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March 18, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-18

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177 TRACK £- IN! Mvichigan And TENSMNT9T

Michigan Bowlers 'ANMNETRI
Lead Pin League' lii [ ETR i

= - s ra ' mm

Sophomore Lits have battled their
way to the finals in the Interclass
basketball tournament.

I-ntries for thefirsft iiitcr-
chiolastic Wrack in eel to 1l(e:held next.I
Saturday at the fielcd hueare now
comnplet e with 177 at hi de enrliled
from 20 schools in M1ichli":l?, Illinois,
and Ohio.
The meeting which is being handled
by Coach Charles Hloyt andi Kennethj
Sieck, interscholastic manager, is ex-
pectedl to he one of the outsiantling;
prep track events of the Middle West.
The caliber of the contest ants is c'er-
tain to he high, as many 01 the men
no0w'entered1 are Cstate Ichamplionis in
their particulair events, with excellenti
records creclt-Ate to them.
Follo wing ii tM omnplete list of en-
tri se. Austin (Chicago) : Brown, .1y-
urke, Chapman, Clauisen, Gutoski,
H-olden, PaL!m ho, Westiark, *Wilkins;
Ann Arbor: Batchelor, Blecks, Pllol3-
er, Bross, Cody, IN. Cody, Et zel, Greg-
ory, Leitchftied, Otto, Pf'ab~e, Hoin~his,
atoll, Wilson ; Kaiama oo C entrl
Brooks, Calkins,, Campbell, Cooley,
DeYoung, AV. I agadone, T. liagadone,3
I tller, .hatha:waiy, i loll on, Iklahoney,
%Meyers. iPopery, R)weni, TI'urston),
V'andlefifer, , Van-lcre ; WVyandlott1e:
D~elack, Eliwyood, h a ven, Pocock,
Itos:eli ; Iihii Senior: TBennet t, Craiig,
Crittetnden, ] irlpfr. iDrury, I arreil,
lcleLOmi'y,0 6', Scriiiii, Stout-
£ eg \aelaaeWod Iinr; C old-
tcate(r: I3: i , : irinkvat or, TlIidg-i
In l, olbro.ok, IDins(cy, AMeCurley,
MAfssey, I 'oftr, Ha yinondf ; 1K alamo azo
Normal 1-i ugh .10110, .',wlkson, Iloil of,
Lysaght, Redniobd, shieldon, Shiield.
Shbanahan, Wooden. Youngr; L. of D).
11j,"h1: Burdeno ; Saginaw v floss em
Ilrown, Crego, D~iamond, D)ent onl; To-
ledo Wait e: Arnold, Byrne;, Div-,Soni,
Crouse, Dunn, 1Eberl in; Fo imght,- Cl-~
frion, C reinrel', inphill, Lanrgeiittr-
f%?r, MoP ,Nurel£ eliko I,
S teele, Taekas, AWilliains. *Whitaey;
'T'oledol Scott: Aver y, lDonley,Flkr
Joseph, 1Woobrle ; ighland Pr
Bearing, CGranvillo, i cCartne,% Me-
Ka y, Oliver', % ,;, Vm'e,
Southixwest I; u j11'r,)Brucoalli,Eb
cirle, Garney, 1Kennel, Kulretic, Roman-
skly, ItozelSn 2l0 GI lIIV w-i
decr, Toiiilill _ ('u ~ l t , Z Ijac;
N'oit"Ixvctcin: An g :e i ,tarijsoen
Couse,.JaicobisKell y, :.. e c, fE. M'e-
Minn, W. MeI(111, Aiiis(n'.Nelson,
Palm, Robinson, Ros, Se, Seeg-
er, nmith. Tait, \VethWid',nain;,
Northern : IBerkley, 'PkemnVrick-I
er, Laba)die, Leland, II ~ies Nortih.-

Al chianbas won half of the Con-
P; nee1UIO~ meets it has enteredl Cap)tainl Cratne, Vose, Greinmer, and
sir- e its rf. :urn to the Conference in eoeFr Nclufr


