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April 07, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-07

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an a

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publcations-
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The A-sociated Press is exclusively en-
titi~d to the use for republicatio' of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwAse
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Intcred- t the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
'Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; bus-
mess, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 1764fW
Editor... ......John G. Garl;ughouse
News Editor...........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor........ ..Manning Housewort
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor........ William HI. Stoneman
Sunday Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor..............Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohinacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smithl . Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
ames W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph 0. Gartner Janet Sinclair
eonard Hallt David C. Vdkes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Liebermann

to try to Christianize people who are
already Christians is difficult to un-
The idea that America is a free coun-
try or that the American college or
university student has the opportunity
of expressing himself as an individual,
of doing a little independent thinking,
has long since been shattered by the
stiffling of such activities.
A recent example of the usual
course pursued by "the authorities" is
that of the Boston University girl who
was dismissed as editor of The Bean
Pot, a humor publication, because it
was "too snappy and flippant." Two
of the particular charges against the
organ were made by Dean Everett W.
Lord, who objected to the institution
being called "Babbitt University,"
and by others who resented what they
referred to as "slurs" made in anI
editorial on the reserve officers train-
ing-corps, which has a unit at the uni-
While there might even be more
serious charges against the publica-
tion than these, it would seem more
prudent both for the sake of the uni-
versity and for the girl editor to have
let the incident pass without com-,
ment. Such things usually die a
natural death if the accusations are
unfounded, while if they are the truth
it would be better to admit it.j
The Gridiron banquet h;as long been
an institution at the nation's capital.
It has provided an opportunity for
statesmen, newspaper men, and other
notables to exchange sallies, and forI
every privileged guest to find out his
faults. The term "roasting" has been
well applied.j
At Michigan, an affair copied after
this model was started two years ago. I
The success of the first gathering in-
sured the banquet as a regular fea-
ture of the vear's nrozrami Srtndmts

It is, for instance, impossible tc
prove a critic right or wrong when he
says that the Opera is not striking
the right note. The Union Opera is a
case in point. Men work very hard
for weeks trying to do their best. The
Drama critic, one person in an audi-
ience of hundreds, has the privilege
of printing his opinions next morning.
If the opinions are faulty, as some of
them are, unfairness has been done.
Then there are the cases in which
there is no possible come-back. Not
so long ago a certain gentleman of
the campus gave a piano recital. He
was admonished next morning in the
Column, for his stage presence. He
was given advice on how better to
conduct himself, that his stage pres-
ence might nok stand in the way of
future fame. This gentleman, of
course, could not reply. Hardly could
his friends. With respect to outside
celebrities, criticism has ranged from
the abject worship stage to that of
fierce denunciation. Again, one must
believe that the dominating idea in
the lives of these young critics is that
of exposing their own brightness to
the admiring gaze of an enthralledI
campus. It may be good practice in
journalism for the critic, but how fair
is it?
Thet least I would ask of the Daily
is, that no person having any connec-
tion with dramatic or musical organ-
izations be regularly appointed to
write reviews. The implication here
is obvious.
Further, I believe that the Column
has, in general, been a standing ex-
ample of bad manners, bad taste and
bad sportsmanship. If my reactionsE
are normal, the Column should be
radically revised or discontinued.
(I have no connection with Comedy
-A. D. Moore,
E. E. Dept.





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Telephone 960
Advertising....................E. L. Dunne
Advertising...................R. C. Winter
Advertising...................H. A. Marks
Advertising.................. B. W. Parker
Accounts....................H. M. Rockwell
Circulation......................John Conlin
Publication........ ......R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold W. ,. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K, F. Mast
1. M. Alving H. 1, Newmann
Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead
Rudolph. Bostelman R. M. Prentiss
H. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
C. ConsroeTT.D. Ryan
F. R. Dentz. N. Rosenzweig
J. R. DePuy M. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson M. L. Schiff
0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. .Klein I. 3. Wineman
Night Editor-THOS. P. HENRY, JR.

