C, , r
£fr tian
VOL. XXXV. No. 135
_ ..,_ .
Chicago Alumni Body Deplores
Commercializing Of Football
Chicago, March 28.-(By A. P.)-- ents should be without regard to
Commercialistic tendencies in col- rights of other Conference members,
legiate football and the lack of equal it was said.
opportunity 'for Western Conference "Intersectional games with the gen-
teams were deplored in a statement of eral approval of alumni providing they
recommendations of the alumni com- do not interfere with college work or
fmittee of Chicago on Conference foot- with the Conference football sched-S
ball schedules made public today. ule, and when they do not cause hu-
MEMORIAL The committee explained that it did
not criticize any Conference members
TAPPING REPORTS and that its recommendations did not
bind any institution. The committee
-- represents only various alumni or-
Pid Secretary Outlines Recent Trips; ganizations here.
Advises Budget For Too much importance was paid to
Local Clubs f the gate receipts, the report said and
- -scheduling has not been sufficiently or-
'Two significant steps were taken by ganized. Universities favorably sit-
uated to attract large crowds havel
the Board of Directors of the Alumni b a t iate w o i oapon
association at their annual spring
meeting yesterday in the Union, when
they considered the problems facing
the Michigan Quarterly and adopted
a resolutlon.that a committee of grad-
uates be authorized for appointment
by the Board to confer with the Board
of Regents in regard to a suitable
memorial commemorating the services Livingston, of New York and Professor
of the late President Marion L. Burton Algler Announed As Principal
to the University. Speakers
The, latter committee will be chosen
from the general alumni body some-FRTA N A VN
ime in the near future, te entire FIRST ANNUAL EVENT
memorial question from the alumni
standpoint being placed in their hands. James Duane Livingston of New York,
As a result of discussion by the Iand Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law
alumni board yesterday it is deemed school will be the principle speakers
more than probable that the Michigan .ter-fraternity
Qui terly, a publication for scholarly at the first annual ite-rtent
writings and research, will be again banquet to be held at the Union April
Issued. Prof. G. Carl Huber of the 1, it was announced yesterday. Other
medical school and the late President features for the evening will be an-
BIuton both endorsed such an effort. nounced later by the committee in
The Board also received the report charge.
of T. Hawley Tapping, 11L, field sec- Mr. Livingsto is a past president
retary of the association. He out- of the national interfraternity confer-
lined his recent trip into the west and entead has benaprniner~
south as well as a trip to the east ence, and has been prominent n
made last winter. Three trips in theyeasTe eac rctesforisay
near future are being planned, th~e years. The exact subject of his ad-
nearfutre re ein plnne, te !dress has not been given out, but his
first into southern Illinois and India- sta is expected to deal chiefly with
na, the second into the central parta deferred rusing and silar matters
of Ohio and the third into the middle of fraternity interest. Professor Aig-
section of Michigan,, he stated. ler's address will probably concern
Mr. .Tapping expects that the re- itself with matters relevant to im-
mainder of his time this spring will mediate campus circumstances.
be devoted to organizing the plans _ I'icets for the banquet have been
for the triennial meeting of alumni on sale during the past week, and
clubs at Detroit in June and in work- more than 500 have already been sold.
Ing out the relationship between his Members of fraternities included in
office and the various clubs over the the inter-fraternity council may ob-
country. tan tickets either at the main desk
In commenting upon the organiza- of the Union or from Paige Lehman,
tion of local clubs the field secretary '25, chairman of the banquet commit-
advises that the budget scheme be tee, at 621 South State St. The price
.adopted for club finances and that of tickets has been set at $2.
dues be relatively high, as "a cheap It is the hope of the present inter-
club is not attractive and does not fraternity council that the affair will
persuade possible members of its be made a regular part of that or-
value. Accomplishment in the 'cheap' ganization's yearly program. The
club is correspondingly negligible." work of bringing campus fraternities
He, urges further that all district di- into closer touch with one another
rectors stress this principle, citing is the chief purpose of the council,
as an example the successful organi- and the annual banquet is expected to
rations at Philadelphia, Elmira, Chi- have a good effect in this line.
cago and Menominee. 4
In closing, the field secretary states
that the results which have attendedC
association have been almost beyond ECN CESS HO
his expectations and that the local
clibs were falling in with the new rusPULARITYrOFgUNION
scheme to a surprising degree.
