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February 28, 1925 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-28

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.l?': ll?" nkii . 01 u<' 5041s~k; b'°I(.Et1tI
The y17 4 "QftVhitll
."p~e 21,,.<M ''b anI1
some edifice which will house the twoM
local Masonic lodg'es in the future.
More than 650 visiting and local
Masons and their friendls attended tile
banquet last evening, which was prob.-
ably the outstanding event on the deg'-I
ication 'r gram Pen. J. Henderson
of Bay City, most worshipful grand
master of Masons in Michigan, deliv-
ered the principal address. Judge
H. Wirt Newkir'k of this city spoke
on the "History of Masonry in Ann
Other speakers iwere John Tai a e '.
schmitt, pre4 dent of the Masonic
Temple associat~on ; Geor-e r1n'
burg, master of Fraternity lodge; and
Henry C. 1'u'a~',r-
StalIher of 0theTFsr i. -a tirci
acter as- toa:tmastez%
A formal balliw x-Iglvi n nIdi
schmitt auditor--um on h s~nl
bloor of , ~
honur 01 the T Sn a'djt O i 2:,11 ax-

Coolidtge's Birthplace

LJ(4rphreys Blames Idleness,
Mone,,For Student Failures,..
Not enough money and too mueb tirely inadequate, while otherimplyri g oo xv a
Honey arc hoth causes that play a lakthe native ability to()succeed. ;.
patin the University homne list, ac-R.litthUnvrtyasn"NT.:
R.lsupon which are p~laced stu-=
cording to W. R. Humphireys; assist~ dents who will not be allowed to re- We arc now showing a
ant (lean of the literary college,. turn, those students who hiave been - t'tll
Other causes that contribute in! asked1 to withdraw for the first time A' 5- ost crnl line of
mid"rgupte it r bisi6 o imay be reinstated one year later,- complet
extra-cuirricular' activities, #4-,-idequatte I ~r first semnester freshmen; they spring fooear in strap
.turn the semester whichp otherwise an(.fcs
whones"he dde. oshave marked hothe ear beginning of Igrn npt
Dean Humphreys, wospent a largeterspo reya./nt
mr sut of time at the close of last _____dull,_satin,_andthe :
emser interviewing studnts on the ne ta
University. delinquent lists,: would not Bates Terminates newta shdeiromn
pry to rauk .the order of importance St .r I
tthese six causes. "Everything de- taY In h \tg
,.ends upon individual cases,". he re-
iiarked, "and:. the causes enumreratedl Deanx Henry M. Bates of the law i= $7.00 to $9.00
will apply to almost- any, case. vlreuntdyfo Ciao,*''.
-"Students with'out sufficient mone~ywheheabeatndgtea-=
to be able to :,pursue a ; .ilversity Iwe, ehsbenatnigtea-
course successfully. are lured Into a nuad meeting of the comnmission ona-
trap," the dean. declared, 'thy.the pub- uniform, state laws. T his body, which {e 111*41
iicity that is given to the benefits 4of ia made up off prominent lawyers fromnt~fl j~~u r
earning a university education. Too every state in the Union, has been in W Soe 1o ..
,much work will not alloy a :student session since Thursday.togimuhfrm istdlan
~the University is forced to ask such iAfra lnews ie atngt 108 S. Main Phone 1115
students to- withdraw until they can A oml ac.wsgve -t ih
produce satisfactory e'vieci f their at the Union by Alpha chapter of Sig--
i fnancial -ability to remain -n' schl'ma Alpha Iota, honorary musical so- ,________________________________________________
Many students, are forced,' to :with- E rority. -
dlraw,.-,Dean Humphreys has, observed, PATONIEion't Borrow -Subiscrbe Today.
because their preparation, has beenen'PARNZ DAILY ADVERTISERS

_ _ _ _ _
Calvin Coolidge was born in this house in Plymouth, Vt., while the
nation was celebrating the centenar y c% the Declaration of Independence,
July r, 1872.
Studbents Give Studies,22Hours
. ci Week, Campus Survey,1 Shows

