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February 25, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-25

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iSDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1925


vs Thu'As'Y 1?1.a flu~f lar.Y ui.. 1u25 lTII-. Y114 11TtflAN fl ail Nay. ..






1IU ii1.11. lIUI1 LLI11 1U111
.Services will be held at 5 o'clock!t
Ktoday at Newberry hail for the initia-
.tion of the new leadership commission
of the Y. W. C. A. The cabinet and
Sinenibers of the old and new comnmis-
lison will be present at the meetingI
over which Marjory Mathews '26, will
'pteside. The lnstallatiajn will be a
Scandle light service which will be l
followed by a supper given for the$;
Sold and new leadership commission inj2
Sthe south parlour of Newberry hail.;

'I he b)utch Treat p~arty; the next
party in the series of Won en's Lea-
gue social events, will be given from
4 to G o'clock Friday in B~arbour gym-
nasiumn. Butch decorations willI be
one feature of the party. In addition
to other entertainment, three Women
will put on a clog dance. Esther Tfutle,
'27, is in charge of the party.
Masques Initiates
30 New Members
Masques dramatic society will hold
an initiation Saturday afternoon at
Helen Newberry residlence at which 15
active memb~ers and 15. associate mem-
bers will be initiated into the society.
Pr of. J. It. Nelson will speak to .the
inenibers of the traditions, aims, and
history of the society and Nellie Rlit-
ten litise, '25, will welcome the. new
membelrs into tVe society. Prof. 11. A.
Kenyon will be present as the guest of,
1.nul F



WOMN O PRBATON Matron Decorated
WOME UN HOBAIONF or Rescuing Two0

FMiriam ,Goddard, 125, and Jean Sith,'
'26, have, charge of the supper.
This committee .of the. Y. WV. C. A.
takes' charge of all entering women
and sends letters to them'(luring the
summer as well as aiding them upon
their arrival at the university. The
new eomrnrnisiron is 'a follows: .Max-.


