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March 08, 1925 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-08

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SUNDAY, MARCH $,t 1.925


of simps for Sonia but' they were
Russian Sc boo s each XWomen Agriculture Amiican shos and long and iarrow,
while the Russion foot is short and
broad. Miss Bredin said, "Tatiana
More Than 18,000 Women Are Enrolled in Universities and Colleges Throuohout the was eing the shoesto tn these
m and Sonia was disassociating one foot
Northern Country Have no Independent Status, Holding- Rights from a wet piece of leather. Moist
Equal to Those of Men Studnts sem-circles had crept up on her
brown stockin from the l Th

Sonia's heart was set on the good ties, homes meant for men of learn-
looking almost-new shoos. miss ing were accommodating their rela-
Bredin continues, "We beg, we plead. yong w.man of the First Mos-
we perjure our souls with praising cow University Medical College whom
the larger pair. But no-it will be everyone calls Katya has been fight-
all right, her feet are swollen from ing tuberculosis for five years and
the typhus. The swelling will go finds it impossible to take the 'rest
down soon and the shoes will fit. H1er i that is absolutely needed. She stud-
stockings are wet. She will have a ies during the day, giving much time
man put the shoes on stretchers. to relief work for her fellow students,
Then, with a shy smile, 'They are does secretarial work at night, and
such nice shoes.' manages a household. Sometimes her
"At last she won us over, for the household, which has several stu-
love of a girl for a pretty thing ca ldents above the average financially.
not be suppressed even by a revolu-I cannot collect among its members
tion, and the right of a woman to enough kopecks to buy food for din-

B~y Mlarlon L. A~yer

Enrollment figures for the number
Of women in Russian universities and
colleges show that the ratio of women
to men is two to three. When the
Student Relief office in Moscow set
out to secure statistics on the regis-
stration of men and women in the
schools which sent students to the
American kitchens, they found that
many institutes kept no separate rec-
ord for women since time and effort
were required to secure the registra-
tion> of the women, as they were not
T~ec~rnzod s ae'ron. o wofm

us that all the women in her school used to be the style for Russian feet student came to Miss lredin's station,
hoped to get similar positions but is giving way to a heelless sandal, wearing what Miss Bredin describes
that the majority would return to especially among the student women. as "two hunks of leather oozy with
the rural communities from which A story is told by Miss Bredin about mud and so unattractive that I looked
they came. Some Russian women Sonia Kapralova and her shoes. This away." They had been saving a pair
have a deep love for open country
nd the raising of vegetables and--
berries. I have seen a woman pentl
up in a small Moscow room speak ! WOMAN M. P. REJECTS TRADITION
of the farm she once owned in the 11u
'steppes with longing in her voice and Labor Organizer' llows wn S tyle InHo
tears in her eyes, all of which is aZy
contradiction of Tchecof's Three Sis-
ters. But now Russia is full of con-

-111' s 601. I e
joy in her face at the sight of the
neat, black, almost-new shoes was so
embarassing that I hastened to say,
I'm afraid they are not going to fit.'
It was too true. Sonia tugged and
grew much pinker, but the uncom-
promising American shoe refused to
Isiv final 'A n c


govern her own feet has never been;

I The Russian woman student is gen-
students' organization exists, and in Ts
whatever organizations are permitted erally serious-minded, hard working,;
in the universities, men and women and dependable, according to Missj
are both represented. Bredin. Every Student Relief con-
nimittee, with the exception of those
The enrollment figures finally se- representing the technical schools,
cured from thirty schools of univer-had two or three women membersall
ity and college standing shoed a ofhom displayed organizing ability
total of 18,000 women to 29,000 men. (ilayoanisn ability
and tile will to accomplish things.
The pedagogical institutes registered which sometimes surpassed the men.
more women than men, as did the A casul observer woul say that
general courses and the medical A

