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March 17, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-17

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Installation of Filter Which Should
Arrive This Week Will
Complete Job







Dean . B. Johnston of the University Lincoln, Nebraska, March 16.-In-
of Minnesota; Pres. W. A. Jessup and door baseball practice for women
F Dean G. F. Kay of the Uniyersity of started at the Armory yesterday; the
Iowa.Aseason lasts six weeks. One hun-
dred points are awarded for first
Dean Effinger left Ann Arbor Sun- teamn embership, this being a major
Tday for a week's trip to educationalspothere.
Three College Presidents and Four conferences in the middle-west. In D anW11 Ate d_11 ._ddton to ateninhsesins o
Deanis Will Attend Mid- addition to attending the sessions of
western 31eet the Honors course convention at the BOXING SHOW
University of Iowa, he will attend a TONITE
WL PL NC U SS three day gathering of the North Con- PL NC U SS-1A GYM1
tral Association of Colleges. and Uni-iWAT
versities at Chicago the latter part ____________________
(Special to The Daily) of the week. _______________________
Iowa City, Ia., March 16. - Dean Th second convention will take up
John R. Effinger of the literary collegei problems of accredited schools in the!. A l
of the University of Michigan will be middle-west and will hold sessionsI V L a
one the speakers before the Honors; Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Dean
course conference which opens here ( Effinger will return the first of next.r
tomorrow for a two day meeting. week to Ann Arbor.I9
!Amonnathe delega~tes w xill be thre Jh

