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April 22, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-22

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Published every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Studeat ublications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Asociated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not other wise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third. Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices :Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and t76-M; busi-
nes, 960
i Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Editor................John G. Garl,.gbouse
News Editor...........Robert G, Ramsay
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.............. erena Moran
Telegraph Editor.....William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith H. Cady,Jr. W.rCalvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard 13. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramnsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard Hall , David C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion :Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Liebermann
Telephone 960
Advertising .................... 1. L. Dunne
Advertising...................R. C. Winter
Advertising...................H. A. Marks
Advertising..................B. W. Parker
Accounts.................... H. M. Rockwell
Circulation.....................John Conlin
Publication.....................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
I. M. Alving H. L. Newmann
Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead
Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss
H. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
C. Consroe J. D. Ryan
. R. Dentz M. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson F. K. Schoenfeld
O. A. Jose, Jr. I. J. Wineman
K. K. Klein
Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS


their own motives and without theI
coercion of new laws.
It was precisely this failure on the 1
part of the general public to over-
throw that admittedly undesirable in-
stitution, the open saloon, that caused
the passage of the prohibition amend-
ment. It is this same inertia, largely
in the Southern states, in enactingE
adequate child labor laws that aroused
the sentiment for the national Child'
Labor Amendment. While for the time;
the last mentioned piece of legislation
has been defeated, the people have
been aroused and unless they move
to correct the existing evils of their
own volition, they will be compelled
to do so by law.
The ideal situation, of course, would
be one in which there would be no;
need for government through public'
action, one in which individuals would'
see and accept new and advanced
standards of living. One glance at the
front page of any metropolitan daily
paper will convince one that this stage
has not yet arrived in the United
States. And until it does, such meas-
ures as prohibition and child labor
laws will be necessary.
Samuel Vauclain, head of the Bad-1
win Locomotive works, bet $10,000 he1
wouldn't take a drink for one yearl
and then went to Bermuda for his va-
cation. That is going more than half
way with his opponent.
The way the French juggle their po-
litical leaders makes it impossible to'
know whether the premier is the j
president, the head of the Chamber of
Deputies, or merely the foreign min-
The boys from the old home town
will have to send their picture post
cards of "the kind of grapes we raise I
up here" in envelopes since the postal
rates have gone up to two cents.
If. the United States takes too firmI
a stand on the French debt settlement,I
she may stamp out the feeling of
friendship between the two nations.

- ,._, _ ~M..,

Torn between our desire to put out THIS AFTERNOON: The Organ Re-
a topical column and one of other s' in lull auditorium at 4:15 O'clel{,
virtues, we compromisingly pound out , *

i . _ _ .I


such a sentence as this one. We feel,
of course, that we should be full of
wise and fast cracks, pertinent to the;
main cause of the public gloom i. e.
The Return. If there are any melan-j
choly persons among our clientelel
who are expecting to be cheered for'
the day's work, and who think that
after reading this column they will
tear down to the campus with a heart
for any fate, they are full of wet hay.
We, in fact, would give a good deal
ourself to be able to open a paper to-
morrow morning and get a good laugh
out of it.
+t s
The columnist, contrary to the pop-
ular belief, is just as much depressed
at public calamity as any of his fel-
low-workers for the common weal.
When earthquakes rock Nippon his
first thought is not Ha ha that's a good
horse on Japan; his head is bowed in,
sorrow. The only people who really
bear up manfully under disaster are
the telephone companies and the un-
* * *
There was just one question in
Life's Question contest that really in-
spired us to the point where we might'
have written a hot answer. And that
was the question, "Which is the worst
city in the United States?" We are
reconciled to the fact that we didn't,
enter the contest, however, by the
fact that the money went to a guy
that nominated Detroit.
Detroit is exactly the city we had
in mind for the honor ourself. It is
the ugliest, dullest, and most indus-
trious city in the country, and we are
glad that it has'been marked so in a
national gazette.
Ann Arbor has put in a lively ten
days during the vacation. The very
night after the holiday started a mur-
der was committed on one John Bauer.!
And yesterday they accused his
brother of having murdered him.j
Academic interest is being lent the

