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April 10, 1925 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-10

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'F'RIDAY, APRIL 10, 1925



Original Campus Tree Avenues1
sFollow Architectural Scheme,
;Surveys of the location of the camJ spruce, catalpa, cedar, birch, ash, and
pus trees which are charted by the locust. Most of these are compara-
Building and Grounds department ( tively young trees, although near the
sho wih wat eglarty he ree jwest end of the Library is an oak
showwit wht rgulaitythetres Imeasuring thirty inches in diameter,
of the early campus were placed as whose age can be estimated at three
contrasted with the manner employed hundred years. The largest elm is
in later years. The original walks, located near the walk at the rear of
including the diagonal, State street Angell hall, between University hall
and the walk from South University and the Law building.
past Tappan hall to North University The constructon of new buildings
are planted upon a definite system, a on and about the campus has neces.
characteristic unlike the walkstof sitated the moving or cutting down of
more recent time which lead to the many of the older trees. Plans are
newer buildings. under way, however, for the planting
The diagonal from State street to l of new trees and shrubbery in the
a point opposite the east end of the vicinity of the new structures.
Natural Science building is lined with f ___________
elms which range from ten to twenty
inches in diameter. From this point NWIII
up to the engineering arch atre LUIVI
maples whose low hanging branche.
have an architecture which corre-
isponds to the Roman style of the CITY CO0S0 ,00G
arch. The whole avenue is a com-I
bination of Gothic and Roman archi- London, April 9.--Recent unofficial
tecture, since the elms are so con- estimates of the population of Great-
strucied that the point where thej er London have put the figures at
branches of the opposite trees meet about 8,000,000. The London tele-
above the walk is similar to the spire phone area covers 735 square miles,
of the Gothic arch. and the metropolitan police district
The elms along State street are of 691 square miles, and both are said
two sizes, large on the campus side of to be growing rapidly. The dis-
the walk and smaller on the side tances across London, from various
towards the road. The difference in sections of the greater city, vary from
size is due to the age of th trees,120 to 30 miles.
the larger ones having been planted: n jirKingsley Wood, M P., speaking
at a time corresponding to the plac- recently on the housing question, an-
iug of the diagonal trees, while the nounced that the total number of
smaller are of a more recent date. houses authorized at the beginning of
These are not solid rows of elm, 1924 aggregated 198,808, and of these
however, but are interspersed with 52,109 had already bep completed.
young maples. Elms also lead up to Many Londoners were confirmed
the Law building from the diagonalI town-dwellers, the speaker said, and
The walk from South University past a certain percentage of them always
Tappan hall is bordered with maples. would be. Trhey preferred the cinema
as far as University hall. On the i to, the country, and they disliked a
other side of the building there art, long journey which cut into their
maples also, but other species are i leisure.
Theret f hecampus is planted I
without system, with many different Wil Isue Three
kinds of trees: oak, maple, elm, pine. Summer Bulletins

