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March 01, 1925 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-01

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T aw h id e ia man Standing, feebly waving a flag.i In the tent which had blown half- es
T ~ e ta ~ 's .i.. i a<nswvered his wuave andllsaw in over onl its sde, the resc nes found o e t O oec ot a'
fito his knees, then rise and stag- six men. One of his comrades wIasi sot
ger down toward the beach. As their thought to have died that morning, o
ti ~ small boat touchedI the shingle, he tot- !hbut when hrndy was poured down his ls
: 1 ackstage in One of the Greatest Dramas of the North-thie Ill-Fated Greeley Arctic terod forward, grasped her ow, and threat, he slowly revived. Allweejfe
foil i ~~/11Vdownr in ait aint, carried tenderly on hard thle waiting the
Expowrtion of 1881. Captain LDonald B. vIaCMiilan Tells;io
Of HisFlilns for His Next ri p North.iwa
By"Rbr . stsil ihor of(%I a'"u,'and settledhl ,l, c l~ v tlwh' IMrcw if do :;c l ,.Ifodl upn Wic!) mnucb (.I jlowv
doI )-tea t~ 1't Kil1. anri 11 A ~tthey Pidol emded. . 'mdlwfigly set a closer A
Shot for stealing a piCeeof mr,:w\,I t.ildi' i h b osc ie Iit arifle ito i :n 1wuoi (a Pc one uman wat ch. uon he cac(he. The ,culprit;,"hietogwtshfaefon Y(u 1>rf. n lcr: bfud.edsnt x
hiebt( ~ ) on]am( -u toi 'l2 i~ 0W iiIhse a oon dicovered and (i reeley, fe.el-: i
her of the ill-starr'e(IGreeley arctc1 tsUd aea n atl on' erbe.ugrt
CXIceiljliotlfethe 184of ofood.- Day aft em- o could ll a lassd dapairing ffort to Ihad driven hi n to teal the food let!I-ore
dcotig (ay I I (y0icll. 0 lie southern hor= ieep t hem a live tb rough i he w~ ter. I liim off with a severeireprimiand. For: tens
MacMillan in an informal talk follow- u~ 1 t i}+ ilhe ;ship that dd it was (lring ti,; Pe iod of ~tarva-' some time nO o fur t her food wasfe
in i etr eels usa. net coil t l'1 vrinand smaller grew ion that111the m(ers not iced an tin- mis-sedI until one (ay a piece of' maw- I
The story of the Greeley expdi te ,)(c ofe- o tano withl its ebb,) cc;ntable loss inithliru'";tores.(hide thong could not be foundi. The'
tio i wllknon o an eht th zs- a i-- i h'i ei Utl. Thy kille d Itailizing that smiome of itie party nman Iad acen it to bol anti (t- seaek- T
) more intimate details have never been ")al CAly;i aato 1h03,1th miselx'es~ mut. have lawn driven by h1,nger to ing that m'unch added nurishmn u. ca
retold at length. Ini 1881 the Party Gree(ley~ felt I hat no reprima nd would mi
I of 25 men was carried north and1 leftr help) thle Wttr. The iun ce'n~d ann
on thre Greenland coast 254 miles-~ ~n i( sI11 in ef Isho- ryi
ahove ape Sabine to carry onl scien- a onhf eco-'hAeirtWhri
j tific investigations in terrestial mag - K.(;01e :dI'' l1 I;i~ic12! n v
netisin for the United States govern--r-d hoIbe(lteo 1.'he a
inet. The.sip sailed away with the'.e;\V1 o a odeltv ihi
promise of returning the next year, a wmikan on v,0 hal>nd heithee-
andl the men set ablout building their i ~~nlo 'i :l nlit.r:
' cabin and preparing for their work, o;'~~I1 )-, of 1th
Sumierlainea}an,.ut n veselwhole vtu; ty (di the ls
-' loomed on theehorizon tottake them i tzi ItdA
back to their homies. Homesick, A(-eiwdially theo iaaiiwats b.ie
somewhat disheartened at the failure lid, tifr tthi l.e0 ihis face pld n
work. There was no lack of food Hn i ord adawy e~a
lie ,. : asth ievge ca on in the art, -!Th
