PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' SATURDAY. MARCH 14. 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 5~ATTTPThAV MATWIT U 1q9:; IVIJC . A, AYA,{S Ail1AA L2 A47uti mom .. iwwrr ax en"F Ad* INTERSCHULASTlC TRACK MEET Wolverine Star HOOSIRBMATMEN !n Of The es' DRAWS TEAMS FROM 19 SOS WIN TITLE AGAIN Pller, Coa~ ('utr'o :ar l l ile' ( ha nap1ii1, A Imnig ' lSi.of k;i rie-, M7 ATHLEITES ENTEREDI WVith t(lienCtry list still icomiplete., thle Iii si. Al i(hi ;afl hit ciseliola sic In) (100'r 'at'1 meet has irawn 1'16 '101a- lutes froth 1.'.)hight schools for i lls: evenlt which wvil1 be held .'xarch 21 at sthoe IIld 'iis'e. Inlulded lin the list; of, inst it utions (3iterinlg the meet, to( (date aro e re ts "Sn tati yes iroi all over Alich isa n, l v()I o i'1'o Tolii, Ohio, and oneCi I 1 :1 ('ijungo1-. The loll owig schools .havye S ;igiiied (Iheir il'intet ioll of.scd iii ;;en to the meo! :Austina i, Chi- ('a,-o, AinniArbor, lK:I(l liiaoo ('.tiitru:i. 11y}a ac'iiustthe 1Plirdal ill-, ive rsil y flit. teanm, Illinois po1(-senses a1 clean slate u p to the pu'eselItime. defeat ing thle stron- Bunc(ke(ye team last Sat urdayv. Thlie In.- d ia n won a. 19-4 vioct ory ovxer thle 1 ~od eu-,-mos in tihe opening meet. The Wol verines were defeated 25-7 lby ('oach I'ueha 's men, while (Chicago. one of (lie weakest, eams in t he Con-. I ren ce suiccu'mbed to a1.27-2 defeat.j 'hie (decisive mieiet oif thle year wvill be wrmest led1 t oday when ('each IIlog;- a rd's 1-ha xkeye mat;in en grapp~le w ith ihe Illini to dletermnine who will shale;' thle title with lnlizana. Iowa boasts cif' an -undefeated aggregation and is en- tei'taining high hopes of del'ea tinlg thle 11 lini. The I a wkeyes xwere coinsider-' a lly weakenedl xh~n Ca ptain OTllie wvas declared ineligibile in the light- weight class. Michael, who wrestledI in the 145 pound class against tale 'Wolverines, has been shifted (low IItoi the lightwveight d(ivision aiid hats filled the vacancy in champlionship) style. i i i i I i 1 In dependentLeague, r :1 5-Norlii- ei'li Light s x"". A'Vick Wacks: Tole~do ('ailet s rs. Nigtht Ha wks. 'All ie i:(' xx> eiiie'lte all-cani31- iP0.5 S _iI~('0 aioll tlw o's liivlgrour- I tieJ'iInes 'lllie 1io GailPe'rfu- naiil TIrophyv FAVORED TO WIN 'L'ITLF, i ! 1-{!~ 0e i. ',iOtiii iiuiaiit ' ofilIlilEg~iate c('Iixuilj)ions 01' last year, (:011- 'a' ~'two:onads illmoa asthetin 11(01t heir xxwinning in> icak of Ithe (ra !r ?ig SCOi'. ixI el 111I he sinl- les fii~ olly Iillthe don bo; les x 11.:1- ; ''ca sol When they roniped a way with.i it'.I.wo (lilt of lthree xganie 'ill <~5r ('t1-11 31111(1 ld i('(liatehv. Foi'1,i i'g t:. Thle sc'ore:-l(it the--one(s rl- 'a nni 11 hll le;i'V'fa foi' Iai't~liei' can:1- ed liy the Wolx'eninre wxere 844-, 9G-I D~ t~) ifo heS'1(5 i eI x <~~l -l 4, while time Syracuse Iteaml 1>01 lds il~l edin.bowled 884, 91.1 and 868. ' '1'i .)xvcckh :ls ben ait ieillilous b'iti'i(,1jn 1i Losei1s 01o ou I lie LVIichli ""31 howxler's, .Sirwic Basketbal cri iIlicy h'ave 11ad 1 three' iratcies sclle:ul - Act ird~hi ng i i' I'it noin'ic-nilt fromn l rant uiiy bltsbeen oi'cd to f1orfeit thec 'lais "''"'' nt aiiimalbaskellmall ON ,-o the il igiisna IKappai f rater- 3 '='W (li Nxxoii the tieal game xv itl <:ai. '1 ios-ic or three istars of xcl< 'n; 1'loshliaii baWHtbil Ispiad. At( ~ su'ingly, tine hIni'anaildepart- aieiO ;xi'e the ganie to hi igmaIll tKappa by the score of 2 tofl, and xvith it xxonat.Oiis Sea son's ha sk'tamil title. a, ii1'teli was l'layod with, Jllinoi(; We~-(dne(sd lay nitght and 1110)1 he r xvi pdayo'd wit lite Navy last, night, slits of Ithose'two matcl'ie:;xwill Ibe 111ito pulii! at, ain eamly date. W'ith lthe te1ionatiomi oftthis xvel 's muatces, tilie in tem'colle",ite howviin g r'ac w~x'ill Ihave 00)111)10i1 dits fi rst: rcammd. Al11 indicatloins poinill to an i- ot lieu' sno'o'ssful yearm' t'or A]ichiigall. If IOlieWolverineCs captunrc e t.Il again this ,yearu,, the bandlsomp 0triophy won la1st year xwill becomnet(lie per- 111 anent. possessioni oi l' ichigan1. i. Alichi g-uzn tracktlou ae entertain- i New Yor-k. March 1 :,.