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February 24, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-24

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titild to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therecn.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master ;eal.
Subscription by carrier, $3 ; by mail,
Offices: AJnui rbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.;
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-4[
Editor...............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
.. ight Editors
George W. Davis' Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Penry Fredk. F Sparrow, Jr.
kenneth C. feller Norman R. T hal
Sports hour -" .William HI. Stoneman
Sunday E io .....Robert S. Mansfield
Women's 1?,1 to................. Vernea Moran
Music and Drma. Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor., . William J. Walthour
LouiseBarl9'en S. Ramsay
Marion B gana Reichmann
Leslie S.3 en nearie Reed'
Smith CaO <I < Edmarie Schrauder
WillardFrederick H. Shillito
Val e s C. Arthur Stevens
JamesIV.:.g Marjory. Sweet
Jose U. ,Merman Wise
Mannin I oliou ort l, ugene 1. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kenned Robert T., DeVore
Elizabethc ebermann;tanley C. Crighton
Winfield Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. macher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. atterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising....................E. L. Dunne
Advertising.....................J. J. Finn
Advertising...................H. A. Marks
Advertising.................H. M. Rockwell
Accounts...................Byron Parker
Circulation..................R. C. Winter
Publication....................John Conlin
P. W. Arnold W, L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
Gordon Burris It. L. Newmann
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz D. Ryan
David For N. Rosenzweig
Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson I S. H. Sinclair
- H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-THOS. P. HENRY, JR.

Their efforts were effective: so ef -
fective in fact that students awoke to
thc fact that there was a general li-
brary on the campus, and that it con-
tained books other than those requir-
ed for "outsidie readling." "Ih stu--
dent belly realized with something ofl
a jolt that they were not getting an
education, that their intellectual ef-
forts were sorry indeed, and that
there was much to le looked into,
much that was interesting and muchj
that was disturbing.
The leaders of the movement, cen-
teredi in the Sunday Magazine sta ff, I
were not tactful at all, and it can
hardly be said that they wished to be.
What they wanted was to say what
they wanted. And, as*is always the
case when some one says just what
he wants to say, there were those
who disagreed violently with thei;
who heaped epithets upon them and
privately and publicly cursed them as
a bunch of conceited youngsters. But,
whether their views were accepted or
not, they did the campus good: there
is nothing like a violent quarrel to
bring about a mental catharsis and
a cleaning-out. Finally, however,
pressure was brought to bear on them,
and the campus publications were
closed as vehicles for their verbal bar-
Quite undaunted, they went out and
started a magazine of their own, and
one which was tremendously success-
ful, gaining as it did the support of a
very considerable bloc of students
and faculty. But it lasted only a cou-
ple of issues, for its editors graduated
and there was no one to take their
Since then, that brief stir of general
intellectual activity has lost whatever
vitality it had. University life has
settled back again into its round of
football and basketball games, Union
dances, and moving pictures. Our
literary interests are represented by
the Inlander, formerly Whimsies, a
feeble and ineffectual publication
having hardly a spark, from begin-
ping to end, of life, and as provocative
of real thought as a copy of the An-
glican book of Common Prayer .There
is another group of "thinkers"-cen-
tered around the Carmagnole, a dark
little hole of a restaurant where liber-
ated souls, male and female, sit
around smoking Russian cigarettes
and reading Oscar Wilde without,
These two groups, then the Whim-
i.r n Ernest Thinkers. and the Car-