then-the little hlt of stone was well 'p cS1e5 -eht~(Oc'teod
aniIi . in+ ,u lasfa-dprovisioned andl comfortable. ',,Ia rdthe n niea pranrd ()Wry.
The long arctic night caine lowmm wetoroC,
upn mnthem once more, and with the -I sa,-. I ai; ie v:tI (1,pro 'i axiedlfro
i~coming of the spring of 1883; they I hesn .'s-; i r :,evwas dirno d,' ,
looked longingly out across the rcc a ]sh~ ,~sirtadtebd
" flow for a fight of the promised ship. /a1 runhodw r h.=i',uItelmylln
thywatch-ed until the month of Au- t A iWilthe t >;focx elih
'gust canie, and they read again the -!.'(.I t~'t ,A 1i e.ti~l{.herouph. $Sau- ' .Y a ". : A: .n
critlei swhich had been given them). "ain ;y; -~:in f 'ay, they d Imi~~ncd
"if no sid has reached you by Au-((d V.li ilp teh'icmo'
f elf, cis ;y ore. So wak that lie: -out
ceed southward along the coast ba" h n h cudeilmv
-where aship will meet you.'' (oi. donoallhlieoldt to get.voouse
The ordem's were there, and feeling'Hun -lftowektoot ip gtI lt
certain -that lthe governmrent would: fishlagerloine.oh r (101CN ;f~ hethorrev( ir
--wfo (ay ndletthirw l1stc edc;I llto ('011001.lichenfr iomi among Inh '30 I'l 9I a
fo 0dy a~ etthi els-o-o ~Ols pring came, and ith itIle 1.110o(1w 1n Par't O~th~Poa Ekum h
"hIut to bave the rigors of the dfalug0,'- ols is tbil il. of hope. lo~ "id P et cr Mmis-xn offtt Ioa 'lkvi ~
us tip south along the coast toward TL'ae wa :l a do':awhenethe w in 1 ead ~ Ml owa, Fbe e ncr m
5 Cape Sabine. -w-- Zesaectiay. dminghutthoh the in:! ml~mskQei nlhneof;ammlleNrhld2aFbeSainer)rd
Only one man of thie party knew reqw- V [w ~nallyo entoguughtu. I hrefy boa ,'inElsteeLadf m ihigo tesatereto te oain te ilntouhthyhzia-
havinig been drawn front anmon g te-th$ yhebrdttn l l__________
garrisons of western forts-all lnd---lse onl (10k ii'
wen with no knowledge of the see.!gwo riI loet o n okS)
and its ways. Travelling along the r i - to hip a<' hen 10 shein as n c5 -
coast in their rowboats, hourly Cs-en(rwlmitotni'sle
caing dangers from the ice floesas for . (~wletd IIn yto thtrep-
fought .their way southward to the --$
whc=hetne ocuhthm hy --la:-t inie. Only tie n 0 uan 01011 tl1
cape, and there, on the northern 'ona ,a m - 0V''ii; mt )1
p shore the found a cairn of rocks. onbadt "vrjnltbaa
Painfully, for they were weak from gyTHEjll b rI~jjh tn' slmtid rmoundl the pont (ot'Cape
th eir bn tt he w ith th e sea , th ney lifted , iuime 1ac il an an E ki os Lo t re d m y ; h iI 1 2- *il l- l 1c f ' ig s if th i l gjhl -,
the rocks away, and beneath the -AmOeiihtSo~u Place 1-e.fo s-
S- cairn they found a note. The despair r *1 ilIiis Tiem Ed Rstsot s(1 -I Atlatop 11 t-Sl 1
which must have marked their faces 31.:-rosSedigvmth c n'( . ba.fo IW hrete a
inmaginedfor time ote told tem that-I___Sled__ingon____e__ee___idg___bakfro____th___shor______ysa_
at that tragic nioment can only be
the rescue ship had been caught il 6J'.°!oF. si+ ee1 P 6"i~" - -
Sthe ice, crushed, and sunk, and that f
the crew had started for home. t
A new probleminfaced] them. bine-
ter with its long night was n early s
upon teadtne a nypmo- '
visions ienough for eforty days.pt2o,
milnies to the north lay their snug, IUIRG RS
well provisioned -hut. They mnighit he'
able to iretake the journey hack. Bt egoe'muha1poie lit ,
ship would conice to thineim that taill.
amd with confidence in thliat prom,
thiey m ale their camip onl tihe noth
CALL US YOU CAN Your Choice of
r0 STOP WORRYING, Hand Bags ~ I

