FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1925
(Continued from Page One)
A. B., Sarah J. Long, B. S., Charles L.
Pannabecker, A. B.
Law School: Glenn D. Curtis, A. B.,
john T. Dasef, A. B., Carl E. Eggas,
A. B., Andrew M.~Keep, A. B., Charles
Kreis, A. B. Merwyn G. Leatherman,1
A. B. l3dnjamin J.'Manely Lawrence
jA. Masselink, :Leo Mellen, Leland H.I
~Notnagel, Cyus N. Tavares, Victor J.1
Voorhres, Ben S. Wendeken.
College of Pharmacy: Harold R.I
College of Dental Surgery: Jack P.
Beukema, Herbert E. Blight, William
P. Curran, "Wesley G. Hayes, Ber-
tard -L. Noonan, Walter T. Rogers.
School of Education: Elsie M. Beck,
" rma B. Hodgson, Nellie M. Kaho,
Inez G. Peclte, Carleton H. Shaver,
eslle R. Silvernale, Merle E. Taylor,
Doris M. Wheeler, Clarence J. Whit-
Phllips',Classical scl jolarshi ps:
Katherine S. Bennett, William W.
Bishop, Persis M. Cope.
Michigan Law Review Board:
Meyer M Brown, A B. Richard G.
lBurchel, A. B., Cyrus 'E. Churchill,
Kit F. Clardy, Glenn D. Curtis, A. D.,
John T. Dasef, A. -B., 'Carl . 'Enggas,.1
A. B., Andrew M. Keep, A. B., Charles
C. kreis, A. B., Merwyn G. Leather-
manl, A. B., Alfred E. Lindblown, A.
B., Harold F. Lusk, A. B., Joseph W.
McAuliffe, A. B., Edward C. McCobb,
A. B., Benjamin J. Manely, Lawence
A. Masselink, Leo Mellen, Leland HI.
Notuagel, Howard W. Sith, Cyrus
N. Tavares, Walter H. Velde, A. B.,
'victor J. Voorheis, A. ,B,,, Ben S.
Washburn, B. S., M. S., Grace Vivian
Wells, A. B.
University Fellowships and Scholar-
shiips: Lloyd Ackerman, A. B., in Ed.,
A. B., M. S., Jean Phyllis Black, A. B.,
Min Shao Chng, A. B., A. M., Philip
Asbury DeGraff, A. B., William
Francis Gllaway, Jrm., A. 'B., Harry L
Wilbur kanu, A. ., 4' .,l'., Ralph
James Harlan, A. B., Raymond Hok-
Lra, A. B., A. M., Willam Ralph
ones, A. B., Walter 0. Shriner, A. B.,r
. M., Marguerite Anne Madeleine
$teinfeld, Brevet Elementaire, Brevet
Superiur, A. B., Edward Roger
Washburn, B. S., M. S.
'State College Scholarships: Naomi
Gwendoln Betts, A. B., Carleton
Hammond Currie, B. S., S. '.l'. .,
Ceil DeBoer, A. B., Leonard DeMoor,
4. B., Paul Arthur Elliott, A. B., Ger-
aldine May Pagel, A. B., Louise Mae
Stein, A. B.
-Carl Braun Fellowship: Charles
Lush Layton, A. B., A. M.
Buhl. Classical Fellowships: Leo
,ngeman Highby, A. B., David C.
Filson, A. B., A. M.
SEmma J. Cole Fellowship in Bot
~ny: Lewis Edgar Wehmeyer, B. S.
SSpecial Fellowship in Sociology:
I. Haskins, A. B.
*Michigan Gas Association Fellow-
hip: Richard E. Townsend, B. S. E.
;Detroit Edison Fellowship in Met-
allurgy: Victor, M. Mazurie, B. S.,
SPendleton. Classical Fellowships
and Scholarships: William F. J. D
4ongh, A. B. in Ed., Coral E. Demaray,
A. B. in Ed., Rozelle P. Johnson, A. B., i
~.S., Ph. B, William M. Reed, A. .,
Sarah Parrish Fellowships: David
.Dennison, A. B., Ph. D., Burton D.
Thuma, B. S., M. S. 1
Joseph Boyer Research Fellowships 1
ti Archaeology: Nita L. Butler, A. B,..
A. M., Orma F. Butler, A. B., A. M., 1
Ph. 0., Mary J. Pearl, A. B., A. M.
rMcNaught Medals in Journalism: -
I ngrid M. Jewell, Harold A. Moore,j
larence A. Paquin.f
Paul Gray Testimonial in Oratory: y
Phillip N. Krasne.