.7 .. rAND
Ode to the Big Brass Horn
Presented to thIe U. Of i1. BIand
by the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com- A review, by Valentine Davies and
rnerce IRobert Henderson.
Written and Read by Rev. Herbert A. The orchestral program last eve-
Jump ning in Hill auditorium was quite the
ruesday Evening, February 17 I most sympathetic, inspired concert. if'
j you will, barring the Cortot recital,
That horn. That horn! of the year; it was fully worth slosh-
That yawning, twisted glittering ; , i
, ' ing through the weather to hear its
Horn. rounded beauty. The colossal Funeral
It coils around one like a snake; March from " Gotterdammnerung "
Vast, booming noises it can make. formed a fitting, heroic tribute to the
memory of a sincere, heroic personal-
It takes big lungs to make it go, ity. The titanic cycle of its concep-
lit that's no trouble; boys can tion and serious interpretation sup-
blow! plemented the deep tribute mutely felt
among the audience.
One day a mouse got lost inside; The Beethoven Seventh Symphony
He wandered far and starved and is often described as the epitome of
died; the dance: certainly Mr. GabrilowitschI
hardly regarded it as such. The al-
He only made its notes more bub-
bley, legretto was peculiarly slow, nearly
Its bass tones just a bit more knub- an allegro-often his tendency-and{
ble y.the allegro com brio sounded espe-
cially verbose in contrast, full of fury
Whene'er the sun shines on its bell, and a vivacious grandeur. The work,
The passer-by can hardly tell however, is one of the masterpieces
s >of musical literature, and like all
hdhimgreat art lends itself to infinite inter-
ther the heat has mae m pretations-it is a matter of certain
dizzy, taste, and such a convincing interpre-
Or some great searchlight's getting ter as Mr. (abrilowitsch is justified in;
busy. his definite prejudices.
The Bach C major Concerto forI
How fine when balmy spring comes three pianos was remarkable for the
round fusion of the piano with the orchestral
To hear the 'Victors' from it sound! background. This frequently result-
ed in a subordination of the soloists: !
Mr. Shattuck seemed unique only for
And when it wants some beauty his careful accuracy and his feminine
subtler, mat of hair. Mr. Maier, too, should be
It'll toot the fame of Hackley But- especially careful of his monstrous
ler! bobbing around the keyboard: Mr.
Pattison achieves quite as distinctive
But one thing's sure; this big brass results without such an obvious fren-
horn, zy of muscular pyrotechnics.
Whene'er it sounds in night or The "Peer Gynt" suite became an
atmospheric relief from the classic
torn, profundity of the major half of the
program. The four moods were ex-
Will ~teil the world, on every hand, quisitely interpreted, above all Ast's
Ilow much we love our Michigan (Tod with its unusually breathy rhy-
Band.!thm. Anitra's Dance was played much
more pianissimo than is the accepted
H T eneken used to say quite J'custom: It is a only point of view,
but after all, Anitra dances in the
Saharadesert and not on a star-swept
An-erican Novel would be a study of Norwegan a

