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April 03, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-03

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PR I nAY. AP TUT., R. IOV ; .

.. ,. .__ T ..E.M.CHIGAN _. DAILY

Wr i tflVAH r. 2 o,1O9GJ



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----- _ .. ._..

Victors Tally Five Runs in Seconi
Round of Five Inning
With Harlan Walters on the mound
Captain Dillman's team won its sec
ond shutout victory of the week yes
terday afternoon by scoring t eigh
runs in a five inning game. The vic
tors scored three in the first and five
in the second.
Pitcher Walters turned in the bes
exhibition of hurling seen on Ferry
field this year. During the five inn-
ings he pitched, he allowed two hits
and struck out five men. His con-
trol was good. Walters had a sharp
breaking curve, and his fast ball had
6 lot of speed behind it. Iar weak-
ened in the final frame walking two
men and hitting one, before any outs
were made, but he 'rallied, and the
next three batters to face him were
unable to hit the ball out of, the in-
In the first frame Dillman's crew
scored three. Davis worked Pitcher
Hovey for a free ticket to first. Wil-
son got on after Harris booted his
easy grounder. Giles contributed a
sacrifice hit and both men advanceda
base. Dilhnan was safe at first on
an infield hit, no one scoring. Hag-
gerty hit to Maentz, who threw the
ball over first, two runs scoring,and
George going to second. Froemke hit
a fly to left, and Dillman scored after
the catch.
The second- inning added five more
tallies to the three Dillman's team
scored in the first frame. Walters
started the second by falling victim to
an easy infield out. Davis drew an-
other pass. Wilson singled to right
field, Davis going to the midway cush-
ion. Dillman drew a pass, and then
with the bases-full George Ilaggerty
walked up to the plate and hit the
ball over the right fielder's head and
it rolled almost to the tennis courts
for a home run. Hovey then lost
control, and passed Froemke, who
immediately pilfered second. Puck-
lewartz also drew a pass. Friedman
hit toward the box, but as Hovey
went to field the ball, it took a bad
hop, and rolled into left field, Froem-
ke scoring from second on the error.
T'tenty-six freshman baseball can-
didates for the battery positions on
the yearling nine are working daily in
Yost field house, with Coach Edwin
Mather, freshman baseball mentor, in
charge. The present squad now con-
sists of sixteen pitchers and the re-
maining ten are serving at the receiv-
ing end.
Immediately after vacation a call
will be issued jor the infield and out-
field candidates, who have not as yet
reported. At this time the entire
squad will move out to the outdoor
diamond. Men have been working on
this liamond since last summer and
it is in fine shape. The grass infield
is exceptionally good and 1l in all
it is a finer field than te freshmen
have ever before had it their dis-
p osal.
The battery men are gradually
rounding into shape and generally
liirbering up. When the remainder
of the squad reports, these men will
be all set to serve them up for bat-
ting practise. Considering the new
diamond and the earl yroi seshwn


