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March 07, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-07

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.,..,. -

-Dean Hamilton left Thulrsda.y for
'v the -most extended trip which has been
aundertaken by her this year in the in-
terest of the campaign for the W-
men's League building.
She wil spend several days in New
York where the annual alumnae
rluncheon will 1)e held today. Dean
Wilbur L. Humphreys will also at-
tendl this meeting and wil give the
principal address. Thlis meeting will
be a "Get-together for Michigan"
meetinug rather than a strictly cam-
paign meeting. While inl#ew York
.'biss Hamilton will also interview
possibl e special gift contributors.
Following the New York visit, Miss
Hamilton expects to spendI two days
in Boston with the New England
alumnae, who Uhave their one organ-
ized group at that city. From Roston
the Michigan dean will go to Cleve-
land where the annual luncheon will
bk te held Saturday. The Cleveland
alumnae plan to follow this luncheon
w;ith an intensive campaign, and they
will be assisted in this for a few dlays
by the field secretary, Miss Daphne
Miss Hamilton will return to Ann
Arbor by way of Hillsdale, where a
meeting has also been arranged. She
:will arrive here just in time for the
first night of the Junior Girls' play.
More than 75 couples attended the
first dance of the Honor Council
which was held last night at the Ma-
sonic temple. Attendance at' the
dance was restricted to members of
the Honor houses and their friends.
Among patrons and patronesses of
the (ance were Dean Wilbur L. Hum-
phreys and Mrs. Hum,:hreys Dean
Jean Hamilton, Mrs. Amy S. Hobart,
Dr. Carroll H1. May and Mrs. May, Mrs.
S. B. damns, Mrs. H-. A. Rea, Mrs. M.
E. Cake, Mrs. E. G. Heartt and Mrs.
D. A. Reagh.
The dance was in charge of Audrey
Wells, '2. Other members of com-
iiittees included: Gretchen Schrauder,
'26, music; Maxine Shinkman, 27, re-
freshments; and Lucia Cooper, '26,
programs. Buck's orchestra funish-
ed the music.
,..The Honor Council is composedl of
league houses holding high scholarship
and campus activity records. Th~lere
¢are eight houses included in the Coun-
il at present.
A Michigan Woman
Inherits Fortune
ki Millions overnight! Such is the ex-
perience of Mrs. Varian Cardy form-
erly Varian Ilirdning, '20, who re-
i)cently fell heir to an estate which is
jeporte(I to have run into millions.
t Twenty-seven years ago Charles
Ilirdning, her father, left or Alaska
' in the rush to the Yukon country in
Tsearch for gold. Ie was not heard
*'from until Mrs. Cardy. wrote a let-
4ter, addressed merely to Dawson City.
and received an answer from her fath-
titor. 'Twice, after he had made a t ri
,i to see is daughter, lie found that she
wtihad moved, and was unable to locate
e~aThen,Mr. Hidning died and for twv-
c ral months his brothers and sisters
tried in vain to locate his daughter.
t0Finally they located her and legal mat-
ters have been arranged so that she
m~ipay have the whole estate.

Russia, China
Unite Iln




t __ _
Southern College 17 their Victor Re(;ords by applying ati NURSES GIVE PARTY
Featu es Trck Barbour gymnasium.
eyatres Tra k 1 N O T CE SA card p~arty was held at 8 o'clock
A rifle class for beginners wil be Friday night at the Nurses' dormitory
<zi'tl I tanic of WO~lefl in ~im- 1 1held at 4 o'clock Monday in room 330ib h :ca evc Iprnet
in~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ olds : Rar mn h e ~_______ ________0( Engineering buwilding. Women who 'rxx'eity tables were used. The pro-
Vr~uI ~:Lousan Stte nivrsiy. Junor layreharsls illbe iel have enrolled in a class previously coeds from this party are to be used
i- ol-ct.; s 1,oui,:ana Sate unversity 1 Junor pillreheardlopwiedbenlel siltheydroppd unles toeycontribute cotoibthe $200e goalgo ofofthh
i n t a ( k each t 'a m is comiposed ofI as follows Today, 81B at J o'clock A1 regulairly. Muss'1ichiigan division of theNus' as-
rnt 1w,:-; than sip, and not more than 1ad6a 0ocok n t1 ' sociation in its scholarship drive. Ten
h: ir. nen. anl cach member mi~~st cok Fad2Jt1o'lcI n Notices will be sent to members of thousand dollars is the national goal.
the Ann Arbor branch of the Amer- ;'This sum being obtained an equal
tr t, e.v rnt,;and mayv not enter, at 2 o'clock. la sociationi of Un~iversity w~omen aona en rmsdb h
mn rc than ten i includoiing the relay, ia. week in adlvanlce of the (late for the!I Rockefeller Foundation.
.cc ralin ; to the letter received1 Mummiers dramatic society will March luncheon, sponsored by the In-I.__..
from tii- !1. A. A. there, "Most of our meet at 4 o'clock Wednesday, March[ ternational relations committee which ,Po.Mre lvlo h oac
lsanlhpsaeloigforward ' l at the Alpha Ph~i houtse. ! has been postponed indefinitely. lagae eatengv etr
to the new gyninasiuni which will lbe Iangagedeartentgaeal=cur
-lb.-- nI usavFlaubert yesterdlay before
availa ble o utv1 when we move clown to~ our The University Girls' Glee club will HATE YOU SUTBSCRIBED~ YET? the Cercle Francais of Grand Rapids.
new university which is now under hold a regular meeting at 4.:30 o'-1______ _______________________________
tcnstr'uctioin" clock Tuesday afternoon in room 305, J__________________________________________________
A letter "L." is given to those who School of Music. IT.A

