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March 17, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-17

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$3,192,70 IN NEXT
Names Amounts For Administration,'
Museum, Observatory, and
Architect Buildings
Lansing, March 16.-(By A. P.)-
An appropriation bill, requesting $3,-'
192,700 for building an improvement
at the University of Michigan in the
next two years, was introduced in the
House tonight by Rep. Loomis Pres-
ton, of Berrien county.
The bill calls for $1,700,000 in 1925-
26 and $1,492,700, in 1926-27. The
items speciified are $300,00 each year
for an administration building, $450,000
each year for a museum and equip-
m4ent, $250,000 each year for an obser-
vatory and equipment, $200,000 eacha
year for an architectural building,
$500,000 the first year and $327,700 the'
second year for land.
Two years ago the legislature ap-
propriated $3,800,000 for a hospital,
medical building, tunnels, sewers and
Another University of Michigan bill
is to be introduced shortly suggesting
th4a the mill tax appropriation be in-
creased. The last legislature limited
this fund to $3,000,000 a yer. The Uni-]
versity seeks a return to the old 3-8
mill system whereby it would get an
increase with each increased state
Receipts from the auto show, whicht
was given last week for the benefit
of the University band, amounted to
$1,500 it was announced yesterday by c
Robert-A. Campbell, treasurer of thee
University. Although this amount isa
considerably less than it was hopeda
would be realized from the exhbit,c
it will serve as a substantial sumt
with which to begin the new year inI
the fall.
The inclement weather, togetherc
with several campus events takingt
place at the same time, caused a de-c
cided slump in the attendane on
Friday and Saturday, only a portion
of the number of visitors that were
expected, attending the show. How-a
ever, the entire $1,500 taken in at the
door of Yost field house, will be di-
rected towards the support of thef
band for the current year. This willt
partly relieve the musical organization c
of the responsibility of raising suf-
ficient funds to meet the expenses of
trips, during the football season.-
Two of the motors which were ona
display at the field house as a part
of the show, were presented to thet
automotive school of the University
as a gift to be used for testing andf
experimental work.
Jerusalem, March 16.-The Arabc
peasant party, which is in opposition1
to the Palestine Arab executive, made1
known today its decision to accord a
cordial reception to Lord Balfour
when he reaches Palestine for the;
opening, of the Jewish university. It
is promised that the members of they
party will not participate in any dem-
onstration of protest or strike.

This action of the Arab peasant1
party came as a sequel to an open
letter addressed by the Palestine
Arab executive to Sir Herbert Samuel.
the high commissioner; in which
threats were made of anti-Jewish dis-
Purdue Mat Team
Chooses Captain
Lafayette, Ind., March 16.-A. L.
Jones, Alexandria, Indiana, a juniorl
in the school of dentistry was elected
captain of the 1926 Purdue wrestling
team at a banquet hear tonight.*
Cairo, March 16.- Premier Ziwar
Pasha has reconstructed the cabinet.

Senior Literary
Invitations Will
Be Sold Monday
Invitations and announcements of
the senior literary class will go on
sale March 23 and will continue on
sale until March 28. The invitations
will be o&tainable at the booth sit-
uated in University hall. All students
who have not paid their class dues
will be unable to order invitations.
However, arrangements have been
made to the effect that students will
be able to pay class dues at the booth
and thus afford them a chance to or-
der invitations.
Samples of the invitations are now
on exhibit.in the window at Graham's
1book store.
The invitation itself consists of a
double, blue, calf-skin cover contain-
ing the announcement. The cover is
laced on theleft side with blue raw-
hide while the design occupies the
greater part of the center. The de-
sign consists of a rectangle raised
from the calf-skin with a gold square
in each inner corner of the rect-'
angle upon which rests a blue "M."
A narrow gold line connects all four
gold squares.
The seal of the University of Mich-
igan adorns the upper part of the
rectangle while under it appears
1925 and then under this is "Literary."
Horecki, Middle and Welterweight
Champon of Michigan to j
Box Phibin
Boxinig enthusiasts will have pn
opportunity to witness some hard
battles, when Coach Sullivan's Mich-
gan boxers meet the College of the
City of Detroit in seven feature bouts
tonight in Waterman gymnasium.
The premier bout in the 21 rounds
of boxing to be staged during the
evening will be the Philbin-Horecki
affair. Both men weigh 148 pounds
and Horecki won the middle weight
and welterweight championships , in
the Michigan A. A. U. tournament held
in Detroit two weeks ago.
In the 112 pound match, Tapperman
of Michigan will meet Lepsitz of De-
troit City college. Masserman of Mi-
chigan and Laly of Detroit will fight
at 118 pounds. Marowitz and Sklar's
opponents have not been picked as
yet, but some of Detroit's amateurs
are under consideration and good
bouts are assured.
Both Sklar and Marowitz put up good
fights in the Detroit tourney, and with
the added experience can be counted
on for better showings. Smyser andl
Dingman of Michigan and Detroit City
College respectively will fight at 145
pounds. The heavyweights, Dickinson
and Buckley, the former the campus
champion, will furnish the action in
the bout before the feature affair.
The fight will be held on the main
floor of the gymuasium assuring ample
room for spectators. Coach Sullivan
has issued a special invitation to
ladies to attend the show.
A large attendance is expected at
the tournament. The first fight will
start promptly at 8 o'clock and the
remainder will follow in rapidl succes-
Tickets can be purchased all day to-!
day at the following stores and lodges:
Houston's Pratt and Dunn's, Moe's
Bill and Mert's, City and United Cigar
Stores, the Elks, and the Grotto.
The fencing team will put on a
short exhibition match before the box-
ing show. The contestants will be
N. R. Benham, W. C. Groff, C. E. Eddy,
and P. J. Keller, Captain.

