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January 25, 1925 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1-25-1925

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"-~ -~ - r F o h i e toward a proposed "Campus T1heater
- 0 0 ~~~~~~~~which did(1not. materialise. -l e 1 ~ iyX i ~ r ' rn
1Another lavish dance occurr ed "fi
Er y1920, and once again the ire of the____________
m uP uli at s univeityfficilwas aroused. Con-ullgo gom
LLttei.liquor,.)1gesurptionContoonuudhfrom Pg Nn) one of the (istinctive features which roin one
smpoking of cigfarites in booths, and litteeaetoet eitr
srfraternities of rles viewed, who are accustomed to such So, apart fromt these practical par- rom, h
1 u Ue O S Iter a tie W i h oenn house parties, as adopte ordeals, and it is as much a pleasureI ticularities with which we have -been
Co tn o s1eoc h w n en i Srf by the J-IHop committee, led to the to a reporter to interview a person; dealing, there are generalities con- golden ha
rj~ r ~ ~ ( A romissin of the Hop in 1921. 1In 192, experienced in the art, as it must e' cerning The Daily which cannot go! activity w
10Q i-resent S.ystem of0 Conu ctng Thuun~x~ fctilonlDan Bursley, feeling that enough for the person to met an experiencediunsaid. The real value .which is de- (probablyt
punishment had been inflicted, issued reporter. The writer has had oppor- rived from such work is the associa-j loge life:
permission for the resumption: of thel tunity to met and talk with several Ition with the members of Clip staff, happy 11o0
(Continued from PagneNine) lights. -M/aize )nlble were used in "I~lhis has been in fore ithereticlly party, and the J-Hjop catered its final impr tntand interesting esnaes, tisathn hich1eeryone con- ! timi Th
Electric. lights were makting their the chaperenes' :booth, End frat ernity' ever. since that timge, phrase, as exemplfed in the Hlops oil it is a field in which The Daily offers neted with, the work realizes, but scribed is
debut at this time, and were tried out ,:ir rnthe others." 'the dances were never mnore sue-(1922, '23, '24, and now, in a few days, ' unrivalled advittages; the import- which is given expression by few,. and it i
in the gym. 'pipe aily 0f larcji 2 l, 'jid.ia 0::r j:<-n' booth numbers (cssful than dluing the period about x'25. ant personage ge, who as a rule shies There is a reticence among lpeople more the;
.8t ncicu~ n 1 1)-s tha ' 1, i,.,, < 1 I,as is still customary, 1etcad lJOJ. Two Orchestras had 750 coupls ttended in 192, and 40 awvay from te uggesio1o an w ich will not allow te ogivY" ensi
outil4. ._Ch Ia iice;~ 1 nothing toc ,..is<(', u1,za and roused ra stome o... OC~<,cutstomnary, both ofwhich house. paris were On the program of paper man, welcomed the experience adequate expression to the sentiment- are pln
v i0 i ;,''o c'! -inthehal - o. , sullyf nm eit". 'di-ther ,-fl .The Union Operagae ofbeig tr ie dbyasunt altacm twhhteyavfoaytrdtr
in.iciz ;^?ctiii "sl d-"- olting " clred the tio,., other (entertanment was provid- a ape-ial Hop performance of "Make~c The most interesting pro ehv btattig nlwn
ptcd-as1,1 v ch.tl- c calnng"c11 m.e se Limply, which supported the :ld theory e<d, 5oflgS (l liated to the J-Hop grls It for Two." Three famous orchetrs met was Vademir d0 Pachman, a It is amazing the hold that such gram, he
Orchestra: and 13aind o1 .2 a m~~~di ' og h letfaent in and written byv students, were intro- appeared, and. special (decorations little ma, gesticulating wildly as he work can get on onie. No one who has'sociations
iurnihed the music. 011 turdaly Loth No. 1, and so on down . e e d~ at Chi Hop Tbe waltz was at were devised-huge rotating balls,' protested against woaen, against'not experienced it in all its force 'to a col
night the Comedy Club ga e;i C - i : hr. m-,v pom: n's gymnasium, just its zenith, and the 1908(ance was1 illuminated by various colored lights. prohibition, against all the nuisances can appreciate its power. Long after knowledg
of its annual performances. co~npllet ed was also used in this Year. featured by t he playing of the "Cupid's Similar parties in '23 and '24 in which to~tured him. With what pride the flare of college life will have died. the color
rhe eloctric lights prosidea the In 898 all was peaceful once more, Arrow Watz." 'Several fraternities creased the reputation of the Hop) ant1(lie informed us that he was seventy- away, long after there has been wied house cat
thrill of the 1895 Ilop, by once again and a record-breakting Hlop resulted .Staged owing parties with their fairlattracted world-famous orchestras to,,five years 01(! "Seventy-five years. i
refusing to function. Trhe dance ended ^255 couples were present at a ane guests at Ihous>ton's the next day, OYl Ann Arbor. The Eskimo village deo- three mons!" he would exclaim over
cars-at 3 o'clock-and during the that was a "miagnficent" affair. A way of celebrting. Electric lights orations; of last year esta ,lished a now and over again, as if the reflection