ATuVIsr WMCIIAN i I ssues Challenge UUtLLII U"
To Varsi y Squad
Fielding H. Yost, director of ---OIIAIR AI T ast S u dRESE R TE M
athletics, celebrated his twenty O T ORW_ Michigan's Varsity and freshman ig
fifth year as football coach at swimming squads are working out bgma Alp a t Mun n ee a ting
+ Michigan yesterday. The Wol- Farrell Primes Squad for A. A. - daily in the Union pool, in spite of 1Volverinies to Meet Syracuse TOnight asr
verine grid mentor came to Ann Meet to Be Held in Detroit the fact that the Conference season in Last atch on Regular Theta Chi. 20-10. he victor's team
Arbor in 1900 and quickly earn- April 6 and 7 has closed. s of Touf Goldsmith, I
ed the name as one of the coun- The freshman smarting from their Bloom, R2ush, and Goldman
t try's leading football mentors, IS LAST INsOOR MEET defeat at the hands of the Varsity in' VARSITY LEADS LEAGUE
developing in 1902 and 1903 the ____a dual swimiming meet earlier in the I____Phi Jsamnbda Kappa won the inter-
ine on--iuegi em.!season have challenged the firstbrtentyv llb-1 titl e by wi-
point-a-minute grid teams. Michigan's Varsity track team took stringers to a 200 yard relay race and Falling into a slump, iigan'sin- ni to e te
- its first outdoortpracticetohslusphMiigay'd-a ning two out of the three games i
the sea- a game of water polo. Inasmuch as formal bowling team, last yea's inter-
son yesterday afternoon when Coach this Will provide excellent training for collegiate chanpions, lost two out of
t Penn W ants Yost Steve Farrell took the entire squad both squads. Coach Mann has sane- three games in a match' with Ren-
- / out onto the cinders. The squad had tioned the meeting, and will act as sellear Polytechnic Institute Wednes-
eOn G nrid Schedule a light workout in its first time out- head referee and judge. The date 'of day night. The Michigan team is still
doors in order to prevent any chances the relay and water polo has been leading the league, however, by a
Detroit, Mich., April 2.-Coach Lew of pulled tendons and the rest of the set for eight o'clock next Thursday wide margin and will undoubtedly
Young, Pennsylvania's football men- 'week will probably not see the squad night, and a small admission probably finish first.
itor, .expressed the hope today that doing any strenuous work outside of!will be charged. The Wolverines will roll their last
, Michigan and Pennsylvania might the field house. Water polo will next year supersede match of the regular schedule when
Michgn ansum hd ns ia igh The Michigan team will have its water basketball in the Western Con- they encounter Syracuse tonight in 11
? contestsusm keenly remembered by last appearance of the indoor season ference and Coach Mann is anxious another telegraphic match. Results Dress wela
cothe alumni at the Michigan A. A. U. indoor meet to get a line on any men who possess of this match will be announced later.
the altni to be held in the State Fair auditor- proficiency in this sport. Provided the Michigan bowlers win
j Shortly after athletic authorities um, Detroit, April 6 and 7. The en- Arrangements are now being com- the title, they will be required to en- You Ca
here had signed the two year con- tire squad will be entered in the two- pleted for an All Campus swimning gage in a nine game series with the
c wh t tn day affair, the particularly brilliant meet and an interfraternity water second place team to decide the
ofer from Pennsylvania, which of stars being for the most part entered polo elimination series. The winner championship' honors. More details W y
Scourse, had to be rejected. Coach in the second day of the meet. This of the water polo will receive points will be announced later concerning
Young said that as soon as the Navy meet will be practically a counterpart from the intramural department this series. Don't try to get a'
agreement expired Pennsylvania of the Olympic trials which were I towards the activities cup. Fresh- hat in 1925. G(
would again attempt to resume rela- staged by the same association, al- man and Varsity men will be barred Wadison, Wis., April 2.-Wisconsin's
ions which have always been of the though outdoors, last year at Ann j from the al-campus meet and from I varsity and freshmen crews will be for everybody can
best, Arbor. competing for their fraternities in sent to the Poughkeepsie regatta, the instantly. We pr
A great array of stars is expected water polo. university athletic council announced sprucest 1925 sha
mST19M. to be present at the meet although it -T today. Formal sanction of the trip, renowned Mallory
ILDii is likely that some of the athletes Bloomington, Ind., April 2.-Thie In- which had been expected for some
who hav6 made known their inten- diana university baseball squad of 14 time, was voted last night. The de- ( And-we take ex
HF tions of attending will withdraw. At left tday for Atlanta, Ga., to open a cision is subject to faculty approval. that the hat we se
Uf H E the present time such phenomenal series of spring training games with j
stairs as Nurmi, Frigerio, Ray Buker, southern college teams. READ THE CLASSIFIED AS,
Ritola, Connolly, Ivan Riley, ,Jack
Michigan's Varsity tennis1team .Scholz, and 1Harold Osborne, are ex-
ispracticing daily on the clay courts. will probably run a nmatch race andFd W
now consisting of a squad of 12 men, I peted to compete. Nurmi and Ritola1F e W
An elimination tournament is nlow in Frigerio will meet Willie Plant, prom- ! 309 Sout
pogress and, guided by the playing of ier American walker, in a match. 'T9 clut
the men in this tourney Dr. Robert' I Buker and Ray may compete against S
C. Angell, of the sociology department, Nunii and Ritola but it is expected Value
will select the regular squad of 8 men. that they will be in another event./
The final selection of the squad, how- Charley Reinke may be given a chance
ever, will probably not take place un- to meet some of the great Olympic p -
til afte' spring recess. jdisltance stars and so may Hicks,
The Wolverine schedule is now Michigan miler, who is credited with
complete with the exception of a l time approaching 4:25. Hubbard and
match with Marquette which is still , Wittman will undoubtedly have a Do 1011Want?1Exclusivesand ligh:
somewhat in doubt. Michigan Agri- I chance to run against Jack ScholzX
cultural College will furnish the first winner of the 220 at the Olympics last
opposition for the Maize and Blue in summer.
a match at Lansing directly after The Michigan stars will be expected Does quality mean
spring vacation. to take a number of first places. Hub-
Practice for all candidates for the bard and Wittman ae just as goodany h g. Does tal-
freshman tennis team will' begin di-- as Scholz indoors, Reinke and I-icks
retly after spring recess. It is not are the best half miler and miler in oring count. Is the
known as yet who is to coach' the the state, and Jim Brooker is notoin c u t? s th V N BV
team this ye'ar, but it will probably J likely to meet anyone else who can m od e r a t e price a
be some former Varsity player. Last, vault 13 feet with any consistency.
year, the team was coached by Jerome ;3factor? & T OM PS
who was ineligible to play on the! London, April 2.-Vice-Admiral Sir I
"Varsitybut this year he will be un- Michael Culme-Seymour, second sea Absolutely! These
able to direct the freshnen, as he is lord and chief of naval personnel,*
on the Varsity squad. died today. are essential. They
do count! These are the reasons more r
men choose Adler tailored clothes.
Such clothes as we have are tailre