EMrs. Eleanor Clay Ford Testimon-
31is in Debate: Clara B. Lau, Flor-
ence 0. McComb, Miriam M. Olden,
Merel R. Parks, Beata C. Wagner,
lizabeth M. Van Valkenburg.
James Couzens Testimonials in De-
bate: George H. Baker, Walfred A.
Dahlberg, William C. Dixoni Dalton
J. Pilcher, Elmer A. Salzman, Albert
M. Stern._
John S. Gray Testim~onials in De-1
bate: Norman C. Bo3wesoxY, James J.
D~unn, Radcliffe 13-.Fulton, Epliraimn.
R. Gomberg, Howard E. Wahren-
brock, Frank P. Weaver.
Conference Medal in Athletics and
Scholarships: William B. Giles.
.Rho Chi Prize in Pharmacy: Oliver
J. Weinkauff.
Lehn and Fink Prize in Pharmacy:
Ilarold R. Bowers.
Eckler Prize for Proficiency in
p1harmacognosy : Harold D. Grieve.
Sternberg Medal in Preventive Medi-
cine: George F. Kelper, Jr.
Solis Prize:' Bessie B. Kanouse, A.
1B., M. S.
Woods Hole Scholarship: Cecile L1.
Conklin, Wilfred T. Dempster.
Eita Krom. Prize in Sociology:
Rtobert V. Halsey.
Francis E. Riggs Fellowships :
Doris M. Holdrup, A. B., Marjorie
Lindsey, B. S~. M. ;S.
DuPont Fellowship in Chemistry:
,James K. Kassner, A."B., M. S.
National Aniline and Chemical
Pompany Fellowship: John C. Per-
nert, B. S,, M. S.
Roy D. Chapin Fellowship in High-
way Engineering: Lloyd F. Rader, B.
Detroit Edison Fellowship in High-
txa, Rvn rn f lare~nce S. Jarvis,
Represents Chile
Following the tiri1ies'; the visitors; ,of patienits were brought inl by mlem-
wvill b1w1shoe, 11about, oila 4to11rof the
Cas? i pu, i , o. Iihui they wilivr: ;1
to, ii\.lt Il,0 tehitr
(iE';f: r I 1! fis 11 riiau of the (coin-
47:1t te(Slnialrneeua.Pro-
..il 11E' Oiil 0 l: ,
hers of the six service clubls of Wash-
i efnamw ceunty wvho had made a (cOfi-
plete( SurveyV iln 1their search for crip-
gan at, g o'clock and lasted till after
(G o'clock.
Off icialIs feel thiat the clin~ic has
been b 1((ea iI1ecaluse of Dr. Kid-
li e r' s t at >elit that a great number
of the cc;(,. im hea1helped by opera-
iey ;Lions or by ac'tive I reatlilent a.
Crippled Children, H IA WT fl Rut uF'
Ap~il.1Mi.ii O crIippVillledl (liil- ![A1TEO HS IT 09NQUEIT
dl i3'Y 01 Vi~iei. V(oiiitty Were --
eI free f e u i c, 1 Members o:' the treshmnan class will
h< (ry~e~iy 1 tiles Armory. All -,it hr ini a finm neeting of the year
u.R i exa~iuiio were *~~G :15t o'(Iclcknext Thursday eve-
F. C. l;idlter, 01 iliopellic specialist of ! el-ors which is to bt elinth Uin
I)le ct who 1has 1b,,,n in charge of all Th banquet is being sponsored by
sta'te ci 11118 lie]i ld uner the auspices j the social committee of the freshman
of ti -~ ' Li ':an-an-et y for C rippled cilass aind Ihe ill)derci ass dlepartment:
( "isiirz :iV. of the union under William- L. Dien-
*~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~soe leiiil;o -vxsrd ()raer. '26.
The purpose of the banquet is t{ meat of various kinds aft er te Ie m cas hih55110 gtl
give one more opportunity for tihe besides the sechsby r,1e w;1.;11Cf n atiin';1oo (Jwieril N wih tli ~1ilI 2n
class to congregate before the spring) a prominent :f uuu. il( rel , a ( lelnat liI nt,
gamnes May 8 andl 9. The meeting will 1 th~it .\Vjl r 2,is iarl a -'--
be wholly a freshlman affair, theI of the social1 commifitttee (f tile res- EA)'Il1.CL SFIR AD
speakers being nearly all first year
m2en. A similar meeting was held ______________________________________._________________
(1151ing the winter at which more tihan r
500 freshmen were present and(1it is' I ,L"isT"' adSA a
expected that an even larger crowd 11 ,lF Il)d'. ,,
will attend the banquet next week.'