When Jesus Christ ' charged his,
disciples to go into all the world to'
preach His gospel, He started what
we now know as the missionary move-
ment. Whether He meant this state-
ment to be taken literally or not by
His followers is a question; that it{
has caused a great amount of dupli-
cation of efiort and trespassing upon
the toes of other faiths than Chris-
tianity is certain.
The most recent example of the ab-
surdity of many forms of missionary
work may be seen in the actions of the
"Congress on Christian Work in
South America," held about a week
ago in Montevideo, Uruguay. At this
assembly there were more than two
hundred educators, °medical authori-
ties and leaders in social and relig-j
ious activities of the continent, gath-'
ered under the direction of a commit-
tee of American church leaders to dis-
cuss the best means of developing
this "wide field for their activity and
many 'unoccupied fields' which they
should enter with church, school and
hospital within the next few years."
There may be some cause for out-
lining a program for the "unoccupied
fields," that is: those which have nev-
er been reached by the represent-
atives of any religion and where the
people are no better tha¢. heathens,
The fact is that a majority of the mis-
sionary work in South America, as
,elsewhere, has not been of this va-
riety. Rather have the over-zealous
Christians sought to force their re-
ligious views upon peoples who al-
ready have a religion of their own.
Among such fields are those of China
with her .-Confucionism, Buddhism,
and Shintoism, Arabia with her Mo-
hammedanism, and India with her'
Brahmanism, as well as many sec-
tions of South America already under
the control of Catholicism -
It is entirely laudable for the Chris-
tians, or the Mohammedans, or the

i Buie4Utr .A y p3 g'l a Jiu 4111. .JuUe4 eLS, ]
faculty, townspeople, and state nota- To the Editor:
bles all assembled for an evening In Sunday's editorial on "Why Con-
when they should be on a common vene?", the writer is right when he
basis. Students razzed faculty, towns- says better relations between state
people, and , citizens-and they re- preparatory schools and the Univer-
taliated. sity should be fostered, but in the1
Tonight the third annual Gridiron rest of the article the writer's view-
Knights' banquet will be held under point is biased and shows ignorance,
the auspices of Sigma Delta Chi, na- of high school student councils. The
tional professional journalistic fra- last paragraph of the article is full'
ternity. The affairwill ge worthwhile of illusions and the writer has even
for the entertainment, but its value dealt with rumors.
11 chiefly as a leveling force. It is Where he says high school councils
just one more step towards close co- amount to nothing, he is wrong. Thet
Eoperation and understanding between furthering of self-reliance and in-
the various groups that will be repre- dividuality, and the improved ability I
sented. of judgment gained by the students isI
very worth. while.Another benefit of
the council is the better relations
CAMPUS OPINION fostered between stu'dents and faculty.
Anonymou communications will be The statement that members lack
Idisregardied. The names of communi. "authority and judgment' is far to(-
:ants will, however, be regarded astg
confidential upon request. broad. Those members who get impor-
tant council positions must proveP
RASH STATEMENTS I their worth to get elected. FartherI
The Music and Drama column in on it says "they have no problems.
your issue for April 2 carried a re- Surely the writer was never a mem~
ber of a student council or he wouldI
view of "Outward Bound," written by not have made that mistake. The fac-
Mr. Robert Ramsay. Four paragraphs ulties are taking a broader view-point
,are devoted to stuffing a waste basket every year and a member of the fac-
with the play. The fifth and past ulty serves in the council as ad,, isorI
paragraph gives brief credit to the and not as dictator, the council havii g'
production. Perhaps the theme of the and handling its own problems.
play is by nature closed to the dra- The fact is that student councils do
matist. Perhaps the plot and its treat- amount to something and do have
ment are terrible. I do not know.-I their problems, therefore, for mutual
Neither does Mr. Ramsay. I saw the benefit, they should convene.
show, and my feeling is that it would Yours sincerely,(
have been much fairer of the critic i J. R. Pollock, Lit. '28. t
to have torn up the manuscript in one I -
paragraph and given the other four KE WPIEa
to criticism of staging, acting, and so To the Editor:t
on. No doubt Mr. Ramsay agrees with The article in Tuesday's Daily re-
the rest of us who attended, in saying I garding the formation of a "BimV
that we saw as fine a bit of amateur I Rushing Society" brings forth a mat-
acting as ever was put on at Michigan. ter that has been lying dormant in.
It would have been very nice of him my mind for several years. The prin-i
to have said this in the beginning of ciple of the Society, were it an all-
his write-up, rather than at the end. ; campus affair, using the entire Stu-b
There are a few things to be said dent Directory for its 'Approved List,'
about the stuff of which this Music meets my hearty approval. However, i
and Drama column is made, and they confining the membership to a clique t
may as well be said now. Some years of a few Brothers and Sisters anda
ago the general trend of Daily criti- their friends as the present Societyt
cisms was to smother all efforts with may be tempted to do, would be an in-
praise. A reaction from the molasses era justice to the remaining 'Daters' on,
seems to have set in, and now, aside I the campus.
from an occasional level-headed criti- Since we all know that Formal