New York, March 16.-A physician's
certificate stating that Paavo Nurmi
was ill last Saturday night and there-
fore unable to appear at a track meet
in Hartford, Conn., was handed today
to Frederick W. Rubien, secretary of
the National Amateur Athletic union,
to whom the Connecticut Amateur
Athletic union protested after Nurmi
had failed to go to Hartford.
Mr. Rubien said the certificate giv-
en him by Hugo Quist, Nurmi's man-
ager was "satisfactory to him" but
that before action could be taken he
must await the report of the Metro-
politan A. A. U. which has jurisdiction
over the runner. This report, itwas,
said, will not be ready before Wednes
dl v_

Sustainment of Action By Judge May
Keep Former Secretary From
Witness Stand
Cheyenne, Wyo., March 16.-(By
A. P.)-Jumping speedily from onei
critical point to another the Teapot
Dome lease annulment suit came to a
head late today in a legal haze over
the question whether M. P. Eeverhart,
Pueblo, Colorado, banker and rancher,
would be sustained in his refusal to
testify regarding a deposit of Liberty
Bonds he handled for Albert B. Fall,
former secretary of the interior, on
the ground that he was within his
constitutional rights.
Everhart, a son-in-law of the for-t
mer secretary of the interior, refused
to ansewer questions put by Owen J.
Roberts of government counsel, re-
garding whether or not he took $90,-
000 in Liberty Bonds to the First Na-
tional Bank of Pueblo, of which he is
a director, and deposited them there
with instructions that they belonged
to Fall. He declined to answer on the
ground that to do so might incrim-
inate him.
Counsel on both sides took opposite
views as to whether a witness in such
a position was the sole judge as to
whether or not his answer might in-
criminate him. A long argument fol-
lowed, after which federal judge T.
Blake Kennedy took' the question un-
der advisement.
Questioned as to what would be
done if Everhart were sustained by
Judge Kennedy in his refusal Mr.
Roberts said:
"If Everhart is not compelled to
testify further, I don't think we will
take the trouble to call Mr. Fall to the
Fall is here under subpoena but
doubt has been expressed as to wheth-
er he would testify.
Paris, March 16.-(By A. P.)-Pre-
mier Herriot's talks today with Austin
Chamberlain, the British foreign sec-'
retary, and Dr. Benes, the Czecho-


Court Descision
Denies Access To
Business Records
Washington, March 16.-In the first
of a series of decisions expected to
define more clearly the powers of Con-
gress in conducting investigations, the
Supreme Court held in effect today'
that the Federal Trade commission,
even though acting under a Senate re-
solution could not compel business
concerns to permit accesa to books
and records in an inquiry designed to
provide data for legislative consid-
Without delivering an opinion the
court affirmed a decision of the Feder-
al District Court at Baltimore deny-
ing the commission access to the rec-

