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April 07, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-07

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'TESDAY, APRIL 7, 1925



.. o


Women who have signed -up for
V w thebeginningclass in riding at 4 o'-
IA ita l ~(.7~~ clock Tuesdays and Thursdays will
SE\ET'NEW MrM BNT C Smeet today at Mullison's Riding ac-I
WLLU ILN I~iII(UI'U~ademy, 326 E. Ann street. Others who1
- -- - Iwish to elect the beginning or advac-
Norma Ewards Ruth Floyd Janet Rhoda Tuthill, and Florence Wid- League houses will be considered for wist__ecth__ginig___aa_-
Group ~ of Masques society will ed classes in riding should do so this
etsch, aurine Jones, Mary Karpin- mager.:i memberwhip thwis year at a meeting of dmeet at 4 o'clock today in the auditor- week in Barbour gymnasium. Se-
ANN UNC C ST F~~c~tIia alory Mry c~nal, an rop: arare Lwkisthe Honor Council which will be held ium1 of Newberry hall. Group 3 is and semester sophomores .mytae
Helen Raiks, Wanda Rendtorff, Celis- Annie Brown, Ruth Dinnin, Evelyn tum of Newberay the .cGrhose, 1s 1ncospoestof shehfolowsngayembkrs
tany Smith, and Annette Stockwell. Pratt, Irene Richard, Phyllis Richards, !terat tioares wese vl Mrycomposed of the following members: re-
PRN Crystal group: Katherine Burd,j and Miriam Sleker. iWsltea. Questionaires were sentEey traEhl cree ular spring physical education work.
fOE IIIVIN P ~ A r~i rya larVrii rsra~ at group: Katherine Bud n iimlkp. Ferguson,=out to all the leaue houses asking Geraine Knight, Lillian Bronson,edcto
-1%-gar't Lawier,I Helen Morse, Lydia Dorothy Ingalls, Marian Johnson, Mar- for recors of participation inGcampus
1irst Year Committee Selects Elsie Rudolph, Matilda Summerfield, Doro- cella Noneman, Madeline Parker, Fay activities, scholastic standing and an izabeth Strauss, Frieda Bank, Kath-
Murray As New General thy Swartwout, and Alice Weaver. Smead, Helen Vos ,n dMarian Welles. estimate of the number of women now erine Clarke, Abigail Noon, Florence
Chairman Dream group: Mary Case, Joan Cas- The poster committee of the pageant living in the houses who are expected Probst, Helen Adler, Katherine
tell-, WVave Culver, Jean Dow, Sylvia announce that 48 posters have been back next year to be used as a basis Schrauder, Leona Sherman, Margaret I
° Excell, Jessie Forbes, Katherine Fran- promised up to date and that as many for considering houses for member- Lord, Margaret Kawkins and Alberta
ASK FOR POSTERS Icis, Alice Fouch, Edwina logodane, more posters as possible are desired. ship. Obson. Tryb outs for the three plays CHOC
Pauline Hopp, Margaret Hughes, Hazel There is no restriction on the number 'The lergue houses are expected to tobe given in May will be held at this CO
Elsie Murray has been elected as the Huy, Agnes Jones, Helen Kocher, of colors to be used but the placards show their interest in the Honor time.
; Secal Ea
substitute general chairman of the Katherine, Lardner, Vivian La Jeun- must be of regulation size, 18 by 24 Council by filling out the questionaires-°p
Freshman pageant, and Esther Mer- 1esse, Dorothy Long, Betty Nutt, Bar- inches, and have only the words, and sending them to us," said Gene- An important meeting of the Uni-
rick assistant chairman. Miss Merrick bara Patton, Vivian Pratt, Layra "Freshman Pageant-May 19" upon vieve Wright, '25, president of the or- i versity Girls' Glee club will be held at
will also have charge of the music Soule. them. Posters must be turned in at ganization. "It is the only basis on 4:30 o'clock today at the School of Glbert's ar
committee. Mary White, who wjas Mother Goose dances: Helen Bel- Barbour gymnasium before 4 o'clock which they can be consdered for mem- Music.
elected general chairman at the first cher, Sarah Bonine, Louise Briggs, Friday, April 24 as they will be judged bership." However, every house now
meeting, is ill with scarlet fever. Louisa Butler, Anna Cope, Madeline on that date. holding active membership in the All women having 100 honor points
Results of the tryouts held lat Dankers, Irene Dillon, Adele Ewe1lCouncil may retain its place next year are eligible for W. A. A. active mem-
week in the gymnasium for partici- Ellen Groff, lle'n Hawkins, Elizabeth Champaign, Ill., April 6. --Changes if 20 per cent of the women in the bership if the dues of $1 are paid. EBERBA CH
pation in the Freshnian pageant were harriman. Frodrica Harriman, Miriam in the Union constitution putting house return. ,Only active members will be allowed
announced yesterday by Miss Janet llosmer, Delna Lawyer, Phyllis nominations on a distinct merit basis 1 -to vote. Mary Stewart will be in 200-204 E.
Cumming of the physical education LonPaton, Iorothy Long, Elsie Mur- were adopted by the student body by Patronizo Daily Advertisers - it Barbour gymnasium from 1 to 5 o'-
department. Dorothy Hurd will take ray,Bernice Staebier, Susan Storke, a vote of four to one. clock today to collect the dues.
the part of the princess, Marion Van-
Tuyl, the part of the prince, and Aurel -__ _ _-----_-.ll-i--l--- -.-i- -i------ itii tii i lllllllllnh
Fowler, Vera Johnson, and Mary Van-
Deurson will play the companions.
The godmothers will he Katherine
Kyer, Garland Kellogg, Esther Mer- A Fette H andmade ' Sitin