ion Bauschard, 28, Annie Brown, 28,1I The first of the series of plays,e
Mary Elizabeth Brown, '28, Norene which Masques was to present todaya
Bushow, '28 Patrica 1-Hodson '28, Elon- has been postponed indefinitely. The t
ore Horny, '26, Ruth IHull, '26, Ruth second, however, will 1)e produce] :h
Jameson '28 Vera Johnston, '28, Mar-!I March 25. The namesof the plays and
jorie Muhightner, '26, I~eoore Nag- te committees to work on them; will
gle, '28, Louise Piggott, '28, Martha be announced next week.
Ann Robinson, '28 Marion Wells '27,
Helen Worten, '28, Marion Van Tuyl, ~ 1 7
'28, and Mary White '28. I I?.l 'L. 2 ZrarWes
___ ______ ___ ___ Prohibited W o men
Francis L. Godrich, associate li-
N O TICES brarian of the University library, in-Ie
chided in the pictures of the best!
American habrares in an illustra ted1-
- -" ° - lecture to the memblers of the Wor-t
Elective classes in swim- an's clbi yestray afternoon the (
wing will be held at 4 o'clock Mon- Boston Atheneunm, the Boston Public I
days and Wednesdays and 4 o'clock, library, the John Carter Brown li- l
Tuesdays and Thursdays, in Barbour brary of Providence, the Amherst col-
gymnasium. Anyone intersted should lge library, the New York state li-f
report this week. brary, the Vassar college library andt
the New York public library, the Car-'
All women in the junior play must negie institute of Pittsburgh and thee
pay a tax of $2 to their group leaders Detroit public library.t
befor'e Thursday. From this a cer- "Women were not allowed to belong
tam amount will lie deducted for re- to or read in the early American li-'
freshzments, 25 cents for each time braries. A librarian of the early Bo -
tardy, and 50 cents for each time ab- ton Atheneum library opposed the ad '
sent. All who fail to observe this i mittance of women into the reading
regulation will be dropped from the room because he believed that a on-
play, and also those who have more siderable portion of the general I-
than 3 absences or 4 cases of tardi- brary should be a sealed book."'
tess. Mr. Goodrich showed close-up slides'
The University Girls' glee club will of the frescoe work in the Boston pub-
entertain tihe Freshman Girls' glee lic library and of the ceilings of the
club today, at the home of Ber- Detroit publie library which are dR-
nice Nickels, 337, Maynard street. ferent in every room. The John Car
tar library of Providence was pictured
Junior play chorus rehearsals will as resembling the William Clementsl
he hld as follows: Today, A and F library of the University of Michigan
at 4' o'clock, B, BB and 4 at 5 o'- A feature of the Amherst college i-
clock, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 at 8 o'clock. brary, according to Mr. Goodrih is
the "browsing" room where a variety
Members of the publicity commit- of the best reading is provided for
tee of the Y. W. C. A. will hold their the stuents to read in their leisure
regular weekly meeting at 4:15 o'- hours. "This room," M. Goodrich
clock today at Newberry hall. added, "is not very popular." The
- Vassar college library is a memorial
The cabinet of the Y. W. C. A. will, building, erected to resemble the con-
mneet for lunch at Newberry hall to-' tiiental libraries. An interesting fea-
day., ture of the New York public library is
Sigma Delta Phi will meet at 4 :15i a picture gallery which contains do-
o'clock today at the Sigma Kappa nations of private collectors. The
house. Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh was,
- -
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To enjoy our Home-cooked Mals and the dis-
tinctive "homeiness"~ of our -dining rooms. There '
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Conferences for those women on
yarningI and. probation are b~eing held
this week and next. Mrs. Amy S. H~o-
bart, assistant dean of women, is con-
fering with freshmen and sophomore
women and Miss Grace Richards with
unior and senior women.
Attempts are being made to analyze
he situations andI discover the causes
of the. low' scholarships. Through
suggestions of time schedule, by
Which means each woman can bet-
ter apportion, her time,, and b~y a de-
finition of objectives many remedies
Ire found. Emphasis is b~eing placed
on tho curriculum the woman has
chosen. The women are urged to con-
centrate on the immediate semester,
to review the rule's concerning warn-
ed and probationed studlents, and all
activities are to be set aside until
the student in question has removed
her name from the list.
Miss Jeain. Hamilton, dean of w~om-
en, left Monday evening for St. Louis
where Ahe will be the guest of the
Alumnae organization for a day or
two.. The organization will give a
dinner in honor- of Miss Hamilton
:Tuesday evening at the Womnan's Col-
lege club.
Miss Hamilton will be in Cincinnati
.from Thursday until Saturday in at-,
tendance at the National Conferencel
of Deans of Women where she isI
chairmian of thme committee on resolu-
tions, and where she will speak on
"The Value of. Student B~uildings for
Women in Co-educational Universi-
ties." While in. Cincinnati she will
have a meeting with the Michigan
group of Alumnae.
Mrs. Lydia A. Carleton, of Brook-
line, Mass..i's: driving a taxi.

~ ; .... ... _..... r........

The Moc

Mrs. Samunel Burleigh Milton, prom-
inent Watshington, D. C., woman, has
just ri'Cved a medal from the United
States Coast Guard for rescuing two
persons from drowning in Chesapeake
Bay. Coast Guard officials say she
showed extraordinary bravery in ef-
fecting the rescues.
Members of the muslc section of the
Faculty WVomen's club will meet at 8
o'clock today at the homie of Mrs. L.
0. Case 50~3 E. ,Jefferson. A papier will
be read and discussed on "Opera and
Oratorical." al
i bscribe for The Michigan Lally.

ShOvs fenidhto influenice lit
the n'anita-lored costume.
2292 Nickels 'Arcade
Phone. 30a9-\V

r t .

