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February 25, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-25

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FNIOIAANA hen llii Dop T QUT D flA eiA IIII~[O

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LU I119LIV If 1 1.1 l R TEN TANDNGSteamssnowin first and secondl places, I I.UU LIl I UfU Lle1 V
Ohio State 8 1 .888 and it is possible that they may do so. ;.
1s Ii(* lov'iiie SquiadI Lver IIlin'I(is 7 1 85By 1beating Ohio Saeadwinning I JfiIthreDIrills e hr ol'Eiig
lhIf'ere in IlIlinlois I ndiana 7 2 {7 the rest of their- four gaetevrwilnig efu
M1et 1Purduie 4 3I .5711 Hoosiers could go into a tie with the ;BY Illinois
-- Mimiesola; 5 s 500 Columbus team. I1f Illinois should
63 SCHO LS ENTE ED ~ii~ii~~n 4 4 .soolose one game and win the rest on GO DT{ SSA
Iowa__334oI her schedule, Ohio State should do
Ntorth~(i In2 .2 the same and Indiana should win all -
Twecn1t three men will be taken ~~n 1 0 .142 the rest of her tilts, the Conference After taking a 25-7 defeat at the
by C'oacih I' rrell toe the [University oflI Chic :to 1 7 .125< race would end in a triple tie between hands of the strong Illinois wrestling
illinois re lay. carnival at 11"i'ba no the three teams. team Monday nighit, ('oaeh B1arkcer,
thi s aturda. Since individual show-v- As a result of Monday night's -Wolverine mat. mentor, seit tis squadI
in rathiithlian points count in this I ;coes Ohio State climbed linito lea(-1 Tiii through a strenuous drill yesterday
met.oit zrcticlly ere ITersiiip ini the Western Conference H lIIU U tU U IILUU in preparation for the meet wVith Wis-f
sent the lst thNzt Michigan can offer I onainegrapplerceschedueedlloroiatur-
(tlrng te nl~rseso.baktbllrce hie lini, her a ly nghtinte feld house.
The men who are to miake the~ trip leadler throughout the earlier stages l YIlL ~IL i 1VI The Badgers hold a close victory
re Wita, dse; Feinsinger, of the season, went into second place,; over the weak Chicago team, winning
I!(lerOren, Muller and l heiser in the; losing her first game of the season. I I by a 11-9 score. Judging from com-'
zhilc relay; Reinke, F+rcyherg, Coch-! Along the line, predicted by numn- Michigan s Varsity tennis team has prtvesoe1tebus ihte
'antiiv andorarttihtheotto iletrelay
ra inllat ndietw il e ey rous followers: of 1Mg Ten basketball,t been practicing mornings and after- -rdia emsoldb]oeeel
li-ornbierger. i-icks, Callahian and the Illini took a tumble when they hitI noons for the past few weeks in Wat- matched than they were in the Illi-
LBriggs in the four' mile relay; Jung, the road, and fell .before the flashy erman gymnasium.. Three veterans 'nois meet. Michigan should -win the
1500 meter run; .Hulbbard, hurdles and comeback of, the Indiana five after rmi rmls ersta hc flyweight bout and the Hfeavyweight
broad Jump; Northrup, broad juimp; leading their opp~onents 17-8: at the'%'mthwhot uctrbladi
! lulse, Walk, Snider andl Voelkuer, ' end of the first half. The Suckers lost but a single conference match. mthwtou uhiouladi
hurdlies; Brooker, pole vault; and have four more games to play, four Captain Crane,. Vose and Greiner of form by the end of the week, the Wol-
li m ' in thIe Shot put. iof, which will be on enemy territory. the 19124 team together with Jerome vernes should gather a few points
Tis is the large t sqiadl that Mich- They will stack up with Iowa, Purdue of the previous year are on hand. Last in the bantamweight class.1
ig has ever entered. in the Illinois and -Wisconsin on the latter's floors, year's freshmen contribute two men, Sinclair, who battled for 18 minutes
me4,et and from the look of things at and will take on P~urdue for one gamei ans' with Geiss, the star 1;58 p~ounder of i
prset hesua wllmaea trnga Ubaa.Ioaan Wscnsnar Slisy and Eliott. i the Illinois team, is being counted on
preen te qud il mkea trngatL rbna Iwaan Wscnsn re The peetsudcnit f1