Members of the art se'tion of the
Faculty Women's club will meet at 2
o'clock todlay at the home'o r.M
"''" "ome of Airs. M.
B. Chapin. 1327 South University ave-
Concluding the talks on personality
which have been given by the Y. W.
C. A., Mrs. H. C. Coffman \will speak
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon at New-
berry hall on "Religion in the Home."
The public is invited.

1 j

aster Stock.
re preferred.


IlllllilllllilililitiillilliiliNlililil3iiiliillill! :

rick and Mary Quarton.
The Play group will include Mary
Bowman,-Ellen Groff, Mollie Horwitch,,
Rena Horwitz, Dorothy McGonigal,I'
Josephine Mitts, Dorothy Morehouse,
Lolita Parker, Lucy Seeley and Marion
Ball group: Marion Anderson, Mar-
ion Bapschard, Genevieve Bentley,
Helen Blackwood, Helen Boughton,
Order them fromj
Cousins & Hall

AL .a

A16 %we %W %W %We AL AL %rW JL JL % * A JL JL %o% IP Im&,O

T HE silk coat will take one
of the foremost places in
the fashion parade on Easter
Sunday. Smart flared and
stra:ght line models of faille,
bengaline and corded silk take
fur as their trimming. $39.50
to $95.00.

Chinese Rug
The Best

In wool, workmansip, dye and design.

Customs valuation on

Our Spring Stock is now complete, comprising all the newest,
creations in dress or sport effects.
A sailor tie in black satin
black patent or tan calf.
rB h
Bow to match
r r
Wahsailooe torenbac atn
Down Town 108 Main
, r rMlillii~ iliilliillil llfgililflillliiil

611 E. University
Phone 115

the Fette rug is 1.26,/ higher than on any other Chinese rug
of equal line, due to the superior quality of these rugs.
Imported and sold in Middle West by
928 Church St., Ann Arbor