A review, by Jason Cowles.
In the first act of "For All Of Us"
this millionaire is very ill, see, and is
tired of his wife and in love with his
snurse. Well he is just about ready to
'go away, with his nurse when an old
workman comes in and tells him that
he would get well if he would stop sin-
ning and "kick the old devil in the
In the second act the workman ex-
plains some more about. the sinning
how dirt in a. man's mind shows in his
body like dirt in a glass bottle he said,
and the millionaire begins to see what
he's driving at. In the third act the
{millionaire reads the Bible and gets
out of his wheelchair and walks!
Well then his son marries the nurse,
who turns out to be the long-lost
daughter of the old workman, Mr.
Griswold, and the millionaire and his
wife love each other again.
William Hodge played the part of
the workman and talked very funny.
He was just like a fellow in a vaude-
ville monologue. He wore clothes that
didn't fit him and talked Irish and
stuttered just like he wasn't acting at
all. Charlotte Wynters was the nurse
and she was awful pretty. I remember
once she said to the millionaire's son.
"I don't feel very well" and he said
"Oh I'm so sorry" and she said "Please
don't be sorry" kind of sad-like. She
was fine.
Henry Ford, the big Detroit manu-
facturer, said lie thought the play was
the best play he had ever seen and I
think it's probably the best play he's
ever seen too.
* * *
"IVAN 1O!"
A review, by Robert Mansfield.
"Ivan Ho!", probably intended as a
sprightly musical comedy by its spon-
sors, although they hesitate to identify
it as such on the program, is the
twenty-seventh annual production by
the Haresfoot club of the University
of Wisconsin. The Haresfoot club is
designed to resemble Mimes, and with
this information by way of introduc-
tion, the review may begin.


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r., r r .sr.,rrs .arr. . .~. .,r. . .r .rr r., . .rs. . .yr. .,r, . ,e . . .r. . . ;

---but when you 're
away from home-
The meals that really
satisfy are the ones you
eat here.


Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The namies of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential twon request.
i i
To the Editor:
It must be great sport to drive one's
car down the diagonal walk 'and out
through the Engineering Arch and I,
have always -been inclined to chuckle
with glee whenever anyone told of
having actually done the deed. But I
had always imagined the boys as rid-

Our orchestra

is back

better than ever to help
you enjoy our meals.

On the day which marked the begin-l

proceedings by Drs. Weller and War-
thin of the Medical school, who per-
formed the autopsy.
* * A

ling of the celebration of thne150thIng in a leisurely way through our I At any rate there is no possibility
anniversary of the Battle of Lexing- campus, admiring the beauty of our in this trial of the crook being con-
ton, two addresses were given which library or possibly slowing down to victed because he was a New Yorker,
are representative of two distinct thumb the nose at a frantic represent- which did occur after the Chapman
schools of thought, the nationalist and ative of the B. and G. My first real ex- conviction in Hartford. The "New
the internationalist. I perience with the campus joy rider, I Yorker," which is probably the most
In Boston at old Faneuil Hall, Gen- however, showed that the facts were provincial paper in the world, not
eral John J. Pershing pled -for a re- very much vice versa and filled me even barring the Detroit Free Press,
turn to the ideals of Revolutionary with contempt for any man who would News, or Times, said in an editorial of,
days and in a vague way talked about ( break the rules of the university. recent date that Chapman's convictionj
increased world responsibility. In A week ago Thursday night about was due very largely to the prejudice
Richmond, Va., Glenn. Frank, editor of eleven o'clock I was riding my bicycle of the Connecticut jurymen against a'
The Century, speaking before the con- down the diagonal and had just passed j man from the Metropolis.
vention of the National League of through the Engineering Arch when a * * *'
Women Voters, pronounced the main- suspicious sound in the rear attracted Jest attributed to Calvin Coolidge
tenance of world peace the greatest my attention. Between the two rules in the Detroit News:
single problem of today and presented of the B. and G. "No Bicycle Riding "Out our way, when a hen cackles
as the only possible. solution the cul- on Walks" and "Keep Off the Grass" I it isn't a question of sitting or set-
tivation of an "international mind." suddenly chose to disobey the latter ting, but of whether she is laying or
Which sentiment will ultimately i and a Franklin touring with no lights lying."
prevail is largely a matter of time. dusted my elbow and was off down S.1 * * *
General Pershing represents those University. After having called the News Break in the Tecumseh Herald
who very naturally cling to the past roll of all my limbs and picked my DREW IMMENSE CROWDS.
and place national pride before all bicycle from : the pine tree against
other considerations. Glenn Frank is which it was affectionately leaning I The Sylvan Gardens Dance Palace
an idealist who looks to the future saw the whole affair from a different at Sand Lake resort is certainly draw-
and hopes for a wider interpretation angle and I repeated certain phrases ing immense crowds the management
of the brotherhood of man. to the retreating tire carrier of that said Monday that over 5,000 people
It is not improbable that a fusion machine which showed the strength of have been in attendance at the dances
of the two conceptions will result, my convictions. in the first four nights it has been
Perhaps futuire ° generations will The following Sunday night abouti open.
evolve a compromise between the sen- ten thirty I was forced to take refuge The management is doing its best
timents which actuated the founders behind the drinking fountain very to see that these dances are conducted
of the nation on the one hand and the thoughtfully provided by the class of: in a first class highly respectable
founders of the League of Nations on 1911, in order to yield the right of way manner which will appeal to all per-
the other. There are elements of worth to a Cadillac touring which tore down I sons who enjoy clean dancing on one
in both. diagonal at 35 m. p. h., no less. (My of the finest floors ever erected and
price is $10.00) This almost floored I amidst the most comfortable sur-
THOU SHALT NOT me as I was just returning from a roundings. Everything that can be
Self-government of the ideal type, thrilling movie at the Congo church done for the comfort and pleasure of
"of the people, by the people, and for and my nerves were a bit shaky. the dancers is there and the conduct
the people," advocated, by Abraham Now perhaps I am rapping at a of the dancers is carefully watched to
Lincoln, is still on trial before the school tradition which is not to be see that nothing offensive is pulled off.
nations of the world and always will tampered with but it does seem that It is really a most exquisite place for
be if it is to continue to exist on a I in behalf of safety something should dancing and it will doubtless continue
sound basis. Particularly in its most be done: The students have Euclid's to draw a full house all the season.
recent developments, generally known famous proposition to justify them * * *
as paternalistic, the American form "The bias is the shortest cut betwixt In looking over what we have com-
of republican government is being the corners." What I do advocate is posed, we are struck by an acrimoni-
severely tested. that the diagonal be made safe for ous note that has no place in a humorI
In an address before the Daughters pedestrians by building a sidewalk column. The only excuse we have is
of the American Revolution last Mon- along the roadway or provide sturdy that we feel acrimonious, and that
day, President Coolidge recognized 1 drinking fountains at more frequent we haven't time to sit around and get
this aspect of the United States gov- intervals. Perhaps a better way would in a merry mood.
ernment when he declared, in com- be to send a man ahead of each car to We may have to change the title of
ment upon the intrusion by legislation wave a lantern and call out "Fore" the column from Humor column toj
into the business and private affairs with a ,toll gate at the Engineering Acrimonious column for a couple of
of the people, "Insofar as this is a Arch, the revenue being used to sup- weeks. Just as a war measure.
reflection of an ideal, requiring and port those widows caused by minor * * *
demanding a higher ,standard of con- defects in the system. An automatic, Social Note
duct, we ought to rejoice at it and and very effective method of collect- Mr. harry Steffy, of Graham's Book
support it." ing the toll would be to have a strong Store, is back in town. He has been