~1 918. t leo have b~een won by
I1e co.: ra~ in the past eight-years,I
(;Iln iwme he amonpionship won last
Salni ,t ight at Evanston. The vic-
hole:;(Pilie ini 1914, 1919, 1921, andl
,yii ln the title last week-end
ll an is now tied with Illinois for
i t es in thle past eight years, the
Indrians also haivinig won the title four
t.in i the seza ons Michigan (lid not
Yiiit. i,('xt year bioth schools prom-
i<O o have great aggregations and un-
les :wine other teamn breaks in unex-11
peet( edly, -Michigan and Illinois should
hree k their lie in 1926.
Coach J1oe I~liol 1 01f the Okinulgee,
Okl i, hi:T school, is the first coach
to enrolEl in the univtersity of Mlichigan
sue mlic- t hiool for coaches to be held
June 22 to August 1. Coach Elliott is
a. graduate of Howard university and
ifootball mentor at Okmulgee.
Four other coaches signedl up laterl
yest erday for the summer coachingl
course. These include Coach Losee,
Sandwich, Ill. ; Coach Mitchell, of
Leonard, Nlich. ; Coach Art inn, bas-
ketbail teacher at Greenville, Pa., high
school andl Coach, IH. H. H-ardin, of
K nightstown, 1In(l.
I(Coach IHardin won four letters while
a student at 1)e1lauw' university and
has had several years' coaching ex-
wcv(st er: Gainble, Ivy, Lewis, Merck;
EAsern : Falcione, Goman, Meyers,
Voelker; ('entral: Brown, Cutler,
? Evants, Crowell, Noah, Poole, Rtundles,
Schultz: (Cass 'tech: CouttIs, Cunning-
Lam~r, Gaines, LaFleur, A. Loving, W.
Loving, T.Iolan ; Fairgrove : Annibal.
California "U
I Gets Hearst Gift
Perkeley, Cal., Mar. 17.-William
Randolph IHearst has again favored
Ilie University of (loifornia with one
of his generous (donations. Thris time
the money goes to build a women's
gyminasiumri andl a new auditorium, al
project will cost over a million dol-
l 'r.T'hese buildings are to be dledi-
ca led to Phoebe Apperson Hearst, ther
r ootlier of the ~Iainoils publisher'.

i St~~rong Ta
Members of the Varsity tennis squad '
held tihe first r,,-tdoor practice on the
courts at Ferry field yesterdlay, after
working out in Waterman gymnasium
on the indoor courts all winter. 1
In the gymnasium nothing could lbe
accomplished towardls improving the
calibre of the team's play. Th'ie in-
door practise merely afforded fthe
group an opportunity to keep in shape,
and to prevent themselves from going
stale. Robert Angell, a former mein-
ber of the Varsity tennis team, has
taken over the task of coaching th~e
squad. There are now 4 cement courts
at the team's disposal, two having
been added last fall.
Tennis prospects are not especially
bright this year, due largely to the
ineligibility of George O'Connell, in-
dividual star of the aggregation.
O'Connell has won tournamentsj
throughout Michigan and Wisconsin1
and recently added to his fame by an-
nexing the indoor singles champion-
shipi at Detroit. His absence (deals the
team a severe blow.
I C .i ri (1 n C nn 0 nnonra to h fl- -i,

- I I ffl~mmfm~irjial C --Y%-L WuiV R 'LA £14S WYt ilt11. 111 MUt I it
ft IPI~I~f ~ iAb.\ Ifina game 'at 8:30 o'clock tonight
Won Lost Pct in the Waterman gymnasium.
Michigan............19 2 .904 ;. Ua= tL I__
Illinois..............1)3 4 .619 1111M -AMUS 'K M )EET B
DePauw ............11 7 .611 Jlt-~ The anunual all-cl iiius track meet ;BL
Tale. .. .. . ..... .. .. .11, 10 523 ?(.1I - CA addwilb 11( n Wtemn Gm The prelhiiary gamnes of the inter-
a~t Bnque aaa ~aaaaa 'lhiar. ; ill b hefrin Wtermnity
Syracuse......11 10 .523 Bi et fraternity ~ volly ball-tournament were
. ivy.......t.seven..4c17c.190 4day, .larch 241 190comphletedl last Thursday evening.
HP. I..... ....3 18 .142'!- This year all tile members (of the Although volley ball is a compara-
___I_ TO PLAYT WATrER POLO ; fre-shmn squad are being barred so lively new sport, about thirty-five
-ihth-istrud-ucssul as to give cii in the otler classes a fa aternities played dluring the past
completed, Michigan's informal howl- Mtichigan will enter a swimming bettor chartnce. The following is athe wek.Te inrsote
leagues will play in an elimination
ing temhsetrd1h iaon team in the State A. A. U.. champion- list of th~'e events-50O;lard(ldash, 440 contest to (determine the all campus
of the intercollegiate league, lodged shipse which will be 1101( in Detroit yard run, S80f yard run, mile run, two championship. The following teams
this week-end. Stiff c'omlpetitionl is numile run, 65 yard low hurdles, 65 yardi will play this evening at
wveil in first place. One match, that
wit te avylat hurda, asexpected as most of the state colleges low liurndles, 65 yard high hurdles, 7:00 o'clock. Phi Kappa Alpha !vs.
l~en rlle inthesecnd oun. wileand all of the Detroit Athletic clulbs, shot liut, brmoafi jump, andl high jump. ' iln h; eaPh elav. et
bee role inth seondrondwhle ;Entrries are0 being receivedt at the c Tau Lpsolon. At 7:45 o'clock Phi Mu
the next match is scheduled tonighti have teams entered in the meet. Intrm'uraul Office for these events.I Alpha vs. Phi Lambda Kappa; Delta
when the Wolverinoes engage De Pauw} Coach Mann has entered men in the All those wishing to compete should-Ciiv.PiSgaDl.
150 yard backstroke, the 100 yardl freeI sign up immediately.
universityf style, a 400 yardI relay quartet and a- FRATERNITY RELAY
Fast eek te Micigan rn-ht- i ,crati, tlrn ta (rnl- ir W n"" isthi e to inc i inaccuracies inr tne ani s top-

emswon1 three, matches, defeating1
both Syracuse and lllinois in two oni
three games and taking all three
gamnes from the Navy.
There is little doubt that the Mich-
igan team will come through with an-:
other league championship this year.
If this is so, the handsome trophy;
w1on last year will become the perm -
anent property of the university.
Baseball SquadI
Resumes Practice