'li'university branch or the .i.'
j ril'lalme school of D~etroit wvilopY'i
at 9 o'clock Tuesdlay in the Vaculty
\Vomen's clubhouse, 2N6 South I ugils
street.,xvwhich 1bas 1)Qen rmeled fo 1r
the purpose. Miss Edna N. White' is1
director of the Merrill- Palmer school!
andl Dr. H-elen WNooley. the assistant=
director and psychologist.
Miss Miriami Lord, formerly or' Brada-
ford, Eng., is the resident teacher in

cnarge Cof the uiverit~C~'y tractearn 1,800 honor 1ponts ny a- systemr
which will be undler the Grarduate , somewhat similar to the Michigan
school. Miss Lord is a gr adnatf o' cone, and this is worn on a white slip!
the University of Manchester. Mrs. ,(ove a sweater Those who win 800
hEleanor Beach is assistant and id 1(Iuld> lnsi points after receiving the
charge of the nutrition program. Mr's. ''K' are given the "T"'' blanket.
IBeaclfis a graduate of Cornell Unriver-- Social features of the Louisiana W.
city and of the training course for the !,A. A. are the annual circus, a banquet,
Merrill-Palmer school. and a dance.
School will last from 9 to 3:30 o'-_____________
clocik and parents are requested not to; Work has been started on the newv
visit the school until notified. It is ' ladiership comfmission of the Y. W.
desired that the children become es-!C .xhchwsreetyisalda
tablished and familiar with the routine ; ti iitiaition service at Newberry hall.
of the day before visitors attend. j At the last mreetinrg held Ruth I-ull,
'26,weas elected president and Helen
Policewomen have long been an in-I Wooten, '28, was elected secretary.
stitution in Siam. where a corps is Bsans for future work wiili e made at
maintained to guard the inner or wo-r the next meeting which will b~e held
man's palace at Bangkok. ',l the nrear future.

Junior women who wish to usher,
at the play should call Dorothy
Gooch, 1325.
The Freshman Girls' Glee club will
meet at 4:15 o'clock Monday on the
third floor of the School of Music,I
Students who studied folk dancing I
under Elizabeth Ilurchenal may ab-I
-tain a list of the dances and a list of

Of the UnI er-sity OfIC Idhgall
Ann~ounc'es a Free Lecture on
Christian Science
John W. Doorly, C. S. B.
Lomndon, Englunmd
Sarah Caswell Angell Hall
Oni the Camuis
Sunday Afternoon, March 8, 1925
4:001 O'clock P. X.


By 31311, LI1BET
(1Russia and China, have quite recent-
ly signed an agreement which they
hope to find mutually helpful. So!
E what more natural or appropriate
than that the up-to-date creator of
women's clothes should take ideas
from both nations and combine them
into a stunning creation?
IThis is exactly what the designer
of this spring suit did. Black and
gray canton crepe is the medium of
expression. The loose coat is fash-
ionedi of the black crepe with ridIe
gray sleeves cuffed in black. The
skirt, too, is black and the long blouse
gray. Both are trimmned with em-
b~roidered motifs in gay colors and
bordered with a narrow embroidery
in conventional design.
A smart little black turban is worn
with the costume, also gray hose and
black pumps.
Port Huron, Mar. G.---A three day
''caravan" trip through Ohio to ad-
'vertise Port luron is planned for May
or June of this year.



You Are Invited To A


tjyle Pageant
2 to 3 o'clock




: .
i .

-.----LL--- N ING - _M A ,___1__4 0
Senior 1 1 .500 - -____________
1 Junior L 0 .1000 )
I Sopboznire (0 2 .000 17 South Mai
Freshmen 1 1 .500
T eLone Survivor


t/ '

Second Floor1
You are cordially invited to view the Style Page-
ant to be held from 2 to 3 o'clock this afternoon,
second floor, during which models will promenade
accompanied by popular music, showing the newcs.
arrivals in Frocks for Spring.
Spring's Smartest Frocks
to be shown-Priced only
The most careful attention has been given to the
selection of dresses to sell at this popular price and
included in the showing will be tailored dresses for
campus wear, sports frocks and silk gowns. The
newest style tendencies have been observed in this
All Millinery To
Be Worn Priced
Hats of infinite charmjust the sort that college
women like for class and campus wear will be fea-
tured at this Style Pageant. You'll enjoy seeing
their effect as the models wear them this afternoon.

Give your pen a
drink of
Will not clog or
gum the point
and makes the
best pen write




rw."., . . - .7 4.s ' .te.A - 7 -...l L -




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'WT HI Nh tops off a meal with,
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We deliver. Phone 3310-JI

The 46 Special at $5.04
Special at $3.75 are fashi
care and attention to detr
Sheaffer the pen of perfec
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oned with the same
ail that has made theyf
ction. w O
e Creators of the Lifetime 'Pencile

All Sheaf for
pens are tipped
w.ith the hard
est native id.

Q4" ?




II 11

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