rTZIDAY. AP'RI'L 3. 1925
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A.A. U. W. President AIADl IU~I League Entertains
NA ME CANDIDATES To Address Women lVIII IIILiL Alumnae Visitois'
TheIFAU B A nnDAborbDONORS th ATmSPREi Members of te AnoAlmtr'cu
FO . -ilan esnoie:a -t eSof uivesy women O-OR 9T P1 :)Choar enet ied A nn'cocktoorrw
The University Girls' Mandolin cluib
will meet at 5 o'clock today in New-
berry hail.
jThe Monday rifle class wil meet
from 3~ to 5 o'clock hereafter.
Pi Lambda Theta will hold an !nit-! Charlotte Blagdon', '25, president of
iation service at 5:45 o'clock tonight i the Women's League has returned to
at which time 16 members will be in-E her home in Jackson where she ex-
itiated. Following the service there" pects to recuperate after the attack of
willl be a banquet at 7:30 o'clock at paralysis. Miss Blagdon is greatly
the Green Tree inn. Prof. C. 0. Davisj improved and it is expected that she
of the School of Education, will be the will return next fall to complete her
principal speaker. senior year.
will (-Ite an era onoit Waenato-the b
Women Will -hold Genteral Elections I Unim. Mv 1r ' 1 Aurelia R ihart. na- 1)Director Announcwes Seniior and Delia ' 1
for ainpus Organizations r tional p1 e~idcflt of the A. A. ~. XW., ; y4a.Tas hmiosi
Thursday will talk on "The NationJ Service of Basketball
Or ganized University Women." ' 1
RG DTo VOTE (Mr's. Reinhardt, president of MNills NAMES VARSITY a
Colle, and one of the few womentr
listed inl "W\his Who," will place -be- s
General campus elections for the fore the Michigan women the ideals i Announcement of the Women's Var-ib
women's organizations will be held and wor~k of the. A. A. U. W. The sity basketball team was made by Dr.T
ThrsayApil9.Atths im o-local bramnch is anxious that LH1 Uni-; Margaret Bell at the basketballIA
vers.ity women take this opp)ort unity spreadl held at 6 o'clock last night in!N
ficers of the Women's League, the of hearing Mrs. Reinhardt who wiii Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The team ,
Atlti socainad h nie-speakI at ,> o'clock. wvas selected by Miss Germaine Guiot,
city Y. W. C. A. will be elected. Senior women are requested to wear instructor in physical education, and
E~very undergraduate woman is a their caps and gowns at this affair.I the managers and captains of the class I
member of the' Women's League and '25,. hexomn hseIfr t
as such is undIer individual responsi- D ^+ T Varsity team are: Alma Crouse, '5
bility to make effective use of herLe van AlrtOso,'6 frwd;
ri lit to vote. For the efficient execu- Fodr Con)Yferetnce Alice Felske, '27, center; Katherine '
tin of League affairs it is essential Wilson, '26, side center; Charlotte
that its leaders be women of experi- D.Mrae el ietro h King, '25, an(I Norma Barlowv, '27,
*ence in league work, of capacity for women's phiysical edlucation depart-gurs Nom Brlw ascse
organization and execution, and ofmewileaetorw mrng captain.
d (ependability. frCiaoweesexiiatn h A second team wvas also chosen, with~
The nominations for League officers cneec fteNtoa mtu Evelyn Oghorn, '28, as captain. TheI
are s folows prsidet, Nrmawomen who made the team are: Helen
ar a fllws pesdetNomaAthletic federation. Dr. Bell will Boorman, '25, and Helen Beaumont,t
Bicknell, '26. Margaret Effinger, '26,1 speak before the medical committee '8 owrs agrtDxn 2
and E~unice Rose, '26; vice-president,!I of the conference on the effects of12,frad;M gre Dio,'5
Constance Clark, '26, and Vera. Wall- copttv tltc, uln tnl enter; Evelyn Ogborn, '28, side cen-1
ington, '26; corresponding secretary, n eia xmnto ob sdter; Norma Clark, '26, and Etruria
Dorobty Cline, '26, and Elizabeth ! Dumesicteermi27ti, tgbeards.
'2; eorig ereay'Janipreliminuary to l,,rf icipation in ath-Dse,'7gur.
Parrott, '6reodnscety,Jenlicatvieni aearpotf Basketball honors were awarded by
-Kyer, '27, and Marjorie Miller, '27;' he viooY(ilii(stgIo' Dr. Bell to the Varsity teams, the
treasurer, Hannah Fitch, '27, and __ class teams, and the senior victors of
Dorothy Currie, '27 ; senior repre- Jno the class tournament. The Delta
sentative, Marguerite Dutton, Eliza- I yistottr Ti ow Gamma house basketball team, which
bJeth Blackwood, Anne Seeley, and It l xvn the Interhlouse basketball tourn-
*Maria Van Osenbruggen; junior rep- McNrll1y.........FY...........C(lark ament for the second time, was
resentative, Harriet Abbott, Kather- FeIslIW........... C.......... Wilson
ine Kelder, Evelyn Murray, and Max- awahedha.lwadcoaedinm.z
ine Shinkinan ; sophomore represent- John son ..........(1......... Easctott Tehl vsdcrtdi az
atie, ar Kapiski Eizaet NutGiilli ........................ OMscl and blue, with bowls of pussy-willowsI
ativ, Mry arpiski Elzabeh Ntt,, jand jonquils on the tables. A table
Matilda Summerfield, and Marion F1 iNA 1 STANDING~S wsrsre o h et am
Welles; senior member of judiciary . xW L T Pet. basketball team, and the speakers'
council; Doris Slingloff, and Dorothy Seniors ..........7 1 1 .777I table was laid for Dean Jean Hamnil-
Waldo; and junior member of judic- Juniors............ 2 1 .66f6 ton, Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs. John
iarv council, Gertrude Bailey, and Mae Sophomores......3 6 0 .? .nda333rs Alfred 11..Illoyd, Miss
Kellar. I Feshnmen .........1 R 0 .111 ie Edal, Mssemin uo
__________ _______- IOlive McKay, '25, Louise Barley, '25,1
p II! DI1 lD T ay Submit Songs Adelaide Shlerer? '25, Mary Stewart.