FirstU.S- .sPlane Carrier LargehAnd Fast English Explorers Will Probe
Mysteries O"Head Squeezers
London, April 9.-Efforts to solvebe of future use to scientists through
athe mystery of the human head out the world t
~..:::.:Am.squeezers a tribe of which almost j rI shall be particularly interested
""r< " ....,:nohig sknwnan wih l in anthropological research work in
........: {.........:.. ...."::.::..... '. r., ntEngnd snownoandarhnwholwarspinrinnttheesildsthf tdgemountaensnbxpwern
.. . . .1::.. +.;;:i;;i:;... ax f {...:.:::te:w lds of t erm unt ins bet een the Am azon basin where interesting
B the main Amazon basin and the north- remains, such as great rock temples
en Andes is to be one of the aims of prehistoric tribes, are supposed to
ofandd exporn trexpeditiontoSouth exist but to this day have never been
f a n exsplrisng th nrl byt e n m t he w hindte mn Thsid t e e
oy America to be made next summer by seen by the man," ai the ex-
r. William M.MGovern, one of plorer. "Diamonds and old nuggets
England's most daring anthropolo- have been bought from some of the
dWQN t eeatoswihal esns ht
yists. Dr. McGovern, who was born natives on the edge of the unexplored
inrooklyis N. Y., visited Lhasa, the country, and there Is a beif that
" '"'.,:>"forbidden city of Tibet, disguised as the natives have discovered mines
a Buddhist monk, last year, and has within their native haunts from which
headed numerous other expeditions in they extract the precious stones and
various parts of the world in the in-metal now and then. These natives
tret oanthropological rerche of the interior have not even been
dorky.a ad.t t seen by white man, so far as I know,
rsTthe "huanhad sueeer s whos s and have been carrying on feuds for
". I have a way of reducingtheheads of generations with all persons, white
Btherzictimo thesiz E o a per- o black, who have attempted to in-
t a.t.a.ma..-.h...ga....t.............a s ..a sons fist, according to Dr. McGov- vade their territory."
ads srhymhLx- Dr. alsorer supposed t the p essn The expdion wih utenatea
jet f riiis fr an onhs V ttep.ne. arynga let f'orsgtn.asofobelgold and eeiin st damorsnd ie ther Li- afa Persuin pehp ealynect ye,
a hC , . native hauntsi just to the north of the pwhich lace Dr. McGovern w
.rk.:.h n ac n aa:r tgr: ....i r..d-...T::::::::::::::.. ':A m azo:::hn u g e Tge o d o n er l n s D n the U n ited s be fo rehe d
A mer a a a and a .. n r.g...: r s..... {::.. .. s:.::k: 8 to s d h seento t e mn h in t r n toLond on.
Amrc ?i'ter hv :tteA:teSr: iy ii+f1 ::Yn s a r midst, sin their habits and cus-
, ,. : .: . . : : " . . " . . . . t o m s.., N o w h i t e m a n h a s e v e r s o l v e d
._,:_:::..: ".:.:.:.:. ? :::r.S.. .;P ic t u r e s q u. e' B a r k
.." <vn% :. ":,.?'y:{{;{":>::::.. :: :. .,, s;;... / .. :.... ..the >?':process of how heads are reduced
gskys,.g in size' without so much as disfiurings "sltarwhas " Trf wnd
.-.y .ag prop:r..ton.iss .z..ss.s ,n r anyoftevyctim's feture and in r Daysmb Isn Mdes
.......the...;.,interest of:< science: Dr. Mcy: ........ ?; .:.. :::" ,, r.overnven C
.'F............. .. . .::?:.: :... :;. ....
"s:'{..; ,:?;::w .;,.: hopes to be able to overcome this
.. ;y.,r::::<e.s t 7 t Lexingtkon. r ser w r rmrtr:r tie ingthe ourses pora-Conversion into a motion picture
cmaam ti"h ra sdwesons of this tribe and its haunts. ship will be the fa the pites-
ns d rsu s - a s t a rn mr dDs McGovern las to leave Lon- e ld barkentine Narwhal, whict
rssr.d ton, a etal in Mayn i he t more than 40 years was con-
.rs d across the Andes will coverparts t spicuous in Pacific coast shipping,
Ii Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Pr and whose romantc history over that
America's progress i the develop- program that eventually will add to building pro t r where no white man, so far as known period reads life the pages of old
ment of aviation as a means of of- the fighting a n of the nation floating converted under the arms limitation has ever before set foot. tie fition.
" The Narwhal, built at San Francisco
se he anddingse has been a sub- bases for an armada of hundreds of treaty, with her sister ship, the Lex- Dr. McGovern will carry a wieless in 183, is one of the finest examples