TONIGHT: Masques presents a pro.
gram of one-act plays at S:T5 in SaraI
Caswell Angell hall.
*~ * *
A review, by Valentine Davies.
A sort of refreshing informality
pervaded the proceedings in Hill audi-
torium. Because we are such a large
institution and because the auditorium
formidable, it has come to be almost
traditional that any event therein
must perforce assume all the stiff
formality of a first night at the Metro-
politan. The frank, amateur, infor-
mality of the Student Friendship vau-
deville, added materially to the vari-
ous acts, which were in themselves,
for the most part highly entertaining.
All there was by way of scenery
were a number of screens of mixed
sizes and shapes to facilitate the en-
trances and exits. Before these first
appeared Phil Diamond and his co-
horts, who with a little more pub-
licity would be as popular an organ-
ization as any we know of. With
them a Mr. Visel of opera fame did a
bewilderingly solo dance.
Followingthis thestars of the late
Junior Girls' play, presented their
best numbers to the accompaniment of
Mr. Diamond. Five critics have prais-
ed the "Castles in Spain" company in
five different ways. There is little
else to say except that we join their
ranks in praise. The Midnight Sons'
quartet, later the Uion Opera quar-
tet, proved very popular andl receivel
numerous encores.'
Mr. George Westcott, however, offer-
ed the most unique entertainment of
the evening by appearing with a per-
fectly innocent looking saw and a
bow and remdering a kind of music
which is a combination between a
violin and a Hawaiian guitar. He also
made music with a very normal look-
ing dipper. 'The Potboiler" a one-
act play proved quite amusing. As
the audience warmed up, the players
became broader and broader in their
farce. It ended in a sort of high class
The professional touch of the eve-
ning was given by Stefan Kosake-
vitch, the baritone. He sang three
songs unusually well, and rounded
out a very nice evening, indeed.
As their second program of the se-
mester, the Play Production classes
will present Oliver Goldsmith's famous
comedy, on Wednesday evening in
University hall. The cast of the pro-
duction has been announced as fol-
Miss Hardcastle . ..Geraldine Knight
Tony Lumupkin .....Alfred Browning
Mrs. Hardeastle.......Mildred Boyce
Mr. Hardecastle...........Dale Shafer
Marlowe ...........Norman Johnson
Hastings ............George Bishop
Miss Neville ......Katherine Clarke
Maid .............Charlotte Eckert
Diggory ..............Milton Green
Roger................ Robert Jones
Servants ...........Horace Glasgow
Harold Marks
Fellahs ..............Arthur Farrell
Phillip Rowe
Monroe Lippmuan
A Review, by Lydia Kahn.
The University Symphony orchestra
showed a marked improvement in
their performance Sunday afternoon
at Hill auditorium. Despite the fact
that their ensemble work is still ex-
tremely ragged, the separate groups
were better, specially the wind sec-
tion. Mortimer Wilson's overture,
"New Orleans" was not a very inspir-
ing opening number; it seemed to be
merely a conglamoration of romantic
nineteenth century melodies. Viux-
temp's Ballade and Polonaise were bet-
ter. The orchestra had evidently fin-
shed tuning and were beginning to set-
tLie down.....it is strange that so many
amateurs never get to the point until