showing: not (loped to trim Ilnis utthe ; etoset gainnsst*ofh
Ilnsbt men, as a result of a cut last fall. Intan a victory over the Badger!I
Over 700 athletes from 63 institui- j two games with the fast "Boilermakers March, 18pudr when the concrete courts will Iid puner
L'ions5 will ,omnpete at Urbana Saturday; will be anything but easy. They play- ainbinue this number will be; Baker kept his slate clean of (IC-
and the Wolverines will have some ed ftpeedy basketball Monday nightcttoeg.Th manprse f feat by winning a decision over To-'
stf com~petition. Ohio State's four( to defeat Wisconsin, 30-22, with Sprad- l the indoor practice is to keep the setti, the Indian flyweight. BakerI
mile relay team won in a udan - ling showing great form. men'sesanstosinhpe has won all of his bouts this seasonI
l li iic a.t l{vanston last week andj Ohio State will wind up the season sThe195scedulroes'inshprctcall
lay~~~~~~~ ~h 19pa ton 1qarag.cm lete wihcheduf ismatic aingon decisions, anti is countedl on tot
now lir ,nza togi this event. I with tilts aganist Chicago, Indiana and garner at least two points for Michi-
Pecnnsylvania has also entered a Wisconsin. The Indiana game willplcAriiSdungsrig-es. gan against the Badgers. c
sztrong quar1tet in this relay. be at Bloomington, while the other An eastern trip is also planned for= Goldstein, who had little trouble in'5
Ini the pole vault, Captain B~rooker 3 two will be played on the Buckeye this year's .squad, !throwing B~rown, the Illinois heavy- (
will meet his rival Dean B~rownell andl home floor. The leaders seem almost____________ weight in the record time of 46 see-;I
it is expected that this event will be certain to win the Chicago and Wis-- onds, should add to the Michigan to-
atenht~ ewe h w e.cui ames, while the tilt with In- A ml -a ahn a eIital. The Wolverine heavyweight. has
This will be the ninth time the' two diana remains a question. The Hoos- designed for building contractors, only been dlefeated once, losing to a
havwe niet and so- far Brooker has the iers played fine ball to topple Ilinois plumbers and electricians for locat-= Roshon, of Ohio State, in an overtime
cdge oni Brownell, having won five. of from the lead Monday night, and may ing pipes and wires imbedded in the match.l
the(ir pasty eight meetings. Hubbardj stop the Ohio five. At present the walls and ceilings of buildings. Following the Badger meet Satur- 1
'will again be matched against Snyderj leaders appear to be in their best dlay night, the Wolverines will meetq
oft Ohio °State in the hurdles, the ]at- form of the season, however, andj the strong Indiana team, which tied '
ter havingi beaten him in the event: standl an excellent chance of repeating {VENTER FOOTBALL with Illinois last year for the Confer-!I
here last spring, during a dual meet their earlier victory over Indiana. - ence mat title, here in the final meet
withz the Buckeyes. 1 rfhe game will be crucial for both All men who have received i on the Michigan wrestling schedule.'i
Onl the Kansas Aggies list -of stars teamns. The Buckeyes need the vic- ntcstorpr1'o vit The Indiana team, with last year'stI
are Von Riesen and kinport, who are ! tory' to stay in the lead unless Illinois 'otbace prticol report to temoratialyintacaslotsu
e~tr( n10hte10 n 50m-is tripped up again, and to establish two mnaches in four mneets hl this t
i ren. heAgisavaloe-the field house this afternoon hl
te us h gishv loe-a safe margin in any case. If they at43-'lck esn
t ered t(eams in the toile, two mile and' beat the Hoosiers, they may be con- atA4CK0o'cockTseson
four m1ile relays. siieredl almost a sure bet for the title. JA CBoTT, ea the W n Ads,
(Chicago hias one of the strongest Their opponents have not given up Cah e dW n
track teams it has ever turned out. hope of displacing one of the two
To) i (lte(I 11y hay e L-ico t(- wo Confiier*-