ject sm for many months. nibattle planes. Carrying a fleet of 72 ikgton, also to be launched in the receiving set, cameras and other ap- afloat of sailing ship construction, In
Much of if may be deserved. But erombat, observation and boibing; near future, into an aircraft carrier paratus necessary for expeditions of the e othe ship ing sen.ie-
whenthe U. S. S. Saratoga, Amer- planes, the Saratoga will fill a gap) before her construction was very far' this kind. He proposes to make ob- diately after her launching she was
ic's first airplane-carrying ship, is in the fleet: that must be suppiei advanced. The other four cruisers servations and drawings which will entered in the whaling industry, in
launched at Camden, N. ., April before naval aeronautics ca take the were scrapped on the ways. whichshe remained for many years.
7, the occasion will mark an epoch in place naval strategists believe it (de- The- Saratoga is 850 feet long, with f blues which are capable of generating During that time she estabished
American naval and aviation lprogress. 5CierS. "a deCk of 888 feet, a maximum beam 180,000 horsepower. Her main battery many records' both in -whale catches
America will then have afloat the! As the Saratoga wiii be fllowed oaf 105 feet, providing a surface for will consist of eight 8-inch guns in and fEast cruises. After leaving the
largestrand fastest ship of its kind shortly by the second airplane car- the landing and taking off of air- four turrets, the maximum rifles pursuit of whales, the craft was used
in the world-a sip that will carry nicrofIlarge proportions authorized- -ilanes from stem to stern, and free authorized by ships of her type under for a number of years in the trade to
to any part of thie seas a fleet of 721 the Lexington, a sister, now under from all- obstruction except for an the Washington treaty. the "South Seas.
combatio observation aiid bombing coistruction and soon to be launch- "island" on the starboard side, where Describing the immensity of power The final voyage of the Narwhal end-
planes, ready for use." Fuel supplies'edl-naval constructoirs are turning Ithle masts, uptakes, turrets and super- possible in the Saratoga and Lexing- ed last year when she crept into San
and replacement parts for these lanes their attentionyF to plans for a third ; struture will be located. Equipped ton a ttal of 360,00 horse-power, Fancisco harbor from an expedition
for extended periods will be stored and, possibly, a fourth craft of this with electrically driven motors, re- Secretary Wilbur said that if tesei to the South Seas. On her outbound
below on the boat.j kind to round out the air forces of1 gardled as the last word in modern two monsters were backed up to the .trip from San Francisco, the bark-
Navy Secretary Wilbur has de- the fleet. The Saratoga and the hrex- t construction and power, the Saratoga harbor of San Francisco and hooked I entine disappeared for a period of 16
scribed the building of the ship as j ington do not take up the fll ton- will have a speed of between 33 and up to the industries of that city no Imonths and was recrded as lost at
the largest single contribution to the j age authorized for airplane carriers 34~ knots. The ship will be driven other power would be required to sea. She later appeared at a South
navy's air forces yet authorized, under the Washington arms confer- by four pairs of giant 22,500-horse- operate every plant. These two air- Sea Prt, however, bearing stories of
The Saratoga will be the first of ence agreement, although each is of pow\er General Electric motors, each plane carriers, he said, almost- equal terrific windtorms.
a fleet of modern airplane carriers to; 35,000 tons. pair being connected to one of the the horsepower of the entire United
be constructed by the U.}ntdStates, I Lauider down as one of six battleI four propellers. These mighty en- States. navy, in Spanish-Amrican ,.:Patronize Daily Advertisers- it
and he eginin ofa construction cusr authorized under the 1916 giiies will be powered bysta tr-,wrdy. ps--.dv

