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March 01, 1925 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-01

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Ihis i :c r& 10To ins ifior'tunelohie the pictorial Aveellies at the time of;(lent's endeavor' to persuade one of the

l055tihe latter, andl in a short time their arrival. Tihe feature picture
"". n e~i ic° iliyr~inedl~yhis ifes e-;wich illrunthrughWednesday is
C i e a axa nnc e gos t jail anzd Sh(' Secrets of the Night" an aatt~n
_________________________________conmplications ot course ensue hut James Kirkwood and Aiadge Be@llam22y
U'they lead tip to a. happ)y ending; takie the lo~iif;groles, and1 the SP
The Acade finally. The golden bed plays quite an p}eriing caist <cntasins sevceral wool-
The Arcade theatre will present important part. It might be termed1 Rnown names The amusing sitiuations
Cecil B. DeMille's latest production <cogarctiii>>s of coat. [hec suporting .give anl opportunity for reral cornedy.

(lirector to kill him, ini ordIer that his1
;I ite in suranceo might save the -honk
,')1 the ruin imipending liecaus; (a
;, I loan. IKirkwood is cast w Itno
bankll president andl:Miss Bellall.y as
his waird. The comedy roles are in
chaurge of izosenia ryTheiby, Zazu Pitt s,
Tom W\il son anid Otto RIoffmn. News
1'(': it ec niedtly. '"aigain l)ay''"maid
Acs t) ?U. ,1t1h~ 1 0c1 a('Sol inletethe en-
No; .u'u':i ' vili he shorn.
Ii .1:' lso i c ltecd I'i',1' a
< I ''raIln"I' of stunl-
a 1827 r.'?,n..u wellas t) "act.
1ol{ t Te1 1 Pllav! oppios ite he r as a
y our (..Al poer Nwhlo has sw orn never
t : iarrv. I 'onil Griffith has a
co(medy 1rota a1, the Tlion. Bertie lBird
Xwho()tries t.,5Iii aig ht(n things out. for
Ac t~t il ii ci ;iYU' 1'ilicile0 inl this
518, ~3:e11 ;T--ip. hult. ;only succceds int
coml,'iic at jug matters. IThe (OiiWdV <at
1'ccl g ill fwe.A rLb r Stone in
"uta CGood Cali.'' (On the stag e.
I~ I cn 00n ( C"si. a nil thle Boys will p)re-0
c'7U llinging,.dianc ing, andi instri en-
1 tl niumberc.; in 8an act ca8lled '1 )ancc

Bible schocol "will b)eat, 9:10 o'cio(

anid Jo0111 1 ielliXofYwXiil (115-o'h k with Paul ielebus as leader.
c u GhatDoesa IUniversity1} o T"')A Open 1' 01150 at Nesley hall wil be
Stud ilnt 's Ieligion ' i zt I he St ;:'::ut from; 7 to 7:,3t) oclock, at which re-,
' U pplli'randl liresle (chat held asl i sua i"h : nzt will he served. The sub-
a5::80 )o'(lcic Therre wil be a Ilot ,IOU je- tor' the evening is "Legitimate
Pic'ture s5OvXice "The l)a wn tOf To- }R(',vards".
morw NUI'O : ' Xlt h .lacquneline anxd Da Id
T( nonce (2'at ti o'(:Iock i;, vI iiI i iriiI133~
* tf ;I*i4R1,t~P*lJ G t~


morning worship foitowing itill]]rr3, di'"TheTir~
have o r a Sermon011topic ".it, 1 nt i'a ll'bl!w( , 1
Diogen .' Pr'of. A. L~. Trout will! oclcck. PT ;i' oi;,si c 'c 1():45
lia' eclchrb(' of th i F.:luucwliM' class at 1)'clok \wil 1,V '1'. sc~outopic
12 o'clock. Social ii our a nd l I n(h for d' . \\'li I lie i y ll,;.\ sn l.Th
young lcccl)10 at Ii c>"clck vJ1iho be lI- young ;peole'. sultler c ii:f; 5") o'clockl
lowcd byi mea o tng 0 of c 'tat ti:n beii 10ollewedIv a ss3 y cilte,

