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January 25, 1925 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1-25-1925

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Holland Universities

?<e }?ap<ures begirt. These "rail-stu-
asiBrett are called, may dl

Modern Football

; (Continued from fage Elevenl) ) to t he un1i1<e:s ity; they contri- f (Contiiuiied fo Page I'O, ''w('l\'('
:id from hers in the cir gh tce i 1 cii h nioting to the community life I were a mlodificat ion of the i'mJ V fry il::
ury. tj 1 htvsit. to AniPdi of the time, and the iute rference withi
'ftat the class elects its prsdet. i . Oil5hati 'l jt~lC ote spirit and] procedUire ot that gamne
eaded 'b y himtthey return n o to tahe encdbymnyc~pcr
laceof heircatieyvturfoit) 11 L5 reps esentat lye character. It couldlwsrsne ymaye]e' .Te
eace oftprbaptivIit for w~iiki orui a~3 n eafofteIere, however, the heart of the pres.-
' r i j3'a: i fr ielday, n bhaf o. he ent gate which is, gainingrl in holm ahr
q~ays a ire student bodly. It electedl, andl
r"ashold -a foretaste of the freedoin ! * ,~ era eae r sity every year.
and pleasures to somie. They give a 1hysa n e'ea oInima " this, the first game in I larvardl-
t4heatrical perforinancce fr ther., oi'iiiien f ietorprsntteYale history, fieldI goals couldlIt
janinent- of the other laissestecrp .i l thecreoie.ndofiia untedi over the cross lbar as well :
-compete among themnselves ,in boat ; 1 drop ktckll trekieredmonies and official
ace adatijte aej, hy iio 1115occurring in the LUniversity. d 1 ik( rk~Olf'iipa'mn
!They do so still, but only as the!Crso
aday in the .dnnes for military (drill- I ~~ it ~)in theNelloch- iie r atle'
I :' 'i~l o. aprvilged1Tinoity iwere L(e, Seairrin rl lnc,,ar(I, aniid
ing, andl on the night of their hair- , io-ebr aenw hi w oe' ae
guaidinto the sacred bond f tllsToelnaesfrgthnbyondrIn, ioll whose officers act as!frote iyi,(Ili
studeat'Crpne srhl~' r sa"Ornx;ans, hilt.not ewort by for the
students'rCops theyporfsmenaosnalthese same i/e
dance acrossthe toiwn in the fantasl ter poe e1 nthsecme0 pal 1, they pl :yC( in the historic tilt.
flare of torches. 1 11.T'he result of tIhis somewhat revo-
Not every fresh man is Itinsh ,,L 1 anu, las. lisII) itoltio~a ry game was ;a. n in tlI-
into the mysteries of stkudent. 1r~. No ; aliot grouplrs of seldom more than tween tihe officials of .Harvard, Yale ,
one wh goesto th unic~r(0 hy i ifteeon, which are called clubs. The PrneoadClmri il-n.S.,
l fOWh os othAnnosti lis t Ia'student's substitute for the adClmba(; IVi 51
pelled tojoin. the strl(Ient's corps. riil Out of this conferenre gIewX the
corps is tihe social bond bet weeniteam n le et mn the clubAmeirican Intercollegiate F'ootha 1 as-

