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March 14, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-14

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SAT[ RDAY, AMARCH 14, 1925

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.t
Members of Western Coxcferenca EditorialA
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicatio~x of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherw,set
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein,
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,t
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-!t
master General.I
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, I1
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Strect.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-1
sness, 96.
Telephones 2114 and lib-MI
E~ditor........... ...John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor.........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor............ Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
Cgeorge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P'. henry Fredkc. Y.. S parrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. T hal
Sports Editor......... William H. Stonemnan
Sunday Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Women's' Editor ..............Vernea Moran
Telegraph Lditor.. William J. Walthour
Louist Eart "riBelen S. Rarmsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
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Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
]'ames W. Fernamberg Matjory Sweet
oseph 0. Gsartnier Herman Wise
aimning Ilouseworth Eugene 1-. Gutekunst
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Elizabetk. Lieherruann ianley C. Crigh ton
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Carl L. Ohlmnacher Thomas V. Koykka
Wiiiam C. Pattersou Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising............ .... ..E. L. Dunne
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Advertising..............H. A. Marks
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AccoutaJs ....................H. M. Rockwell
CircUlationi............. ....... John Conlin
Publication.....................R. D. Martin
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Rudolph B~ostelman R. M. Prentiss
14. N. Clark W. C. Pusch
3. C. Consroe D.I. Ryan
F. R. Dentz N. Rosenzweig
J. R. DePuy M. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson. M. L. Schiff
0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman
Night Editor-HAROLD A. MOORE
Scott Nearing has spoken. We havet
learned the error of American ways.
Out- cernonic order is wrong. Russia
is a Ianraea of modernity-a place
whl.ere there are no political distinc-
tions, whero the basis of social rating
is W( rk, not capital. This nation is
lagging hback in a stagnation of re-
act] onistin. Such is the verdict of the
oracle, and hle has this advantage on