w10er vey six ce ssul. I11 1908 the0 record in th at phase of thQ workr. lent wing-z to tuts imaginative mind. 1
last dance the lights went out. The ..vitiles' writes that "the magnificence 11 PE O A
next morning a o~ily reporter wroteI of trho decorations, the exhlrating . ta le prts that "n Arbor liveries 1 This year with H0O couples expect- iit xwas unbelievable tat tis little,OP N T D .
"All rushed out of the haladtefl]2l f h w ands thedinfe were oupr'le u to eure cxtra horses edadnlarnemnsmd o n oe lie, voluble musician should
gelne.adam texiigtm r isiluof thewo banes, the i nifiedenre b week- entof iladeritan gt to3I :
gieie.hiamotxctn tie;fr om ear-bpy towns to aiccomodate , play at. that age, that the seventy-five
grandeuguef she7picarriages wereeu"e tire hase een feilrectd tofteas wihbn i hudr n
thir i teitlc1c nd fidngPC! batyPi ir ldes1heelgnc mnin IU f
t erthings in the dark; th1e la~i~,uher go s, In-i alety o at night." ''be Comedy club was hr v' fti~ xholi h oi whitened his long hair, did not stay
of 11"01: ad thegall( htry f 'Mil r11 ard orli f thohewhlighteningou-fleeting l . touch .which'
h~ wo%- , ml oyeci the I ;.lar of l 'ith nga titse ,amnduale Saturday onnightivdation ofual therdJunior, dHop ato thichiganHop at M iracterihzligh enhisfl playing.u h How h he I C O 'L D M E A TS 1
jets.". The same .enlight, ic i:ir, :?'slong to he reinemieredl." Japa nesesees ef nac wchasineimrtan5caatrzdhsplyg.Hw e( U 1U J
wicsu a picture of the arrival of lanterns, flags of different ntion,, Fplon r, epl dby the Union Opera ___________lov__ aess es the .3 tpiano, and whatle a.fe20rvent nda ctal "u~sfileecrcl i 93 iep audy daf h Ule~tV 1v etwsuo isisruet
oWclock thee.lhacks began coming anti display furnished the decorationsr. --113te ad-fth ;nvrstnI'r an bhour he talked to us, an in-
ne.until almost t1)t'had this lst t I Sppr assevd nou sifs i o lie fell flthe J1-Hop, and in I- -terminable babble which from a lesser
arrivd.,'n plc,.c was( serveteddacenImfnuouldhavebeipsibet C o IL, g --/
glers arie.T'ed irs( +cFarbovr gm;)nasiuml, and tedne1914 the function was omitted. This' ia ol aebe mosbet 1C
t ' toe t5:11.action resulted froml the riotious be,-:1 hu ch s listen to; an hour which fei'wa
tx i+ a~ as I i<.e' 's- 1'S ~1o;' I d tn.avir Of a group of stud(ents"'woV1101~ ssitl hsemmnto I
tfe Tokr eo er;a 0 u ie. Vnme of the rinkle ".'she d" the doer shortly after id- one's life alas gat ndwe
,0e also adIds i'1 ,h c t ; ~ riE(es''r (f the Gargoylengt nlcrwe noa arayawyIps.Adwe
girt ae c.wcrowdedsinto>an already finally, his manager persuaded him to __________________________________
gfentieuu it- p:. o faral commentl(a ver-crea-dad balcony. It was thel i.Ade' follow to prepare for the concert, he
., °. ba e> ,-,'Iii'i:e-- "'mo froythtteHp x -h--Airis c~a (ir' bade us all farewell. He kissed is.
Itie (.hit ,:eeq a egOn o hsd Ta cntt5 iiu Jl ;.s gOrY ,ii;+; otp;; e:-ge'and too unicdly At 8 o'clock this morning holy coi- kissed us as thoroughly and genuine- ..
adne" o h.caigI ill )('u+^) e Gtre ,:11100$ cl(11.5 01 a1i0 shald le abolished altogether. municn will be held, and following ly as we have ever been kissed. Great
"1t "t -~ ,at11'g;" i i,"non 1Fehrr 17 T'he ch~arter 'of the (ancing and t ,e ti C ricthN 'lokworship. "slobbering smacks of iss And e"
Tin. Itfor is ere i nte}hbit 'r 1, h1f2 As the Michigan Daily said. dimness of the lights also aroused The sermon will e (delivered by the took leave of one of party thus,
charging o the o ftuegyn, tai.( 11 t ," vd:. a go-between to "con- adverse criticism all over the lst, Revrond It. L. Losdale. Miss Alice' pouring out congratulations lit his Q ® gy a '(+
w~l~n thsmostfafedvor-30tbuty'was (lgrea paries ftoh betrwithout butfos ec-aedroc beertbwillourspeacer tol thek studentsdent brobokenEngnglish, geatZachgreat Pach man aI
.pu,:s,"evn ude t e mstfavr-with the splendid ones of the past." elation by theo University autho.t1's. afte1r the usual suipper hour. Rover-i wish you sucess. Remenmber, you,
able conditions," the students began No c-overed walk shielded the guests Howe-ver, the storm blow c:er an'1 endl Edward M. Parrott will speak at mxay be his sixth God of Music-'
Regentslaing rThe tated had noi at the entrance from the wintry in 1915, on the petition of tie .juniior ,he evenig service. Beethoven, Lizst, Chopin, Brahmns, andRu oertth
weetatn o h ttsa o1inds; and only 130 couples were ,ngineors the J-}lop was reintate. - Godowsky. Who knows, you may Ru-vrt h Barbecue I
claim to Waterman Gym, as it wa present for the grand march. T% and a lavish party followed, on Febra--! First Btist ('ire reach that reight, and when you (0,ataybaeue metsn
erected chiefly by popular sutbscrip l decorators failed to decide on the ary 5 The walls w~~ere stung w~it'i "The Idirect Ai" will 1)e the sub- Pachman will do zis to Godowsky"-1 at breudI~etSn
tion. An agrement was fially reach- shades of maize and blue, concerning flower-covered latice's to represent a ject of Reverend 11. E. Sayles' morn- 'accompanying is words by the expan-1 glass oflmlk for a hurried
