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February 28, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-28

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VOL. XXXV. No. 110







I 3 1 1


Loses Again



Would Allow Operation of System
Without Farm Bureau
Lansing, Mich., Feb. 27. (By A. P.).
-Complete separation of the Michigan
Agricultural cbllege extension system
apparently was aimed at in an ap-
propriation bill introduced in the
house today by Representative Aleck
Cowan, of St. Clair.
It provided for increasing the pre-
sent $160,000 appropriation for county
agents and extension work to $200,000
in 1925-26 and $250,000 in the succeed-
ng year. It was estimated by out-
state members that the amendment,
with, federal and county aid, would
make the operation of the system,
without farm bureau contributions
The Financial connection between
the local farm organization and the
county agent system caused a state
investigation, and a controversy be-
tween the state administrative board
and the state board of agriculture
some time ago. The administrative t
board then attempted to withold the
extension appropriation unless con-
tributions from farm bureaus were
discontinued. The agriculture board
refused and carried the conflict to the
Supreme court, where it was decided
in favor of the board of agriculture.
Another agriculture board bill was
submitted by Representative Dextert
book, which would compensate mem-
hers of the board at the rate of $10 a
day "for their services." The language
of the bill indicated that it would pay
six board members at the rate of
about $3,600 a year. They now serve
without pay. Representative Look de-
clared that the intention of the bill
was to pay them only for the days ac-
tualy spent in board woirlk, as oiher
state commissions are compensated.
He indicated the bill would be clari-
fied if necessary.
Tau Beta Pi Holds
Faculty Reception
Beneath the blue and red lights at
the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity house
and to the strains of Gene Buckr's or-
chiestra, Tau !Beta Pi, national hon-
orary engineering society, last night
gave their annual formal reception
for the members of the eng ineering
The guests of honor were A. D.
Moore and -I. H. Higbee, both mem-
bers of the national council of the or-
ganization, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moore
acting as chaperones. The programs
for the occasion were in the form of
a Taui Beta Pi key, and listed the
names of the faculty as well as the
active members of the order.
Karpinski Writes
On Library Books
Prof. Louis Karpinski of the mathe-
matics department is the author of an
article in the last issue of the Dear-
born Independent on "American Li-
braries Lead in Service." In this con-
trib~ution, he discusses the millions of
books on rare and well known sub-
jects that are available for the gener-
al public in the libraries of this
"The University of Michigan," he
wrote, "has a remarkable general li-
brary of a half million volumes, with
the Clements library one of the great-
est gifts ever made to a university.
Cheyenne, Wy., Feb. 27.-(By A.P.)
-Whether the United States govern-
ment is to be allowed 60 more days in
which to prepare for trial of its suit
in equity for annullment of the Tea-
pot Dome naval oil reserve lease held
by the Mammoth Oil company, or will
be required to start the trial March
9, the date now set, will be announced
by Federal Judge T. Blake Kennedy,
here tomorrow morning.

Lansing, Feb. 27.- Taxes on real
and personal property increased $8,-
662,523 in 1924.
Ourivether Man



Washington, Feb. 27, (By A. P.).- ,
Without a single dissenting voice, the
Republican committee on committees
took the first step today towards car-
rying through the organization pro-c
grom for the removal of Senator La-
Follette of Wisconsin and three of hist
chief supporters, from the presentc
ranks of the standing committees ofi
the Senate. t
The four Senators were assignedc
tentatively to places at the bottom ofr
the committee list as though they had
been elected on an independent insteadI
of the Republican ticket. This actionc
is subject first, to consideration by a F
Republican party conference and later
by the Senate itself. ,
The action was taken over the writ- 1
ten protest of three of the Senatorst
-Brookheart of Iowa, Ladd and Fra-
zire of North Dakota-in reply to let-
ters sent them asking whether they
desired the demand of Republicans to
make their committee assignment. It
has received no reply from Senator h
186 A nswer Staff t
Tryout Call On i
More than 186 members of the un-
der classes have responded to the call t
for tryouts issued at the close of thec
first semester by the various campus
publications. Of this number, 55 aret
members of the fair sex, and 131 are
future masculine jqurnalists.
The Daily proved to be the lure that
brought out the girls, 30 of them be-
ing engaged in the competition for thet
work on Woman's page. This greatly
augments tle number available for
secretaries for upper staff members.
The men also flocked to The Daily,
the editorial staff claiming 43 and the,
business staff 37. For all publica- i
tions, business work and literary ex-
perience proved to be about equally
sought after the former claiming 90
devotees and the latter 96.
The complete list shows: Daily ed-
itorial, 73; Daily business, 40; 'Ensian
editorial, 6; 'Ensian business, 21;
Gargoyle editorial, 16; Gargoyle
busines, 19; Chimes business, 10.
Total, 186.
No call has been issued as yet by
the Chimes editorial staff, but try-
outs will have their opportunity to
join the staff the early part of next
Tentative Dates
Set For Concert
At a meeting of the University Glee
club committee held Thursday even-
ing, the date for the Glee club con-
cert, to be held in Hill auditorium be-
fore the clubstarts on its spring tour,
was set as either March 28 or April
8. Detailed plans of the program as
well as the exact date are now being
arranged, and will be fully settled by
Monday, cacording to Carl Schoon-
macher, manager of the club.
Probably the same numbers will be
given at this concert that were sung
at the Intercollegiate Glee club con-
-test held recently in Chicago, where
Michigan took second place.j
Exhibit Will Show
Artists' Paintings
Two art exhibits are planned for
April and May by the Ann Arbor Art
F association. Work done by Grand Ra-
(niaq ntio innludin 3o ni nintings

