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March 14, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-14

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' SATURDAY. MARCH 14. 1925


IVIJC . A, AYA,{S Ail1AA L2 A47uti


.. iwwrr ax


Pller, Coa~ ('utr'o :ar l l ile'
( ha nap1ii1, A Imnig ' lSi.of
k;i rie-,
WVith t(lienCtry list still icomiplete.,
thle Iii si. Al i(hi ;afl hit ciseliola sic In)
(100'r 'at'1 meet has irawn 1'16 '101a-
lutes froth 1.'.)hight schools for i lls:
evenlt which wvil1 be held .'xarch 21 at
sthoe IIld 'iis'e.
Inlulded lin the list; of, inst it utions
(3iterinlg the meet, to( (date aro e re ts
"Sn tati yes iroi all over Alich isa n,
l v()I o i'1'o Tolii, Ohio, and oneCi I 1 :1
('ijungo1-. The loll owig schools .havye
S ;igiiied (Iheir il'intet ioll of.scd iii
;;en to the meo! :Austina i, Chi-
('a,-o, AinniArbor, lK:I(l liiaoo ('.tiitru:i.
11y}a<ndotte, Phi ut,' ( oldtl ei Pa in1 jO -l
a zOo'oral V Iigil, IT. of I), I~11 h .Sg
inaw' Eastern, Toledo Wa ite, T1oledo
Scott, H Iigh land 11a ek, Detroit Sootli-
w*('gt ell, No't heweste(in, Ni -thern
l'atcriv Nort beast urn, Ceant ral, al
Th'le folltowing e vents will (com1p iro'e
t he pregran : 5) yardl Idrsi. lt4,10 ardl
dash, 880) yard run, ni il e 111, G0
yard1 high hurdlies, it yarid low Iiiutl-
(0, lmfiting high jumlp, I flliilig broad
u)p ole vault., 12 poundlsho(t put,
a ad zlle~llEy 'e la y. 'T'le relay' eve-ntI
illM consist of runners travelling
220, 440, 660, 88(0 ya rds respeectively.'t
With t the entry list in its inceun-!E
plet ('4state, 1the1 (ompietit ion in lw h
meet: is hound to heen1. Includ'1ed
inlth N array 01' high "school hperform- 1
Ors enteed already nrc numerous;

zel of Ann Arbor should makce thingsI
lot crest lug i the half', while Wilson,.
a-mothecr local performer, is a star in
the shot put. Kalama'zoo Centr al will!
. eimd two men: who placed in the out-
(1001rumet here Inst vear' in Thum:-
ton, a haltf filler. and DeYoung, who;
runnsIhe mnile. Wya atotte's blest hot
is E ivocd,. ~sprinter. Diamondl, of
Sagi~ctyna stern, is a star in the
spr1ints a nd l urdles. Woodin, of Flint'
one of kill Van Orden's proteges, will
sI a aid a good chance in the high jump.I
Van Orden, who is now coaching atI
tlie Pi]nt school, was formerly a Michi-
igan Vatrsity sIlid umtter and( one Con-
icien ce ((liaflpon in his event.
The11ccer,'il etce list of entries from
ea cl scllool wvill be allntoiikicecd today.
I N ~ M h 'id g " , l' ,, v ir s i ty I r a 'k s t e i's will
in vadle t li'city of (i' lvehand next
7.<.tay x: _ it xx'hi'cuiHhey panrt icipiale
i I hO' open ('xeit ll. o He hit ers(:lol-
aicmef, t3 t]e held at the Municipal
I .,st yeai' this nmeft was one of thZej
feat ares of thle indoor Season0lii
Cle'velaind, At ra ctinig a brilliant field
1 f comlpet iti;on and~ over 8,000 specta-
1 rs. 'I'bis. year's meiet promises toI
be of the sam e if not betteri caliber.
('Coach Farrell intends1 to send~ a two
i }liie relay tin( enter several of his