, ther of the things taken up by the I Final compilation of results from
B3oard was the consideratioi of a the recent census taken by the record-
.statement by Coach Fielding H. Yost ing department of the Union of the
on lis proposed plans that it is hoped number of people using the building,
someday may lead to a new stadium revealed many interesting facts. The
for; the. University. average number of members entering
The alumni yesterday endorsed in the Union every day is 2,657 of which
principle the entire statement of the 1300 take their meals in the building.
Coach on his possible plans. This average was compiled over a
S .three day period. Sunday night
.Bay City, March 28.-A. Russell showed the largest number entering,
Mills of Chicago was the only person when 300 passed the door.
to pubmit a bid for the property of Of the total number entering, 12.4
the Detroit-Bay City and Western rail- per cent are repeaters, that is, they
road at the public sale of the property go in and out more than once a day.
this morning. t A census of the number who have
miliation to members by denying them
games accorded to non-conference
teams," the report contiues. "We feel
that there is a vicious tendency in
football. We refer to the importance
'given to the amount of the 'gate.'
There is no denying that this is to
some extent repsonsible for existing
football schedules, and the fact that
football supports other sports is no
f justification for it. This tendency is
- deplorable."
Northwestern Taikes First Place With
43 Points; Northern, Second,
With 31
Scoring points in every event ex-
cept the plunge, Northwestern high
school of Detroit won the first annual
Interscholastic swimming meet held
at the new Union pool yesterday aft-
ernoon, totalling 43 points. Detroit
Nnrthar drcenn %rh '21 tallip
ElectIon Will Be On Strict Party Lines
Rather Than on Personal Choice
Is Latest Report.
Berlin, March 28. (By A. P.)-Seven
candidates representing all shades and
categories of German post war poll-
tics will contend for the suffrage of
more than 35,000,000 votes at to-
morrow's first popular election for
president to succeed the late Presi-
dent Ebert.
Conflicting political currents re-
flected in the varigated lists of aspir-
ants, have found ample expression in
a venomous manner in the campaign
that closed tonight, and which was
ffought out for the most part on papers.'
Popular interest in tomorrow's elec-
tion has been marked for the past
few weeks by luke warmness if not
Tomorrow's vote is expected to re-
fleet an inclinationl to vote straight
party tickets rather than to give ex-
pression for personal choice for any
(f the canites If the returns
Jury Charges
Wheeler With
Oil Conspiracy
Washington, March 28.-Senator Bur-
ton K. Wheeler of Montana, Indepen-
dent Vice-Presidential candidate last
fall; Edwin S. Booth, former solicitor
for the Interior Department, and Gor-
on Campbell, a Montana oil operator,
were charged, in an indictment re-
turned by a grand jury here yesterday,
with conspiracy to obtain illegal use
and possession of Government oil land.
The grand jury, which has had be-
fore it for two months an investigation
of the granting of oil land leases to
Campbell and his associates, termin-
ated its session just after Assistant
Atty.-Gen. Donovan and special Gov-
ernment counsel had summed up the
testimony at a brief morning session.
Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Mon-
tana, attorney for Mr. Wheeler, ar-
ranged for arraignment and placing
of $1,000 bond for his client, while the
Senator defendant issued a statement
expressing surprise that an indict-
ment had been found and predicting
that "when. the case comes to trial
the public will be convinced of my
complete innocence.",
Glee ('lub, finen, Comedy Club Will
Entertain In Jubilee to Take
Place of Band Bounce
-rn UV TTL'1n "%,NT C'A RADTTC
MEET BY COUNT, 645-6 301-6
Immediately following the track
meet the officials, members of both
Michigan and Cornell track teams and
the coaches met in the Union dining
room for a dinner tendered them. by
the Blue Key society of the Univer-
sity. More than 250 in all attended
(By W. M. Stoneman)
Michigan's Varsity track team
scored a smashing victory over Cornell
last night in the Yost field house, lead-
ing the Easterners 64 5-6 to 30 1-,6 when
the last event had ended The Wol-
verines took a total of nine first places
= r.
' I
ior Lern was secona wtn tzan Wes I one of Hie,)I iaiiiteyUI11.UL eIil . l-' jU1 + t-1L) kAA1V1
and Englewood high of Chicago placed approximate those of last December'sI '
third with 24 points, elections to the reiclistag when there Every Wednesday evening from 7
In the preliminaries which were was a party lineup similar to thiat at Every Wedno da veingan fm 7
thi fistpreidntil eecion te vt-until 8 o'clock the iV~chigan band!
held in the morning, Northwestern this first presidential election, the vot- will give a concert on the campus
qualified nine meil, Northern seven, ing tomorrow will terminate in a dead for the students, playing from a stand
Englewood four, Ann Arbor three, heat. which will soon be erected near the j
Highland Park and Flint two each and flag pole. These outdoor concert's
Harrison Tech of Chicago and Detroit Paris, March 28.-The results of the! will begin within two weeks and will
Southeastern one apiece. Kalamazoo, presidential election in Germany to- continue until examinations, if -the!
Detroit Eastern, Jackson and Detroit morrow is awaited anxiously in Fran- weather permits.
Western failed to qualify any men in ce. There is considerable apprehen- "From now on the band will not
the trial events. sion in political circles, the last ten- have to beg its support from the stu-
Both Englewood and Northwestern dency shown after the last parhia- dent," stated Robert A. Campbell,
won their heats easily in the 200 yard mnentauy elections by the formation treasurer of lte University, "For we
relay, but in the finals Northwestern of what is regarded here'as a distinct- trase of prje Unvrsity s"Fort
reacionay cbine maybe ! mean to provide for such support
took the lead from the beginning and ly reactionary cabinet may be re- from an amount guaranteed to us l
Walker, swimming anchor for Engle- peated. each year by the Athletic association
wood failed to catch McKinnon, who The French not only lack confidence and if necessary from a tax of fifty
swam last for the Detroit team. North- i the purity of German republican- cents epl'lected from eachstudent
western won by about three yards. ism but also have a decided aversion ew from eahstudent
Sinclair, of Englewood, an excellent o pliscites, or the choice of the n i cloud which has so long i
head of the nation by popular vote the financial clu hc a oln
performer in the plunge, being capa- I hampered the band in its activity, andc
ble of doing over 65 feet failed to remembering that the only time thi will allow us to give music to the stu-
come up to his usual form and tool was tried in France it resulted in th dents without the threat of an admis-
third in the event. McMahon of North- choice of Napoleon III and te restor- n h e
eIwnwt 4fe n ation of the empire. sion charge.