give. r Iiaiiy sneat tup breathless ldenied. So Sonia left the office, her
and murmured something about wet soggy shoes on her feet and her
stockings but Tatiana and I1)0th treasures under her arm. And if to-
warned her that she should not spoil day, Sonia is sitting in her class
her feet with narrow shoes." fidgeting with her mind on her feet
An attempt was made to ft the instead of her pedagogics, the Stu-
girl with some men's shoes and a dent office refuses to take the blame."
pair was found that would do but 1 The rigors of student life during
the last few years, have been too
member of the Communist party--the much for a large per cent of the
extreme wing of the Socialist party women. Carrying heavy burdens, liv-
that has been disowned by the lead- ing in crowded rooms, and eating
ers. A short time ago she moderated irregularly have weakened many un-
her more violent ideas, however, and til now they are easy victims of
rejoined the orthodox Labor field, a tuberculosis. Miss Lredin cites
change of front for which she wpill examples, "When a number of prom-
give no explanation. inet professors were offered places
At the age of 12 Ellen Wilkinson in a southern sanatorium last sum-
became practically self . isupporting. mer, the majority begged to be al-
As she says: "From then on through lowed to send aN wife or daughter
college I paid for my education by threatened with tuberculosis. In
winning scholarships." spit? of the protests of the authori-


European Tours
For College Men and Women
64 Days
$395 and up
College credit up to 8 hours
if desired
For full particulars address
Tours Division
itO East 42nd Street New York


ner. Then they have been known to
carry on a great game of pretense
over a piece of bread and a glass of
tea, asking that the caviar or the
Swiss cheese be passed or insisting
that they cannot eat another piece
of cake."

schools. The technical sch-ools had
the smallest number of women pro-j
portionally, but 500 women were
studying engineering in Moscow. The
Petrofqky Agricultural Institute,
which hives no household arts course,
a course baly, needed and unheards
of in Russia, registered 1200 women.
The Courses for Women,.a;school
established by an educator named
Gerier, which registered more than
2,000 women before the war is now
a coeducational school and has beenj

the material condition of the wo
students is better than that of
men because they appear b
dressed, but Miss Bredin tells I
(luring a clothing distribution



cleverness of the women became evi-
den t. Unmatched skirts and coats
weere dyed to make a suit, dresses
turned to cover worn spots, men's
shirts made into blouses, and hats
concocted from bits of cloth. Women
fortunate enough to have a chest of
household goods left, made under-

I ilnfi~~~~inm' fr ln lf fl

reLIme from deautul uti Ul
renamcel the Second M~ioscow univer- table cloths and dresses
sity. Letters are on file in the Uni- hangings.
versity of Michigan Y. W. C A. writ-h

drawn work
from window

Y.1i1 A '14J C!L 3TL1 Vi11 4431 L . YY . U. 1Z. i)' 14-

A,'ficc F2rnrlin cnvc "Tho oPiaQf of nn I

ten by students of English courses in j 1ikssIuuin says. IlInL of0an
the fourth year of the Pedagogical old nurse has kept one young woman,
Faculty of tlie Second Moscow Uni-,I 4 flow, clothed., The old lady made
versity, which state that Russian stu-. a habit of stowing away the pieces
dents there would be glad to corre- of cloth, which were the customary
spond in English with students of birthday gifts from the family. ,.Now
American colleges. she gladly gives them back to the
Miss Elizabeth Bredin, who is allied destitute daughter."
with the Student Relief workers for The woman student, who comes
the Central Area, Russia, and who was from outside Moscow l eads ratmos
recently in Ann Arbor in the interest difficult life. If she is fortunate, she
of the relief work, says: "In a coun- is given a spot in a bare uncomfort-
try in which 85 per cent of the popu- able dormitory, where she must sleep,1
lation works on the land, it is natural sttudy, and cook her meals in the
that young women should study agri- I same room with several other .women.
culture. In the old days, a special Some are obliged to sleep on trunks
agricultural school for women, estab- in the room of friends and others,
lished by Princess Golitzen, was who cannot get registered any place,
training 400 girls, daughters of land- move every two or three days so that
owners. This school in 1923 was con- they will not attract attention of the
solidated with the larger agricultural house committee to the illegal occu-
institute called Petrofsky. During a pation of space.