Senate May Me Held in Spy
sion To Block Reces



Washington, March 16.-Th1 ords of Hammond, Snyder and com-
i nation of Charles I Warren tc pany, the Baltimore Grain company,
torney general was rejected for and the H. C. Jones company, all of
end time today by the Senate, faryland which it had sought in an
I as compared to the 40-40 tie ,vestigation to determine the causes
ago. >erating in foreign markets to affect
Immediately there arose a q e prices of grain.
whether Mr. Warren would ac
recess appointment which Pre
Coolidge announced last Sat" ,f
would be offered to him in the e,"nt
the Senate tools such action.
Neither the executive nor Mr. War-
ren made any statement. Secretary,
Sanders said Mr. Coolidge had the W
situation "under advisement" and Sen-
ator Curtiss of Kansas, the RepublicanTWo
leader, who, with Senator Butler, ofT Skeyhill Who Has Toured Russia
Massachusetts, carried word of the Extensively Will Discuss
Senate action to the White House, de- Communism
clared the President would makel
known his position tomorrow. PRAISED BY ROOSEVELT
No official would intimate whether
the indications pointed a refusal by
Mr. Warren to accept a recess ap- Tom Skeyi of whom Roosevelt is
pointment, or would say whether Mr. quoted as sa, .g; "I would rather be
Coolidge had under advisement .*h1Cr uie platform with Tom Skeyhill
submission of a new nomination 'new dei any man I know," will appear
or at some later date.
Meanwhile the Senate is held in sp of P1he Oratorical Association pro-
cial session. Leaders of the oppos 'arch 23, in Hill auditorium.
tion to Mr. Warren declared it woulcew colla. cassia Today," has been an-I
be so held for some time unless Mr. K soft fab: his subject, which has
Coolidge submitted another name. Ill-
til the Senate adjourns, a recess apl pr e o
pointment cannot be made. . f expo- of the great Russian ex-
The vote came after four hours of periment presented by one who visited'
fiery debate before crowds that jam- Russia as a student of Russian bolshe-
med the galleries and extended in long I vism.
lines through the corridors. Presenta- As a boy of 18, studying literature
tion of the case of Mr. Warren and of and writing poetry in his native land,
the president rested largely with Re- Australia, Tom Skeyhill enlisted as
publicans of the judiciary committee, an "Anzac" in his country's forces at
two of whom made their maiden the opening of the world war. While
senate speeches in the fight. The G fighting the Turks at the Dardanelles'
leaders of the old guard of other days he was stricken stone blind and spent
remained silent in their places. three years in total darkness. Duringl
his period of blindness Skeyhill con-
tinued in war service work a, a "blindi
soldier-orator" at which time his
U ' L LIgenius on the platform first drew at-I
QV His sight having been miraculously
restored, through the skill of a Wash-
j ington specialist, he returned to
Washington, Mar. 16 (By A. P.)--- Europe in 1920 for the purpose of
Hopes that the intimacy of relations studying the chaos existing in Russia
besen Jhapantn the Unitmey Sates at the close of the war. Although he
between Japan and the United States i was refused a passport at New York
may develop during coming years city by the then Soviet Ambassador
through wider) experience and co- Martens, he forged a passport and
operrItive action for realization, of after "running the lines" to enter


I Fraternities who have not
Iturned In their contributions to
the Student Friendship fund are
requested to do so immediately.
They should be addressed to the
j fund at the Michigan Union.
Booths will be located in
prominent buildings on the cam-
pus today to receive further do-
nations in the campus drive for
Body Includes Deans, Regents, Fac-
ulty, Students, Alumni, and
Acting on the request of the deans,
made last Wednesday, Acting Presi-
dent Alfred H. Lloyd yesterday ap-t
pointed a committee to make arrange- I
ments for a Memorial convocation in
the memory of the late President
Marion L. Burton.E
Two committees, a general and an
executive committee, were appointed.t
The general committee will consist of
all the deans and representatives oft
the Regents, faculty, students, alumni,7
and townspeople.
The general committee will be made
up of Regent Junius E. Beal, Profes..-
sors A. L. Cross, representing the lit-
erary college, H. E. Riggs, represent-I
ing the engineering college, C. J.t
Lyons, the dental school, John Sund-
wall, the public health department,
G. C. Huber, the medical school, andr
Evans Holbrook, the law school.
Dr. F. E. Robbis will represent the
administration, T. H. Cavanaugh,I
'27L, president of the Union, and Mar-I
garet Dixon, '25, acting president ofE
the Women's league, representing ther
student body, Roy D. Chapin, the I
alurini, and George E. Lewis, the
townspeople of Ann Arbor.I
The executive committee will con-c
sist of Professors A. L. Cross, H. E.I
Riggs, and Evans Holbrook. This com-
mittee will have direct charge of all
As yet no definite date has been set
for the convocation, though adminis-E
tration authorities are consideringt
holding it the week-end before Com-..
mencement. Attempts are being madeT
to secure a speaker of note to address
the assembly.I
Holm Discusses I
Army's Influence
In Peace TimesI
"What the Army Does in Peace"
was the subject of an address given
by Capt. Ion C. Hom at the regular c
dinner of the Exchange club held lastt
night at the Union.e
Capt. Holm traced the influence ex-8
erted by the Army in the development
of the country, beginning with the
Lewis and Clark expedition which
spent two years in exploring and sur-
veying unsettled regions as far west
as the Pacific, after the Louisiana
Purchase. Some of the services ren-
dered by the Army in times of peace
were enumerated by Capt. Hom as
follows: protection of pioneers, en-
couraging and building of 'railroads,
surveying, construction of canals andI
light-houses, prevention of disease,
and various kinds of relief work.
A large part of the Army's present
peace-time activity is taken up with
different kinds of training schools,
according to Capt. Holm, this branch
including technical and mechanical
as well as military training, as shown
In schools for skilled workers and