ing over of the Cotton Belt road to the J man will get you," "Good little boys
Rock Island marks the last stage in f() to Heaven." "Be qjuiet, dear, and
the gradlual disappearance of the 1papa, will buly you' sonic can'dy." hlay- M/ U s i c
Goulds from railroad control., While luig lbeen, taught that that which' is AND
they still own large interests in r'ail-. "right" is "profitable," it is no sur-
ways, they' have not, control over a prisIe that: the iniidu~lU snakes theD RM
single mile of roadi. Iistake of assuming conver~sely that -
The (Gouldi career bega1n ill j '7 what is "p~rofit able" is ''right.." jI
when Jay Gould bought, the bonds ofr Very few youngsters have the hene- "TilE GOOSE HIAN~S HIGH"iI I
the Rutland and kWashing ton Itailroad. ti(cial experience of being occasionally A review, by Valentine lDavies.
It reached its zenith in the const ru(.- thrown upon their, own resources a.; Friday the thirteenth of March WillI
tion of the Western Pacific. Wanting re'gards to the decision of right and mr n ttehg onso ia
during the financial panic of 1907, and wrong. How' many people have learn-
suffering badly through the growing ,et to judge thie other fellow, then, live matic history in Ann Arbor. For one
power of the Harrimran interest , it accordingly! You may see what this thing it marks the first ap~pearance of
has at last disapp~ea red and means h'lads to. The valuable resources of one of the outstanding stock coin-
nothing in the council of railroad ithe lmrnan souildlaie seldom drawnI panics of the country; for another it.
magnates. The dream of Jay Gou~ldI uoni except in extr(eme emergency. I wilbreaedfrte
who conceived the vast, network of think Mr. Roffman, whose answer to wilb1ecle orteresneo
tascontinenttil lines which his heirs the Michigan Alumnus appeared in I'vMrs. Richard Mansfield, a leader of a
came to control and finally to lose, isi print yesterday morning, will agree fast passing school of American act-
realized, but it is not thne Gould namve with mie here. In;adfnlyi ilb eebrt
which dominates that system. In Perhaps the prooblein is one or evo- Lo teisa Belf. witn hr
that, the drea-m of Jay Gould is shat- lotion. Evolution, however, can go in
ough, masterful, presentation of the
tered. tither (~i iectfon, and we ouglit to see problem of the younger generation. Ile
I that, it goes in the right, direction, has not only p~resented his problem
Senator. Copeland is at the head of is\ha ' i hi.Pras ho but giveni his solution, and without
a move to block the ratification of the Whttmeni ti.Pehp, ho any of the popuilar seiisationalismi
Isles of Pines Treaty. Somewhere we reticalily', ireform ought, to start every- which is usually, involved. his an-
have heard those two words, "block" "where, :but, the University can take Iswver implies that there. is no problem,
and "head" used in reference to Mr. I lie lead-'in educational nmatters, and but a reasonable comprehension of the
Copeland before.i that is what ought to 1)e done. There newer view-point. "The Goose Hangs
has been a 'tendency on the part of Tih osnteagrtnrde
_This idea that "A thing of beauty is ;Itniver sity officials also to "first,; it evade the problem. It is consequent-
a joy forever" hardly holds trug with Iju-ldge others<, then, live accordingly." ly decidedly convincing.
a beautiful car. The University has a. real part to play Miss Bonstelle's company gave a
_______________anrd cust play it. It must judge its well-balanced and finished per formi-
How will all the folks who have good owod tfrtat e rprance, which was even miore, reniark-
luck today explain away the fact that Isadards'. 4s lea ding institution, able when one considers the fact thait
it is Friday the thirteenth. ithme University will find that the high it was cast from a p~ernmanent repei'-
._ fsch1ools and grade schools will grad- tory company. Airs. Mansfield's por-
wally conform.i trayal of the miother was more than
CAMPUS OPINIONI Now, I do. not believe in extreme adequate, and harmnonized perfectlyS
Anonymous ecommunications will he and radical reform of a confusing; with the rest of the cast. Walter Sher-
disregardpd. The names of corninuni- natu~re, bumt it is true that anything win as the father dlid a iremarkable
rants will. however, be regarded as
confidential 'won roccvest. that, is tried must. be given a thor- piece of work. hlis performance was
olighi trial. It is not surprising, for as natural as it was convincing. Lois
WE 'IN I I1E("firA 'S ; instance, that the "honor exams" were and Bradley, the twins were well done.
ETo the Editor: nort considered such a success here at One of the best features of 'a reper-
Undoubtedy you think with all theI Michigani, especially in the lit college, tory company is that even the smallest
"intellectuals" on the campus con - The whiol~e system'i andl en'viironment pairts are on par with the leads. It
demning any position opposed to this were against it. It was like trying would 1)e hartd to find any dlecide'd
nation's entrance into thme League ofl to run.. a street car suddenly dlown flaws in any of the characters that
Nations, the writer should not, open N orth State Street-you have to lay appeared on the stage. Manart Kip.-
his mouth. Ile, however, ha:. beeni the tracks there first. Or better still, pen's characterization of Hugh, the
raised on League propagandla, Always use motor busses'. older son, lacked a certain spontaneity
he has heard that because there ought Compulsory attendance, hours of which the lines seemed to call for.
to be a League of Nation~s an organ!-I credit, horror ihioints, standardized ex- Gilda. Leary as his fiancee, did the
zation calling itself one is really one. janihiations, A, 13, C, D, E, X, and I most she could with a rather standard
The writer has sp~ent fiftecn suniters marks, and A. B. and A. M. degrees-' paft.
at Chautauqua assembly grounds and all this elaborate and impressive Perhaps the miost. gratifying feature
at this stamrping grountd of idealism Imrapernalia play but a disciplinary, of the afternoon was time attitude of
has heard all the impractical dream- hart and are incompatible with highi- the audlience. A fumil to the brimn
ers of this country denounce. Amer- er learning. It is interest (100 per house gave courteous attention and
icans who. had to be shownIlie wasI cent, not V percent), and not profit stimulating response to the visiting
attending the College of Wooster when that niakes higher learning I)055il0. players. "'he ovation which was given
her president at a chapel service in-j Of course we have a bastard institu- Miss l3onstelle andl Mrs. Mansfield at
vited a curse upon Senator Henry ;Lion here at Michigan, just as they the close of the performance showed
Cabot Lodge whomaett oru. have elsewhere in America. It i, their intelligent appr'eciat ion.
ifight against our p~articipation in im- neither a University, a technical and l
'practical inter-nationalismn. Thank 11)"A~ness school, no r a high school,--- SC'IIJ AN N41EI I4
God for Senator Lodge andl the oilher it tries to be all three, but succeeds Forty-seven yearils have pass~ed sicve
sturdy Americans i who were for Amer- jonly in being thme two last mientionedc. FErns~t inc selluirnnn-iciukl first sang
ica first. And this in a land where they say in public and it is now three deaades
This nation is a democracy; th is na- everything is specialization! Well, if since New York opera goers were first
'tion has a republican form of govern.- l it t ilent i,1 to specialize-either in thrilled by the inagnifiience of her
ianent.; This nat ion through her rep-' dancing or lphilosophy---so must theI voice and( the fperfection of her art-