SEIORS I lLIII'I i 12.5, and Lucille Walsh, '27.
! For Lantern ght1 Michigan songs were sung betweenI
III PA~C WVET AI!Icourses and dances were given by
IN CU SS JJ U? ITLIVIL Judges are nowv working onm the Vera Johnston, '28, and Katherine;
songs submitted in the Women's Lea- Burd, '28. Olive McKay, '25, was{
Senior women won the champion-1 gue song contest for Lantern Night.,I toastmistress, and speeches were giv-
ship of this year's class basketballI Few songs have been turned in to en by Mary Stewart, '25, Adelaide'
tournament by defeating the fresh-{ date and the committee is anxious to Sherer, '25, and Lucille Walsh, '27.
m~an team yesterday by a score of 34 have every women on the campus
to 12. The freshmen fought well but contribute as soon as possible. Songs tamned from Miss Ethel McCormick at 1
were outplayed from the start. Capt. may be turned in to Grace Clark in~ Barbour gyrnna~iium. Songs for all
Alma Crouse. starred for the seniorI the office of the dean of women and classes are desired, but especiallyj
s team. The line-uip was as follows: any' further information may be ob- senior class songs. I
Seniors Freshman
Crouse.......... F..:..... Robinson i 111l11111116111111611116116111161t1611161661111f11~;
Boorman .........F.... .....Ogborn IPU C
B e. ... : . . . o trAa . . . . . . . . . SC .. . ... ... . Ap p ete P N C
McKay ....... ..G........... Childs * When everybody says:
The Junior women lost to the soph- "That punch is wonderful. Who made it?"
onmore team by a score of 9 to 6. This=
defeat broke the tie which has been = The answer is-
standing betwveen the upper class!=--
teams since' the last junior-senior - 1h 'Iu.-
game. The strong playing of Galli, Fou tai
Felske and Foster won the 'game for PHONE 1890-M.
the sophomores., .
TIhe line-up was as folo s ,11616 11111[IitlloIIIs111111111111111111116666,_________________________________111_
afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall by popular selections from this
year's Junior Girls' play. I
This program is being given by the I
Women's League who entertain the
alumnae each year during the School-'
nasters' convention. After the play
q'UJI /,,J.rC' 19!Y1111I1Y.' ./.J.,"rI.". i.r..l."N..i.J' '
s Cy,
The Best Meals Served
selections an informial reception ill"' Ter
be held at which tea will be served.beawA..hiet
Those in charge of the aff air are: 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Seel
Alpha Ldd, 25,chaiman Lilianthe. W. A. A. bulletin board for further
McDonald, '26, Elaine Scherer, '25, and { atcuas
Evely Murry, '2. iMembers of the cabinet of the Y. W.
Fern Hall and Lydia Kah have C. A. will meet at 4:15 o'clock today4
been added -to the membership list ofatNwerhl.
the University Girls' Glee club. No'1
tryouts were held this semester to fill Second semester sophomores may
the vacancies but the new members "cake riding for gymnasium credit. The 14
were chosen from the waiting list ot advanced class will meet with Cap-
t'he club. ;fain Holm at 4 o'clock Mondays and
_______________Wednesdays, and the beginners at 3
Tampa, F'la., April 2.-Former Lieut. andl 4 o'clock Tuesdays and Thurs-
Osborne Wood returned to America days. Morning hours will be arrang-
"to try to win back the fortune" heI ed later. Those interested should
had lost among the gambling resorts sign up Monday at Barbour gymn as- I
of Europe, he said. ium.I
338 Maynard
' "
Transforms the bob to an enchant-
"ngdressy coiffure. On and off in'
a nmoment.lHolds securely to the
shortest boyish bob. Endorsed by
socwq s most fastdinous' wouen
?07 N. University Ave.
Phone' 2612.
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' t
EASTER, the day when dress blends
with the mild April weather, the day
when Spring dress is formally intro-
What harmony there is when a new
Spring hiat is worn with a new
Ensemble or a new Spring wrap.
Here you will find an unusually large
selection of chic Spring models. Come
in early and take advantage of this.
Spring. showing.
smart woman selects ,a hat
-- - _ -- 1
From Mollie Mayer's famous
Fifth Avenue Shop
The Mot-May Corset with
Brassiere Top
The Mollie Mayers Step-in
New Brassieres
See our window this week
303 South Main St'.
'GARRI ~ f'Ri;-S:
GA RIK Iilhtts - S1k to $3.00
# With D~etroit's Favorites
hialhirine Cornell, Ann Harding
L~eslie Hloward and t10 Others
Seats for Next Week Now Selling
'1 Giiropodist Orthopedist ,
T7.07 0.Lniverity Ave Phone 2526
that 'matches or harmonizes
with the rest of her Easter.
costume. Varied and fasci-
nating collections of. Istunning
Fisk and Gage creations are
on display here for her to
choose from. Every style is
individual and no two models
are alike. $15.00, $20.00 and
_ - -- -- '-,--I:
11 _ ____.___._ .__
Is favored by Fashion this Spring.
Beautifully'trimmed, youthful models,
spelling luxury--chic.
Tickets on sale at Hill. Auditorium
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