H Iut
8:15, Phi Delta Theta v.TheaCi.F sii~i

Delta Tau Upsilon vs. Phi Mul
9:00--Alpha. Tan Omega vs.
D7elta Phl-i. Theta Delta Cli v
Kappa. Tau. 9:45-Sigma Nu -
Lambda Kappa. Delta Sigma 1

v:. P~hi i,
vs. Phi1
P'hi vs.,

' I2i

11 . . 11- ..a7d iciligan'
(~A IE ?~ NI~Ilj I hook
GA I1STO\ I IT['wil freshman I
Freshman Group-5 :1.5.,C(roup 1 vs.j this afternc
Group 5. Croup 7 vs. Group 4. Group TChe 'sit
2 vs. Group 6. tavo~redl ove
Independents--9 :00, N o r t Ii e r n 1 because of
Lights vs. Dukes. Outcasts vs. Tole- man lineup
do Cadets. Hlouse of Ilanna, vs. New 1 lDarnell i
Zanes. 9:45, Night Hawks vs. Agon- 2920 yard ra
ies. l Dunnakin
Class A Fraternity--9 :45,;IDelta Ch'i first place
vs. Phi Kappa. Beta Theta Pi vs. P~hi I so place w
Lambda Kappa. and will sw
Shorr a
GA MES IIIIRSIAY stage a goo
Class A Frateriityi-9 :45, Delta Cli Whittinghal
Omega vs. Tan Kappa EIpsiloni. Nu# Conference
Sigma Nut vs. Delta Sigma Phi. I will swim
Class B Fraternity-8 :15, Thetas w~orld of1a
Chi vs. TanulEpsilon Phi. 9:00, D~elta the Varsity
Upsilon vs. Alpha Tan Omega. Phif steel will b.
Sigma Deli-a vs. Kappa. Nu. Phi Muj for' the firs
Delta, vs. B~eta Theta Pi,. 9:45--Sig- lbut his b
ma Alpha Mu vs. Alpha Clhi Rho. Phi in t he 150
Beta Delta v. Sigma Clhi, Delta Sigma

r~ TO MEET will vie with his brother John of the
fT TO M EET Varsity for second place. Captain
rKerr should win this race with little
T[RRof Drnll Batter, Rose andI Kelley
has b~een turning in somre fast times
squa Wil Tst elenns laelyandl will make the Varsity quar-
S'ud ilTetItet step. Johnson, Dunnakin, Samson,
Tria ls for lndiaiiut and Giow will make up Michigan's8
itv et 1; ifour. Tanner wvill swim in the dis-
t ance event for the frosh with a pos-
CT CLOSE RACES ' sil hIe entry in the century free style.
IRine Wi'ay of the freshman squad
s Varsity. swiiunung t cam Ihas b~een improving constantly and
up witht Coach M1aim1's should forc6 Papenguth and P~aul
prodigies in a dunal meet Starrett to perform their best. In the
oon at the Y. M. C. A. 1)001. plunge Allen and Siedman of the Var-
ty swimmners are slightly sity, will defend their honors against
eri their yearling opponents 1" Cap" Starrett of the first, year aggre-
e xllenience bult the fresh- ; gation. Allen has only recently re-
b)oasts a few real stars.j ported for practice and can alreadly
s ai flash in the 40, 100 and I cover the 00 feet under water in
aces andi will give Samson, creditable time.
and Gow a stiff race for The Varsity squad will use, this meet
laurels. Batter shkould al- as a time trial event for the Indiana
vedl in the 40 yard event, meet which is scheduled for 4. o'clock
im oni the reliy(quartet. Saturday afternoon nt the same 1p001.
intl Whittinghaia should An admission charge of $1.00 will b~e
od race in the breaststroke charged for Saturday's meet but to-
ini is one of the best in the dlay's affair will be free. However, the
this year, and Shorr, who 'Varsity-freshman. contest may be
for the freCshmen, has a viewedl only hy men students of the
ability andtinmay beat out University. Saturday's meet will be
y rep~resentative. It. Hal- open to the general public.
e Shorr's swimming mate--
st year mien in the breast, ij a h ~n d

yar rb iackstroke where lie

z w a w w v a a v V w a.a. i s S. 3 .L %* 16J

t t
j .
F {L

Phi vs. Nu Sigma. Nu.
P~hi Sigma Delta nosed out Sigma
Alpha Mu by 109 to 107 in the annual
Interfraternity Foul Throwing Con-
test. 'These two teams were tied for
first place with 74 successful throws
each. On the throw off consisting of
50 throws the Phi Sigma Delta caged
35 against 3S scored by the Sigm:
Alphia Mu. Last year the Sigma Al
pha Mu were runners up.
All those who signed up for the
all-campus singles anti (oub~les bowl.
ing tournament must hand in scores,
before Saturday. Three games are to I
be bowled b~y each entry. ThoseC
jiualifying for further compeltition
wrill have their names in next Sunday's
Class bowling teams should hand
in scores for their five men teams.
E~ach man must roll three games this
week before Saturday. Qualifying
teamns will be named in next Sunday's
Read the Want Ads!

Dncng To-night
and every Wednesday, Friday, and
- Saturday nights
Music tby
Bill Watkins and his
Granger Eight.

ence teams, a.rthwe stern and Indi-"
an a.
T[he rest of this (week thme squad
will devote to ligh~t practice, espe-
(c!:ly the relay men, who will practice
in ' passing the bat on. Althou~gh the
itirncr-irry of t he trip has not 1been ar-j
rane(d the( team will probalbly leave
Arnn:Arbor on Thumrsday morning ar- I
riigin Chmpaign the same even-j
Don't delay-Pay your Subscito.
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fhpew hrops
in peasng.y

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is well known to
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