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most of his auditors-a personal ex-
perience with conditions in both
Despite this there are many 'whoj
have been and will be inclined to dis- 1I
pute his allegations. Men and women'
Whose opinion carries with it just as{
much weight have returned from tihe
Sov-iet'pairadise. across time way with
an entirely different story. They tell
of an experinment which is proving a
failure in actual practice, its "leaders
being forced to resort to hated cap-1
italistic institutions as a remedy. They
r<ecount. the terrors of Red rule for
all who venture t~o disagree with its
lractices, .and the tyrannical prac-
tcsof Russia's present rulers. Per-
hiaps such statements are only the in-
caatations of capitalists, at least, Mr.
Nearing would have us believe so.
Most of uts, however, have accepted
this view of Russian conditions.
But there is in Mr. Nearing's talk
before an Anni Arbor audience much I
of value. Though hie is an extremist
hie said much which the world must
heedi.lie made it clear that neither
Etuassia nor its government can be Ig-
nored t that thbough this nation may
wi o have nothing whatever to do
'with the Soviet, the potential power of
that emorious country cannot 1)0
overlooked, So far it has not scoened
"ise to rec~ognize the present. regime,
l)ut thiis should not deter uts from an
attempt at understanding the present
status of this outstanding trial of po-
litical ideals.
Wlwn Amlerican history is written
by a -rsu umntouchied by the twinges
of lcr zonialI jealousy, (due credit will;
hbe gjv((n to thme men who blazed the
trail ito tie. Xe t, and led the wvay
to time econonmic development of
America which has been unparalleled
in thf- bistor-y of the world. To say

resentatives has decided that this na-1 institution specialize also, either in istry at the M,7et mopolitaam. It is diull-
tion must determine, each amid every high school work or in advanced cult., therefore, to believe that sihe can
issue according to thle. cir'cuimstancesI study, either' in b~usiness and tech- still re t ain her supremnacy 1as thme
of the case. It was very proper for menkal I raning or in higher learning. world's gaeatest comntrialto, yet ev(ery
the League to have become a party is-' Let u-s not have so great a confusionI account of recent recitals indicatevs
sue. Parties shoultd take sides on all of aims and pr'ocesses in one institu- that her powers are practically tian-
important issues. Hlowever I see no tiop. A. distinct separation should be diminshied by half a century of sing-
evidence that a pioputlar refemrondum; made between the cultumral and tech- inig.
woul hae dcidd ay oherw~t. ,nical sides. of our system. There is Last April, when ,ihc sang in De-
The American people will ha'vet) be likewise no.,iprop~er separation inade troit, at huge audience greeted hemr,
shown before they accept the Leagute: between the elementary work done in doutbtlesis expecting to find little
1. ThatAwe can do more good II lie first two years in the literary col- geniuis left ;to sustain the charm of her
in, than out of thme ho;eloge bore-anti the more advanced work p~ersoniality. lint to their surprise,-
2. That time haeagiv, will not; done (to= be done) in the University they found her still a vemry great. 1
bind our fmreedlom of act ion. 1"ropet. why mnot, let the high schlools vocalist. Mr.x Gatti-Casazza has also
3. That the L eague i, not; eon- ildo 'his wormk and a pply the momney; recognmized thil fact by reent ly en-'
trolled by the FEimotan Ibowers paved to salatr ies?I gaging Madame Schiumnann-l eink for
who throuagh our' aid enmterged Now, 'emryody knmows that for a series of alpearances in Wagnerian
victors in time last great war. m iany students, time more elementary Opera at thle Metropolitan.
4Tihe writer manltaimns that th'e work is p reparation for advanced Next Wednesday evemning, March 18,1
League organization was fornulated work. What a simple statement! Yet Madame Schuntmaann-Heinle wilj give a
too near tihe recemnt war- zone and ini Iaiplaremtly evemryone does not recog- recital at Orchestra hall, Detr~oit, un-
the matter of tiune too near to the nize. that the' char'acte~r and temper der the autspices of the. Civic Music
close of time confict to be anything all'I the p)ossibilities of higher learn- League and it lpromi;ss to b~e a nhmn-
excepit a. closed corporatiomn of victors. inlg am-e determined by the nature of orable event. 11cr progman l opens
Menmbershmip iman:, little,- it is (-Ott-i the preparator-y work and the attitude with tlachi's lovely air, "Mein Glau-
trol that count;, ''1e very fact that I of mind developed there. Instructors biges Hlerze." It will be. followed by
Germnany is not a membem- showvs that in prepamratomry work can and ought to Er'da's treimendous scemne fron T ' has
the League is chiefly aim instrument to !jpromnote indepemidence. of spirit 'and Rheingolti," five Schubert somigs, an
maintain the political status quo. self-relianice on the hart of their stu- aria fromn the "Odysseus" of Max
'We all want peace. We. know vorld-,d tonts. There ought, to be a mom-al i1Bm'tch, anti a. group of songs Iby inod-
federation mpust comae but we shouldI value as; well as intellectual value in I em-m composers. Florence Ham-dmnan,
not let oum- hopes over--shadow our every course. 'then thle instiltutiomi1 violinist, will assist Madamme Schum-
shrewd Yankee common seas e . should amake this more possible by the muienn-lecink and Katlierime R offman,
J. W. M. adoption of the attitude evidently a brilliant accompanist wvho has been
tak~en by Olivet college. Whether thme with the simnter for mmany years, wil
UlEIl R T AIIS A A1? MIIOlhlD jilait will 1)0 successful at Olivet or be at thme piano.
To the Edit om': not is to mmy hind not a questionm of --I,. Iv. A.
Lately, froum tine. to timse. ,tomm't; time principle underlying it. Rather.,
which should tie of interest to those in, it depends how thorough-going an iin- THlE l"A(TLTV COI CEAT
'the educational world have. been maak- s ;tahla lion and trial of the system they Time following program will be offer. f
ing thmeir- a pearia,'!o imm'1The Michigan 1 areaable and willinig to imake. ed at time Faculty Concert Sunday
D~aily. Fomr instance, I lie limiting ofl As for thle institution of higher afternoon at 4:15- o'clock in Hill auidi-
the curriculumi of Jlohins T1 ophns 'to learmnimng--the Univemrsity --there is rno torium:
strictly nierst womrk. 'fhmlmrn-excse for anything bm the most siumI Andante con V amiazoimmo ia FI
ing we. have tme mcnt iouof optional pieantiint'ormna sylofisrcon mmo-..........fyn
attenmdance in time classes: and lectures ; Professor' andl student here must work Nell T3. Stockell
at Olivet.. M~any iil sa',n rly, together, not at each other-.tHere the, All! Mio cor..... . ...hhandel
that this is nothing nwmnewe udrwlelrhmim~myotie hu~ hv enICi ulI ziigarnla....Iaise1to
sun.hl'oe~ve', lmatmi oe uer merea-0 goitnpast anmll e testudent vshouldebe otmeiae.........l-i
son whly thme plat ter-its tot interest.,-- ready to apprmeciate anmdc take an in- Sotto hi Ciel. ....... ........ Sibella
it has been a .fea ture caionag the temest in the saitme thing thmat interests j Eumnice Northrup
scholastically superior E'ur'opean ,Au- thle tc~icler. 'r ,ie houltd be no clues-;'rT-to, opus 18, I+ mmajomr. . . . Saimt-Sae1)-,
denttv la~ ct tlt tclots. is c otRn e-c fof ge tiigohouhr Allegro" Vivact; Amidanite ; Scherzo
I haye lwas flt Im~ t d mca io ii~('O i'0, f a t emmdnce recrds of(presto) ; Allegro.
sonmet hing not to;I he1forcedl uii1nil y in ! credlit:;,(if gmade,;, etc. This is *A lte Ala ud Okheh humg, Piano
a cansii5lt;5way., If thit'a vem':mg';c.sf - place. fom- infor-malit y and simc('mity, S. P. L ockwood(, Violin:
dent of today lois no s15)111atneonis in - Sn rely lit one wvilquestio~n this. "'How; Ora Lam-tima rot, Violinceilo1

