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January 24, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1-24-1925

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447 41F



VOL. XXXV. No. 91




PRicE, Fi v-zCENT~S

Professor Hussey Will Observe Pheno-
menon From Balloon Over
Geneva, N.Y.
"Mosfty cloudy tonight and 'at-
urday, probably snow, and aris-
ing temperature" was the f ficial
weather forecast for the Ann Ar-
bor district, as given out last
night. Generafly fair weather in
sfates east of the Mississippi was

Modernist Leader Advocates
Experimenting With Religions)
"I do not believe in an infallible re-!tnde toward religion. Doctor Fosdick
ligion, 1 believe in an experimental el Glared that he is satisfied that these
religion," Said Dr. Ilarry Emerson covictons illresult iu a larger
view of Christianity, whether they he
Fosdick, noted leader in the "M4odern- consistent with certain sectarian ideas
ist" movement in Christian theology, or not.
when interviewed last night after his ..s.e
lecture in hill auditoriumhe radio is undeniably one of the
lstrongest factors of the present day
Doctor Fosdick believes in a scion- for sprcading propaganda, both of a
tif e method of attacking the religious religious and non-religious nature,
problems of the day. Religion, he and I cannot see how as great an in-
says, must be life-like, and in so fax stituticn as the University of Michigan
as life is a series of experiments on can long do without one," said Dr.I
I the part of an individual, so must the Fosdick unconsciously touching upon
various phases of religion be tested one cf the live issues of the campus.
and tried. Dr. Fo',dick broadcasts a sermon
During his early life he was pre- every Sunday afternoon in New York,
cociously religious, and had very and it is his idea that greater things
strong convictions along ethical and are yet to be accomplished in a re-
moral lines. But his chief fight ligious line by use of the radio.
throughout his college career was not A reception was held for Dr. Fos-!
along moral lines, but along intellec- dick after his lecture in Hill audi-'
tual lines. When he left school he torium in the nariors of the Congre-
had only a small piece of ground on gational church under the auspices.
which he felt secure, a few funda- of the Student Fellowship of that
mental convictions upon which he has church. More than 125 persons at-'
based, and built up his present atti- tended the reception.







Senate Gives
Clear Road To
Increase Bill
Washington, Jan. 23.-(By A. P.)-
The postal- pay and rate increase bill
awas given a clear road in the Senate
today when a point of order against
all of the proposed rate advances was
defeated 60 to 29, although consider-
able debate and some changes in these
provisions are in prospect.
Further consideration of the meas-
ure went over after the vote which
came late today, as there is a likeli-
hood also that Senator Moses, Repub-
lican, New Hampshire, in charge of
the bill, will permit it to be laid aside
tomorrow for the War department
appropriation measure.
Eleven Democrats and one Farmer-
Labor, Johnson, of Minnesota, joined
the Republicans in defeating the point
of order against the rate increase sec-
tion, which if sustained would have
caused a delay until the House which1

When President Tainleve Suspends
Session Deputies Remain
ut Desks
Paris, Jan. 23.--(By A. P.)-The
Chamber of Deputies today was thej
scene of the greatest disorder thatj
ever has been witnessed here. TheI
trouble arose over the failure of the
Chamber to vote an order for the


Nomination of Warren Presented
Old Committee by Judic-
lary Body


Washington, Jan. 23.-(By A. P.)-
Further delay in Senate action on the.
nomination of Harlan F. Stone of New
York, to be a Supreme court justice,
and of Charles Beecher Warren of
Michigan to succeed him as attorney-

looke for by Me nationa weatu
er bureau at Washington.
All Ann Arbor will gaze eastward j O ois 'WIJLL LEAD
at the rising sun this morning to wit-
ness one of nature's rarest pheno-
mena, an eclipse of the sun. Of the
sun's surface, 98 percent will be cov-
ered by the moon at 9:02 o'clock, and Cored Scholar Will Speak on "Afrca
the city will be almost as dark as at A nd America" Sunday Niglht
midnight. It will be 10:15 o'clock be- InI lill Auditorium
fore the shadow of the moon has en-i
tirely disappeared. EDITOR OF "THE CRISIS"


posting of the recent speech of Deputy general was indicated today by both
Marin on the subject of interallied surface and under-surface develop-,
Bitter criticism was launched ment.
against the government majority by Additional opposition to the con-
Deputy M. DesJardins because of its firmation of Mr. Stone's appointment
refusal to adopt the Marin's theory has resulted from the action of the
with regard to France's debt, and I department of justice in moving to!
after 25 minutes of uproar, President| seek an indictment in the District of
Tainleve suspended the session. ' Columbia against Senator Burton K.
Nevertheless the excited deputies Wheeler, Democrat, Montana, in con-
' remained at their desks shouting and nectien with the same case in which
gesticulating until finally Premier an indictment against him is now
Herriot ascended the rostrum. Hependingein the federal court in his
was greeted with a mixed reception own state.
of applause and shouts of derision. With respect to Mr. Warren's nomi
When a degree of quiet had been ob; nation, a Senate judiciary sub-eom-
tained, M. Herriot stated that he mittee decided to present it to the oldj
would not discuss the debt question,