Only the filtering systemi acing
to complete he construin. ofth
Union swimming pool and as this is
expected to ive ina"few:days:te
Is hoped that the tank will.g be rea
foaue within a week okr so The .
tile on the floor and s id seofh tnk- T
has been entirely laid as has alsoithe N2 Z,>
;{. ., .;.,,.ir"- "" .^ . ''> : it: .iv:".:f:: :}.:
larger tilealn the sides. Alpit , ~ ~ ~ *.
n for chwkall ies isnee and simpl of ~..... ~.:
decorati s havera b en ainted. r A:t:h.; , .. :.; nt p s nne. .. Un am's :et: a awar g m
A: co ceeyiig pltom ha: . *.. , ~'N.;...0^r}}J'A} ??:: .. {vi '[..
bhe pcein thrk bnalo n a oer the esft f h ntdSatsral i depnd3n tei efors *Tersfjlwseerlmots fn.
poolg andthe bao{n and ailo.en: taiin.A s a sp t..ua v ert.m nd}:.t..wmntan as .sen.rm4th
shapes fo use. In t e dcke roo dek th . . ~SMssisp .
ars haves been intae and facilitie I____
for chinreg imer wifn nd out,
th tfak byi omale are ready itDsssL' ions -na" Date ze:
cllreies have been inted careor Allofthe4000 me:ite'prsnnl"o" Ucl-Sa. Fr G P i a
ting the polv indiontifiee e nsiv tring Abov isxastur viwoftecobndyle enC r aanuv',a seen fro th
guardsn wo waril being attndae aet, deko-heUSSM ssi
all hour hen the tnkei opn. arh..-- -Odr o asadgwsms e
Ant teinterolecoatetitheI r winghmpho s i D -te Se
swm igpool and the bacoy niing isth dinre D.Lloy": ..D.la a few spe' r "tresd the.m.ter:"4{r, h r,.ui:::whenth:':r:r is laced.
shae Pnd e.n tbr ery ockte r -oorsmeor ;.:>:a:th:U:vr-me;dcin n h;r :h.vca:o .Lnode t scue:F arnt'}
to woi the oldr aolrge osy numberDo la
liio lwysrmid m o fctr seligo t in sForGown Orders
ofclgs have been in vitee a d taclt- ; ~ ;.,::: :;;':
to endiand wmhaesi nd theifinI _Th__,u;z:.t:: Exist "(hi.. In"Churc..
tenion ofrtiiev ainAi0 The mebety which is run only to prodecesonne of the nam'r fleetaeSp ta wa r ein the aig-a
til berhel iwrke n ta n March-ifrtsaewn hes.Tised ashrea-yFri end on thri r e y s Ords for caws evsbl onths msi be
28. Asr a reultbe oolar will hvite eiginwl ee atsytyuhhetosnaina placy hima f e withaGeore aMeta b efor April
be ins.he fporln ad that satces e ni stroagy oppo"e israspetwch s ruc trne a fthescombines d nainn order , s i se their arel
artds o lat eae tdecr. D r.ou lo Ct lsi assa fi .e sties the mter. f s r
awi ming poo asen the openg o the reqsirednghegathenorchurcis placed.
nlewi Peenablidrtry Uonse-husbfrheskeathUierenecdnonterle oaom.Iodr to seur garnee
o fir the'utilongal prtesofsi svice Snat nruihtuc tare-laortlenasDJamtenraulhede ,-t
of collneggaes ahaverh' beens inrnmvtitsedciedto rstrtt
t i will be inshedewgthemaaryh Orignrs ono ra remainsme onf tory stAudentont fin sor the dps and gowns mstEe
h is rn on to rduc s s t delofrm te natu o' k ttewiereoin te foreSwi
anpo wr cusL ar uo the buil- fork it'w olr.Thsodfsin Frinsip ndmrive. Severlo yas goOtsits oilehat theywl
b in for an u s e d ythatbtte gI e Dro gl ilsevr alig ptohih I mhe wanatim al eshp licychatimondo ot 1A n obtainaol afer tha i.
ofMrs. edeto ad the r c ss- ift ta thnirandrs ie in all thccolleeaandkuniodletoufsodellschodl dhoeg
sftim made lat all o rise ufhici h- and Dougs ois ncintsto xpr -, raies, ' 46 c Bu njtmy s to lc hi ot eorge
it moesynt, to ue heti pns om theE FstCo ea tioithenalt ehomrctoes e. ky
letion hv egaed te nion th Akyon, Oio Pevious to acceptingd clared r.LloydC.Douglsafew peernp lt l ,
simaeits contionloplt.thpoiinheoccpieothepupitgI of11the bI requIL. ingston theIa rdeia s M arce.h
horsabeforrhespokedattheUnivt.rhe Cngsmonldiw hh inntis U o gtheir. . ctis. ge et hi
nes Pnlestonslvraerro 11hse-In ratie os e a rantee.of
n oornf the bnturd ygallpntsIsty serie Sudun tor. s mouchas, LndematIo n mm s o naullt. :a d ura stot
afge o nl ge aenselion, if he har s --------o- -.he111nourtitheyasivekL-
theUnin wllbe inihe. Te lbrry whhinge rganizon lik roe du ! to drives of the ntoaturek ofohetun t ut1eodee nLefo [ Sig
Mf Il T~II~~D.or ,isfarnfomler.Ting oldfsiton-Finshpdie Svrlyer .0
Ingfora nmbe ofyeas- ut he is rater omehingvemucsy h geryoth he wasit i on~ all ' publicit hm anibfuted belbtaM a le atrta ie t
Dear.Peltn MusL ad ofteDn tust .uaesosgigfouhrcloc tisnooivinoml1toe oclocks n th-I(et rmalshosadclee r
1a cleewlatedtescn anI Dr. Douglasisap eent lrepasrt of s ~ietiniein thescounitrn thoul plaethiN odrs t eog
nual~~~~~~~~h meigothAmrcnAs-IlFist universitnacolegcurch li fid n n mildtofap
ciation hofeDenaledSchols, Akofwih eanbseshiso nclusvios onacepeingrane,'5 1 ejmnsre
inkis reidnt ctiobpleinChiagoencspofitoheyerscc used to ep"ulp iaino h tce mtec Lo tYu°H t ~De
Th r da , F id y nd S tu d y D a ie s id t at y u hDeel eIgSnt Tose w ho E Knplicationsca, arch a6ceT he
War wil adres te metig o th taepoegbytheofacct hs, ay i ilb otf ihn threesgoviehaet he a teietCoorsPerc,
cusinitrogaiain fte yugbyfe orrn wasixni Prfreceisgvrst.apictinsSl e miraimo ononLvndr
dentl crriulu T an wil peset oe an cholD. Nowglsthe station- of iembr f -R~(1 m t.e
his conlusion drawnfrom prticip is fversed, a eingSOScofntco i a va eevt XSevc O!am( ~ eaDl rMr
M E TIN A ppliction for ickes forthOur25Store
iion intercnruvyafdnitysqetyerethisgmuch condemntan mmer5fth arl
Dean Marcus L. Ward of the ofntee youngergeneratindinothrpressafter-noon at-- th e o do hh cls wrk i

college presidents, four deans and.
other nationally known educators.
The University of Iowa is sponsor-
ing the gathering in this city. It will
be the first general meeting in the
middle-west under the auspices of
the National Research council, it was
announced here.
"The object of the conference," said
Prof. C. E. Senshore, dean of the i
graduate school of the University of l
Iowa, who is in charge of arrange-
ments for the meeting, "will be to
discuss conditions which should be
taken into account in establishing
Honors courses in middle-western col-
leges and universities."
Among the speakers will be: Pres.,
Frank Aydelotte of Swarthmore col-#
lege; Pres. E. H. Lindley of the Uni-
versity of Kansas; Vernon Kellogg,
permanent secretary and chairman of
the division of educational relations
of the National Research council;

Pay for your Subscription today.
Flowers make appropriate
gifts for all occasions.
Order them from
Cousins & Hall
611 E. University
Phone 115
Your order will receive
prompt and courteous

betwn acis
WH EN he's not amusing folks
onthe stage of The Follies,
Will Rogers has other ways of
turning minutes into money.
With his Corona, in his dressing
room, he turned outehis famou-
book, "The Illiterate Digest"-
the best selling book of humor
of the year.
That's the advantage of owning a
Corona. You'can use it. any.
where, any time-make some-
thing of the spare moments most
people squander.
By the way, have you'seen the
New Corona Four? It has a full-
size standard keyboard, the same
as big office machines, yet it is
The price of Corona Fouris$60
cash, Easy terms arranged if
desired. Call or phone for a
14 Nichols Arcade
Anl Arbor, 4ich.