Sweden's Monarch
Excels At Tennis
King G stav of Sweden, despite his
67 years, is an ardent sportsman and
in the recent oven aniateur handi-
cap tennis championship here won,
with his partner, second place in the
doubles, being eliminated in the finals
by a score of 5 sets to 2. His speed
and sure playing created astonish-'
pent among the spectators, with
whom he proved very popular.

j Three additional special bulletins
describing work to be offered by the
Summer session will be issued early
this week and may be obtained at the
office of Dean E. H. Kraus 'in Uni-
versity hall.
The three bulletins will tell of the
work in Public Health and Hygiene,
School of Business Administration,
and library methods. Three special
bulletins have already been issued.
Patronize Daily Advertisers .- it


Hill Auditorium--ay2o,21,22, 23

Director of theV

HENRI SCOTT Conductor of the



VICENTE BALILESTER, baritone, was born in
V4lencia, Spain, and until he was eighteen his
artist talents were directed toward painting.
He then began the study of music, supporting
himself with his brush. He sang frequently in
Barcelona and shortly afterwards went to
Paris where lie soon made his debut in Opera.
Since then he has sung with great success in
Italy, South America and with both the Chi-
cago and the Metropolitan Opera Companies.
OSS P GABRILOWITSCH, pianist, made his
professional debut in Berlin. Although' only
eighteen years old at the time, so decided was
his pianistic individuality that he immediately
won both audiences and critics to unreserved
enthusiasm. Following this appearance, he
made extensive tours throughout Europe, and
in 1900 came to this country. Here, as else-
where, he exerted the same quality of power
which has since carried him to the lonely
height of artistic pre-eminence which he now
It was in 1918 that Mr. Gabrilowitsch was
offered the conductorship of the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra, in which position he has re-
vealed the same extraordinary qualities which
are such significant factors' in his success as
a piano virtuoso.
IIYS MIORGAN, the young Welsh tenor, has
been described as "Evan Williams of this gen-.
eration." In the short time that he has been
in America he has appeared in practically all
of the music centers of the East and Central
West in oratorio and recital. His engagements
have been veritable triumphs. He is the pos-
sessor of a flaming voice, virile and soaring,
and in spite of his youth is a master of
LAWRENCE TIBBETT, baritone. "Not since
the days of Lilian Nordica has an American
heard such thunders of applause bestowed by


MARIO C1AI+LEE, the distinguished dra-
matic tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany, is an American, born and bred. His
excelling gifts as a singer and actor, and the
perfection of his style and diction mark him
as one set apart. There is the freshness and
virility of youth in Chamlee's tones; a. spon-
taneity and power in his wonderful high voice
as unusual as it i: satisfying.

AIdUSTA LENSK A, mezzo-soprano, Chicago
Civic Opera Company, s one of the new acqui-
sitions to this year's forces, and in view of the
favor her vocal and histrionic capacities have
gained with public and critics, her re-engage-
ment for next season by that organization is
eminently justified. Miss Lenska has been a
mnember of European opera companes for sev-
eial years, and conies to America in the prime
of her artistic dlevelopmfent. During this, her
first season, she sang in "Aida" (Amneris),
"Mephistopliele," "La Gioconda," and "Hansel
An d Gretel,' both in Chicago and on tour.


HENRI SCOTT. Few opera . singers have
met with the unqualified success on the concert
stage that has been achieved by Henri Scott.
Before his advent into opera, Mr. Scott won
for himself an enviable reputation as a con-
cert and oratorio singer of the first rank.
MISCHA ELMAN, violinist, is so well known
to the public through his records and many
concert appearances that his career needs no
special announcement. This engagement, how-
ever, is of especial significance since it marks
his first appearance with orchestra in these
EMILY STOKES HAGAR, soprano, made her
debut in "Messiah" with such famous singers
as Herbert Witherspoon and Evan Williams;
after several successful seasons in light opera,
making an unusual success, she turned to
grand opera and sang roles in the "Secret of
Suzanne," "Jewels of the Madonna," etc. Her
concert appearances followed along and lead-
ing societies and orchestras engaged her, in-
eluding the famous Bach Choir in Bethlehem,
where she sang the Bach Masses for three
Miss Hagar is endowed with a rich, mel-
low, limpid, soprano voice. Her qualities are
such that she can sing the lyre parts as well
as the dramatic which are demanded in the
Bach and Handel oratorios.
LORETTA DEGNAN, contralto, is one of the
conspicuous singers of the younger genera-
tion, and possesses a voice of extraordinary
'an.n na n ,fn a EVnr. .-,A AA-- an1,,







KATHRYN MEISLE, contralto of the Chi-
cago Civic Opera Company, is the possessor of
the most beautiful and onulent voices to' be

FRANCES PERALTA, dramatic soprano of
the Metropolitan and Chicago Opera Com-
nanies has established herself as an nnerntic

., al MIN -

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