ern won with 64 feet and Sempliner "In addition to these outdoor con-
a teammate of his took third. Dingman certs to be given this year, we are
of Jackson placed fourth. RIT D lV KR 0planning for a new kind of entertain-
Walaitis starred for Northern, tak- MUM,' [HT M1 10 p ment which will take the place of thet
ing first in both the 50 and 100 yard old Band Bounce-an entertainment
free style swim:,. He also swam onro B which will be free to all students who
the winning medley relay for Is present their athletic coupon books
school. at the door This entertainmentwill I
Oxley of Northwestern won the Mother's day, this year, will be held not be confined to the band; they will'
fancy dive, doing some difficult option- oes d M 10 In have only a share. If possible, thel
al dives in fine form. Holes another N a tys rsClub,
INorthwestern man placedl second., previous years it has been the ens- Varsity Glee CitheWoe'Gl,
tom to entertain the mothers of the Club, as well as the Michigan Mimest
Murphy of Highland Park was third I students on a special week end set and the Comedy Club, will also take1
and W. Nott an Ann Arbor lad took aside for thatpurpcse bait in the entertainment y
fourth. Swing Out, May 7, and the Spring
The total point score of the con- games, May 8 and 9, will be held the
peting schools was as follows: Detroit week end Other attractionsU
Northwestern 43; Detroit Northern slated will be a tour of the campus
31; Englewood 24; Ann Arbor 6; and city on Saturday, and on Sunday I
Highland Park 6; Detroit Southeast-pecial services will be held by the IIV
ern 3; Harrison Tech 3; and Jackson Ann Arbor churches. Edgar Guest i
has been asked to speak Sunday after-
The summaries follow: n n sMr. Benjamin Gruenberg, managing
200 yeard Won Northwest- director of the American association
20 eadrelay: Won yNrhet The committee in charge is com-n'lorn Medical Progress, will address the
ern; second, Englewood; third, Ann posed: James K. Miller, '25, chairman; rateda County edcal society at
Arbor; fourth, Highland Park. Time, Eugene Dunne, '25; George Likert, '2; nnto be held at 6:30
1:48. John E. Clark, '25; Eugene Power, '25; c mo rrowmtgthe Union.
50 yard free style: Won by Waiaitis Ijand Elsa Olhunacher, '25. One of the o clock tomorrow awhich is concerned
(Northern); second, Walker (North- aims of the committee is to have every with acquainting the public at large
western); third, Watson (Northwest-j student on the campus wear a flower, with theusintifi advancements in
emn); fourth, MKinnon (Northwes- in honor of the day. medicine anihygiene, has at its head
ern). Time, 254-5. --_-tss
Plunge: Won by McMahon (North- IhPresident-emeritus Charles William
ern); second, Sempliner (Northern); NEliot of Harvard while Charles Evans i
thrPicaiIEglwodNfurhTS~~L Hughes, former secretary of state, is
third, Sinclair (Englewood) ; fourth. O[ 1 1( bU n fsthe vice-presidents.
Dingman (Jackson). Distance 64 feet. Besides Mr. Gruenberg's speech, the
50 yard back stroke: Won by Tau- I LTIR 1 report of the committee on a method
ber (Englewood) -, second, Showalter IIUROM U 'UUl EILJ
(Suhe sen ); third, ke Oa-for securing a wider use of toxin-
(Southeastern); third, Geike (North- ntitoxin will be given. This com-'
western); fourth, Nielson (Northern). Montevideo, March 28.-Uraguay mittee was appointed at the February
F Time 37 fiat. has recntly adopted an elaborate iden- of the society. Speeches by
Fancy Dive: Won by Oxley (North- tificatiou system in order to prevent Dean Hugh Cabot and Prof. Preston
western); second, Holmes (North- fraudulent voting at the polls, a step H Hickey of the Medical school were
western) ; third. Murphy (Highland prompted by the corrupt balloting also delivered at last month' ses-
Park); fourth, W. Nott (Ann Arbor)..which has flourished with many ~ sion. a
100 yard free style: Won by Walal- genious evasions in previous elections
tis (Northern); second, Watson Ifor public officers. P 1
(Northwestern) ; third, Walker (North- 1 Each voter is now required to pre- T O Uli
western); fourth, Campbell (Ann Ar- sent to the polling officials, when lie UUT1 -UhoLa
1)0r). Time 1:00 1-5. Icasts his vote, a card bearing his I
50 yard back stroke: Won by Walk- I number, name and surname, as well
yer (Englowood);, second, Hubbell as any other name by which he is JOIN MU IS F
1 (Northern) ; third, Spindle (North- known, and his photograph. Besides M
d western); fourth, Campau (Northern). these precautions, each person ballot- A joint meeting of the Detroit
f Time 32 2-5.!ing in a senatorial election must pre- branch of the American Pharma-
1 2 1141. _____ ,+..y., ard s tyle: ,on t raig !",ent...s"signature -A - 1a.o1-1pi e 4Set ceu :-lea 1-d;t Ci n ned "* p of
the gathering, which was opened by in the elevent events and ties for sec-
Edward Murane, '25L, president of the and in the tenth, giving the Big Red
organization, with a speech of welcome team only the relay for its own. It
to the visitors and guests. was the third time in as many years
No other speeches were included that Michig&n won a clean cut victory
from Cornell in the annual affair.