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TILE CHERRY TREE --The Social Climber. We infer al- '
magnole- Bohiemians represent Mich- The1 The Laiszt Concerto Pathetique for
Once more the nation has gone ny though perhaps we give him too much two pianosand orchest broght the
thog(h hoso eerto igan intellectually at present. Where,twpinsadrcerabogth
through the throes of a celebrationoof credit) that he believed a large partI prograni, as Liszt always does, to a
countr oh where, are our brains going? of the American people were anxious theatric climax. In listening to all of
rthe b th e falpiti theoflhssroomWould that some young revolutionist
Fro the pulpit, in the classroom, ato rise in the world. I his work, two manners are certain--
and at the lodge meeting the virtues sHis opinion (if that was it) is now i a lyric sentimentality that sweels to
and t th lode metingand-though~ his vielas be as warped
of~~~~~~~~~~~~dulefrisnz rereumhntnhv be x n wse s eetoe cain
of George Washington have been ex-hb s swng generally confirmed by a large a technical double-fortissimo rumpus.
pounded. Again have children listen, and twisted is were those, occasion-;antiastute class of persons--the men As far as development is concerned
ally, of G. D. E.-wake this vast inert i his pieces might end anywhere: they
edwt wet h tl fth hrywhio write advertising copy for a G icsmgted nwee ~e
ed with awe to the tale of the cherry body of 10,000 souls into some rem-s are uniform, constant conclusion. But
tree and the hatchet and wondered variety of commodities: a variety as
that such a person could have lived. blance of mental activity, wide as the business wOrlo l cent in their artificiality, superbly
All of which is inevitable Every na- NC* * * grippingt Mr. Maier aild Mr. Pattisoi
tion has its heroes and extoli them The percentage of advertising based played their solo parts grandly and
at regular intervals Education and endlowment arc rap~ o social fear and social lust has tru- grandly-there was never a single
While such procedure is very fine idly growing synonymous in the ly increased enormously in the last blurred note and always their custom-
as viewed from the exterior and United States through the increasing few years. Starting most noticeably mry insistent beat. . . Artists, what
aroues suprfiialsortof atritici ;artists!
arouses a superficial sort of patriotic popularity among American million- w;th the Listerine ads and the Eti-
feeling in the breast of Americans o nf uette Book scareheads-the one ap-
everywhre, aires of giving huge sums of money . . *I'IE YPSILAW'I I PLAYERs4"
everywhere, the situation has its pa- peal based on the inferiority complex Thn r
to vaiouseductionpealt basedo T he eighth and final performancecolntsit.et.GrgmaeWhngn
thetic aspect. George Washington was to various educational institutions of a rlroydteveng of te pilantiPlaysFebruary
no saint. At least he made no pretence and foundations. Along with the ouil sr oy, o d't en o ra the A reuy
of being such. lie was only an uin- liosIf olar wic aeceiiedddt
ngs .H wa-lions of dollars which are beinaddedthe inferiority complex of the lady or Mariner" and Luigi Pirandello's "'he
usually capable executive whose per- to the resources of American colleges gentleman who was already in and nWF r "
sonality so fired the imagination of and universities, another worthy who didn't seem to be making prog-i.
will be presented this evening ,it the
his followers that he was able to cause is being advanced by the es- ress--the movement has spread to all wllyeosentrd t een, at
prosecute successfully what seemed at tablishment of fellowships for foreign the other branches of industry. Contrary to their previous custom sin-
the bkinning to be an hopeless cause. students in America and for American Nowadays any advertisement at all ghe admissions will be available forI
The ultimate worth of the cause for students abroad, both of which are in- may start off with the question "What this production at one ollar, and ap-
which he fought is undoubted since it tended to make for mutual benefit in is culture?"-and lead up to, a dis p rication may be made to aniel L:'
biought into being the greatest nation the exchange of the educational ad-! course on Dr. Eliot's Five Foot Shelf, Quirk, Jr, First National Bank, Ypsi-
in the w TId's h ttoi'y. Yet in the ex- vantages possessed by the various or on furnaces, or on soap, or on a lot II
uberant fervor of annual exaltation countries of the world. of things that would be Out of Place * * *
of this national ideal the facts in the A noteworthy step in the field of in this department. Along with fair- INTERNATJONAI NIIT
case are generaIlly overlooked. The fellowships providing foi the oppor- play, delicacy has also been lost. The annual international Night of
British are pictured as cruel oppres- tunity for American students to study * * the Cosmopolitan Club will be pre.
sors; George Washington and his co- in the European centers of learning Take the furnace ad. It shows a sented Thursday, March 5, in Iii1
ports as martyrs for the cause of i is that just taken by Simon Guggen- woman looking kind of heart-broken, auditorium under the diection of
freedom everywhere. Orators are in- heim, mining magnate and former and "a friend" giving her the dope on Mrs. A. D. Moore. The program
