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March 14, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-14

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I ~iAi, ~iC{fli~E

. 'Waite and Good rich (Commuendl Hounse
IDefent of Bill for Capital
-~ IPuluishnet

Scene And Principals Of "Teapot.

Dome" Trial


f The

"A very unique step" is the mann~r
in which Prof.ThosIi~ -I. Reed. oi-f Ithe

worse position t han in t he fi rst place
biecause the lack of support is emplm-


api tal punislnment,' which met:;e .
Thursday in the lower branch of : J : ::r ::
ug i l y vi b i a t t e i l t r , s e } as n oi staun ch su pporters in
he f,1wulty of the Law school.
I'rof. J1. >. Waite of th-e Law school
:end whIo, is also editor of the Michi--
-'; n Lraw Review, exp~ressed the fol-'r
loigopinion on the measure: "1I' S//t1C~rA12 awcE
have no( f undamental objection t~o a ..
(1nal penalty, but I (10 not: believe it
W0o1ld ha've, (lone much good hadl it
, llassnd. It is not the severity of Ilan-(.
1ishmejit that deters offenders hut the .:,
ert aity of punishment. A thlreat of
jtn prisonmnent which is carried out
is iiflit! tely m-ore impressive a ld more fotiehaatratfdahwicj4
,is not4 likely to Ibe carriedl into effect. 4
"We have penalty enough now to :":;>::::" SS71tt
~ ~saeinto goodl behavioiur every po- '
I ential1 criminal that call lbe rest rainled r~sly
1:y fear. What we lack- is enforcement.; ''X rr.
' ob~ody fear's a Sif fed club, and that.
i-s hat too many criminals consider
thle crimninl law--- stuffed club.
When we oft en ilpose what; penalties
re already providled by law we shall;
-III,( no neYed for severer ones:"
Pr11ol' If. F. Goodrich of the law de- : '. :
l at o t wl]- ~n ui g wt eo ' essor W aite, madt~e the following state-l
niont fnr"hlr'ring his opinion tha~t. ealmi- t.~i ;;
tai punishment 'was not essential.
''Theflre is the additional point :i gais ' i : :.; ;:, ;5; :r:::;:
t he dea.-th plenarlty,.*in that, it aakes : ;, .s . ::::"":::
'ofl Vict lol more( dlifficu~lt to secuire.
°" 7tl<ui i'R areln itout to renlder~ a ver-
itt whochr will se(id a man to death.
"Phe same reluctance will not nanif nst !A -(ti. n h he co
it self if life irisonmnent. Js the aI ~C''Ih'"eao.Dm"tili
ternative, especially since if a ibis- a£igur(es ill the tr ial are seen : 1-Jtld
take is subsequently discovered it. clan Ge g ~ IOVrdfnecusl
y, lie rctifIC1(d." erts, governmn t counsel; 7 -Atlee Pc
Statistics corflparing two states, rie at~torney; 9--'Wit'ness standl; 10--
Mqichliganr and Minnesota-, who hrave { wspaper reporters.
abolished the death penalty, andl Ohiot
nd Indiana, who have not,.bear out
strongly the fact, that the abolition!j] t
of capital punishment is not neces- Un u k F'i a
sarily followed by an increase in the 1 T
homicide rate. Onr th-e contrary, the N a l a S '
Shomicide rate of the two states with- an causes ®
out; the death penalty is lower tlhn t fa o lt h t
taofthe two carrying capital pun-s
ishxnent in their criminal code.Foondr moetriath
Thej~ statistics cover a periodI from Fon akmmetFia h
14 to 1921. In 1914 Michigan and thirteenth threatened disaster at aC
Minnesota without the dleath penalty local theater yesterday afternoon.
had a homicide rate of 3.8 percent. "Out front'' the audience had gon~e
Ohio and Indiana had a rate of 6.1 wild. They were crying for more,
_ ercent. ,The _greatest variance was more, mor~e. The c0oared players were,
' nifl 117 when the lattcestates rose to Iscurrying back and forth "brack stage"
. 7.9 percent as ccimIharl'l to the rate of for the next number.
4.5 percent, in the states inflicting life Jumst then there was5 a tinkle-yes,erfth taea ecd ilie,.Iwall-
-survejy -1921,- -the dea~th- dealin'g states the breaking of a large- piece of glacs
,til~ I w.1 ith al percentage of 7;1 pet'- . and eve ry one heard- -it. A. mirror '
cen,?t- wlile iclhigan and~ MVirnnesota1 Some~how this thought, camie to all of
still muaintained the 4.5 percnt rat- them. A mirror brolien, on Friday the
ing. thirteenh ! The comedians, rollicking
- - --a secondl before, were almost: weeping.
I ROT ~ j For a 5('(Ol~d they listened, when there
) h .KY I T R'IS~ was a rash1 for talh di rectIi on of the