on the program, which consisted of The feature event of the evening as
songs, dances, in addition to music far as the records show came when
by the regular Union dance orchestra. DeHart Hubbard sprinted to victory
On the program were the Varsity in the 60 yard dash and in so doing
quartet, composed of W. W. Spanagel, tied the World's indoor record for the
'25E, H. L. Bright, 25, E. W. Brown- event, but the two performances which
bridge, '25, and Charles Higley, '26, thrilled the crowd most were those of
who sang several Michigan songs and Hicks in the mile run and Captain
specialty numbers. Russell Smith, ! Jim Brooker in the pole vault. The
27E, furnished the other songs on the I other Michigan victories came more
program, giving several solo numbers. or less as a matter of course, although
Stanley Lewy, '26, danced several the great showing made by the Mich-
clog numbers, specialty arrangements igan hurdlers who scored five out of
which he had perfected in the Mimes the six places in the two events un-
Opera. The other event on the even- covered some power which had not
ng's program was the appearance of been known before. The other Mich-
S. E. Churchill '25L, who played sev- igan winners, Charley Reinke, Cala-
eral pieces on the xylophone. He was han, Munz, and Feinsinger all gave
accompanied by Larry Gleason. ' brilliant performances and lived up
to all expectations.
The magnificent sprint made by
Grant Hicks when he passed Termoh-
len of Cornell on the last lap of the
mile race and won with a five yard
lead was one of the finest spectacles
ever witnessed in the field house. In
HIO~wifining, the event Hicks set a field
house recordof 4 minutes 26 9-10 sec-
Demonstration by Conservatives and onds, a mark .which is likely to stand
Royalists Follows Appointment for some' time. to come
Of Law Professor The pole vault, ordinarily a com-
paratively uninteresting event, turned
PREFECT CALMS CROWD out to be the main attraction of the
Cornell affair. Captain Jim Brooker
Paris, March 28, (By A. P.)-Royal- of Michigan, Olympic point winner in
sts and conservative republican stu- the event, and one of the leading
r- vaulters in the country entered the
-- meet anfeasy favoriteotoowinhatUaimod-
sity of Paris and the Sorbonne pre- erate height. The upset came when
vented Professor George Scelle's sec- ts
ond attempt to give a lecture this Bontecou of Cornell who had never
afternoon and turned their vociferous before done better than 12 feet six
protests into a real political demon- inches kept even with Brooker until
stration against the government. For after they had both cleared 12 feet
thre hours Pantheon hilln known as !ine inches. With 13 feet as the in-
Lre n u i uie u la, XU V .
the mountain of St. Genevieve, rang'
with "Constiuz Herriot," freely inter-!
preted as "shame on Herriot" alter-
nating with the royalists anthem
"Long Live the King; Down with the
There were many clashes between
the police and the students and 64
of the police were wounded, eight of
them seriously. The students casual-
ties are believed to have been large
but their number is not known. Thirty
students were arrested including three
Demonstrations of communist stu-
evitable outcome of the struggle be-
tween the two, the officials agreed to
raise the bar to,13 feet 1-4 inch. The
additional three inches was a bit too
much for the stocky little Red vaulter
but Brooker was at his best and on his
third try cleared the height, a scant
half inch from the World's record.