order will receive
and courteous atten-





Hill Auditorium Play 20,21,22,23

Director of the


VICENTE BALLESTEJR, baritone, was born in
Valencia, Spain, and until he was eighteen his
artist talents were directed toward painting.
He then began the study of music, supporting
himself with his brush. He sang frequently in
Barcelona and shortly afterwards went to
Paris where he soon made his debut in Opera.
Since then he has rung with great success in
Italy, South America and with both the Chi-
cago and the Metropolitan Opera Companies.
OSSLi GABRLtOWiTSChl, pianist, made his
professional debut in Berlin. Although only
eighteen years old at the time, so decided was
his pianistic individuality that he immediately
won both audiences and critics to unreserved
enthusiasm. Following this appearance, he
made extnsive tours throughout Europe, and
in 1900 came to this country. Here, as else-
where, he exerted the same quality of power
which has since carried him to the lonely
height of artistic pre-eminence which he now
It was in 1918 that Mr. Gabrilowitsch was
offered the conductorship of the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra, in which position he has re-
vealed the sarne extraordinary qualities which
are such significant factors in his success as
a piano virtuoso.
I'vHYS IXORGAN, the young Welsh tenor, has
been described as "Evan Williams of this gen-
eration." In the short time that he has been
in America he has appeared in practically all
of the music centers of the East and Central
West in oratorio and recital. His engagements
have been veritable triumphs. He is the pos-
sessor of a flaming voice, virile and soaring,
and in spite of his youth is a master of
tAWRENcE TIBRETT, baritone. "Not since
the days of Lli in Nordica has an American
hard such thunders of applause bestowed by
a Metropolitan audience as fell to the lot of
Lawrence Tibbett in the part of Ford in Boito's
'Falstaff'," reports the Literary Digest under
date of February 7,- 1925. "But somehow the


MARIO CHAMLEE, the distinguished dra-
matic tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany, is an American, born. and bred. His
excelling gifts as a singer and actor, and the
perfection of his style and diction mark him
as one set apart. There is the freshness and
virility of youth in Chamlee's tones; a spon-
taneity and power in his wonderful high voice
as unusual as it is satisfying.

AUGTSTA LENSKA, mezzo-soprano, Chicago
Civic Opera Company, s one of the new acqui-
sitions to this year's forces, and in view of the
favor her vocal and histrionic capacities have
gained with public and critics, her re-engage-
ment for next season by that organization is
eminently justified. Miss Lenska, has been a
member of European opera companes for sev-
eral years, and comes to America in the prime
of her artistic development. During this, her
first season, she sang in "Aida" (Amneris),
"Mephistophele," "La Gioconda, and "Hansel
and Gretel," both in Chicago and on tour.


HENRI SCOTT. Few opera" singers. have
met with the unqualified success off the concert
stage that has been achieved by Henri Scott
Before his advent into opera,, M. Scott won
for himself an enviable reputation as a con-
cert and oratorio singer of the first rank.
IISCHA ELMAN, violinist, is so well known
to the public through his records and many
concert appearances that his career needs no
special announcement. This enga ement, how-
ever, is of especial significance sipce it marks
his first appearance with orchestra in these
EMILY STOKES HAGAR, soprano, made her
debut in "Messiah" with such famous singers
as Herbert Witherspoon and Evan Williams;
after several successful seasons in light opera,
making an unusual success, she turned to
grand opera and sang roles in the "Secret of
Suzanne," "Jewels of the Madonna," etc. Her
concert appearances followed: along and lead-
ing societies and orchestras engaged her, in-
cluding the famous Bach Choir in Bethlehem,
where she sang the Bach Masses for three
Miss Hagar is endowed with a rich, mel-
low, limpid, soprano voice. tier qualities are
such that she can sing the lyre parts as well
as the dramatic which are demanded in the
Bael and Handel oratorios.
LORETTA DEGNAN, contralto, is one of the
conspicuous singers of the younger genera-
tion, .and possesses a voice ;of extraordinary
range and volume. For her Ann Arbor debut
she has selected one of the most. trying of arias
for contralto, the "Ah mon fils" from Meyer-
beer's "The Prophet." This role is essayed


Conductor of the





KATHRYN NEISLE, contralto of the Chi-
cago Civic Opera Company, is the possessor of
the most beautiful and opulent voices to be
heard today. In November, 1923, Kathryn
Meisle was engaged by the Chicago Civic Opera
Company to sing leading contralto roles,
making her debut in the- important role of

FRANCES PERALTA, dramatic soprano of
the Metropolitan and Chicago Opera Con
panies has established herself as an operatic
artist of first rank. She has appeared as the
prima donna, in "La Gioconda," "Pagliacci,"
"Carmen," "Aida," -"William Tell," "Mephisto-
phele," "Cavallerea Rusticana,": "Tosca," and

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