Alfred Cergot Will Give Fourth
Colert of (hraI Unlen

Preparations for observing this ec- but would take up the matter of the after Senator Walsh, Demort Mon
lipse, the nearest approach to totality William E. B. Du Bois, who will Alfred Corwot, the eminent French suppression of the French embassy tana, had submitted a compilation of 1
that will be experienced by this sec. speak at the University service Sun- Pianist, will be piresnted by the Uni- to the Vatican. teitimony given by Mr. Warren before
tion of the country until the year 2- <ay evening in Hill auditorium under versity School of Music a- the fourth In the course of three hours speech congressional committees some years
the auspices of the Student Christian nun:ber of the Choral Union series the Premier laid before the deputies ago in the "sugar trust" investiga-
275, h'ave been widespread. The ma- th uednesday evening, January 28, in his argument for having decided t, tion.
ority of Ann Arbor's citizens and stu- association, will conduct an open for- Hill auditorium. Cortot has gained an withdraw the embassy. Before his nomination was sent to
dents of the University will peer from um at Lane hall at 4:45 Sunday after- intrnationtal icputation for his re- Complete independence of the state the Senate, Mr. Warren himself;
their windows at the party obscured noon to which all students and towns- narkable technical and interpretive from the church, the Holy See "sing- brought the record in the proceed-l
di 10 who are interested in race pro- skill, and appeared in Ann Arbor sev- ular neutrality" during the war, fail- ings to Washington and placed them
e ral year- ago in one of the most bril- ire of the embassy to the Vatican to before President Coolidge who foundI
glasses or other devices for shielding blems are invited. Dr. Diu ois, Is lit programs ever presenlted here. I prove of any benefit to France's ex- them entirely satisfactory.
theeeyes.d0(litOr~ 01 'Ihe Cils..', a magazme is present program wil open vith teror politics, and an alleged inter- The new development with respect.
At the University Observatory, Prof devotedl to the developmenot f the tie fal;ous Beethoven Moonlight Son- ference by the church in France's in- to opposition to favorable Senate ac-
R. H. Curtiss, assistant director, and colored race. ata, and will also include 12 Chopin ternal affairs, were the main lines of tion on Mr. Stone's appointment came
Mr. Hough, Professor Hussey's assis- ! Dr. Du Bois, who is a graduate of Etudes, Opus 10 and 25, the entire Premier Herriot's argument for the suddenly, and after Senator Overman,
hant, will watch the sun through the Harvard university, will speak upon Cliiihn': C'orner suite by Debussy, suppression of the embassy Democrat, North Carolina, had con-£
large 37-inrh refractig telescope. "ica and America'' at the Univer- ,t:ll th comiplete Sclmiunann Carnival ideration of the nomination deferred
Other members of the observatory sity service in 1Hilladitorium Sun- of 22 numbers. [ This customn o CofCarT until net Monday on the basis of the:
staff have left Ann Arbor for theg y tot- y otot's,,a iecitl of many small pieces, 1 inquhiiy made by judiciary committee,
alltv zone where they will attempt to the auditorium of Lane hall tOm hlor nu kes his concerts very diversified in connection with Mr. Stone's ap-
take pictures of the phenomenon. afternoon will be a frank discussion, and tni ue. In his farst Ann Arbor pearance as counsel for executors of
The shadow of the moon win cut directed by the colored leader, upon a he played 24 of the 25 [ILII 6the estate of the late John Pierpont
a path a hundred miles wide across the positon of the colored race in this Chopin1 P'-eludes, furnishing an even- Morgan, in a suit against JamesA.
t etQcountrywnbey a Colorado mining man.
the earth, striking at the Lake oi the g ha rae been in ieao'is, Minn., Jan. 23.-Forces
Wood, in northern ivlirneso{ljt, and Thle speaker for t omorrow's service M r liis urpaeeelii naeiMu. In 3Fre ______________
has been brought her at considerable l seeking the retention of William H.
sweeping across the United States at exApapien oulgt Her o rabln a piaist, Cortt is invariably Spaulding as head football coach at FIRST W
a speed of 4,200 miles an hour, leav- exsetaording to h rrt n, - ciled at the h ad of his contempor- the University of Minnesota proved srtn'hSdt rti al
