SUNDAY, JANUARAY 25, 1 25 TNlE.MICHI!GAN -DAILY Holland Universities ? nly hosewhsip:ii',ae formedi that will last a life- corpstonlyothone who bel lyre thatclub is not ,1astantial erlsfoundation. Te -u k n o w l e d g e a o e o s n o-ae i e i pe a , t h u ls"'r c a ciFriendshi p, lonviviaslyiItyg they a iop of class fellows; tile fresh- to eliminate the fea:tures of ~lluxury of laziness, the romance of !Ien iilt' Uaskedl to join p~ermnent that had stayed in from the P nigh~tly escalpades, tiS also add an club.,s colisistilng of studlents who be- lays. In its early years, fo Sindispensable element to the stuff a, long to db ffereoit classes. In-tihat way mlenlacedl by the use of whira a smd f.I omrcastwar nemxdadte ~' ealmanis oruer ays Ii' oe se:;areintrmied nd heas the "flying wedge'', a two generations agto, still a. "'unger students brought into closer, that resulted in myriadlsc matter of course tivat ontt a o 'o ont act. with Itheir more experienced !ino n eiu> tr ''the student body meant juilis. ion sentors Still, the club that consists jm o adbsrius.l Itod tile corps. B~ut the students, in ofi e oul('uluorai'ies dioes not lead an, in which skill ihad 110 part, ( yrwer'e few in Iinniber aild lno wolyr isolIatedl life. The entire corps has killed football in Amieric sonis of well-to-do famtilies. A iuniver-' a(.club house officially called the tile officials of the associati sity education, then, was the e1- Soc ioe(it (society) and in students' alarmled, andl made rules m lan's prerogative, it is now at ur lvi- slang tihe Kroeg (thlepub)). Tis i15!tile use of the bone-crushi Ine obtainable by any h,,,T,, wit ~IleCl~l~lmeig gron o l a nmove which was also niw -~brains. It was formerly a shaminn fr;;lase, and the permanent home ofI siderable (isapprox'el in so: a student not to he inl the corips, suid the entire' Corpis family. Tile family on the ground that they nr:a pigs was thle nickname for' those all-U itself changes from year to year, butI a game, for the spineless, 1 ° foritunates; now the numnber !thh e regi the symbol o its perpe- "he-man" qahities. Ilowev who tayoutof i exeed Rs r tufy. Te aumns wro rvists is' slaionundobtelsaave ship list. Sonie would Join it if they ,Unriiversity town after twenty years' iron game from dying a gr Scould afford to, others xvio can dlo alisenece will find there a welcome andI at the hands of popular 'con not care. Many comml~ute anid have, I(iOS an old friend is one of tileI The changed rules discard, *r ther'efore, no) ~l cue et er (1 ho' fuithifl 1attendants.;trshahdbeno jr corps,, for they are onl:,,iii town when tiOyug 192, Student Life in F xviii be held at 7:3. First Mtt'il(u:~I o'clock. r -'sonillc ut''will he> he pastor)'s5 - ---- siuijectfor the er11 1w isn. h 31em'itl al 4.-11111-calof ('hu'isl eitutd ont ille c:u)' i>. Ivernd i('1IKennethii B. Boxx'eutxgilt l groult m IW-I aIIVz ~s speak at, the mornuinig serxvicon Ol ''os- Ross, Seoeta y e V. \. pc! 1:Pride.'' Stuido'ntclasses at 1noon11\x-ill Ileadlth eeI'-. ldme xx ill 11t01conducd liy Profe'ssor Trout. on the subjec't "is10'llg't (u E Allicl ill he11)0serv'ed at theo'Young -Expect. of I eligoiii' 3pnI i A x People's : 0cih1 hour at 6 o'clock.; be hieldi after'tils ''.1001; i i1;- Chitian ii i;tei vom'will holod a meet- ! Y1 t36: > oil o o-k, 1cis utthi(e, will he irA t ,I }Ps~i~ria 20C' lz 1V( _ Coi ; gS(eI-x'i A'at the elturell. The ID)r. Anderso iii v il :* nI I>he l- c o i g i O r,- a tio nl i " s i lic (1 t o .C o pl e l'a t ?i iing s e ru llo n l o n I li l l p a .' '', 'i ' ,li 4 e r V E ' atVI I '.f-heO g lLS . a nfl~fIP oril. Afi(1iweii SEr'i Ee wll ,'~,Ss'sat 110011Ii iti'0CellO 1 .by bo holId NWedne-3d1ay night at 7 :20 Miss Graco Williatm '27MI~. i. . 