A meeting of all class committee-
Men, group manager's and captains'
and ';,roue~ committeemen of tile class'j w
was held at the Union last night to the "CA yH
discuss arrangements for the banquet. "er~pc~c~r
'I'iecets were distributed among these N oma0/40 Piuuers,Si DrnQrs('. D NZ
men to sell and tickets may also be, M.~ t"Il .ui111 ~'!- dlAlli~1IdIi 1d');Wphh
seeuredl atthle main desk in the Un- I $Iiir ~ ' -ai.~sre~rel~':euoldr'Icii Ade
pion. 'Tie price of the tickets is 75j ai nb'I~i i~5~iotl~oil
(-ents5. As t he numl~ber of mn which ie. l:aiII11 i.kunrpls StdeP z'-Tr i
caln ho accommodated at thebqe t the 1 II i ii115spl'ti]x(V .ldI+'i eliu al i
i5 l u d i s u g d b a q e I' t :' 0 1 lI.t . :.?1 4l u''d ,E9 R? 'i s _ +.'~ t" ' i 'l1 phi i '-' lie 1di o
11a01 committee and the underclass tlwyo .i vkU't51e I - uc he-nlioe1113il
delpartmuent that they be obtained as, aiaviy to g Io. i rom Iit-to: iti, and saiii% oy , r en aih ;i01 ti~a
:,o sp sil.I I lwMusic ill he furnished -during the,;,a"1OIt°Q° t or t-'.75; It:u'voi v 2. 2),^' . t 1 . i , i)
banquet and there will be entertain--
Augulstin IEldv,, ards (above), tormer'
premier and fur eign mninister, is ex-1
lpected to l a named tile Chilco 1 1111111
her (If the comi: lnoha deci byI
Ge1n. JohnII. .lershing \Vwiichi will su-'
jpervise (he ' a(-l'a -Ai-a Ilebisc itc.
Th]je votes of'lt t erosidl(-1i 5 0-the 'D'r
iitory wxill deocide whet her it ih to be
CIhilean or Pcruvia .I
P -folicy - - s
1 --Volk', -
Proudk, NHaughty, Imperious Swam -
hut Her Lope Scandali.d.ANation
Anna ConventI '(IIionii11
secod Day~3's 'session
in Ann, rhr
1,AA L,.,-(EI;iK and W'ALTER.. JAIiE'RY
i .mla . t93 ¢I --- iDance
The 'i ghit eIi1annua10 1coi venxtio011
of the ]VI is ,is >ippi Valley II istorli,: i
associat' on,xv Incih will open :'A pril 24.E
at the Studter hotel in Detroit, will
coOio to nl l1ArbGor for i ;s 50cond
session, M~ay. 1. Prof. C. 11. Van Tynej
of the h1i story dcepar0tmlent will pre--
side at tlhe Ineeting Which will be held
in the Wliiiahn Clements' librar y. ,
Randolpih C. Adams, culstodlian of1
thza library, will give the welcomning
address. P ror. Louis KarpilIski of ( lie'
nmathlemat ics(lepartulentt will giv,! an
adidre'ss* ohiVap Collectionis Ullad ,io'
to the h istory of the IVississipp i 'al
ley' amId Nel :on Rllsse ll of the history
dep1artmeiint will ;live a a.per)(1'on tl 11
"Spirit ald lDovelopient oft the
1 rit iSl Ad 111110511-at i())of 11IVIl)1 i.'
At 110011 t heienilbe rs of the so
ciation' will lunchel at the Unionl, wh(ere
Robert M.Riheser, assistanIt, attoriiy j
general of Wisconsin. will discuss the~
value of Ilush orical records anld show
their apllica I iollito thte "Wi seon-"in-
m ihi-fallbolld.11-V c(011 t r'sy5. ll-.
ISio 1 : ; -lljgthe f;tol, ;t
~l I ii ii) t ea S.!o51l-)-1e (1ii1 ; , -
~2 L - ~ AND TUN .
11- v..,iT1 AK R OMPARIS"
4 oahtnn-~ ( V'i ao' 'oi~1h : ld I'~t I fi' ml Wo n
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I4RC 111:1,11R p i
nAhAs~a lh~. , aeam4.ran it's a rotfeefa'
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