER
course of the year have especially To the Editor:
distinguished .themselves. It was a It seems about time something be
noteworthy step, the beginning of a done regarding disorder on the part
movement , which it is to be hoped of numerous underclassmen during
will gain added impetus each year. lecture hours. When it reaches the
Today this convocation is to be re- point where professors have to stop
peated, and those men and women to reprimand certain members in the
whose careful scholarship has done so room the matter seems rather serious.
much to further the true aims of the By the' time a man reaches college he
University will be honored. The re- should have acquired a certainrdignity
mainder of the student and faculty of behavior and reverence for mem-
community have a real opportunity to hers of the faculty, as wellas a little
ald in this merely by lending their consideration of others in the course.
presence. In some cases it is probably be-
effete East and' who was to be master whether, after all, there can be an-
of ceremonies for a while. other such world's illusion with its
* * " sham mirage of an impossible democ-
The announcer said something racy; if, after all, it wouldn't be better
about tuberculosis being a bad thing, to take off one's shooting finger with
and about how much he hoped the the nearest cigar-clipper .
actors would be able to build their * * *
sanatorium at Saranac with the pro- THE B MINOR MASS
ceeds of this benefit. He wanted us A review, by Frederick Sparrow.
all to clap hard after all the acts, so A musical event of great rarity oc-
as to encourage the generous actors. curred in Washington during Easter
Then he introduced a guy that had Week when the Bach Choir of Beth-
just came back from Saranac where he lehem, Pennsylvania, gave J. S. Bach's
had been cured of T. B. and remarked "Mass in B minor," assisted by the
how well he was looking and wasn't it Philadelphia Symphony orchestra and
wonderful that he could be with us directed by Dr. J. Fred Wolle.
tonight. The house obediently ap- "Kyrie Eleson," that ancient cry of
plauded led by the announcer. humanity for mercy from heaven, was
* * * the opening number. The chromatic
A lot of wet acts followed, several effects, the harmonious fugues that
of which had not been scheduled on clung to a favorite phrase as if re-
the bill. About every three acts they luctant to relinquish it, brought the
would introduce a new announcer, and audience into immediate contact with
the new announcer would cast a bou- the composer's famous polyphonic
quet at the old one and then talk about mode. The ensemble tone was excep-
the generous' actors (all the announ- tionally well blended, seeming to be
E cers were actors themselves after the one great voice of song. It was
first one) and about every other act: symphonic in quality, endowed with a
the person would come forward and Gothic serenity, and the stately Latin
say, rather sorrowfully: "I should like in which it was sung but added to its
to interrupt the evening's festivities depths of religious fervor.j
for a moment to say something about Wailing strains of sorrow, enhanced
the generosity of the profession. by the beautiful pianissamo singing
Actors never beg. For every dollar of the choir, made the "Qui tolhis pec-
you pay to see actors, the actors give cata mundi" remarkable for its artistic
you one hundred dollars worth of en- ensemble rendition.
tertainment." I Mr. Charles Tittman, a Washing-
* * * ton singer, who will appear in this
The show wore on. At eleven I year's May Festival, appeared in the
o'clock we left. Ten acts had then solo strain "Tau solus Dominus." His
been presented, and there were thirty voice was remarkable in its clarity of
to go. At the hour of our departure tone and his extraordinary control of
we had not, it is certain, received our it during the long and treacherous
hundred dollars worth of entertain- passages involved. Mr Tittman also
ment. If we had stayed till four appeared in the evening yerformance
o'clock in the morning we might have, of the "Credo"' in "Et in Spirituim
We could have dispensed with the Sanctum."
hundred, though, if we had gotten our Outstanding in the Credo was, of
original dollar back out of it. course, the exquisite "Cruicifixus,"
* * nor~hn c n n f th xn1' ---f
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a a
9Balleyrnullens" and
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teKirkshire Worsteds"
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$30 to $45
4UESS AGAIN cause of ignorance and lack of eti-
(411ESS GAINquette but in the majority of cases it
In spite of the fact that schools of is because the offender is of the
journalism are still in the experi- opinion that by making so-called
mental stage in the United States, "wise-cracks" he is regarded as "one
there are enough indications of their of the boys."
value, both from the students and I It may be well if some of them werei
from the members of the active pro- informed as to the contemptuous way
fession, to warrant their continua- in which they are looked upon by the
tion until they are proved to be either faculty and the majority of the stu-
highly beneficial or thoroughly use- dent hodv. They are heainz thorm-_
ttBalleymullens" and Kirkshire Worsteds" are oo
virgin wool fabrics. They have richness, life, lustre, class
and wearing qualities not known to ordinary or 'doctored"
woolens. You can get them only in Kirschbaum Clothes
which, combined with elegant style and skillful tailoring
make these the clothes that lower the cost of dressing well
Shown in the season's approved styles for
men and young men, in the newest and
most pleasing patterns and color tones.
3 1
per aps one of the wordt's greatest
Now we've let it leak out that we musical conceptions. This was per-
were in New York Saturday. No I formed in a largo tempo. The ground
didn't see 'Old English.' No I didn't bass of four bars length, repeated
see 'Desire Under the Elms. 'No Ii thirteen times with changing har-
mil- f- 1.. < m .;a, , T , .."
II _______ ____ ____ II