Students of the University spend an
" t~re of 22 hours a week in study
outside of classrooms, according to
statistics prepared by The Daily after
sending out questionaires to more than
100 students., This is somewhat be-
low the number of hours which the
University of Chicago estimated as

age of 13 hours weekly at such forms
of entertainment as the movies, play-
lng bridge, and games, while the men
spend only 12 hours each week in
such recreation.
The majority of students do not try
for high marks, although many 'of
them aiml to have "B" averages for




' t }1 f t}! l. equsit-at42-our-wekly their college work. Some students
it-I utiri ag:a dii rn recent years. The women study approximately the vent so far as to say that marks
Viiig Masons From various cities same amount of -time as do the men, ;meant nothing to them, and that they
}tlM(i ut lbs stn ate t4ers: received by their average being only one hour a 'measure value received by what they
n?"s~eso ii- Tetn tldo t°^ ciaoieT week greater. However, true to the actually get out of a course.
~-et d~ irnin {t i17non. ol- reputation which they hold, they dance, Other averages will be computed'
wioN ~ i:~lso~. t't a~eg'tn' ;considerably more than do the men. from the information received on the
,.r: .co'~ 'h'~eW 'll The-average for all women, including questionaires, and will be published
L13oo l:o o otdance, is fouran in The Daily as soon as they are corn-
:ntelde"cn nte'rt :o. one-half hours per week, for all men, pMetedl. Among these will be the av-
ot \V;hift 'sd Mser the average is one hour. Computing !rg'nmero orltuet pn
11 , th avrageof nly hosewhodanc, isleeping, wheither they think more
pouring the wine, corn, and oil on the it was found that the women againslewodimrvthrgae, z:
Iorin a . r..sewth the zasal cu-- lead with, five and one-half hours to number of hours spent in campus -
Au is~ir~Masons and of-; their credit, while the men follow with; tivities, and finally, an estimate will
~icrs an ofical ofth loalEas-.two and one-half hours weekly. uce made of the average number of
ern Star order, participated in the 1 Men again fall in the rear when the hcurs necessary to secure the differ-
dedication. I number of hours of recreation other ent marks.
A geera recptin fo Maonsthan dancing was averagedl, although
and their friends was held during the i only slightly. Women spend an aver- PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS
afternoon after the temple had been
formally dedicated. el


Groes beck Pays
High Tribute To
Dead Executive
Governor Alexander Groesbeck, in
this week's issue of The Alumnus
pays tribute to President Marion L*.
The Governor's tribute reads: "My
first acquaintance with President Bur-
ton was in the fall of 1920, when he
requested my help in financing the
building program for' the University
of lichigan. After going over the de-
tails, I asked President Burton where
he expected to get the money to put
the project over. He replied that it
was up to me to get it.'
"This," the Governor said, "is a
typical example of President Burton's
character. He 'was untiring in his ef-.
rsforts to build up the .University. He
looked upon money as merely an
agency for service. He believed that
the wealthy should willingly give so
that public progress could further be
"His strongest characteristic, how-'
ever," Governor Groesbeck said, "was
his courage to do and accomplish the
things that meant so much to the peo-
ple of the State of Michigan."
An extra number, of copies of the
memorial issue of "The Michigan
Alumnus" have been printed and are
obtainable at the Union and at the
j- i
a "
fMMEDIATELY after ordering
our Bread you find you're
ating better bread. It's a treat
or you. This golden brown, crust-
-d bread-is all it's sliced up to be.I

A Gay

Saturday's Showing
Array of New, Colorful Hats

A Wonderful Selection of Flowers.
.Moderately Priced
328, South Main



- Mr..



en WRIGLEY'S-after
At them get its daily
breath, appetite and
Swant sweet, and
he sweet that's good

Give the childr
every -meal. Le~
benefit to teeth,
digestion. They
for thym.

Happy children-healhy teeth.

Appetite and
aided by


too, are


after every ma

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