When you want Ice Cream,
call the Ann Arbor Dairy.
There's dozens of flavors to
choose from, each the finiest
that can be made-

G pointed out , as combining a library
with a music hall, an art gallery, and
..a museum.' Of the Detroit public li-
brary Mr.. Goodrich said, "Only one
or two libraries in the country sur-
pass it."



., a [ 1

32 Days =w $283.25 ani expenses
(including round trip steamship fares from New York)
S. S. Leviathan-World's Largest eans hip
ROUND out your education by seeing Europe this
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are sure to have the vacation of a lifetime.
Ask the United States Lines' representative on your
campus for the new; illustrated 32-page booklet written
by a Princeton professor, containing specimen tours with
detailed itineraries and costs.
For example, on a comprehensive 32-day trip you can
visit four countries of Europe and travel both ways in
specially prepared and exclusive tourist third class cab-
ins for only $283.25.
Find out about the tours sailing on the
S. S. Leviathan June 13th and July 25th,
S. S. George Washington June 10th and July th.
Improved tourist third class on the famous United
States Lines' ships provides light, airy and clean state-
rooms with delightfu~lly comfortable berths, excellent
food and service, daily concerts, dances and sports on
broad, sunny decks.
Get the facts, organize your party and make your
reservations early.
United States Lines
45 Broadway New York ity
Managing Operators for
Local Representative, E. G. Kuebler, 601 Huron St'
"Guard tihe child s tee tl''
Those tiny teeth are 'i
a priceless gift -
guard them well
WRIGLEY'S is a wonderful help to keep teeth
clean and sound, for it dlears out the crevices,
makes the mouth sweet and removes acid con-
ditions from which most people suffr.
A prominent physician, says: "It is surprising
how free from decay the teeth can be kept by
using gum after each meal."
WRIGLEY'S is good, not only for the teeth, but
for the nerves and appetite and 'digestion, too.

" llPAids "Sunnycre s s . A. . lo a, asistant dean
E[[[NICof women entertained at tea at her -
PAN H~iE MEELI 9 Meber of the Ann Arbor Business home yesterday afternoon for the
R an Prfesionl Wmans cub mde heds f al oganzedhouses. The
Pan Hlellenic held its first bl-month- apickle andl dimle collection last jtea was for the purpose of discussing
ofteyetr aI subjects. of interest to womren. This
ly meeting o h senmester tera Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights li te last of a series oif four teas
afternoon at the Delta Delta Deltai at the Majestic and Arcade theaters, I which Mrs. Hobart has been giving.
'house at which commiuittees in charge! the proceeds to go for the support of
of the next two meetings were ap-' the Sunnycrest school for.. Girls at Mrs. Mary Agnes i-amilton, English
pointed. The program committee, for H lollanid, Michigan. student of economics, is the only wom-
the next meeting which is to be heldt Two hundred and thirteen dolars an member (of a committee of inquiry
March 3 at the Phi Signma Sigma was collected at the Majestic and $75 int rts rd hc snetgt
1 house, consists -of Reell~ Metzger, '26,] at the Arce de. These collections were 'nt i ndustie ueatin theius
' aly ale, 25 adFrncs a- a part of a~ state drive in the 21. Mich- of unrest nldsue n hi
Sallyn tahearer'25,nandbFrances Par-er--avoidance. There are eighteen men
risk, '27. -I onaththeatrsiownedwbyhXMrS..Butter-on.
Other committee-s were appointed as , field to raise money for the support thcomtewihM.Halon
follows: Program commiittee for theI of this girls' school which fosters
Imeeting , of, March -17: --Helen Loftus , and educates girls who are without'
'26, Elizabeth' Woodward; '26,' and; parents or who, lack the proper envir- Read the W ntant 'Ads
Berenice Smith '$G. jbishing rules ! onmnent.-
commnittee: Ardis Stoner,. '25, Mary
Lou Miller, '26, and Marian Blurrow~,I _____________________________________

"The Detroiter"



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