Storm Develops When Cape Cod Canal
Purchase is Asked in
Washington, Feb. 27.-(By A. P.)-
Carrying more than 60 new proposals
added by the Senate today, the $41,
000,000 rivers and harbors authoriza-
tion bill tonight appeared to have en-
tered a stormy period in the Senate*
because of attempts to attach to it
several vigorously controverted meas-
ures as riders.
Senator Fernald, Republican, Maine,
late today proposed an amendment to
incorporate in the measure the House
bill for government purchase of Cape
Cod canal for $11,500,000.
Western senators, led by Senator
Gooding, Reptblican, Ilaho, imme-
diately launched an attack on this
amendment, and in turn proposed to
add to the Cape Cod proposal the
Gooding bill prohibiting lower freight
rates on long and short hauls over the,
same railroad route. The measure
was laid aside tonight before Senator,
Fernald had concluded his argumentj
in behalf of his rider and will be tak-
en up tomorrow with a lengthy fight'
in prospect unless both the riders are
disposed of.
Virtually all of the amendments to
the House bill proposed by the Senate
commerce committee were approved,
ncluding one to eliminate a provision
that all authorized projects should be1
completed within five years. This was!
done at the request of President Cool-j
idge, who was informed by Director
Lord that the proposal would seri-
ously hinder the program of the bud-
get bureau.
Work on the Union swimming pool
has been progressing to the extent that
t is expected-to be'flnishled before the.
second week in March. The difficul-
ty in finding tile setters has made it
impossible to complete the tank by
March 1, as was desired.I
At present the ien working on the
pool are four tile setters, four helpers,
two plumbers, two helpers, six paint-
ers, two marble setters, two helpers
and one carpenter. The walls of the
pool have been entirely tiled as have
fu 1, a'-11 ~oi t- - -rto 1ai ,1+~H- -4ann 1

Washington, Feb. 27.-Nicholas,
Longworth, of Ohio, was selected to-
night as the Rcpublican candidate for
speaker of the next House. Mr. Long-
worth, who is the Republican floor
leader, was named over Represent-j
ative Madden, of Illinois, at a caucus
of Republican representatives elect.!
On the first ballot, Longworth re-!
ceived 141 votes and Madden 85. As
soon as the roll call was known, Mr.
Madden moved to make Longworth's
election unanimous.
After Mr. Longworth's nomination
had been made unanimous, Represent-
ative Pilson, of Connecticut, was
named to succeed him as floor leader.
Coolidge UrgestConference Program
Re Enacted Into Law At
This Session
Washington, Feb. 27.-With cooper-
ative marketing legislation recom-
mended by the agricultural c fer-
ence enmeshed in a jam of conflicting
proposals before Congress, President
Coolidge renewed today his insistence
that the conference program should
be enacted into law at this session.
He regards as necessary and sound
the proposal which was drafted by theI
representatives of all branches of
agriculture with expert assistance.
The Dickinson co-operative market-
ing bill, lacking the resolutory pro-
vision carried in the Capper-Haugen
bill for which it was substituted by the
House, is before the Senate agricul-
ture committee, and Chairman Carey
of the agriculture conference has ask-
ed a hearing before it tomorrow in op-,
position to the change,
Members of the conference are said
to hold the view that the Dickinson
measure could not accomplish the re-
sults they. believe could be obtained
through passage of the Capper-Hau-
gen bill. Members of the Senate
Farm bloc expect to call up this meas-
ure in the Senate tomorrow.
The McNary bill, providing for a
farmer export corporation to handle
surplus farm production, has been
reported favorably by the Senate ag-
riculture committee and placed on the 1
calendar, but with little hope of con-
sideration at this session.