sel, and she steamed her way out
the little cove which' had viewed
mutch suffering.
)ne of the men had suffered the
sof both hands and feet due to
zing, and when warnmth on oard
boat overcame the frozen condi-
i, gangrene set in. -Ai attempt
5made to amputate higher up the
bs in ordemr to save his life, but-
nevem' carmie out of tie ther fol-
"ig thie operation.
,nd so it was- that of the gallant
ty of 25 mren who had st forth
1S31, only six survived to return
their native land. Of thee two
now living-Greehey and his lieu-
ant. A third survivor died some
years ago in California.
in the records of the expedition, the
Ie of Charles B. Henry appears.
is was the man whose theft had
sed hin to be shot. No luggage
iked with that name was found
ong tile material picked up by the
iing namty, but on one of ti'
nks were found the initial,: ". 11.
Invest igation proved I'Ot line
ii~:i real nanme was Ch 1 a-' lhrnr
Ii, and that lie had joiod th
ty and volunteered fe;- tb-at north
expedition to hide outr. tiier kill
a1 run ilinthe west some m inehbe-
t. .a, at tine location of tie last
nothat Captain MVasdillan place"
Broinze tablet, fttingly inscribed, (hai
his last voyage Into the are;
etablet was- presented by the a r
tal Geographlic sciety of the annma
amain MacAillan entertains a
st. hearty admiration for tie Esk-I
Thins race of people who have.
m living for untold centuies in a
d of no) vegetation, with no wood,
I with day andh night alto; nting
once a year, hie calls the ns;t re--
irceful in tie world. As am exam-
of this very quality, tne c> ubua-
lined thec construction of the Rs-Xi--
harpoon amnd the methods of' iti
,'lie harpoon itself is a steel point,
oral inches 'in length fastened in
uniiddho to tie end of a length of
tbide rope. The shaft of the lar-.
,is bnlroken in two places, the
ol being* hld together by pieces-
hide so fastened as to hold th
ft rigid for a direct thrust. .Ay
(Conitinued on Pag" Sixten

BIC U FI, 'X I Ifj it fi1 ka il i C',i&N lae ol d' Y02 .II
ELECT7RICAL N ikai fronimid o ao
aDN r0IWP~l5'ludh i W
* P '(" 41 . lim i e h a e a . f a e t t e la rg e st a m d iaid-
pIyih' lg'e to show yyou. Unusual
Ernst Brothers tiiaset be i
.a104 N. Fourth Aae. F.W. Wilkinson j tIFu
Phone 281 4-M Leather fiods 32~ S. Main St2%
-atur ay atinee
A E A T~ '~ i 2 F C~W~ ~ ~ ~ ~%

pp tY ,
Jd5 5
. N

a $



Why not drop in and leti us
serve you with one o' our
steak dirnners.

0 " F9
^ t r.
l i

Style.Is A Spring Tonic
-and it doesn't come in bottles either,
- Step into a suit smartly tailored by
A.O C. Bath=usoTailor
and get the- mental and temperamental stimulant that these
clothes give.


4-llc;znl a 3uat;nj

Balcony, first four rows, $2.00; second four rows,- $100:o5aley.; .
Mail orders now being received. Check or money order
must accompany order for tickets. Apply to Miss
Eunice Rose, 1501 Washtenaw.

'" o.1V

r G
_y y
b gM}
r ,


7Here is the fashion plate of the hour.


t t l ( 1



I I '


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