rlaY's(lII4st iOU : Do you believe
tlat a stu1dent can engage ini outside
work c.:Ill do justice to hiis school
\A ork at Ome saile bime?
Xi~ shie: In the tap room of
Iht1e L1lion.
'27.--'"t .d~pc uds cut irely upon Ile
i lvilual. lHe must have that stick
to it ability' and be able to-do justice
to both end,.''
.T. W. Isenuan, '25.-"I do not be-
* lieve that a college stud(ent can (10
any great amount of outside work and
still :^et I hle best from his school
work, one or the 'other or both must
Carl E Moody, '27.-"i " believe that
anY 1 tidel tcan work two or~ three
hours a (lay and still (10 justice to
his school work. Inasmuch- as most
sIudients usually work (luring meal
Hour,; they arie using time than would
or dinarily be0 lost anyhow."
C'. C. Wilson, '26.-"1 think one can
do justice to school and work pant
time since a great derel of time is
i:siiall y Nvast ed anyhow."
E. A. Seeley, '25.-' If the type of
wNork some of them (10 is any criterion
of their ability then no matter how
great an amnount of school work they
do would not increase their 'marks or
Aiton Wll Speak
At Senior Smoker
l' of. Arl hur S. Aiton, of the history
Wyo., dleparitment, will be the principal
nent js-leak_1er at a. smoker for the men of
3- the senior literary class, to he held
Rb '1'11111sday night at the Union.
(list ;Mulsic and1 entertainmient, including
-ce other speakers, will be announced by
Mlark Duffield, '25, chairman of the
committee, the first of next week.

,4T4. PQaMff: ENa
's in the xl rania being eac -( in the f edlerai 'con rtm (om2 at.:('Ii eyennle, Z'
in, pmrogress, are Soen abhove. 'fie p llol ii occup ied by the mlost. promll
Ede T.13. Ke~nnedy ; 2----J.ohn W. L acey , leadling (~oinsel for defense;
--E. fl. Cha2rndler, defense colunsel ; 5 -Harry I'. Sinclair; G-Owen J.
'oerene, govertneift counsel ; 8-Al bert ID. Walton, U~n ited St ates
-Nxamiining counsel ; 11--- Comtrt ;Stenog Iraph~le's ; 1.2-Clerk of court ; 118

l 1)ownastairs one of the theytfor h11ads 'IIl1111I 111111111111111111H1161i111111I1 11 111t1111:
had been .moving some stage effec~ts5 =
when, by accident, he uapset a large THE LANTERN SHOP --
Devonshire mirror.=
iJust as the actors startedl down the =
stage hand had a bad thought:. "'If
those plattat ion babies find this they-j
'11 Stop) the Show."_~T TVI
Thel( sight of his, broom nearby fol- lUlCfleOfl VYW HELRt Closed
lowedt the thought with an inspiration.=
Two swOIIs carried( the dlebris out, of = Dinner All Day
sigh~t. A second later, as half a (oz-! TO' 'onfl
en faces appeared at the (loor tHie =aSunda
stage hand W3va seen st ooping over to aJ[a Carte Service T.
recover a. very large hunch of keys. aLL-X
which, after a sAlut ory jingle, he re-
pilaced at -his -belt anid hununrrer a ham'; -- -
from the "Spr ing Song.
-rie en- 703 East University Ave. Phone 3093-M .:
Gibraltar, March 13.-Riff tresr e
todlay fired onl the Brit ish shuip Am -i-
h)er. engagedl in laying; cables for thle a118I11t11111ir11t1111lI 111111111ilfl 111il11111111
Pastern Tel egra uh conipan y off the f
African coas-t.
Qmsuh.ribe forI'Th~le 11cihi glal Dir. ly