el. which The Daily remarked that the huge Venetian garden. 'the mse Ping sermon. Sunday School will meet sive and impudent gesture of thumb- ing lunch.
Then, In 1896, the storm of the "chaperones" booth was decorated' was furnished by the Fiaisel orchestra at noon with the student casses ing hie nose. at that unoffendhng imus-! Good uck to you in those F
Palladium vs. the ether fraternities with a dark( maize and blue that would of Detroit, anl old 1101 favorite, and ;'-? gathc ng a:! tha Guild house. Friend-' cian. y.
and independents, broke. The nine have done credit to the University of anh organization composed of meniber; ship hiour.1 5:30 o'clock in the Guild But if The lDaily had only a pra-
p'.diadium fraternities had gone ahead Illinois." of the Varity band. At this. new be- house will lbe followed by the devo- tdal value, if its worth could only be0
withi their preparations for a I JU i i ..! During the 20th century, H-ops have '?lning of tah ,H-op n ospectators Were tional meting led by" Miss Normha easured in tie amount of experience
when their opponents carried the w;a: been held eery year except three allIowed and fraternity ealblemst were ' dwards. The topic for discussion is gained, or in the practical trainingi
to the Board of Regents, who declaredl 1914, 1912, 1921. Of these two were 4 barred. "The Attitude of 'a True Student To- which will later lt one earn his
that the gr could not be used unless,' barred by action of the faclty' and With the otbreak of tile War, the wardl Religion." bread, it would be a complete, los.Ihe meu
all organizations had ir equal share oue, that of 1913, was called off in the 1 op was frgtten in the workc of the --j The emlphasis placed in this lapeit' i ' earec
in the dance. The Palladium refused'rush of war work. During this time -i S. f;.'T. C.- but in 1919 it was revived,' The C'ongregaion al ('hur'ch upon the somewhat material asplert
to give nip their custom of many years, man;=ry changes have taken place. (uruig spring vacation. It was im- Dr. E. W. lishop, pastor of the of the work has been a concession toI 10 o .Sa- St
and consequently, the'-night of Feb-- In 1901 a succssful parly xas stag-- possible to hold it between semesters, Pdynoth Cngregational Church, popular taste which demands one-}I____________________
ruary 14, 1890, there were two J- Hop c 'i The Daily laments that "It 'will' due to the rushz of demobilization. Lan sing, Michigan, will preach the thing tangible in "return for service.J j --'
fine, held in the gvm, ahIed tCl io r .,.:,a vyour before the "iop girl'' withI1'111 -newi M4irhigan U;oiwas jtust iae-i"ior~ing sermon. At 2:30 clock 'a Education has been pacedl upon a;-
Annual Promenade of the Junior tt:i r ruak., chaperone, achiing htart l ing finishu'd at thils'tine, and at sue- ral will )e held for those interested materil sasis, and peopl will study '
Class", under the dir'netion n,^ - ','.1-! all will invadie Amn Arbor aaln" j ssfuil arty resulted.] A profit of, in the Noth Side Union Church. The only those things which will mon "
Delta Chi, Delta Upsilon, Phi Gamima ncillies -.re swamnped, andl strcets l 8(213 was madle and, according to' Congregational-students are asked to bread and butter to them in ater life
Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Sigwa t U z v re I1(' od~ that the Iiop cul 1A tTh. aily was :ed. to start a fund .~et t.~ 5:30 o'iocb- at th church, and it is a characteristic of the ag, andl
Epsilon, and the Independents; and t, rt until 11 :30. 250 couples at- ple a--ostII
th tePalladiuml Fraternities," Jno ~ held in 'P ole- anTe eiy;riese et ~as the number in the grandI
do, Ohio. Eight fraternities tooh l 11m1 rch rat. lns cud not M~a
in this (all the Palladium except Del- eachi other andl the customary andlI
to Kappa Epsilon) and they hireda timie-honored "]1" hid to be abandon-
special train to Toledo for the occa- cd" Yet 800 couples next week vilIi
sion, since no other hall in Ann Arb i :form that same block; "M"S!
could accomuodate the crowd. Ohilatsrd y night the house party'
Prospects of agreement in 1897 gues0s wcierentertainedl by til ec50--
looked dubious, but finally at plan ond annual hoim concert in the Ath-;
suitable to all was devised. Each en-i hce-I er, by the. Banjo. Yonclolinucma
fraternity was to have one man on the and t'-lee clubs. Fria, ernity parties at-,
committee, and the independents two. , t rd(' in mass.
The chpirmanship was to still rotate, In 1994 the H-op was featured by a Am'
am n h x P l a i m f a e nt e ,; po st it c p m c 9On this both sides com prom ised, and t he Ecpp irl, andi an article in her ('- A T
ol February 19, 1897, the first real pro se appeared in the '"Mhigan I
J-Hop w' uua ted.e I Airulmanry' of that month. "The Hop iI
A committee composed of repro- I Girl uay or may not Ile imor'0e ann- I
s~ttvsof 14 fraternities, with twoi1sive thn idl e was" it declared. "Ifs IYOUR LAUNDRY
i d n n e t , w s i l og f t b ,cc . a e s o e m n y n f A nt affair, w hich w as attended by 264 'A rbor thtan she did, it is not li ul.I