TIhe sujetor the sermion at the
Il;: o'climk service -will be "The
Sn 1)01 jar OblHgations of Christians."
. n5 :30' to 7 :30 o'clock the student
sunhel and~ forumn will be held. The
lt ;.., fr discussionl will, be "Habit
iii FReligion".
Wvednes day at 7 :;>0, o'clock a Lenten
a= ic IO ill behold,1(1tihe subject for



Rod Lakoccpe, Lillian Rich. anct Theodore Kosloff' in
Cecil B De Mile's Prodiuction 'The Golden Bed! "A Paramounlt Picture"
"TPhe Golden Be( " drn the runtiro, cas, ismuch like the usual DeMille The story hinges abloutft
week. This director who has always the villain of the story for it signifies ventures that followv a baln]
set the pace in lavish productions the luxury Xwhich Flora Lee demandedi
maktes good1 use of such scem::a:;as .gi ul). It. includes Warner Baxter.
nmilionaire society wedding, scenes in V era Reynolds, Robert Edeson, Theo-
the snow topped Alps, a 10(1 8(ctli' (i(1!'0r Kosloff, and Julia Faye. The
candy ball-featuring hui m nc hoco- ± omedy attraction features Our (Gang
late drops, pepermint sticks, and a in "Sundow n Limited." News reels
"candy ballet"-and the goldIen bed ii - ' 111 Topics of the Dlay will he shown
self. The picture is a screenl version in zatidition.
or the novel by Wallace Irvin (Af the-__________IN
same namve. We are showvn a dclccay-$ The rethijci
ing f'amily,. of the more arist ocratic Mlarchi 1 marks the beginning of
set, whose only asset is a beautiful !Anniversary week at the Majestic
daughter, Flora Le .played b~y Lil-' tht re and a11 unusual program hasP
Tian Rich-a new DeM ilie find. The bee n planned for this occasion. Irv-
there is a Cinderella sister-Vera intg's Imperial !Midgets head the bill.
Reynolds-who, true to tile old' storyE with an unusual organization of twen-1 COV ERS A/
is always shoved to the bacekground. t y-dove tiny folks. They offer a pro-
Rod LaRocque has the role of thc gram of musical comedy, acr'obatics, IN APPI
ambitious young man whlo mlanlges a siaging, dancing, and- a circus, which
candy store in the village. Margaret, e(~ilta ins niy unique features. Tihe
the younger sister, is in love Xwith La 1 act was impiorted from Europe ahdl
Roicque who has become iremnendouslyI some may remnembler the pictures of,-
Wealthy, and Flora Lee is in love with these little people which appeared in Let u

Ell'neavorl. Plut'e cvcnilg 5 0'i,'i( '',;t'
7 :3 3)o'clock willbeoa. : r'.1l01101n
"'Thle Blueibird 01'f1happiness.''
"Il)oes Fasting D~o Any (od; A
Sermien for' Lent'' will be tihe topic ofr
Rev. Herbert A. Junmp's sermon at the
,10 :45 o'clock morning serXvice. At 2 :30
o'clock stiff leilts Xwiii meet at the
C'bureb to go to Northl Side servi'ces
Mr. M~itcell will lead tihe High 'hool
Federation at 4 o'cloc'k inl the dlisculs-
li01n c i How Do We KnIow'V hit IS:
Iligit''.ill tile Chlurch parlors. 'T'ie
member)01s olf the Cimies stafI'I. Neil
general opinlion that tihe play is de-
cidedly wo'rth wile, there is the fact
that it was written by a. Saginawv man,;
Lewis fBeach; and1(1more important
still. :Mrs. Richardl Mansftield, w~idowX\
and former leading ladly of tihe fain-
Oils actoir, is to play tile role of tile
imother in thlis production . ars. imias-
field says thlat this app)earan'e. mar1ks
hrer return to tihe stage for good. I
Tile latest editionl of the "P; ssing
Showv" is to ho0ld1thle stage at tile{
Shiubert Detroit. This is tile fir st'
chance D)etroiters have had( to viewI
til e 1924 editionl of tile popular revule.
''The Potters" comles to tile(Ga rrick
for another twvo-week run, hlaving haid
a successful one earlier inl til e ason.
Tile tact that it is coinlg again is
suffiien~lt recommilendiation for its pow-~
er. This time tile or'iginlal NewXT York
c st, wXithl Donald Meek, will pr1esenlt
the play'.j
Thle New Dletroit is ilousing "Next
D~oor". advertised as a "Spitfire corn-!
0(13".by 'Dorothyv Parker811(1 Ellmer'
Rice. tile latter of whbom is still re-
mlemblered for ils fantastic "Adding
Ma chine."
Tile Woodward Players, Detroit's'
othler flourishing stoc'k company is
offering "Tile Crooked Square."

