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March 13, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-13

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FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1925



FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 192~ ~PAG13~ ~
--~-~ - - -







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Frock Is



Illustrated Talks Are Features4
Personality Series Given
ForEW oLn NE


Through better living we become
better Christians. This is the under-
lying idea of the Y. W. C. A. for the
series of lectures which are to be
given at 4:15 o'clock every Tuesday
ffom March 17 through April 7,; at
Nwberry hall. These lectures, which
are sponsored by the meetings con-
=tittee of the Y. W. C. A., of which
Lilian Wetzel, '25, is chairman, are
entitled, "A College Girl and Her
"Personality and Dress," is to be the
first topic discussed, showing how wo-
men should buy th'eir clothes and
which clothes should be bought. Miss
Helen Cornelius, the director of the
cothi ng bureau at J. L. Hudson's, De-
troit, is to speak on this subject and
is to bring clothes from Detroit for
illustrative purposes. College wo-
men will act as models.
Miss Cathleen Calkins, consultant
director of interior decorating for J.
L. Iudson's, Detroit, will present an
illustrated lecture on "Personality in
Interior Decorating" the following,
week on March 24. She will particu-
larly present ideas for the college wo-
man's room.
"Aesthetics in Food" will show how
to serve food attractively and will be
given by a Michigan graduate,, Miss
Pearl MacDonald, '98. Miss MacDon-
ald, although now situated in Detroit,
is connected with the Green Tree Inn
at Ann Arbor.
Concluding the series will be a talk
on "Religion in the Home," by Mrs. Il.
C. Coffman which will be presented on
April 7.r
- uthor To Speak I
Of Varied Events
In Explorations
Dr. Cora Johnston Best, author and
lecturer, will give an illustrated ad-
dres uderthe auspices of the Bus-
ness and Professional Woman's club >
of Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock tomorrow
night in Pattengill auditorium of the
Ann Arbor high school. According
to those in charge of the lecture, Mrs.
Blest is an adventurer in the true
isnse of the word and has the faculty
of sharing her experiences with Iver
Mrs. Best was the first exponent of
visual instruction in the state of1
Minnesota, for which she was accorded
special priveleges in the national
parks. Her lectures relate a woman's
experiences in out-of-the-way places,
seven weeks under the midnight sun,
sleeping on a glacier and many other
adventures. She has hunted, climbed
and been on exploring expeditions
from the Arctic circle to the Tropics.
Mrs. Best has been through all
United States National parks, spend-
ing nine seasons in Yellowstone park.
For seven summers she has spent
,y,, from four to seven months in the
wilds of Canada. She has climbed
every peak in the Canadian Rockies.
1'ast season she guided a party to the
top of Mount Odaray, the first time
this ever was done by a woman. She
also is the only woman who has
guided her own parties through vari-
ous mountain passes, including the
t dangerous Abbot pass, called "The
Death Trap."
The lecture will be illustrated with
pictures made by Mrs. Best on her
tours. No admission will be charged,
the public is invited.

Women Point Out
Needs Of Hospital
Various needs of, the UniversitNyO
lrospital were discussed at the March_ 1 _______
"I'li see you at the League party at meeting of the University Circle of n h ish to enroll in the
Womten ,whowihtenolnte
the gym," is the expression being,! Kings Daughters held Wednesday at rifle class to be held from 4 to 6E
heard among the women today. The the home of Mrs. W. D. McLean on o'clock, Mondays, should sign up with
committee expect an unusually large Oakland avenue. Miss McCormick in Barbour gymnas-
attendance at the St. Patrick's party Mrs. John McGreggor, chairman of ium as soon as possible. Women who,_
being .given from :4 to, o'clock in jlheiisiriationial servrice commniittee have already enrolled in a rifle class
Iarboing gynasium. Dorao kns are will be dropped unless they attend
Barbour gymnasium. Decorations are s announced that the league of 'Catho- regularly
in charge of Mary White, '28; refresh- lie women will pledge $10 a month for ----rul.
mentstinder the direction of Mildred a part-time "Craft" teacher for the Students who studied folk dancing'
Huebner, '27; Jean Kyer,, '27, is gen- girls at the University hospital pro under lizabeth Burchenal may oh-
ex pitalipro theeotherza$40hmonth isaplmag-ob
.al chairman of't$s party and is also I 4 tain a list of dances and their Victorj
ed. Mrs. Ruth Fish of the social ser- records by applying at Barbour gvm-
arranging the program wbich will # vice department spoke of the needs { nasium.
consist of stuns, music and dancing. of the hospital, saying that the great-
elen and Margaret Hawkins, '25, est needs were for men's clothingomn of the Univrsty
will put on a stunt entitled "Inter- Mrs. Fish also spoke of the need Of
national Aftthoon " and Matilda' books and current magazines.
Sommerfield, 28, a take-off on St. Mrs. Ralph H. Curtiss reported on
Patrick's day. The Kappa Sigma or- the haspital library service as it is or-
chestra will feurnsh music. I ganized in a number of cities at the t
Patronesses for the party include: Eswent time. "There are 20,000 pa-
Miss Jean Hamilton, Mrs. A. S. Ho- t
ti nts a vear at the University hospit- 1