Turns Loose Broadside Against Naval
Officers Who Hold Battleship
Supreme Defense
Washington, Feb. 27.-(By A. P.)-
Rear Admiral William M. Sims, re-
tired, turned loose before the House
aircraft committee today a broadside
of criticism against naval officers who
still hold the battleship supreme in
naval warfare, and also aimed his
fire against the proposal for unified
air service as urged by Brigadier Gen-
eral Mitchell, assistant army air chief.
While the admiral was declaring the
battleship "obsolete" and attacking
the navy for its "conservatism," Sec-
retary Weeks, who will appear before:
the committee tomorrow against cog-
nizance of the aircraft controversy
by making public a letter to Repre-
sentative Perkins, the committee ex-
aminer, declaring "untrue" recent tes-
timony before the committee that jun.-
for army officers are "muzzled from
telling the truth" by the War depart-
The War secretary previously had
denied the accuracy of this testimony,
and in his letter today he set forth the
War department's policy regarding
the testimony of officers before con-
gressional committees. The letter
pointed out that General. Mitchell had
been informedof the department pol-
icy in the matter, but did not mention
him directly as the witness who made
the "muzzling" charge.
A part of the letter also defended:
the War department against charges'
of "conservatism," which were reiter-
ated today with respect to the Navy
department by Admiral Sims.
Urbana, Ill., Feb. 27.-More than 700
athletes, representing 64 universities,
colleges and high schools, will com-
pete for honors in the eighth annual
anniversary of Illinois' indoor relay
carnival here tomorrow night, making
the event the largest exclusive col-
lege indoor meet in America.
Thirteen athletes who wore United
States shields in the Olympic games
in Paris last summer will be in the
competition. Six are from Big Ten
- universities, and two of the; are
world record holders. San. Kfnsey,
Illinois hurdler, who tied the best
record time for the 75 yard hurdle in
the carnival last year, is the Olympic