students, as the university constiti1{es IJ11I)'oo s (IC 11(1th Ie daUily cU1Jnpan1 ~sociation. The body proce
' their schlastic unity. Buzt the lane.r a of his leisure h~ours, ando in the 1 its formation, to eniact a sz
Iincludes the entire student body, the thiit itacy of: the small circle friend- which put the gridiron short
earp> nly hosewhsip:ii',ae formedi that will last a life-
corpstonlyothone who bel lyre thatclub is not ,1astantial erlsfoundation. Te
-u k n o w l e d g e a o e o s n o-ae i e i pe a , t h u ls"'r c a
ciFriendshi p, lonviviaslyiItyg they a iop of class fellows; tile fresh- to eliminate the fea:tures of
~lluxury of laziness, the romance of !Ien iilt' Uaskedl to join p~ermnent that had stayed in from the
P nigh~tly escalpades, tiS also add an club.,s colisistilng of studlents who be- lays. In its early years, fo
Sindispensable element to the stuff a, long to db ffereoit classes. In-tihat way mlenlacedl by the use of whira a smd f.I omrcastwar nemxdadte
~' ealmanis adeof.in oruer ays Ii' oe se:;areintrmied nd heas the "flying wedge'', a
two generations agto, still a. "'unger students brought into closer, that resulted in myriadlsc
matter of course tivat ontt a o 'o ont act. with Itheir more experienced !ino n eiu> tr
''the student body meant juilis. ion sentors Still, the club that consists jm o adbsrius.l Itod
tile corps. B~ut the students, in ofi e oul('uluorai'ies dioes not lead an, in which skill ihad 110 part,
( yrwer'e few in Iinniber aild lno wolyr isolIatedl life. The entire corps has killed football in Amieric
sonis of well-to-do famtilies. A iuniver-' a(.club house officially called the tile officials of the associati
sity education, then, was the e1- Soc ioe(it (society) and in students' alarmled, andl made rules
m lan's prerogative, it is now at ur lvi- slang tihe Kroeg (thlepub)). Tis i15!tile use of the bone-crushi
Ine obtainable by any h,,,T,, wit ~IleCl~l~lmeig gron o l a nmove which was also niw
-~brains. It was formerly a shaminn fr;;lase, and the permanent home ofI siderable (isapprox'el in so:
a student not to he inl the corips, suid the entire' Corpis family. Tile family on the ground that they nr:a
pigs was thle nickname for' those all-U itself changes from year to year, butI a game, for the spineless, 1
° foritunates; now the numnber !thh e regi the symbol o its perpe- "he-man" qahities. Ilowev
who tayoutof i exeed Rs r tufy. Te aumns wro rvists is' slaionundobtelsaave
ship list. Sonie would Join it if they ,Unriiversity town after twenty years' iron game from dying a gr
Scould afford to, others xvio can dlo alisenece will find there a welcome andI at the hands of popular 'con
not care. Many comml~ute anid have, I(iOS an old friend is one of tileI The changed rules discard,
*r ther'efore, no) ~l cue et er (1 ho' fuithifl 1attendants.;trshahdbeno jr
corps,, for they are onl:,,iii town when tiOyug 192, Student Life in F<or- out detracting from tile
:the lectures aire oi amlo learve it whtenl igli Countries.)an itrtngpse.'
. IIIEI1 1 E l111111i! 1111 ii 1111111111111EE1111E10ii 1111 11 1111 111111 1 lO I 111111111 1111ll1111111111111 11 Jliti tlil i 111111i
QI ETR ohti np ngas tes(c- Tk oeasto ts
naed soeisipesae mxn ol.Te v
themoringronis and forthe..
i=ii ea Va.icevahngo ;c
J" __________m______________________________

:yet of rles
rt on a sulb-
, year by
lige'd so as
,-) the "gaitie
le ol(d rugby
it i owi'
1fortmat ion
oif il~l'iek(s,
'educed lthe
yexhibit ion
and neerily
ionl beo' mtme
ing tacti(os,
et Witlh COi--

i1 Its; t~i,1s 111dplsIIIi;:0t111., 11n-
Iiat ot, the close ploy f IlientresiultIed inl
Oil u21tt (':rinjullrieo'S(f le coiite(stanits.
a untning whilth.f1e ball camle inl
( oiDIouillV in 1 ,2: l through the mlomen'i-
fl- 11'y so of a. pie ye;'. Will iam11 W.
111 lie o irlae ocale rec'tor of St.
1 ah's iI odoll, r-ceived the ball
ill a a a mo in Elan d, and ~bingat.
Joss as lc(1 'o w to get it hack into play
boo-is u o (f thte proximityvof sCeveral of
,,i,; ojipoflcli s, h litcked it under his
.a1 1 iend o1'run for t to' oppijiug goal.
'liis pot, ilhe idea in~toI the hleads .of
',oflic i-a h.: d the prio1(cdurei'('asiiitio-
ducedint o tinefoiotb1allcode'.
go in a body to 11I aris hall where s up-
pecr will b1,ic seved aiiod a joint, meet-
tng heid withI;thle I'piseopal student's.
Cli'e(roochert will speak onl11cr Medi-
terranein trail ul. ''Siec'ilnk Holmes''
feat i.'ing ,John 8arryniore Aviiillie pro-
-Se iil cd Lat he mioitli 'nion se'rvile.
''T .1t 1''' wlll be tieio'nic0'for the
flOiT 111 y sisl il. I inndiiat ely f()llow-
ingt' I hvNsserv'ic'e Sli Iltdlly School x\ill
lie hel'd0. 'Flee Wednesday Oecl lg los-
Hot Brad
§Home /L d e
CoriBr ead
(r,,-,1Iit, i Nufhns