various types of specialties, garrison
schools, and the like, besides the reg-
ular R. O. T. C. work and citizens
training camps.
Other branches of constructive mil-
itary work includes: -experiment, in-
vention, civil government of island
possessions, improvement of water-
ways, and the issuing of permits for
bridge building.
Washington, March 16.-Application
of the Armour and Swift packing com-
panies for an order vacating the con-
sent decree entered into five years ago,
with the department of justice was
refused today by Justice Bailey in the
supreme court of the District of Co-
lumbia. The court announced, how-
aun fhn _,xrimat wmld a hsrl

Twelty-first Annual Production Will
Be Given All Week; Matinee
"Castles in Spain," the twenty-first
annual Junior Girls' play, will have its
premier at 8:15 o'clock tonight at the
Whitney theatre. The firt perfor-
mance will be for the Senior women
only, who will attend en masse, wear-
ing their caps and gowns for the
first time.. This custom marks the
origin of the annual production which
was begun more than a decade ago
as an impromptu entertainment for
the graduating women.
This year's play will give six per-
formances, playing every night this
week and matinee Saturday. More
than 150 members of the Junior class
are in the production, which has been
in rehearsal since Christmas vaca-
tion. "Castles in Spain" is the work
of a committee composed of Ruth
Carson. chairman, Helen Ramsay and
Lucy Wilson; it has been directed by
Amy Loomis, '22 who is the first
woman to be in charge of the presen-
tation. Miss Loomis is replacing Prof.
John R. Brumm of the journalism de-
partment, who has been the director
for many years in the past.
The music and lyrics are all the
work of junior women. There are 14
musical numbers in the play, which
will appear in the scene and will be
on sale at the theatre during each
performance. The dancing has been
worked out by a committee with the
aid of Miss Loomis and is said to be
much more modern and fast than that
of previous years.
"The first act of "Castles in Spain"
is set in a dormitory on the Michigan
campus and the second act takes place
in a village of northern Spain. The
Spanish atmosphere has given many
opportunities for striking costumes
and unusual music and dancing, ac-
cording to those who have been pres-
ent at the dress reheasals. The cos-
tumes which were made expressly for
this production by Christy & Co. of
New York are said to be as beautiful
as any that have ever been used in
past performances.
The seat sale for the six perfor-
mances has been remarkably good,
according to Eunice Rose, the busi-
ness manager, but there are a few
good seats left for all the perfdr-
mances. No men will be admitted to
the performance tonight, but the gen-
eral public may attend any of the
other presentations during the week.
The tickets may be procured starting
at 1 o'clock today at the box office of
the Whitney theatre. The price of
seats is as follows: entire orchestra,
$2.50; first 4 rows of the balcony,
$2.00; the next 4 rows, $1.50 and the
remaining seats of the balcony, $1.00.
The gallery will not be open during
any of the performances.
All senior women will meet at 6
o'clock tonight at the Union.
Students Refute
Claim That Bible
Is Out Of Style
Fears which have been prevalent
among educators, religious fanatics,
parents, and grand parents, that the
Bible is becoming unpopular as read-
ing material among the younger gen-

eration have been proved to be un-
founded by an enterprising reporter
of The Daily. After carefully pre-
paring a questionsire and computing
averages with great exactness, he has
reached the conclusion that 96 per
cent of the students have read the
Bible at one time or another.
Add to the strength of this argu-
ment the fact that out of this 96 per
cent who have read the entire book,
it may be said that the youth of our
universities are not on a decline in
spiritual matters.
Little preference was indicated for
either the New or the Old Testament,
most of the students having read por-
I tions of both books. Church affilia-
tions seemed to have no effect upon
what book they have read nor upon
the. amount of reading which they had
In spite of this indication of reli-
gion, it was found that 98 percent of
those who have read the Bible think
that it should be interpretated liber-
ally, and with "a grain of salt."
,Qt Pan44rbe 1)1,