East Hampton, Long Island, Feb.G IES IN SR CTOR
27.--Adrift In the Atlantic ocean for
almost one month, three men in an MOREaJIJRISDIGTION
open boat were rescued by the crew
of the Texas Oil company tanker,
Lighteurne, about 374 miles north of REVISED RULES WIlL SUPPLANT
Miami, Florida, late this afternoon, THOSE NOW APPEARING IN
according to wirelss dispatches picked CATALOGUE
up by the Independent Wireless com
pany's station here.
The trio, facing starvation, are said CHANGES DOPTED
to have been carried out of Miami by
a storm. The steamer Lighteurne was Absences For Purpose of Attending
bound from Norfolk, Virginia, to Gal- Athletic Contests Will
veston Texas, when she encountered Count as Three *
the drifting boat. According to the
but recovering aboard the vessel. Radical changes in the system for
wireless message, the men were weak checking student attendance in the
literary college will be placed in effect
as soon as a shift can be made from
the present method to that recently
adopted by a meeting of the faculty
of the literary college. The change
will practically do away with the ex-
isting attendance committee, and will
place more responsibility upon class
Seven Compete in Finals; Second The import of the new system, which
Place to R. S. Miller, 7;. is already in effect from the student
Winner Given Plaque angle, is that instructors will be al
lowed to use their own judgment more
freely, but that in cases of excessive
TOPIC IS CHILD LABOR absence, the Administrative board, as
heretofore, will take action. The in-
Gerald Dykstra, '27, was awarded structor has the alternative of report-
first place in the second extempore ing cases of excessive absence to the
assistant dean with power, or he may
contest held last night in University exclude the offender from his clasw
hall. The subject of the winning and then notify the assistant dean of
speech, chosen from the general topic, this action, recommending that the
Child Labor, was "Child Labor in I student be "dropped without grade"
Michigan." Dykstra received the new- or "dropped with 'E'."'
ly designed Oratorical seal, mounted According to the resolution which
on a plaque, which is awarded to ex- outlines the new plan, three consecu-
tempore contest winners. tive absences in any course will be
The second place contestant was reported for the information of the
Robert 8. Miller, '27, who spoke on the administration. The ruling will con-
subject "Child Labor; the Solution of tinue that absences on days immedi-
the Problem." George E. Sorrels, '28- ately preceding or following holidays
D, received honorable mention as third will be counted as three absences,
place winner. Miller was awarded a although the instructor is now privi-
book. leged to waive this rule.
The winning speakers were chosen The th"ee absences incurred by fail-
from a group of seven contestants ure to attend classes before and after
who survived the preliminary tryouts holidays will not count as consecu-
held last week. Individual topics tive absences, but will be counted in
based on the questibn of Child Labor the total attendance record.
were drawn at & o'clock yesterday al- "Except-for team members, absence
lowing a three hour preparation -be- for the purpose of attending out-of-
fore the final contest. Speeches were town athletic or other contests, per-
limited to seven minutes. formancgs, or exhibitions *shall The
Judges of the contest included Prof. deemed as wilful neglect, and each
T. C. Trueblood, head of the public such absence shall be countted as
speaking department, W. C. Dixon, '25,I three. Members of teams shall pre-
who was in- charge of the contest, I sent to each instructor a written state-
and two members of the team which ment from the responsible authority
debated with Northwestern, W. A. specifying the exact period for which
Dahlberg, '25, and A. M. Stern, '27L. absence is necessary," the resolution
N "When reports from a student's in-
structors indicate that through ex-
cessive absence he is neglecting his
(}}{{r Wwork, the Administrative board shall
H1IIIUIIBYIDR[EIilNi have power to give formal warning
L Lor place him on probation. At the end
of the semester it may also assign him
Washington, Feb. 27-The whole one or more negative hours of credit.
question of the French debt to the "The committee recommends that
United States was revived suddenly these rules be printed in place of
today by a visit to the treasury of those appearing on page 25 of the an-
Emile Daeschner, the new French am- nouncement of the literary college for
bassador. Monsieur Daeschnerspent I the year 1924-1925, and in place of
nearly an hourwith Secretary Mel- those appearing on pages 158-159 of
lon, much of the time being occupied the 1923-1924 catalogue."
in a discussion of the debt. 1 The main purpose of the change in
While neither the ambassador nor checking attendance is to allow ad-
Mr. Mellon would divulge details of ministrative officers to pay more at-
the talk, it was learned officially that tention to outstanding cases, W. R.
the conference had in a measure cov- Humphreys, assistant dean of the lit-
ered ground gone over by former Am- erary college. declared Thursday. The
bassador Jusserand in his conferences new system will be less troublesome
with Mr. Mellon prior to his retire- for the student who is regular, and as
ment. a check upon the student who is un-
It was asserted that there was no- necessarily irregular in his attend-
thing definite in the expressions of ance, he added.
either official in today's meeting, and The Administrative board will con-
there was no understanding as to the tinue to handle all excessive cases,
holding of further conferences. the dean stated. The new system will
aa be put into complete effect as soon as
possible, it was announced yesterday.
Instructors have already been inform-
ro agana - - :edi of the change.

the walls of the room also, filters and
violet ray machines have been install-
ed, part of the office equipment nec-
essary at the pool entrance has been
put in place, plastering of cracks in
the walls is finished, and almost all
the painting and decorating has been
done. I
Pumps and heaters have not yet
been installed but Homer Heath, gen-
eral manager of the Union, reports1
that they are now in transit.



Members of the debating class who
were selected to compose the Michi-
gan debating team, which is entered
in the Mid-West debate, include the
following six men who were chosen
from those competing for position on}
the team: Radcliff B. Fulton, '26,
Frank P. Weaver, '26, and IH. F. Wah-j
renbrock, '27L, to form the affirmative1
team, and N. C. Bowersox, '27, James
J. Dunn, '25, andE. R. Gomberg, '27,
to form the negative team.
The Mid-West debate, which is a
triangular debate between Illinois,
Michigan, and Wisconsin, will be held
March 20. Michigan will oppose Illi-!
nois at Urbana and the Wisconsin
team here. The general subject for
the debate is Child Labor.
w .f
Burton Memorial
Alumnus On Sale;
Copies of the Burton Memorial num-
ber of the Alumnus, official organ of
the Alumni association, are on sale at
the office of that body in Alumni Me-f
morial hall. Many copies were pur-
chased yesterday by students, faculty
members, alumni, and townspeople.
The issue, which is priced at 15
cents, contains stories of the life of
the late President, his work both here+
at the University and elsewhere, an ac-
count of the funeral services, and sev-
eral other topics of interest in his