& tha THE MILL
i MAnn Arbor's
Established 19
Feateuring T InhisI
f iThree Groups of Gowns
~ earl two hundred latesrgwso
Copies of latest Paris im prtaitions. Vah
:::_______._____ eery unusual.
I~y nrs I~imr.33 caiwwi o no believe in makingth
Th'fall election in England mea- ;1 Joure a dress p~arade," she said,
sultmng in the defeat of the Labor! when the subject was mentioned.®
$1- 7
ofparty reuced the number of women "Any w5omnan M. P. has something else2
members from eight to four. And of' to think about-hut I do see no reas-
that number only one. MNiss Eilleen' on wvhy she should not be herself
Wilkinson, is a memb~er of the Labor and dress in something besides som-
party. Miss Wilkinson, whose vivid h er" things."
copper-colored hair has earned her Miss Wilkinson is a tiny woman, In Ai
the nickname of "Red Nell," has had:being barely fiFe feet high. She is Ga
hNeariybtwedreenas an official trade
further distinguishied herself by wear- union candiate; in other words, her Silk Hose
ing a bright apple green dress in the election expenses were paid out ofC
House, whereas the other three mam- j trade-union funds. Most of her li All Shades 1
an Mrs. illn inariablyw secl ialy o melvn orkers. Sheis{ $ .5Te hp
aun Mrs Phlpsn inarablyf whear wen el swojent wrs. heo.
berksn, hssammb of h LaAsor andds be n sethgaing wosers, TheSh-
black. rt Socialist and at one time was a
House,'whereas.thewwtherwthree me.- trade-unsonsfunds.Mnstsffwh.ralifesAww Shades


IExclusive arment Shep
02-Growing Every Year

{eek For Your Benefit

Three Groups of Coats
Over one hundred newest ,oats and wraps


in both sport and dressy models.
designs and the favored cloThs.
son will determine the values.



$39.50 $49.50 $59.50

visit to Petrofsky, ten versts from
Moscow, I watched a mixed class
having a lesson on the operation of
a piece of farm machinery. The girls
seemed as capable of understanding
the mechanism and directing the ma-r
chine as the men.
"Olga Petrovna, an energetic young
woman, who represented the Golitzen
school on the Agricultural Student
Relief conimittee, was a senior and
spoke very proudly of the position she
expected to have the following year
as advisor on pig raising at a govern-
ment station near Minsk. She told

Russian women students must have
plenty of endurance for cold weather.
They sit with low necks and short
sleeves in a room the temperature of
which would cause an American to
wear a fur coat. Hard times have ac-
customed the Russian women to walk-
ing long distances and carrying reavy
loads. Miss Bredin states that "When
the buildings for an exposition were
being erected in Moscow in the spring
of 1923, a number of the laborers'
who unloaded lumber we're women
from the First Moscow University."
The high heeled French shoe, which


Main St.

Silk Blouses
Very Popular

of Satisfaction


Announces as its Ann Arbor representatives
Miss Adelaide Adams, Summer School Tours
Room B, Alumni Memorial Hall
Phone U-113
Robert D. Gregg, College Men's Tour

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Businesslike yet Smart
In this modern day and age when "Efficiency" is the watch-
word everywhere, the business woman wishes her dress as
well as her work to be efficient. It must combine simplicity,
neatness, trimness-absolute necessities in the business world
-with smartness. It must have those up-to-the-minute details
which make for "chic." Fortunately, it is easy for her to gain
this desirable efficiency, if she but choose carefully, for today
the smartest styles are the simplest.
For Office and School Wear
Cashmere Weaves Madonna Blue
Flannels Bubble Crabp




Windsor Chair or Rocker

The Lovely Furniture
that Tells of
Early America
Just when all up-to-the-minute homemakers are be-
stirring themselves to make their rooms breathe Early
American atmosphere, this special selling comes to
make their interior decorating plans less expensive.
Here are Windsor chairs, quaint beds, desks and
tables that match the furniture of your Pilgrim
fathers, available at so little that you may choose



Ribbed Silks

Gin;- aI-v in h



'.AL. . t t fltLuf,)11





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