From a musical viewpoint, the show
possessed two good numbers. Two ANN ARBOR TOLEDO
other numbers also had excellent
lyrics, and one chorus feebly ap-
proached the standing audience crown.
The book possessed little or no plot,
the musical numbers were awkwardlyw
fitted into the lines, and although the
cast included many names, there were
but two real actors on the stage. The
orchestra, however-it should be
added in all fairness-approached
' very near syncopated perfection.
Naturally, Sir Walter Scott would Leave Ann Arbor, Chamber
never have recognized his mutilated of Commerce, 7:30 a. m., 11 a.
Natuall, Sr WlterScot wuld ini., 4 p. in., .Z):30 p. in. week
masterpiece, surely there was not a . 4Im, lave Ann
sufficient resemblance to have caused Arbor 7:30 n. n., 1 p. in., 4 1.
him unrest. The central idea, it is ni., 7:311 p. in. PIlione 46 for
true, had *something to do with Ivan Information.
falling in love with Rowena; not that
they acted out any such idea-but
there was simply no other excuse in
the show to serve as a plot.
The press-agented By Rivers as
Rowena was as pretty as boys go, and ;C d
undoubtedly he could dance-save
that no opportunity was given him. Place Cards
Instead, they made him sing and tried Tally Cards
to make him act: neither attempt Birthday Cards
quite met with success. The trulv Anniversary Cards
clever work of Ivan, however, covered Convalescent Cards i
practically all the sins of the per- Friendshlp Cards
formance. Tebecca also shared with hospitality Cards
Ivan the meager acting honors, and Why don't-yo-write Cards
the jester, Wamba, took unto himself Post Cards
alone the conventional vocal laurels: Or any other card you may wish
le was really good.
The costumes by Lester of Chicago Applied Arts
were in his usual sumptuous manner, W Nickels Arcade
and the settings, designed and execut-
ed by members of the club, were Opposite Sub-Station
pleasing, adequate. Mr. Shuter's di-
rection must have been something
near to genius for no less a talent
could have made as much from so very
little; it was certainly not his fault,
but rather the frankly disinterested
attitude of the actors that caused theT
in M~adison to hiss and leave the T ry tod-
audience -at the opening p~erformnancinMdsnthssadlvehethe-
atre in madding blocs.
* * *

. !"/"




Service is dependable.
Products are delivered
on time, rain or shine, .
365 days in the year.
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Ann Arbor Dairy 'Co.
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plicate an Arcade
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Mr. McIntyre
the appearance

has just announced
of Otis Skinner, the

famous comedian, in his latest produc-
tion, "Sancho Panza," for Saturday
evening, May 2, in the Whitney the-
atre. This play is the most elaborate
attraction booked in Ann Arbor for
some seasons, produced under the di-
rection of Richard Boleslawsky and
with settings by James Reynolds. The1
title, by the way, is pronounced "San-
cho Pan-tha."

and you'll wonder how it's
possible for us to feature
the lowest prices in town


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