cined to overlook entirely the com- I United States senator from Colorado, why her party was a washout. "The which is piractically completed---
parative freedom of the British col- in making a plretiainavy gife of $3,- reason they all beat it early, says quaintly complete for a vaudeville
onies as conipared with other nations, 000,oo to establish what is to be the kind friend, "is because-I hate I bill-will go quite around the world
providing the very opportunity for re- known as the John Simon Guggen- ito tell you-I don't know--It's kind for its numbers, Russia, Poland, the
volt in 1776. The undoubted truth heim Memorial Foundation fellow- of a delicate matter--I might as well Phillipines, India, Arabia, Scotlaid
that nearly all of our institutions ships for advanced study abroad. The blurt it out though-it's because (withquite around the worl.
which guarantee freedom found theIr fllowships, of w hich there are to be a. blush)---because your house is cold. uMarian Miller, who did such a strik-
origin in England is also neglected. ] at least forty awarded annually, are Now we heat our house with a lovely ing specialty number in "Jane Climbs
- Instead of devoting all efforts to given in memnory of Mr. Guggenheim's hleaterola tiddy rum Beaterola--you A Mountain" and who also played the
eulogies of George Washington as a son who died in 1922 while preparing wind it once a week and it hauls the leading role in the first American lro-
tower of virtue, always in the right, for Ilarvard and study abroad and ashes away and puts itself out in duction by Comed Club of William
why shoulin't sonic effort be made on will be first awairded for the acad- warm weather. People stay at our Butler Yeats' "At the .Hawk's Well ,"
this national holiday to promote a eImic year 1926-1927. parties for just ages because the Iwill offer an Arabian lance, while
spirit of good feeling between the The stated purposes of the estab- I house is always exactly the right Stefan P. Kozakevitch, a Russian
Englh h speaking peoples. Granted lishment of the fellowship, which re- temperature." singer, will present a group of songs
that \Washiiugt on was a great leader, veal the nobility of ilmulise back of i * * * C including, of course, thli necessary
granted halt England was for the 13- the foundation, are as follows: The Silver Plate boys have the "Volga. Boat Song."
mont in the wrong, it. must also be ad- "To improve the quality of edit- Friend say the party failed to clickon Othe B'atissg.
mitted that everything the colonies cation and the practice of the arts account of two of the guests having i the profession-other artists will list
bad, everything George Washington and professions in the United Odd Forks. The Listerine friend-- the Girls' mandolin club, Miss Peggy
was s a mn, can he traced back to States, to foster research, and to well you know what she says. Dr. Syes and Master Z
an ogli is origin. Let s forget antI- provide for the case of better Eliot says it is because the Hostess nine, the happy happy Tang and Ta--
annivtiay i 1ha rt h of ondce of e ourr undl(-rstandiing." talked about basketball instead of the vares, a Filipino orchestra, Polish
anni r prr of the birth of one of our In addition to these most admirable Decline and Fall of the Roman Em- dances, eight of them, and Miss hhlen
greate4 Americans to the pm naims, than whiih no better coul be pire. The Dentifrice boys and the Allen who will oblige de gents with a
of a .Iation which George Washing- devised, the new scholarships will be1 Soap boys lay it up to flaws in the H-ighland fling and bagpipes. Such
Ion, himself, cherished-that of the "open to men and women, married or Hostess' makeup.
United States of America to the moth- single, of every race, color and creed" c* * *e a Chinese orchestra and a
er country, England. l As if this were not enough freedom, The business wouldn't be so pop-
Japanese fencing act may also be
- I they provide that any subject may be .ular if it didn't work. There certainly added to this annual melange that is
WHERE, 011 WHERE? studied in any country in the world. must be a bunch of poor people losing always interesting and very often,
On Sunday TIihe Daily published a Other felowshiis now in existence sleep over it . Tmhe wetter tmhe People I luite often exceptional.



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['23 LIT]


*1 C

'ti tw 1 ol-clcif Michigan Farm Life

A never-to-be-forgotten figure on the campus of the Universi
of Michigan, a man's whose articles in the Michigan Daily and th
Michigan Chimes roused admiration and animosity in almost equal
quantities. You will want to read Eaton's brilliant novel.
In its pages you will not find the old swashbuckling controversy
which - as in the campus publications and in his own free-lance ma -
azine, "'The Tempest," but you will find something finer, which will
stir you no less, a sympathetic and simple story of a rural youth
who fought a brave fight within his limited circle of existence and
hard-won philosophy, a tale by turns stark and tender, 'real, honest
and a classic of its kind.
What the Critics Say:
The New York Times: "Next to Jude, the Obscure, there is no more
helpless, baffled, struggling creature in the pages of English or Amer-
ican fiction than Ralph."
In The New York World, Laurence Stallings says: "Mr. Eaton has a


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