Cincinnati's general meeting of the
National Education association, whichI
was held from Sunday to Thursday of
the past week, brought together a
notable group of educators from all
parts of the United States and was the
occasion for numerous group meet-
ings of utmost importance and inter-
est, Ann Arbor men and women who
attended the conferences agree.
Among those just returned from the
annual assembly are Dean A. S. Whit-
ney, Prof. J. B. Edmonson, Prof. Clif-
ford Woody, Prof. A. B. Moehlman,
Prof. C. S. Berry, Prof. G. L. Jackson,
L. T. Purdom, and S. A. Courtis of the
School of Education, and Prof. Ra-
leigh Schorling, Dr. O. W. Stephenson,
Dr. F. D. Curtis, Miss Edith Hoyle,
and Miss Selma Lindell of the Univer-
sity high school. Miss Margaret Cam-
eron, secretary of the bureau of ap- ;
pointments, will return today after at-
tending a meeting of bureau heads.
Purdue Defeats
Indiana, 39-29,
Lafayette, Ind., Feb. 27,-Hopes of
Indiana for the Western Conference
basketball championship received a
I severe jolt here tonight when they
were defeated by Purdue 39-29. As a
- result of the defeat, Indiana remains
in third place in the Conference, but
now trails Illinois by two games.
Purdue got off to an early lead and
was never seriously threatened by its
ancient rival. The score at the first
half was Purdue 32, Indiana 13.
Iowa Deals Blow
To Illini Hopes
Iowa City, Iowa, Feb. 27.-The
University of Iowa's basketball

high hurdle champion, while DeHart'
Hubbard of the University of Mich-
igan, in the broad jump, holds the
Olympic title and a world's indoor rec-
or for this event.
The East will send three Olympic,
stars, Emerson Norton, of Georgetown.'
university, Burgess, also of George-
town, and MacDonald, Pennsylvania'
star quarter miler.
The program will consist of eight
relay races, ten special events, and
the all-around championship'. .The
f carnival hasattracted entries from all
the universities in the Western con-
ference, a majority' of universities in
the Missouri Valley conference, Penn
sylvania, and Georgetown, in addition
to other universities and colleges in
the middle West.
Norton, a former University of Kan-
sas athlete, now competing under the
colors of Georgetown, is the favorite
to win the all-around championship.
He won the event in 1923. Fifteen
atheltes, a record number, will fight
it out for the all-around title.


Spread Of Soviet
That the situation in the Baltic, as
the result of the effort of the Soviet
government to spread Red propaganda
in the small Baltic states, is really
serious, was affirmed yesterday by
Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the political!
science department.
The conference of foreign ministers
of Poland, Esthonia, Latvia and Fin-
land, held recently at Helsingfors,
Finland, was intended to meet the
danger of this spread of socialism, de-
clared Professor Hayden. "These Bal-
tic states are afraid of the Russian

Baltic Situations
serious international situation."
In discussing the counter anti-Bal-
tic demonstration, arranged by the
Soviet authorities in Leningrad, Pro-

Senate Amendment
To Appropriation
B ill Is Rejected


fessor Hayden stated that in his inter- Washington, Feb. 27.-The House to-
pretation, it served as evidence that day refused to accept a Senate amend-
the fears of the Baltic states are justi- ment to the Independent offices ap-
fled. The Bolshevist press has de- propriation bill to repeal the 20 per-
nounced the Helsingfors conference, cent Pullman surcharge. A motion by
as being directed against the Soviet Representative Barkley, Democrat,
government in Russia. Kentucky, to approve the Senate rider
No formal action was taken by the was rejected by a standing vote of
conference, although Count Skrzynski, 67 to 177. A roll call was then de-
Polish minister of foreign affairs, de- manded.
clared that the union would be direct- On the record vote the House affirm-
ed against the Third Internationale, ed its rejection of the surcharge am-
and not against the Russian Soviet endment by 123 to 255. House con-
government. ferees on the bill were then instruct-
ed by a viva voce vote to insist on
Dr. Daniel E. Phillips, head of the elimination of the provision from the
psychology department of the Univer- measure. Rejection of the rider came
sity of Denver, is visiting his son here after three hours debate in which
this weeChairman Winslow of the Commerce

Soveit for two mai.n r
continued "They feart
propaganda, carried on1
Internationale, which,
tirely separate from the
ernment, is its agent
their propaganda, and,s
fear the military andf
gression of the nation1

resasons," he
the Bolshevik
by the Third
although en-
Russian gov-
in spreading
secondly, they
economic ag-

,F r,'~I."'7





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