ing the earth again just as it touches soctamtof the udent ir istell as ares., comipar-able only to Rachman- successful today when the University
Scotland. It will cover this entire dis- sociaton. r. Du Bois is avwell known i n Novaes and Ossip Ga- Board of Regents voted him a new l
tance in about two hours The most r ma bk iir tlowitsch. 1is playing po sesses an two year contract. h UOMRo
populous district of the United States yto g I: e a uhe oser xtraodiiiiary precise technical accur- Opposition to his retention was- -
will be darkened, either wholly or among whic aressuet of the Slaver oiinnd vwith a warm Gallic em- made by representatives of the newly Freshmen of the class of 1928 will1
partly, and it is estimated that 20,00,-Fleece, Te Suppression of. te Slave otion that marks him one of the out- organized alumni "l" club, composed hold their annual Frosh Frolic March'
000 human beings will be gazing at the Trade, and rarkHvater. Dr. 1 , Boadi snding musical geniuses of the of former athletic letter men at the ,
sky this morning. 4 graduated from Harvard in 1890, and world. 1Uiest h held Salig "not13atheUinacodgtona-!I
i received his Ph. D. from there in 189. wior.onieroughohejo S.g n nouncement by Frank L. Sherman, '28,i
Scientific preparations for olbtain- I T '( CPttii~
Scintfi pepraios orobai- ~ es en seerl eas n heUn- It cncrttorshave always lbeen big enough for the job. chairman of the freshman social corn- I
ing photographs and other data have spt svil years in the iul, and he returns to Dr. Lotus D. Coffman, president of i
been made by observatories lying in vcrsity of Berlin and has traveled o:- America after a year's absence hav- the university recommended Spauld- mittee, after confering with aeln
the path of totality. The dirigible LsAfrica since then. le act- cr ithin a single ing's reappointment after a three hour
r open The dance will continue from 9 to
Angeles will be used over the sea near edC~ as professor ofe ~erla . inter, as well as achieving the dis- oe esoi hc eehad2olc.coriteit tedt
Long Island. Detroit astronomers will lata univrsity for several yars. nt r, aswe asevionsly to o arguments of adherents, and oppon- 2 o'clock. Committees to attend to
ascend in a balloon over Geneva, N.Y.Lately,. however, he has devoted his oeFrnch mesician, the Gold Medal nts of this mIan who has directed thie music, decorations and other details
nr nv N. Y.time exclusively to his work as editorof the London Philharmonic society. Gopher football teams during the past will be appointed as soon as the gen-
of "'Phe Crjis" writingyears.ea ral committee meets, next week.
Prof. W. J. Hussey, director of te "Thrig books deal- The other Frenchman was the com-1years.me
University Observatory, arrived in ing with racial problems, and lectur- pwwr, ouno. Coach Spaulding announced tonight The Frolic will be directed by the
Geneva,P., yesterday, prepared to 1ingA 'that he would accept the two year social committee of the freshman
bY., ycontrate.r alrassecoprat tAabanquetsispplanned for Dr. altoout far tor ttsrej-contract. class, cooperating with a special com- ,
an three fu n a t-Du Bois that evening bystudents andfor Al hew adirim i prai- Imittee of four, appointed by the fresh-
looBoistohatseveningdI obsaidentctures;allysti out fodrahe conle ard-______________
lon oosre~doti i ture- pet lewho are especially i~~ ~~~innglead-ran engineers. The social committee:i
of this morning' eclipse. Professor missions on sale at the University mon inssL
ested in race problems thiscountryonsists of Frank L. Sherman, '28,1
Hussey left no wor as o h nsTheUniversity service tomorro chairman, Margaret Deacon, '28, Caro-
atteOsraoyhr.Ta eIn-ngtwl igna :0oco line Colter, '28, Jean Greenshleld, '28, -
tended going up in a balloon was de- night will begin atCt7r30 o'clockI WILL E TALK TOA Cahine Gerow, '28 and Evelyn Sum-'
nied Thursday night by Mr. Hough, C erie d '28. Th8 andmEelyngum-;
hi sitn.F enton Discusses merfield '28. The committee of engine-
The aslstn. wlb ioebRapD sc sssl ers will be composed of Harry Grin- i
The blloonwillbe pioted y Raph ; o AccoutingstudentswilhaD.
H. Upson, internationally famous ba- 1useum 1ateriale iversity accona 28 chairman, Marvin Stanton,
Bookrige, UivrsiyUacontat,'28E, Clifford Crimi 28E and Henry'
loon racing champion. Three other In Technical _____k on the subject "Recent Tendencies in Nelly, '28E.
Detroiters will be included in the C. P. A. Legislation" in an assembly
