PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1925 PAGE SI~ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Iii ill lill 1:41 lill lill C4 s !n .. "" .' "° c uuuuuuuw. i. r .... ... t ,, f ,y w .-, e....w...ti.e... ....-. 177 TRACK £- IN! Mvichigan And TENSMNT9T S- iCm[ETTitle 8 Years'OUTOOORl PRACTICE SH~ Michigan Bowlers 'ANMNETRI Lead Pin League' lii [ ETR i = - s ra ' mm ,~ Sophomore Lits have battled their way to the finals in the Interclass basketball tournament. 20 TEAMS ENTERED- I-ntries for thefirsft iiitcr- chiolastic Wrack in eel to 1l(e:held next.I Saturday at the fielcd hueare now comnplet e with 177 at hi de enrliled from 20 schools in M1ichli":l?, Illinois, and Ohio. The meeting which is being handled by Coach Charles Hloyt andi Kennethj Sieck, interscholastic manager, is ex- pectedl to he one of the outsiantling; prep track events of the Middle West. The caliber of the contest ants is c'er- tain to he high, as many 01 the men no0w'entered1 are Cstate Ichamplionis in their particulair events, with excellenti records creclt-Ate to them. Follo wing ii tM omnplete list of en- tri se. Austin (Chicago) : Brown, .1y- urke, Chapman, Clauisen, Gutoski, H-olden, PaL!m ho, Westiark, *Wilkins; Ann Arbor: Batchelor, Blecks, Pllol3- er, Bross, Cody, IN. Cody, Et zel, Greg- ory, Leitchftied, Otto, Pf'ab~e, Hoin~his, atoll, Wilson ; Kaiama oo C entrl Brooks, Calkins,, Campbell, Cooley, DeYoung, AV. I agadone, T. liagadone,3 I tller, .hatha:waiy, i loll on, Iklahoney, %Meyers. iPopery, R)weni, TI'urston), V'andlefifer, , Van-lcre ; WVyandlott1e: D~elack, Eliwyood, h a ven, Pocock, Itos:eli ; Iihii Senior: TBennet t, Craiig, Crittetnden, ] irlpfr. iDrury, I arreil, lcleLOmi'y,0 6', Scriiiii, Stout- £ eg \aelaaeWod Iinr; C old- tcate(r: I3: i , : irinkvat or, TlIidg-i In l, olbro.ok, IDins(cy, AMeCurley, MAfssey, I 'oftr, Ha yinondf ; 1K alamo azo Normal 1-i ugh .10110, .',wlkson, Iloil of, Lysaght, Redniobd, shieldon, Shiield. Shbanahan, Wooden. Youngr; L. of D). 11j,"h1: Burdeno ; Saginaw v floss em Ilrown, Crego, D~iamond, D)ent onl; To- ledo Wait e: Arnold, Byrne;, Div-,Soni, Crouse, Dunn, 1Eberl in; Fo imght,- Cl-~ frion, C reinrel', inphill, Lanrgeiittr- f%?r, MoP ,Nurel£ eliko I, S teele, Taekas, AWilliains. *Whitaey; 'T'oledol Scott: Aver y, lDonley,Flkr Joseph, 1Woobrle ; ighland Pr Bearing, CGranvillo, i cCartne,% Me- Ka y, Oliver', % ,;, Vm'e, Southixwest I; u j11'r,)Brucoalli,Eb cirle, Garney, 1Kennel, Kulretic, Roman- skly, ItozelSn 2l0 GI lIIV w-i decr, Toiiilill _ ('u ~ l t , Z Ijac; N'oit"Ixvctcin: An g :e i ,tarijsoen Couse,.JaicobisKell y, :.. e c, fE. M'e- Minn, W. MeI(111, Aiiis(n'.Nelson, Palm, Robinson, Ros, Se, Seeg- er, nmith. Tait, \VethWid',nain;, Northern : IBerkley, 'PkemnVrick-I er, Laba)die, Leland, II ~ies Nortih.- Al chianbas won half of the Con- P; nee1UIO~ meets it has enteredl Cap)tainl Cratne, Vose, Greinmer, and sir- e its rf. :urn to the Conference in eoeFr Nclufr I i ~1 918. t leo have b~een won by I1e co.: ra~ in the past eight-years,I (;Iln iwme he amonpionship won last Salni ,t ight at Evanston. The vic- hole:;(Pilie ini 1914, 1919, 1921, andl ,yii ln the title last week-end ll an is now tied with Illinois for i t es in thle past eight years, the Indrians also haivinig won the title four i the seza ons Michigan (lid not Yiiit. i,('xt year bioth schools prom- i