-.1(10moor"e, possibly for all ime. lie voluntar'ily holder' of 11l1e0iite'na Lonal indoor: passed up an opplort unity to capture Iwed-skatiml c'hilililiomshlip for t1110 the Middle Atlazmtia' indloo~r Champion- last six yeal's, anniounced last night Eshilp, which was hield at, the Iceland athletes cCf exceptional allit y. IPot.- stars in tile individual events. As yet i t'r, of Cold xa tar, is one of thle st aris he has no0). chosen the meon who are to run here. lie is statoa inte'schlol--' to make the trip, but wil know de- astic champion in the mile run and in ;finitely in a few (lays.. cress coutntry, thme latter title haviong - ( 4 'lal'.4s 1'IlkC been wvon last fll at the high school"~ Champaign-Urbana, Ill., March ~~-I ~ Rik a enoe0 meet at Ypsilaniti. lNe won tiele mile j Ted Plainies, of Belvedier, Ill., will ;Coach Steve Farrell's mainst aysfou' in the annual outdoor meet last spring capItain thle IUniversity of Illinois has- on Ferry field. Seeger, of IDeti'oit keotbahl team next season. lHe -was! the Past twvo track seasons and is Northxwesterni, will enter the 880, inu; elected on the second vote at the an-1 counted on to (duplicate his past Per- -which he also is state champion. I lis I nulal banquet by the Kiwanis club; forniances in_ the Conference mieet teammate Widman will go into the last night. j tonight at Evanston. Rleinke rates its hullrhe races, at which he has turned oeo h ethl iesi h 3 inl exceptional times. Carlson, also of New Yoi'k, March 13.-Myer Prin- oeo h ethl iesi i i Northwestem'n, will stanld an excellent, stein, former world's record holder Ten, being 31)1e to cover (110e distanmce' (hance of viining, the shiot put, whlile -in the running B~road1 jump and winner!in less than 1: 57. The brilliant show- Tait, allothlier Colt star, stands l I'Oypccaposis in 190"algthtCoc arel'owf*mleie fair, say to cop the sprint races. he16,ad10 o h ntdSaelyta id i he Itollinois Relayvs Ilviigrroke n the .Detroit city rc- wasi buried ,here today. He was 45 w-a to a large dlegree dime 1tilte stet- orl n he20 ar dshrcetl. eas011. ' - lar running of-thle vet er'anm. liclii- ord iganll('i220hoseOadgdeat rec'n'lymFi'rxx'hdn Loving.,0of Detroit. Cass Tech, will-;gawilosagrt:pfrmrhe run the hurdlhes. Txwo athletes of mci'-1 Berlin, March 11.-The German rail- , eneg'dae n*ue it will enter from-.Toledo Waite. they- way strike took a turn for the worse: being Steele In tihe shot and Ilemuphill this morning, handicapping tihe moive--t Lonldon, !March 1 ..-- The lBritish in the 880. Toledo Scott's stronlgest;leat (of freight. '1lrmy estimates for 192-261 fix the land representative will lie Woehrle, an-'- -- forces at 16(0,601) imen, aI reduct ion of other half mil~r. Batchellor and Et- PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS 1.00 0. WALK-OVER'S El ETI The New beorg xill la'e in the h alt'I F lIe 'cvcrl2 at 1" ... ('il term; ( e iii(c'i t (;ii iht. 're }- ber'g Illde his hli l a aaan11celc in ('on fci'cee('e oiiihpt it ioula st yealr aim4 inn 0one of)1theie asloist 11alfEimiler's ill the Wc' "i- I T;A NI ES RWe have js reeived another shipment of 1 'l a tasty, toney selection of til II PAT RIC TOPCOATS Cotn r in very smart fabrics' R ~$25 to$3 ;n ~309 Souxth Main roe-smnall cliose fitted ____________________ ned heel --'-Not too I1L i. wit and Satin lbw, ! y}tt -> ... \.. l .: , t h New Short Round f Bucke---Firnely, proportio In Tan, Pat( f I I 11 Price $ 10 '*E fw.o /to "t0 V { 1'15 South Main St. II ti, yFr,- ,.,., - i.. .... . ,F roa g tl M E' h W DisadedSuits Shoes, EIi hest csh price pAi 120 Fmour Avel U a Anothe Ar, N CJ01h r i v 11 The Student Prince r1 Y"LTT trT n v-0' r A ii A "V -r X7 , I : - r F.. K: } ' I ki m I I