'irsl .1c lIwdI tlPJi('olm al ('=tat! sir'tvet ci.'
''Cost'' wiill be the t opic' 01'till' 51'r-!
11101 at the 10 :30o'clock ,servicve giv- iotaILutlheran C(huirch
t1 en y tile past1or. Five stuldet Bible lie 0 Bible study hour will be at 9
classes wi~ll 1sle(t from1 12 to 12:4 5 0(:lok. The sermon for the morning
0 'c('1)k 1i1 Wesley 11,111. The mIeet;ng 'S Vito at . 10:30 o'clock will be given
ill tile \Vesleyauu guild w\Nill be at 6 (Continuedcc on Page Sixteen)
Bad-temnpered, you know, makes an awful fuss when asked'
to go anywhere; noLay engine, lo- and reverse kick and
grab; you'y>e kind of ashamned vvhLen people tur'n round to
see wvhat's corming?
Lizzie needs a f-pring tonic. Just likec IvAr-humran.
Drain the crank case, fill uD wti6
STIAROLINE Non-Chatter MJotor Oil.
for FORDS Only
just like giving your wife or best girlI a present
~Life, with Lizzie will run -smoothly' again

'topic 'Thie C(' -h I Should ta1 ike tow

I~11.loed by Prof. A. E. \\'owlt.

i hei sei'ul ii

lk presi-

'ii l ons' t'lt.' product ionlof '"The1
5301longs hiigh,"' the p1ay- of con-
IAnl a''American 110me1 life tha~t
lzad a rein of two) weekrs at tile Gar'
1 l'h rieAent V Xwithl Norman Trevor
antiAlrs. Vhitffen hieadinug the cast
>e 1l pr'ented itis week at the new
lb us :telielaiiyhlouse. Besides tile

becing "Somec Men Who
the Crucifixion Story-



.i'6:eh Anti-. 1 .och )Iotor Fuel


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And you'll know the satisfaction
of having meals complete in every
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to prompt, courteous service.
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Day and Weekly Rates






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Oler PMoe 's Sport Shopd Phone 2066-R








ScientificaIly ig ht
Unlucky for spots



Six room English (Colontial, located ill thle Southeast Section
rt on01 a lot 49 x 135)] fith. Utrage.
First Floor-1iving r0011 14x22 with fireplace, dining r'ooimi11 x1.2,
oak floors and silver grey finisih. Kitchen with plenty of
cupbloard space anti refrigerator room1l.
Second Floor-Three large corner bed rooms with good sized closets
and cross venltilationl. Bath room Xith goodI cinua fixtures,
linen chute and cabinet. Oak floors, wihite enamlel finish and
mlahogany doors. Large attic with stairs.
I3ascnent-l'lot air furnace, water lift, dustless coal bin, laundry
facilities. Price $8,000; with 10,- down.
Ann Arbor Home Builders As 'n
105'ati!onl IHanlk Buiilding. Phone 3350.







8:00 P. M

:1 '4:

414 I, LI;

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