r Dancing Wednesay
Night at Granger's


and every Wednesday, Friday
and Saturday Nights
Music by
Bill Watkins and His
Granger Eight





made under the direction of the uar -
negie foundation representative.
Dr. F. B. Vedder, Dr. U. G. Rick-
ert, Dr. Russell W. Bunting, and Dr.
C. J. Lyons, all of the Dental college,
will also attend the meeting, the first
three named being scheduled to par-
ticipate in discussions.
The primary purpose of the meet-
ing will be reorganization of the en-
trance requirements and the profes-
sional curricula.

of the present time."
In response to a query on what
part of a college course he deemed
most important, Dr. Douglas was quick
to answer. The freshman year is
all-important, he said, and there . is
Henderson Will
Speak To S.C.A.
Prof. W. D. Henderson of the Ex-
i1 di i i will s eak at one of

Make Gymnasium
Ready For Boxing

Cleaning and Reblocking hats of all
617 Packard t. Phone 1792

Building and Grounds delmrtment, (Where 1). 11. I
employes this morning will begin the
transfer of bleacher seats from Feirry
ield to Waterman gymnasium to make
ready for the third annual boxing
show at 8 o'clock tonight. The ring Read the
will also be moved from the boxing
room to the gym floor.

R. Stops at State)

WXant Ads



tensionYvs wl3
ent Health the discussion classes of the Student
Christian association at 7:30 o'clock to-
SSatasfactoTfnight in Lane hal on the question of
1? ~ r 1leadership. Prof. A. E. Wood of the
R.eport. Declares sociology department led this class
- last week. More than 125 persons are
two contagious diseases, and attending the five weekly discussion,

11 11116 11 1 M R MIIII ilU111 1I D Ii-1


"Exclusive-But Not Expensive."
209 S. MAIN ST.

but one case of pneumonia were listed i
at the Health service during Febru-
ary, according to the monthly report Frolic Pictures
issued recently. The report states 7 3 ~ S l
that, with the exception of the usual aI.Placed On Sale
acute-respiratory infections, studentE
health continues satisfactory. These Official pictures of the Frosh Frolic
infections include pharyngitis, head j are now ready according to an an-I
holds, and bronchitis, and list a total nouncement made yesterday by the
of 470 cases, as compared with 381 Frolic committee. They may be pur-
in February, 1924, and 794 in 1923. chased at the Swain studio, 732 South
Dispensary calls amounted to only University avenue, and the price is 50
3.377, while there were 3,745 during cents.
the corresponding month last year,
and 3,841 in 1923. Hospital bed pa- Frascati, Italy, March 16.-Prince
tients totaled 14 for the month, and ,.Mateo Colunna di Sciarra is dead at .
infirmary bed patients 100. There were 75.
129 eye refractions made'as compar-
ed with 91 for the previous February.
The total of operations performed
was 15, and 88 X-ray examinations. -
The list of prescriptions filled amount-
ed to 669, and room calls totaled 131.
One hundred eighty four students hadf
dental consultations.d\

~~'~'~~ ~~~'~'^


Smart Clothes

Value-First Clothes
High Grade Furnishings


vriting ease.
The Wahl Pen was designed for
writing ease and legibility. It is a
perfected, modern writing instrument
which will aid you in acquiring a
practical hand, a readable expression
of your thoughts.
All metal construction-gold or
silver for permanence and service-
ability--gives light weight, fine bal-




If You Believe In
Perhaps You'd Like to
If so, why don't you join
the Life Insurance Sales-
manship Class which meets
every Tuesday night at
7:00 o'clock in Room 302,
Mi ~crnI Ininn

t 0


. ,

Your Easter
NOW is the time to get
ready for Easter with a
new suit or two, and a topcoat.
Our Spring line contains the
most elaborate assortment of
patterns, fabrics and colors
that you ever saw. The best
domestic cloths are repre-
sented in vast variety, and we
show a wide range of exclusive
British importations.
Let our representative take
your measurements today and
be ready for Easter.

ance, increased ink capacity, strength
to resist wear and abuse. And brings
the designer opportunity to produce
a pen matching the beauty of a hand-
somdy cased watch.
Prices in gold filled or silver
models $5 to $10.
Made in the U.S. A. by
craadian Pa ory: THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto
Anufaourers of the Wahl Eversharp and the Wahl
AllMetal Fountain Pen
Eversharp is made in designs
matching Wahl Pi

<L4 :

Inspection Will
why trunks and leather goods
purchased here carry such un-
qualified guarantees. Because
we could not afford to stand
sponsor for anything but the
han#rt naA n&Q !4 a n n n t' a



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