C o7S9aae




t ilnonia lI meeting> xviii be held at 7:3. First Mtt'il(u:~I
o'clock. r -'sonillc ut''will he> he pastor)'s5
- ---- siuijectfor the er11 1w isn. h
31em'itl al 4.-11111-calof ('hu'isl eitutd ont ille c:u)' i>.
Ivernd i('1IKennethii B. Boxx'eutxgilt l groult m IW-I aIIVz ~s
speak at, the mornuinig serxvicon Ol ''os- Ross, Seoeta y e V. \.
pc! 1:Pride.'' Stuido'ntclasses at 1noon11\x-ill Ileadlth eeI'-. ldme
xx ill 11t01conducd liy Profe'ssor Trout. on the subjec't "is10'llg't (u
E Allicl ill he11)0serv'ed at theo'Young -Expect. of I eligoiii' 3pnI i A x
People's : 0cih1 hour at 6 o'clock.; be hieldi after'tils ''.1001; i i1;-
Chitian ii i;tei vom'will holod a meet- !
Y1 t36: > oil o o-k, 1cis utthi(e, will he irA t ,I }Ps~i~ria 20C'
lz 1V( _ Coi ; gS(eI-x'i A'at the elturell. The ID)r. Anderso iii v il :* nI I>he l-
c o i g i O r,- a tio nl i " s i lic (1 t o .C o pl e l'a t ?i iing s e ru llo n l o n I li l l p a .' '', 'i ' ,li 4 e r V E ' atVI I '.f-heO g lLS .
a nfl~fIP oril. Afi(1iweii SEr'i Ee wll ,'~,Ss'sat 110011Ii iti'0CellO 1 .by
bo holId NWedne-3d1ay night at 7 :20 Miss Graco Williatm '27MI~. i. . 7-
Oa'co' 01. Cl usky and 'Ii er T1,. Craft on.

'it,'Ill~liligs seritlon will be tim
e~n~ddelixomedon1(lhe afrnmation cat
I'-'hhiori cred.The subject is "'The
mb ;is "T niqueness of Jesus,"'
'ltIlm.o g People's supper will be
, ' A ed ccby the ,F ir side im eeting.f1 uie a " u c
s! 'n ws ly 1hour1' wiiibe hieldlat 9
<o'nok.pi''cd ugthe miorinug ser-
Ohi's 2isrepresentitives," tile
Pu. :;i (n on the 110'second command-
too-utihe topic, onflIwh ich Reverenod
g-elhrn xll1sp ak. Tho0nlas Koyklm
v' ll drssi lie Foru:11mion"The Vaga-
h' nd '. rai hroug 1,11li1,urope7 r After
ac St udent tSupper 4,I1(! ocial-houflr.




Adifferent one
We c ro'o,,-nrend

R Jl



This -gi antif' am. uIsemlt.IIenterpriise is -tie nit a iIt, A?)A rtl ' t, °wA n i' wr'
I~ aI-orl 2'ttipte Assial~tion1 and ithe 1boys 0f (4)111 aitXd's id H of ': it % l i antiiy. Its (,h1'fs
aU in' way ti Iro (gh ---frotm the first alIarae of the ti reIulOiWl oh(a kLr t i ?;itg bsage
si z' ds Ito the Ilasti'oll of the (1'r~is -wlhih mai t h* * toSp(-- 1 : a. l r nth. Nt i og like it-, nothing
' o tI'cl oit tt ,ets, iseverhbeeul attlempltett in Anan A r;r 1I4 forv. Two iltottir f tterta iii menttw io
t>E'.'itrlelaIlt('es' a ch day at a andS t. 111., x dv an 'e c ive ll'ts rnow uCu e c a l, u~ special reduced
prices. 111cly (of seats for1al.
A 01OR ff7
7N .E Kt le

try them.
503 East TWilianns
Where tihe be< food is served



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College teams and many other 'athletic
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Th'e til:iiti:;, ;,:'rbich stand :a monuments throughout the coup-
t1: ') i"i V,!on ((our architects and the skill (ofour engineers have,
i:i hc ggaic ; ,eswhch they rear against the sky, the trucAmer-
j(Cl .3i 0tap ,i a d progress toward even greater achieve-
Cerrtinly: modern inventon-modern engineering skill and organiza-
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of C]: ; -;turc.

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