the second or third numbers: I sup-
pose that they have to break the ice
first, and than recover from the shock.
Marian Strubble Freeman, the solo
violinist, played with a great deal of
self-confidence and self-possession,
both of which were a treat. Inci-
dently, it is a very difficult tack for as
good a violinist as she undoubtedly
s, to perform a concerto with an ama-
teur orchestra as back-ground.
Beethoven's Pastoral symphoiy was
somewhat of an undertaking, but itI

f '
r '










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cism, the flavor runs to alum and
dynamite. Many criticisms written in
the past two or three years obviously
were little but displays of their
writers' smartness. Now, if criticisms,
even though printed in a news sheet,
amounted to no more than so much
practice for the critic, I would not
complain. Nor is it my purpose to set
out to prove that criticisms have in-

w711c w i i1W 1Lr 1I1 n-
troductions are but an empty farce,
why not everyone on the campus un-
dergo a change of attitude on this
score for the sake of better fellow-
In journeying around the campus, in
the library and in large sections one
often sees, and not infrequently knows


Ithe' name orifanother. he ,rmlrl likes', t

Buddhists, or the' representatives of' jured box-office receipts.
any other organized religion to send The point is this: is it proper for!
their disciples into the interior of one student activity group so to com-
Africa or to the South Sea islands port itself as to take unfair advantage
where the people are cannibals or of other groups, and possibly to in-1
heathens of some sort, but the idea jure them? When the recognized
that Christian people should spend I activity known as the Michigan Daily
their time and money Christianizing makes it possible for members of it
the worshipers of another religion is group to print their individual opin-
a false one and should be discouraged, ions of the efforts of other student'
In the words of the report of the activities, a risk is, run. A situation
work in South America "The Protes- of unfairness may arise. It has arisen.
tant organizations in South America To many of the criticisms printed,
have thus far naturally sought out the there have been no adequate replies
chief centers of population on the rim possible. The printed word stands.'

*1S .ici...v U*. i.* 1Se 13 Iul 1 411w Lo was played very creditably. Anythingj
know better, but because there is no wasrpbatifleryncredthonyinga
one to break the ice, he is helplesymore eautiful than Beethoven in a
marooned radiants care-free mood caninot be
a roone yug m sfound, and alas, such moods are all
In France if a young man sees, a too few. The andante con moto is a
young lady he would like to know, he love . tl anoal ce nor-
lift hi chaeauand peas toherlovely, truly pastoral see..... unfor-
lifts his chapeau and speaks to her tunately it was seemingly beyond the
and is reasonably sure of making herIcabiteso th
acquaintance. If this can be consider- Icapabilities f the performers. I
acqainanc. f tis an e onsder fwould, however, like to see Mt1r. Lock-
ed proper form in an entire country w oodconduct ,wik atseem r lifk
such as France, why can it not be wood conduct with a little mnore life
suchpaseFance, why eca ito thbeand enthusiasm. This might help to
adopted in our little circle on the inspire the orchestra to show some
campus where we. all consider our- i signs of vivacity.h matsria s
selves ladies and gentlemen? I ams so viy.he material is
there but the spirit is lacking.
sure the men of Michigan would take -herejbut the spirit is _acking.
the initiative if they felt that the a clique spirit of sociability and bet-
women would cooinrate with them forfo r I f-li-11-ghin;+ + nf -in

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