Read The Daily





Spring Fabrics and New Haven
Custom Tailored Clothies
N EVER have we seen degigns so exceptionally attr aotive and ozri in cd
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enhance the individuality of the college man's clot les.
For more than a generation, the New Maven -ty pc. of titiinm-, 11-s 1,F: w 1 fav-.
ored by University men. A few years ago, Ann Arbor was added to the list
of western cities visited by our representative, and ini this short tine a l-Arge
patronage among Michigan men has been developed.
Come in and see the new Spring and Sunnmer falbrics.
A t HOTEL ALLENEL, Monday, March 16

I ~d1 U

,hat, those who led the man-el toward
the r er c'- e-tendiig fmontIier, and
bIogimt the railroad into the western
hlaiu , Hm. opening vast mesources
befor-e und~reammed, founad at time end
of the trail a pot of gold, is to descend
to floe phaimi of jealousy. Tfhose men j
amasedgreat wealth, but the power
whicha it br-ought theim was for thme
miost part used for better p)urpose
than mere self aggrandizemlent.

terest i
teve.ryt h

n culturalt tin hg,, it is bca use Ia bout thle IP1.0)?'" you say. Don't wom--
ing he lhas i one lhe ba~s been m y about it.- Investigate properly yourt

1T1me IPraeludes, Opus 28, Nos. 1 f
anmd 15 .................. Chmopinm

IIIN ~ A e,~1~J1 A Ii

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