political science d -artent dchrac- sad ___-____
terized the recent :nove of President New York, March 1,-The museum
Coolidge in resuhr.itting to the Senate Jof tieAumeican Indianr history
the nomination of Charules BI3. Warrenmmtondat iou annournced yesterday the
of Michigan as his attarney general. j(disco~very under the sands of ;Nevada
"Generally the nomination of a thei oldest buried city yet unearthed,
cabinet officer is confirmed by the,-
Senate without uestion," Professor I_____ -- -
Reed remarked when questioned onl I('TEASE D)ANCE
fthe subject. "The usual attitude to
b e taken is that the President should Men, whosea application for
be permitted to select his advisors t ckets to the Crease dance,
brough his own choosing. khave been accepted may reOceiv
"There have been except ions to f tickets and subpoenas from Rb-
this customn, however, hut such in- EI ert Snodgrss, '25L, and harry
stances have been few. When they Grundy, '26L, March 13, 14- or
have occurred, it was usually because I 15, A iuiitd number of tickets
of a bitter embroilment betwen (on-' now remain and law students.
gress and the President. Evidently. 1 may secure thenm fromi members j
Mr. Coolidge has not the full support( of the Crease committee or fromi
of the Senate." D awson . Mar, l, '261.. W. Blip-4
WVhen asked how many imbes thle ' jGies, '25L, ani William ViW.
President could resubmit a cabmhinet King, '27L.
nomination after rejection, Professor l ____ -.--___________________ 1
Reed replied that1there is nothing in
the Constitution which prohlibits theI-
executive from presenting such a, nom- Cp n on o h e-
ilation as many times as he desires. joCapngnder gons forderedn
Professor Reedl recalled one instance tineiek tersoldSheor shop
wher'eia name was sent back three1thsweathe oeSrthp
times, before the President changed I while the orders for the canes
his selection. should he placed with the Wag-
"If President Coolidge ilieves hlej nr and company, clothiers.
can muster enough votes for confirm-
ation the secondl time, that is, a maj--
ority; well and good," said Professor
led"btheilbetertclyr-! dsponsible to the coutntry for Mr. War- IR d the W a nt Ads
ren Ifhe fails to secure a majority
the secondI time, he is pmrobably in at
_=,llt111111ilili1R1111111YlllllllFi('Alill T IN TS MEANIWtlll11111~111
Th aosvmpr trhs rte c
Wfu1I un
_ W,
Th-aosvmiesa a Vrttna cr" . -
_ W
-, -
- W i h - - - W
n W
In!'2DyH redT etieThil
He Ha Hised I 20 ears
t i rtynre-nat m s-rppdo lgo(
-a hutWoiafotuea-otryce acndDen
C andANOh, Doctor!N
-W ~ru

r .a
-- r

ULUE.. n-. ILa' UU S w


Recently organize with the main
object of being 'offilal hosts to vis-j
iting athletic. teams, Michigan's BFlue
lKey club will; undertake, its first pro.-
ject March '28," at which time it will
stage a "Cornell Day." At that time
the Cornell track team will come to
Ann Arbor for the dual track meet
and the Blue Key club will have ;
charge of the entertainment of memn-
be(rs of the eastern team during their
In years past, when the Michigan
track team traveled to Cornell for
mneets, the Red Key 'club there, an or-
'anizatioui similar to that organized-
here, entertained the men during the
en tire meet.
It is expected that this method df
making the visit of visiting athletic
tecams as pleasant as p)ossible tivill aidi
in fostering friendly relations between
Michigan and her athletic rivals, toidl
that a.: better.spirit will in this way
be engendered(.
Pay for your Sulbscription today.j
== Sunday =1
Soup-Treiiiof CrieenIlPea
S Wafers Olives Celery
Roast Young Chicken with
Ioast Leg of Lamb withI
Mint Sauice
-. Cut Wax Beans
= ]lMa shed Pot atoes-
Salad lDessert -
ionme-made Apple or Iluckle'-
= berrmy P-
,r Brick Ice (Creaminwith O ahe =
Te rNa Coffev 1\ilk -

2 :00~-3:304-7:N~-8 :30) 3.i-21c- lt0c
manof ma&beabtaqe4ani&ta roams mounthain DfOWC
--presenzts;" I

TheF a l' 1 .4v-gr'-t ic ofn o i' lertalers uii Itle Sta.ge To day

Tonbiy he horse &Du~tc the dog,
di redblooded drama of ti'et
D) Mlinton lt~ag & VTpia Hudson bghtmn w
4J.G. L 9NE~d~w

A NJ):


I Itp('l Huighles, Rollicking Berth Control (Coimedy

Fllu mes at.... .. . . . :0
Acts al..........
3?1ain Floor . .......c

First ; iow.. . ....:
Second lShow.... .. ..51)
Mati Floor', admission . . .O~
l'Imis Taix, totals ........ 75C






I -- ------------ I I

xitt .Y l Y2fit l'x l1. i:: iY i>Yx fit'Yi '

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