's imemiory the recollection
ble moments of the ca s
ere will alxways remain ,
ze a bout the memory of this
Vvll c uid s i etoo much, of the time of o-
and one will number theic
inents as the greatest of his
le Daily has often, been de-.
sa workshop of journalistj;,
such, but 'it is ,in I tely
Ln that. Here are frmeiOd
)5 that mean the most, here
ed seeds of character nu-
,ough the contact with mn
n, all united in a great pr-
re aire begun life'- long' a -
,which after all mean moe
lego graduate than intimate
oe of a scholar concernng
of the hair of Casae
4:00 to 9:30
nn appd have
Iwi4h and a
but nourish-
Phone 24 S14


couples. Schiremser's Detroit Band
and Orchestra was hired once more.,!
and played until 5 o'clock. The elec-
tric lights, which had become the ac-E
cepted method of lighting, were now'
tried in the decorations, and provedf
a success. The. Daily of Feb. 20, 1897,f
says that "a novelty In the decora-
tions appeared in tihe use of electric.

Tle tl'ouble is with the youth o+ large I
allowancees andl credi ." This tell-
delncy has increased with each sue -
ceeding year:.
'Interest in 1905 fell off because of.
the terribly crowded condition of the
gym, and1a.,nmovement was started
wicih forbade the attendance of
roshmn or sonhiolores at the 1-10;).


Prepare Your Wearing Apparel
For the I-Hop
r '7t i~-'fi a0.-' lne ifl any form

Why- payv the extra cost of transportation?
Why cause yourself the addcd inconveniencc?
Why) not avail yourself of the -quick~ service-the
saving in time, and the superior qualityv available at
a telephone call? Thinly the problem over and
give us a trial at pleasing you.
"What is more personal than the clothes yhou wcar?
They deserve a personal care.,

\'jJD A~ JN2'E h ve just what " Ann A rbor has been looking for !
WYThe hottest line of musical instruments, including the'
famous CONN INSTRUMENTS, and also the WEY-
say--you should see our line of musical accessories!t
Vibrator Reeds, pocket size music racks, - Brilliante.
mutes (thne mute with a cup),are just a few of the ones We
have in stock.
A ND. if you want some reap snappy sheet music- you'll
find we have the latest and best hits. You'll also find'
our shop the most convenient in town 'for your needs.

You'll Find Us at Your
any Time After


BE . whL


I3 UT thgt's not the half of it.
-- half, drop in on

If you want to see the rather

9 4,
r . w
ti f ,

MIE i f .. w si P3E! W o a I r .y


1 11 If





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