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February 24, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-24

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Ti'SPA, 'i:PLRIY 24, 19f25

S41oc ,imo f ugce16n 4,1111WW, Will Give
$~ ,5Q a iitrFo~r~tn"
, ~.7


This Is No ""Fish Sto''y"-Find, I
aTree Climbing Species In Fiji


'NSIALCSS asTests Of Intelligence 1RORTonySUPPLEMENT
HOSPIJIL~ ~ ~ L GAE ill Decide Jobs In Future' NOMTOMRO~E
fill e r.imnM PAIN)TI ____ __E

UI d I LlU I Uflhll
Number of Slundenisq Cared For tg



; More Go '1% leatlli
'le Vit'e


DON ATES $3.000,000
Announcement was made yesterday
that Simon GIuggenheim, former
United States Senator from Colorado,
and his wife, have given a preliminary
gift of $3,000,000 for the endowment
of the John Simon Guggenheim Me-
morial Foundvation fellowships for ad-
vanced study abroad. The main pur-
pose of the Foundation is to improve
the quality of education and research
in the United States and to foster bet-
ter international understanding.
The fellowships ai'e open to women
as well as men and are available for
study in any country in the world.
No age limits fare prescribed, but ap-
pointees -must be old enough to have
shown marked ability in their particu-
lar subject..
The amount. of, money available for
each fellowship will be approximate-
ly $200 a N, ear, but may be more or
less" depeniding on individual needs.
While appointments will be made or-
dinarily for one year, plans which in-
volve two or three years' study will
also be considered and in special
cases fellowships will be granted for
shiorter terms with appropriate sti-j
First national awards will be made
for the academic year 1926-1927. It is
the purpose of the Foundation after
the first year to maintain annually
from forty to fifty fellows abroad.
Race, color or creed will not be con-
sidered in granting the awards.
The principal obligation Pmposed
on the holders of fellowships is that
they shall produce contributions to
knowledge in their special subjects,
and that they shall make the results
of their studies publicly available.
The Foundation is a memorial to
the son of Senator and Mrs. Guggen-
heim, who died on April 26, 1922.
Their son, John Simon Guggenheim,
who was preparing for Harvard uni-
versity, intended later to undertake a

Patients at the university hospital
are increasing steadily in number ac-
cording to figures of that institution
which were released recently. During
the year which ended with June 30,1
1924, there were a total of 187,1531
"hospital days" in comparlson with
178,762 for thep year before, or a dif-
ference of, 8,291: The daily average
number of patients came to 513, while
that of the preceding yfeat was 490.
This marks an increase of about 23

IN future years the professionfoir! in thre law or' nedical schiools, anid up
which a man is best fitted may lhe de-' to a certain p~oint whether or not he
termiine4} by intclgence lest ;, a<' will succed in business. sto
"Gerneral intelligence tests have,
cording to a statement made yest er- ee quite thoroughly developedl, and iS1
day by C. F.IRagsdale of th~e i~sY future work in this field will lie large- f1
chology department, who has lmuin ly (cit~eredl oti vocational intelligence Iof
condc tingve the n teliee Iess tests. I is to be hoped that within I
whih hve eengiven this year in i ten years we will lbe able to tail1a
lielementary psychology. studenrt: by means of tests rathler 1s
"Intelligence tests are of ('cOi l , r- definitely whether hie is best fitled to; c
able value at present ,' deeltreri Mr. be a. doctor or a. lawyer, a journalistI
Ragsdale, "in large 'on rs ,s in wuhick or a banker.''1
it is (desirable to cla ssify st udelnt.,;ac- 'The stimnard testhat,\wcre guoenP
cording to their ability and lv ~mryiv lo Ia [tsemest er to st udents inl demon-!
degrees of intelligence. It i! alisol tary psychology, Mr. R{agsdale point-
possible by me ans Of thesC e to ;s to Lale ed ot., were intended to (ietermiile
a students whet her or not ht,' has off- aany (difference of mental act ivity u2,-
fkcient nat nra 1 ability to euccend iii der varying('ondit ions and at differ-
college work, whtether he z t .ii to (01. hour s of the clay. As yet Ih ei
have a deree of intllhigen ee ei r ,,alts of ilmese tests havye not JWPII
enough to indic-ate arob;:bb' ee: Scomuted.