1linijos G'"appiclersHave (hanice io
le Chamipions in Meet Ivith
Iha iikeye s
INdia na's wrestling teami. which tied
Illinois last season for thle Western
uit i'rcolegiat e wrestling champion-
ship, xvil] be forced to shareC ihey title
with the Suckers again this year if
Conch Prehn's grappleci(an defeat
Illinois last season for the '\ester~ahir
th lI awhevc mat team in the final
(Iual meet: today3 at Iowa ('it.
The H-oosiers completed their sched-
ule last week by handing the Wol-
verines a' 24-i1 defeat in Yost field
house. Indiana mot, five ('onflerence
I ('ulis. \vin ninm, (ecisivye vitoi-ies ore:'
all their op; orent s. 'The Iarigest: score'
muade by the Iloosier igrapl))lPIrS was
2i)-0 victory ag-ainst the Ali(:higan Ag-
gies and( the smallest. total axge'ted
wxis 18 ioint.> ac'iiustthe 1Plirdal ill-,
ive rsil y flit. teanm,
Illinois po1(-senses a1 clean slate u p to
the pu'eselItime. defeat ing thle stron-
Bunc(ke(ye team last Sat urdayv. Thlie In.-
d ia n won a. 19-4 vioct ory ovxer thle
1 ~od eu-,-mos in tihe opening meet.
The Wol verines were defeated 25-7
lby ('oach I'ueha 's men, while (Chicago.
one of (lie weakest, eams in t he Con-.
I ren ce suiccu'mbed to a1.27-2 defeat.j
'hie (decisive mieiet oif thle year wvill
be wrmest led1 t oday when ('each IIlog;-
a rd's 1-ha xkeye mat;in en grapp~le w ith
ihe Illini to dletermnine who will shale;'
thle title with lnlizana. Iowa boasts cif'
an -undefeated aggregation and is en-
tei'taining high hopes of del'ea tinlg thle
11 lini. The I a wkeyes xwere coinsider-'
a lly weakenedl xh~n Ca ptain OTllie
wvas declared ineligibile in the light-
weight class. Michael, who wrestledI
in the 145 pound class against tale
'Wolverines, has been shifted (low IItoi
the lightwveight d(ivision aiid hats filled
the vacancy in champlionship) style.


In dependentLeague, r :1 5-Norlii-
ei'li Light s x"". A'Vick Wacks: Tole~do
('ailet s rs. Nigtht Ha wks.
'All ie i:(' xx> eiiie'lte all-cani31-
iP0.5 S _iI~('0 aioll tlw o's liivlgrour-

I tieJ'iInes 'lllie 1io GailPe'rfu- naiil


! 1-{!~ 0e i. ',iOtiii iiuiaiit ' ofilIlilEg~iate c('Iixuilj)ions 01' last year, (:011-
'a' ~'two:onads illmoa asthetin 11(01t heir xxwinning in> icak of Ithe
(ra !r ?ig SCOi'. ixI el 111I he sinl-
les fii~ olly Iillthe don bo; les x 11.:1- ; ''ca sol When they roniped a way with.i
it'.I.wo (lilt of lthree xganie 'ill <a I lera-
('i: b(" sinhoxlin-g'should boxxl :ph r i( atll ixvihSyracuse 'ol'sdy
><~5r ('t1-11 31111(1 ld i('(liatehv. Foi'1,i i'g t:. Thle sc'ore:-l(it the--one(s rl-
'a nni 11 hll le;i'V'fa foi' Iai't~liei' can:1- ed liy the Wolx'eninre wxere 844-, 9G-I
D~ t~) ifo heS'1(5 i eI x <~~l -l 4, while time Syracuse Iteaml
1>01 lds il~l edin.bowled 884, 91.1 and 868.
' '1'i .)xvcckh :ls ben ait ieillilous
b'iti'i(,1jn 1i Losei1s 01o ou I lie LVIichli ""31 howxler's, .Sirwic
Basketbal cri iIlicy h'ave 11ad 1 three' iratcies sclle:ul -

Act ird~hi ng i i' I'it noin'ic-nilt fromn
l rant uiiy bltsbeen oi'cd to f1orfeit
thec 'lais "''"'' nt aiiimalbaskellmall
ON ,-o the il igiisna IKappai f rater-
3 '='W (li Nxxoii the tieal game xv itl
<:ai. '1 ios-ic or three istars of
xcl< 'n; 1'loshliaii baWHtbil Ispiad.
At( ~ su'ingly, tine hIni'anaildepart-
aieiO ;xi'e the ganie to hi igmaIll
tKappa by the score of 2 tofl, and xvith
it xxonat.Oiis Sea son's ha sk'tamil title.

a, ii1'teli was l'layod with, Jllinoi(;
We~-(dne(sd lay nitght and 1110)1 he r xvi
pdayo'd wit lite Navy last, night ..li,
slits of Ithose'two matcl'ie:;xwill Ibe
111ito pulii! at, ain eamly date.
W'ith lthe te1ionatiomi oftthis xvel 's
muatces, tilie in tem'colle",ite howviin g
r'ac w~x'ill Ihave 00)111)10i1 dits fi rst:
rcammd. Al11 indicatloins poinill to an i-
ot lieu' sno'o'ssful yearm' t'or A]ichiigall.
If IOlieWolverineCs captunrc e t.Il
again this ,yearu,, the bandlsomp 0triophy
won la1st year xwill becomnet(lie per-
111 anent. possessioni oi l' ichigan1.