the finals from Phi Sigma Delta.
All devotees of the game of "barn-


yard golf" or horseshoes are advised
to start practicing for the all-campus
singles and doubles tournament which
will start immediately after spring
vacation. The tournament will be a
straight elimination contest. The
doubles and singles winne* will be
awarded cups and the runners-up will
be given medals. Anybody will be
permitted to enter. Either call 2268
(Continued on Page Seven)

(Cn Inued on Page Seven)90

md succeed"
n't Get
With jIt
way with a 1924
et away from it,
tell the difference
esent the newest,
pes and shades in
Hats for Spring.
:traordinary care
ll you fts.

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duality moderately priced


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Dancing Tonight and Saturday
Night at Granger's
And every Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday nights
Music b
Bill Walkins and his Granger Eight


especiallytosatisfy MICHIGAN MEN.
Our twenty years experience in the
tailoring business is your insurance
for the best fit of our quality clothes,
Two pants suits and topcoats
are here for your approval
Suits $35, $40, $45 Topcoats $25, $30
We Urge Comparison



Cl GER Ci) llIY

Hlandi Ba'll TIiitle
Won By Reilly
b eilly and Plcher easily won the
doubles in the all-canipus handball
tourney yesterday afternoon by do-po
feating Rockwell and Scharnechia in
21R.eilfn ilrsttw eswerwonS POT
three straight sets, 21-6, 21-13, and 21
21-1. The first two sets were woniE
with comparative ease, and it was
only in the last set that Rockwell and
Scharnechia threatened to down their I
B he victors have had experTheLatest In Neckwear-English Foulards
ience in tournaments before entering]I
the University. Jim Reilly, of Detroit,
won his way into the semi-finals of
the Michigan state A. A. U. champ- Tie
ionships last year. The team that de The Ideal Ties for Spring and Summer Wear
feated Reilly and his partner are now Sp in
present national champions. Reilly
recently won the handball champion-
ship in the Knights of Columbus - -
foui'namnent held in Detroit recently.
Iowa City Ia.,Api 2-(Special)TNE OPN
IowaCiTIowa's track chances have been bet- TE C O M PA N Y
tered by the return of Hoyt, letter
man of last season, and Nesler, win- SO. SATcTRE-A"WLIA-TRE
ner of an "1-2." Both men are sprint-!AESRETA ILIMSRE

i Speia$6.00 to $8.00
Now Only
A LL hats in this lot we teg-
L.ularly sold for $6.00 to
$8.00. Tfhey are. fine quality
hats and represent an except-
ionally good value at the
special price above quoted.
Hats on display at South University store only

,- .

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