Additions and corrections which are
!, appear ill the Student Directory
-,pplement being compiled for print
tag. by The Daily must, be In the liands
;t the Directory Editor by tomo~rrow..
It is roequesteri that the coon 1 below
lac utsed inlthe informationi which
liotild be either typewritten of print-
Name..................... ...
('liss andl department........
IAnn Arbor address.............I

An old sketch of the tree.-climnbing fl sit In Its iiat3 t± habitat, and it photo,
graph of ono of 04a species obtal neat by mnembers of a Un~ivrsity of
Iowa expedition.

Iowa City, Ia., Feb. 23.- When a
traveler fromn the South seas report-
ed the existence of tree-chiming fish
back in 1867, the folks who saw f
sketches of the phenomenon in Frank
Leslie's Ilustrierte Zeitung laughed
and gave the traveler credit for being{
an original cu--s, and hoped he wouldj
tell some more fish stories.
But the traveler was correct, as
scientistA know. An expedition sent
out by the University of Iowa, under
the leadership of Prof. C. C. Nutting,
has succeeded in finding a specimen
of this tree climbing fish in the Fj"i
The find is important because it
substantiates one link in the theory


for each cday. . - - , _.. _.
The total nunmber of patients regis, n . 'r nc ITelephone.........:.
terIng at the clinic, including return /1l n n S, e c1in i
patients of which there were 4,057, ZLh g ll r n e13Iiie town............... . .
amounted to 22,080 for the tst ear foend-i .a' P 6~#i t '(iit~
iIng June 30, 1924. The, year before If a: correction please note the
20,680 patlefsits egistered, orit of
!which total there were :1,428 return imistake to he corrected.....
patients. Of the sumn of 20,080, there j Rober1 C. Trntt or, '24, nowIw-n without which lie cannot leave town.
werei 11,030 "in"' patients and 11,050 in no , 2. i- cj . i'amr, !* This is that record ma:iy be kept of
cu"patients. In the year preced-f; strangers and f oreigners. .Ii hscuo ot~Drc
ing there were t9,943 "in" ptet n recent letter g'iVes ,an rtis 'if'e.r imi- I Trotter's landladyi eyhn n
10,743 "out" patlents, totaling' 20,;86.1 scription 0f1ttif1 lit tle towa .a WITerycareful to scc that lie is :sa ,TheMihign a;
There were 1,898 nhiversIty $tu-' Geneva is which be is ' . and not homesick. Sehe has aIrea(Idy °
detbut of the whole number regis.. town is typical of tlhos:e f(E , 'iib1;, ikriotadiltob iswf!:
tering for tho' past year, While: In the the returning soldir s. 1tis a op- not greatly impressedl with the K______________________
12 months before they comnprised a, ular stimer resort. ; French girls, andl thinks thit. the fain-
total of 2,161. 'This decreate of 263 is The pr'ofessor under whio,! Trl' {st s French politeness is "stperiiciah."I Pekin, Feb. 23.-The Chinese gov-
dlue to the tact that 'because of the! is working ad vise hin tit to fro-- e rnuent Saturday flil to foreign aov-
iniproved facilities at fte Health serv- quent the town much, the letter as Don't delay-Pay your Subscription ernments $360,000, Chinese cur'rency,
lce, a large number were taken care as people woill thelin Ocfiie' to kniowi today,' indemnit y for acts of banditry.
of there. h hiti, and he would lose his "dliait *v
I Tichigan leads ini the number of las a professor." lie is (=xpected not t!Iaiet, hrebin__,6_'ncon-Ispatisppisouofc__4
patisoti with a total ot 554 from all Trotter says lie is puzzled to knmow
IIother states. in the previous year thmow to amuse hiiseif ini isher ii
1VMlchlkan's totai camre- to 16,758 and; monthis, as there are only tv.,o i(.iPS
other states contributed 500. in thie town, andl they are very poor'.
Ifteacconitmodatlons att the Uni- (It is p~ainfl to sit. on a little seat like, " Y oung M e
l versi ty hiospital were larger, there a camp chair for thmree liourms whie
would be a still greater number of the operator' chiang si-e.;"Meumj 1
patients, according to authorities. At the theatmre keep their 1ht:; (int, and I Th re is no hi g ik
! present every department in the hos- f everyone talks loudly all 6meiinw. T iuk s n t i g lk
pital is crowded to capacity at all Trotter has foud it miecoe' ary to ,ro
times and there are long Walting lists jto the commissariat of' p)lice and 1),ayi
f or every clinic, ten France for an idIentification 1caS T ES O
OS'T young men today
know the importance of
looking fit. Good a'-"
pearance counts mrch
a , in the game of life. The youing
.man who dresses with taste has
a decided advantage.
But--it is surprising how little
#SAMPLES thought the average ;man gives
P 1 1 1 ernianently on Display at ._ _ I_ rI"_