sAhnol oUs Music will hold a meetinghers
at 4 o'clock to(day at the School of iA n u c - "e'
Susic. This meeting will be held fr For Junior Play
the purpose of organizing and electing J
oflicers for the graduating class.
Group two of the women chosen to
Junior ))lay rehearsals will be held l usher at the Ju11.ior Girls' play is as
as follows Today, B and 2 at 4 'o'- ol lows: t her '[ou t, sub-chairman,
clock, 5 and F at 5 o'clock, Act 1 at 7'asenice Smith, N ttlileen Kelleher,
o'clock in harbour 'gymnas im; to-' a"4e It inc llour :uI'd, Dorothy Kiefer,
u r1 iy naI ahcrine liunter, lone VanBuren,
moirrow, dress rehearisal of cast an Cat e lun Fr on ances
choruses both acts at 6:30 at the Fortons ave, Ianna,iH Fen Best, Sue
sWhitney theater. , cchly, Jean
FitchGrace Collins, Geraldine Knight,
Any women interested in working Muth Sorge, IImlen Straus. This
for the W. A. A. tea room should call group will usher on Wednesday and
Irene Field, 190. Saturday exenings. The rehearsal
---w will be held at 4 o'clock, tomorrow, at
Senior women must pay rent for the Whitney theatre. Group one,
caps and gowns at Mack's on Satu'r- which was nimed in The Daily yes-
(lay or Monday. Gowns will be de- terday, will retearse at 3 o'clock to-
livered in time for Junior Girls' play morrow. Gr)up thre' will be an-

only to those who pay

on these dates. nounced tomorrow.

... .


See This


The tailored tub frock is one o the
very smart creations of the . winter
resorts. Which means, of ccurse;.that
when the warms weather comes they
will be equally important in the north.
For a frock of this kind a material
in stripes is very effective as they may
be reversed with trimming effect
without breaking the tailored lines of
the dress.
Darbrook crepe baroda fashions this
pretty, girlish dress. A long gilet
front with revers and vestee of white
are particularly attractive. The -re-
versal of the stripes in this cas give
a tunic effect to the dress. Low
waistline front skirt panel and pleats
held (down by a low, set b~and are" all
notable features of this little frock.
A simple little hat of white rfelt
trimmledl with white ribbon is_ worn
with this frock but turbans of Roman
striped ribbons are very piopular in
the south and are often worn with
beach costumes.
Preparations for the auction
sale of the Women's League
bazaar articles have been com-j
pleted. The auction will be j
(held at 3:30 o'clock today in
Barbour gymnasium. Alberta 01-
son, '26, will act as auction-
eer, assisted by Ruth Kahn, '27,
and goods will go to the high-
est bidder in spite of the value
of the article. A wide varietyI
of articles will be on sale and
keen competition and ready re-
sponses to the auctioneer's calls
are expected: Hannah Fitch,
'27, is general chairman of thej
auction, and Anna Arnold, '27,
has managed the advertising.j
The entire proceeds will go to
the Women's League building

bart, Miss Grace Riclhards, Miss Ethel
McCormick, Dr. 'Margaret Bell, and
Miss Janet Cummings.
Senior wonen will have their last
chance to obtain tickets for the Sen-
ior supper between 1 and 2 o'clock
today at University hall. No tickets
will be sold after this time since re-
servations must be made at the Union.
Approximately 350 women are expect-
ed to attend the supper, which will;
ill the dining room to capacity.
The guests 'of honor will include
Dean Jean Hamilton, Mrs. John R.
Effinger a Mrs.MAny Hobart, and Miss
Grace Richards. St. Patrick's day;
decorations Will be used, and Cliff
Allen's -orchestra will furnish the mu-
sic for the evening. ' The entertain-
ment will consist of Michigan songs,
stunts, and songs 'from last year's
Junior Girls' play.. There will be no
toastmistress for. the occasion, as the.
committee in charge of the supper
wishes to conclude the program on
time for the opening' performance of
the Junior 'Girls'.Play.I
The first Junior Girls' play was no
more than a one-act stunt to enter-
tain the senio s, and even now since
it has grown t complete two-act
musical comedy,.the first performance
is given in hon&r of'the senior women.
Senior collars will be on sale next
Monday and Tuesday at the candy
booth in University hall.'

al, a number comparable to the pre
sent population of Ann Arbor, and
for this number there is no hospital
library service," commented Mrsd
Curtiss. It was voted that at the next
meeting of the hospital circle a.
"Shower of Books" will be given for
the hospital. The books most called
for by the hospital are travel books
and light fiction.
Miss Jessie Bonstelle, of Detroit,
will speak on "Dramatics" at 7:30 o'
clock today at the meeting of the Ann'
Arbor branch of the American Associ-
ation of University Women at the
home of Mrs. E. C. Goddard, 1212 Hill
street. Members may bring guests.

..._ _
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: . _ .

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