Brooker made three tries at 13 feet
1 14 inches while the crowd held its
breath, but missed each time by a
The mile run, the first event on the
program brought Michigan six points
when Hicks and Jung ran first and
dents which took place after ProfessorI third, the latter being only six feet
Schelle's opponents were dispersed I behind Termohlen of Cornell at the
was broken up by the police after a finish. In the next event, the 60 yard
severe fight in front of the Pantheon. dash everything went off According to
The students used chemical bombs, advance predictions when Hubbard
.aes.fst,and fet, - hilet oice dtt.IU LIi. nU r4+ nui ie nrt An4 -A secon--
Ouplreather 'IKin
--antlelpales a slight rise In tempera-
tire today, accompanied by showers.
signed up for their Union cards
showed 79.1 per cent while only 46.5
per cent carried their cards with them.
Literary students were in the ma-
jority, 53.4 per cent of the total being
from this school while students in the
engineering and architectural schools
composed 32 per cent of the total. Law
students made up 8 per cent while
medical students showed 2.2 per cent
and dental students 3.4 per cent. One
per cent of the whole number was
faculty men.
New York Alumni
Schedule Banquet
New York City, March 28.-Univer
sity of Michigan alumni of this cit3
plan to hold their annual banquet a
the Hotel Commodore on April 3, an
have arranged a complete program o
prominent University and alumn
speakers. Senator Royal S. Copeland
'89. will act as toastmaster.
canes; fists, and feet, while the police 1 n ita iihdfrtadscn
battled seriously after the communists with Russell, Cornell's sprinter a close
had called them "assassins" and "cat- third. Sterling of Michigan was .on
tle." Russell's heels when he crossed the
finish. The 65 yard hurdles went to
IVoelker. of Michigan, Walk running a
oving Mountain I close second ahead of Greening of
In Colorado Not Cornell.
Charley Munz, Michigan's premier
Unusual--Hobbs' weight man, took first place with lit-
tle effort, tossing the ball 44 feet 5 3-4
In commenting upon the recent inches, Wolkowitz and Captain Bowen
phenomenon of the "moving moun- of Cornell failing to come as close to
tain" at Meeker, Col.' which is travel- his mark as had been expected. In the
ing at the rate of two feet per hour next event Nate Feinsinger who first
and threatens to obliterate the main stepped into the limelight at the Con-
road from Meeker to Rifle, Prof. W. ference indoor meet two weeks ago
H. Hobbs, of the geology department, won one of the hardest fought races of
stated that such movements were not the program. The Michigan quarter
uncommon in that section of the coun- miler was behind until the final 100
try though usually not so pronounced yards when lhc beat Werley of Cornell
as this one. in a great sprnt. Olheiser of Michigan
The exact cause of the disturbance placed a close third. In the half mile
R is a well known fact that had
there been such a medium as Daily
-Classifieds in the bygone days, Cin-
. ,1I.. ',l,-.. x.m ilmhav e heen tfound I
is not certain in this case, Professor
Hobbs asserted, but "rock streams"
such as this were usually due to the
glacial formations which exist in
Colorado. The steep cliffs of extreme-
ly, porous material are easily affected
by heavy rains, the moisture being
soaked up and subjected to the alter-
nate freezing and melting processes
which occur in that high altitude,~
thus causing large portions of the sur-
Reinke and Freyberg did what was an-
ticipated, finishing first and second.
In the two mile Calahan and Hornber-
ger did the same thing, also living up
to expectations.
The Michigan team showed unex-
pected strength in scoring a slam in
the low hurdles. Hubbard experienc-
ed no difficulty in winning the event
in fast time with Hulse and Voelker
both outdistancing the Cornell en-
220 yard flee style: lion by Craig sent his signature and a complete set ceutical assoitnaate Uer VI
(Nortiwestern) ; second, Adler (liar- ofFingerprints. Pharmacy, will be held In Ann Arbor
risen Tech); third, (Crooks (PEngle- - Friday night, April 24, Dean E. H.