course of study aroad.
felt that he would like

The Senator
to 'do some-

Several positions are now open
fon the business staff of The
tDaily. The work involved will
be of value alike to those who
want to participate in some camn-
pus activity and to those who
want some practical experience
in the business department of a
daily newspaper. All persons
( inte-rested are requested to re-
port at once to The Daily bust
ness office in the Press building.
Read the Want Ad

thing worth while and on a largef
scale to aid other men and women
who are qualified to profit by study



Contestants who were selected
from the externyore tryouts held on
Saturday are A. W. Boehringer,. '26,
0. Dykstra, '27, E. R. Gomberg, '27, E.
J. H-arris, '27, H. Menmuir, '25, R. S.
Miller, '27, and E. Sarrels, '26. L.
Bartlett, '27, was chosen as alter-
Th~Iese seven candidates will com-
pete in the final contest to be held
at 8 o'clock Fi-iday in University hall.
Two awards will be made, the win,
ner to receive the newly designed Or-
atc-rical association seal and the sec-
ond place speaker a book. W. C.,
Dixon, '25, is =director of the contest.3


of evolution.

...... . , .1


Deinntal Floss, the Kind
Your Dentist Recommends
W~e have dental floss In convenient. lengths, var'ious sizes
and widths-no doubt the kind and size your dentist wrants
you to have.

Guy 'WOolf
336 South St
Ann Arba
lasts and Raterns exdu




folk & Co.
4tte Street
or, Mlicht.
'sive / our own desi n

to his hlat. It is his crown, yet he
seems to stop daressing at the neck.
Be careful in your selection of
your headwear. When you buy, a
hat, select a Stetson. Its style is
right, its quality means long wear.

0 1

200-204 E. LIBERTY ST.

.. .:

-- I - - - - -

.,,: r,. _.....,:,..


The Lo" ne Survivor

. -. .r


are Headquarters fo r



wive your pense
drink of
Will not clog or
gumi the point
and miake# th~
best pen write

Suede Leather Jackei in brown, gray and tan are very popular. Everyone
is wearing them, the ladies as well as the men. We have A large assorent
of high grade leather jackets in Reindeer, Napa, Horsehide, Colt and Sheep-
skin-and our prices are as popular as the jackets.
Cravanettes, Topcoats an Reefers
A U 0 1 1 bs a ' S e e 4 u"Wool Shirts, H eavy P laids, C orduroy and O uting Shirt s.
[-liking Shoes, High-Top Moccasin Packs, Puttees, etc.
Breeches in large assortment, Cover-Ails and Cover-Als for shop use.


The 46 Special at $5.00 and the Student's
Special at $3.75 are fashioned with the, same
care and attention to detail that has made the
Sheaffer the pen of perfection.

A.id sb
pee ar tijped
with uw b"41


A i,




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