Michigan entry in the backstroke; Society League. 7 :00, Akron ('ub vs.
Samson and Gow will swim the 100; : Mt. Clemnens Club. 7r:45, 1Dental So-
while Gow, Samson, Dunakin, and ce s t~akCu.82,Fece
Captain Kerr will compose the relay' gall vs. ]Diamonds. 9:15, Paragons
quartet. The water polo team will vs. Polonial Club.{
be picked from the following players:? Indlependent League, 7:15, Finals.I
Samson, Goer, Papenguth, Dunakin. 1 Interclass League, 8:30, School of
Mfayor, Seidman, Halsted, and Oliph- Education vs. Soph. Lits.
ant.I Class 13.-8:30, Phi Loambda Kappa
Letters and numerals will lbe award- vs. Sigma Alpha Mu. 9:15, Beta The-
and next year's -captain elected at at a Pi vs. TfhetaClhi.

banquet which will lie held at
Union Thursday night.

thi !

only member of the squad, who is! Coach Fisher's Varsity baseball!
reasonably certain of a position on team yesterdlay used the whole of the
the team, although. Vose,, Greiner and Field house to practice for the first{
Jerome seem to have tile edIge on thej time this season. The workmen were
rest of tile squad. The first three arej unable to clear away the debris from
veter'ans of last year and the lattei'{ the auto show in time for practice
was a memb~er of the 1923 court team. Monday, b)ut all was in shape yester-
Of the six men, whlo received their dlay.
freshman numerals last spring, only ' Bachman, a veteran outfielder, was
two are eligible, Elliott anti 01ian. painfully injured Monday, when he
Other members of the squad, who may was hit just above the ear by a pitch-
develop into good material are: Hol-a ed ball. lie was taken to the Health,
land, Slowinsky, Crickba'um, Veff, service, but they refused to keep him
Goldsmith, and Finkelmnan. (Ine to the nature of the case, and
The schedule has not as yet been sent him over to University hospital.
arrangedl but is near comp~letion, and He passed a quiet night, and yester-'1
promises to be an interesting one, and dlay morning ai. x-ray was taken, !
shlouldi le a good lost of the team's which proved the bump was not ser-
real strength. An E~astern trip is in- I ious. lie will lie kept under observa- ;
c ludled on the schedule as wvell, which; tion for a few days, and~ will be al- i
will take place on some dlate (durinig lowed to practice by the end of the
spring recess. week.
Prof. Carl V. Weller of the pathol- i London, March 17. -- Messages,
ogical department ill the Medical I from Amsterdam say that Princess
school gave a lecture last Sunday at I lerinine, wife of the former Kaiser,
the Ferris institute at Big Rapids,j has undlergone a minor operation inI
Mich. Berlin.

Frosl Relay Team I
To Meet Reserves
Coach Hoyt's freshman mule reclay
team will compete with the Varsity
reserves next Satarday during 111 in--i
terseholastic Ihighl school i-neltwhich I
will he held at thlat time. Just what

The School oif Education and the I!
muon will run for the yearlings has not
yet been decided. .
1Bot1 the freshman mile and two
mile relay teams will again compete I
with the Varsity reserves during f he
Cornell meet. Th1is emphasis is 1be-
ing made 0a1l the (distanlce runs in or-
t~rto better 1110 standard which is I
not quitec up to par. I

watches used in the fraternity 'relay
Monday night, the meet will be rerun
on Thursday night. The teams' sched-
ule for running will remain the same
as before. The following teams will
be ready to run at 715: Sigma Phii,
Phi Lanlbda Kappa, Beta. theta Pi,
Chyron, Delta Alpha Epsilon, Delta
Tau Upsilon. 7:.45, Delta Upsilon
Kappa Nu, Na Sigma Nit, Tan Kappa
Epsilon, Phi Beta Delta, Pi Chi. 8:15,
Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi
Sigma Delta, Pi Lamlbda Phi, Sigma
Alpha Mu. Theta Chi, Phi Sigma Kap-
pa. 8:45, Phi Kappa, Delta Sigma
Phi, Alpha Kappa lambda, Alpha. Rho
Chi, Alphai Sigma Phi.
IAll second round scores for single.,,
dloubles and class bowling must be in
by Thursday night or the entries will
le eliminated.

Suppelis for le VtyBan c, ofSprt

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