Slovakian foreign minister opened a
new phase of Europe's search for
tranquility which probably will take !
the form of lengthy negotiations
through regular diplomatic channels.-
Only when there is some definite basis
for either a partial or general accord
on means for securing security along
the frontiers will a conference be
called to settle details.
The outstanding facts of today's ex-
changes of views are that France con-
siders the League of Nations protocol
may yet serve as the means for pro-
viding an eventual solution of the se-
curity problem, while Mr. Chamber-
lain regards it as dead; that any
agreement made with a view to guar-
anteeing peace will be made with the
Both Secretary Chamberlain and
Premier Herriot said after their talks
there was no question of considering
any proposal that would sacrifice the
interests of any ally.
New York City, March 16.-George
W. Patterson Jr., son of the assistant
Dean of the engineering college of the
j University of Michigan, disappearedr
from his home on Feb. 19, last, and
has not been heard from since. He left
a note reading that he intended to
commit suicide because he had been
a failure in life and his family is con-
vinced that lie has killed himself. His
body has not been found nor has anyj
trace of him been discovered since he
left his apartment.
Mr. Patterson was married last Jaly,
to Grace Hendrick, it being his second
marriage. He is 33 years old, a grad-
uate of Yale in 1914, and a soldier of
the Foreign legion in the war. He has
had an adventurous career which 4n-
ohid rl nrlvrti 4iniy inn rn oiirn a nd



common purposes and aspirations, was 1 Russia, posing as a Swedish engineer,
expressed by President Coolidge to- F he visited the leading cities and met
day in receiving the letters of Cred- I the men controlling the reigns of the
ence of Tsuneo Matsudaira, as the new Soviet system.
Japanese ambassador. In 1921 Mr. Skeyhill returned to the
Mr. Matsudaira, who also presented United States and after a series of lec-
the letters of recall of his predecessor tures which included an appearance in
Masanao F. Hanihara, gave voice to every state, he made an extended tour
a similiar hope, and, recalling his of Canada and Australia, lecturing,
partiepation in the Washington Arms ( writing, and studying world movements
conference, he said that ,"remember- Completing his schedule he returned
ing Ahe successful results of (that to Europe again, where he attended
assembly, I cannot but. think it to be the League of Nationsconference in
an excellent augury for my present ! Geneva, following which he visited
mission." Russia, the Near East, the Balkans,
President Coolidge spoke in compli- Italy, Germany, France, and England.
mentary terms of the services per- The Literary Digest had the follow-
formed here by former ambassador ing comment to make after Skeyhill's{
Hanihara who, he said, "so congen- appearance in the Metropolitan Operaf
ishly and helpfully" represented the ! House where he was instrumental in
Tokio government in Washington. raising $23,000,000, in 1918, in be-'
To the new ambassador's statement half of his country: "Visualize a
that the Japanese emperor had re- Young crusader, a knight of the holy
quested that his assurances of friend- grail, and you have some idea of this
ship and good will be conveyed to! young Australian's fate. He is the,
President Coolidge the chief exeeu- sort of a man worth reading about."
ti lied askinz that the em er-

UVe repllL uy Uk11 gLJU it;C1PC
or be informed "of the sincerety and
full heartiness with which his good I
wishes are reciprocated by me and
by the people of the United, States."
Bloomington, Mar. 16.-The slump
in Harlan Logan's playing on the
Indiana university basketball team
during the Michigan and Ohio State
games was explained today when it
became known he was suffering from
inbuenza and injuries. It was said
Logan had a temperature of 102 dur-
ing one of the games and 101 in the
Chamber To Hold

Alma Mater Pays
Fitting Tribute
To Walter Camp
New Haven, Conn., March 16.-Yale
university and New Haven today paid
tribute to the memory of Walter
Camp, prominent coach and athlete at
( the funeral services held at his home
here today. Due to the wishes of Mrs.
Camp, the services wiere simple and
brief but were impressive.
The Camp home was crowded with
men prominent in university and
municipal circles. Yale was repre-
sented by the its president, Dr. James
Rowland Angell.
Rev. Roy M. Houghton, pastor of
! the church of the Redeemer officiated
at the services, the short congrega-
tional ceremony being used. Burial
was in Evergreen cemetery.

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