7- Oa'co' 01. Cl usky and 'Ii er T1,. Craft on. 'it,'Ill~liligs seritlon will be tim e~n~ddelixomedon1(lhe afrnmation cat I'-'hhiori cred.The subject is "'The mb ;is "T niqueness of Jesus,"' 'ltIlm.o g People's supper will be , ' A ed ccby the ,F ir side im eeting.f1 uie a " u c s! 'n ws ly 1hour1' wiiibe hieldlat 9 E'.'itrlelaIlt('es' a ch day at a andS t. 111., x dv an 'e c ive ll'ts rnow uCu e c a l, u~ special reduced prices. 111cly (of seats for1al. AERIALISTS- ACROBATS - ATHLETES - LEAPERS TRAiPEZI SSD S E S AULTERS- HIGH 'WIRE DANCERS -- ELEPHANTS -- COLLEGE BRED HORSES EDUCATED PONES-- M NEr S- MIR'THFUL CONGRESS OF' CAPERING CLOWNS AND, JESTERS A 01OR ff7 7N .E Kt le try them. Harmony Cafeteria 503 East TWilianns Where tihe be< food is served Em - r ~, x FORFINL EAMS Fountain Fens, Inks, Pencils, Blue Books, r Main - etc. 1111 Soli tl I'l ivvrsih AvenueI'iieh"16 - II the kik -of The At arnolia .Petroleum Building, Dallas, Texas ALFRED C. BOSSOM, Architect Drawn by Hugh Ferriss ~~Your Sheaffer pen wilprove to be your most valuable assist- ant in the game of school or business. f' !, ku us. ;: I Give your pen a drink ofMa e th best pen write better. S EAFFER'S Lifetime Pen is the master of all writing instruments. The 46 Special is made with the same care and precision as all Sheaffer pens and pencils. The Student's Special is de.- signed for students and is the ideal pen at the price for classroom or study. ' i l t 1 ° ', i . BEFORE and AFTER nr Before shaving, an application of. Mifflin Alkohol will soften your beard and remove the skin oils and greases which defy or- dinary lather and water. Then, after shaving, Mifflin Alkohol is soothing and refreshing; it relieves the dryness and drawn feeling; it makes for soft, smooth, glowing skin ! And Miffltin Alkohol has a dozen other daily uses, too! After bathing, a Mufflin rub-down is cool- ing and invigorating. After exercise, Mfflin Alkohol:' relieves tired muscles and many "sore spots." 1 Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for externial Iuse. College teams and many other 'athletic organizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu- e.arly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the - handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. kes Agents' HAROLD F.. RITCHIE & Co., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sydney Wellington t3 h .am.-... C f,: 1' It if Sheer Height" fir America'n business buildinr- represents a distinct and national arcuhitectu rat svle when its tsigna frankly emphasizes its sheer heilght an~d ouctwarely expre st-s the,, inner facts of its cornstruction. Th'e til:iiti:;, ;,:'rbich stand :a monuments throughout the coup- t1: ') i"i V,!on ((our architects and the skill (ofour engineers have, i:i hc ggaic ; ,eswhch they rear against the sky, the trucAmer- j(Cl .3i 0tap ,i a d progress toward even greater achieve- Cerrtinly: modern inventon-modern engineering skill and organiza- (In, w.ilt prove more than equal to the demnands of the architecture of C]: ; -;turc. Lifetime Special $8.7 s33 ' $5.00 Sold By The Ble Student's~i~ Special $.75, otter Dealers everywhere