Alichi g-uzn tracktlou ae entertain-

i New Yor-k. March 1 :,.-.1(10moor"e, possibly for all ime. lie voluntar'ily
holder' of 11l1e0iite'na Lonal indoor: passed up an opplort unity to capture
Iwed-skatiml c'hilililiomshlip for t1110 the Middle Atlazmtia' indloo~r Champion-
last six yeal's, anniounced last night Eshilp, which was hield at, the Iceland

athletes cCf exceptional allit y. IPot.- stars in tile individual events. As yet i
t'r, of Cold xa tar, is one of thle st aris he has no0). chosen the meon who are
to run here. lie is statoa inte'schlol--' to make the trip, but wil know de-
astic champion in the mile run and in ;finitely in a few (lays..
cress coutntry, thme latter title haviong - ( 4 'lal'.4s 1'IlkC
been wvon last fll at the high school"~ Champaign-Urbana, Ill., March ~~-I ~ Rik a enoe0
meet at Ypsilaniti. lNe won tiele mile j Ted Plainies, of Belvedier, Ill., will
;Coach Steve Farrell's mainst aysfou'
in the annual outdoor meet last spring capItain thle IUniversity of Illinois has-
on Ferry field. Seeger, of IDeti'oit keotbahl team next season. lHe -was! the Past twvo track seasons and is
Northxwesterni, will enter the 880, inu; elected on the second vote at the an-1 counted on to (duplicate his past Per-
-which he also is state champion. I lis I nulal banquet by the Kiwanis club; forniances in_ the Conference mieet
teammate Widman will go into the last night. j tonight at Evanston. Rleinke rates its
hullrhe races, at which he has turned oeo h ethl iesi h 3
inl exceptional times. Carlson, also of New Yoi'k, March 13.-Myer Prin- oeo h ethl iesi i i
Northwestem'n, will stanld an excellent, stein, former world's record holder Ten, being 31)1e to cover (110e distanmce'
(hance of viining, the shiot put, whlile -in the running B~road1 jump and winner!in less than 1: 57. The brilliant show-
Tait, allothlier Colt star, stands l I'Oypccaposis in 190"algthtCoc arel'owf*mleie
fair, say to cop the sprint races. he16,ad10 o h ntdSaelyta id i he Itollinois Relayvs
Ilviigrroke n the .Detroit city rc- wasi buried ,here today. He was 45 w-a to a large dlegree dime 1tilte stet-
orl n he20 ar dshrcetl. eas011. ' - lar running of-thle vet er'anm. liclii-
ord iganll('i220hoseOadgdeat rec'n'lymFi'rxx'hdn
Loving.,0of Detroit. Cass Tech, will-;gawilosagrt:pfrmrhe
run the hurdlhes. Txwo athletes of mci'-1 Berlin, March 11.-The German rail- , eneg'dae n*ue
it will enter from-.Toledo Waite. they- way strike took a turn for the worse:
being Steele In tihe shot and Ilemuphill this morning, handicapping tihe moive--t Lonldon, !March 1 ..-- The lBritish
in the 880. Toledo Scott's stronlgest;leat (of freight. '1lrmy estimates for 192-261 fix the land
representative will lie Woehrle, an-'- -- forces at 16(0,601) imen, aI reduct ion of
other half mil~r. Batchellor and Et- PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS 1.00 0.

The New

beorg xill la'e in the h alt'I F lIe 'cvcrl2
at 1" ... ('il term; ( e iii(c'i t (;ii iht. 're }-
ber'g Illde his hli l a aaan11celc in
('on fci'cee('e oiiihpt it ioula st yealr aim4
inn 0one of)1theie asloist 11alfEimiler's ill
the Wc' "i-
I T;A NI ES RWe have js reeived another shipment of
1 'l a tasty, toney selection of
til II
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wit and Satin


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120 Fmour Avel
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