}tarty. Observations will be conduct-' seventeen artists are representedE of classes at 8 o'clock this morning in
ed in accord with a program outlined Material represented in the geology by black or colored block prints, and room 207, Tappan Hall. His address ACTIP
by Prof. E. W. Brown, director of the museum is used in the latest Univer- sixtecn by etchings, aqua tints and 'will take the form of a report on the Sdl1T
observatory at Yale. sity publication which is entitled "The dry points at the exhibition of block national meeting of state accountants
Professor Hussey will direct the Stratagraphy and Fauna of the Hack prints and etchings now being shown heldfi December at Washington. ITO
bbsrvations and will asume respon-. berry Stage of the Upper Devonian" n hewest galle' of Alumni M Mr. Springer, who is secretary of the II
sibility for efforts to photograph the This boo was written by Carroll oi al, er the auspices of the Michigan state board of accountants
magc wth ongfocs Penton and his wife, Mildred A. erint- Ann Arbo:r association. 'Tie exiibi-
agccoronawtha ln fcscam- adcaninotieeeuiecm Eeto fjnos swl ssn
era, and to make a visual study of'toi andbases its subject matter on ton is open from 2 to 5 o'clock in time1 and chairman of the executive com- Election of juniors, as well as Ben-
era, mittee of the national association, will ios, to membership in Phi Betta
te exe, and hater isfl tedyr- otruio, ndass fomt e logyInte s arternoont.. It will close next 'Tues-mte fhentnaasoatnwl rt m brspinPiBta
the extent and character of the co-- contributions from time geology i tell the students of the various Kappa, national honorary scholastic
ona. with especial reference to itsj eum and on imaterial which was used 11i V"
olrng, its diameerane lt in research work by Mr. enton wen "Block prinis are of interest to changes recommended at the Washing- fraternity, was determined at a meet-
coloring, its diameter, and the lengtin rsco e h uy at present," Dr. W. P. Lombard, ton meeting. ing of the society which was held
he was connected with the golog e t of the association, declared yesterday afternoon. This is the first
Scientists of Hobart college and' departmnent n1921-2 night. "A r of laes of the I time in the history of the organiza-
Smith observatory, at Geneva, have The publication tins 24 p:uty Womn's lb has been study- [fNtion at Michigan that this step has
been assisting in the work. of reading matter and ser al sectons ing, how to mIk e these prints, using been taken.
of supplementary matter. Illustrating battleship l1inolenmm for the blocks. iApproximately 15 candidates will be
Tirana, Jan. 23.-The new Albanianl the book is a section containingg 4 ir. A. . Pelican, of the department relected, as usual. The basis of elec-
assembly proclaimed a republic as plates. of architecture,, has been giving les- IItion will be the same as before. Elec-
its first act. Te Uiersity of Michiganibhi- sons. Jest now all forms of prints tions will be held in April or May.
cations are authorized by the Board are of interest b cc(use they are the ? Prof. W. N. St. Peter, former instrue- _
of Regents. Contributions are chiefly, fad, and are to be seen in the art ftor in the physics department, was
C .rreather 2 Ta; but not exclusively, from the e- store'; of the large ities. " an"d painfully burned in an explo- Theater To Show
Ii-ers of the faculty or graduates of the '"Thet--' is a fashion in art as well sion which occurred January 14 at the
mUniversity. This is tie first volume of as in oilier thins,'' said Dr. Lonbard. University of Pitt sburghi, where he is Comedy ext Heek
time book, another volume being ox- "PLopuharly of 1)1(11k prints is due to nmow located. Professor St. Peter was I ____
ected to be published later. the fact that they are not too large idemonstrating an expeiment in tem- Complying with the demands of ex-
The material on which Mr. F('ento i for roums of ordina-y houses and ar(' + perature when the explosion took I amiaton week, one of the local thea-
worked was collected by himself par- ral't ix oh inm i -xnnsive. Prints and place, throwing melted parafin on his tens announces that comedy screen

has not yet received it from the com-
mittee, could act on table bill. j
Dr Lauro De Bosis, Prominent Italiani
Scholar Will Deliver Lecture
Monday Afternoon
Dr. Lauro De Bosis, Italian scholar
of the Royal University of Rome, will
deliver a university lecture on "Ben-
ito Mussolini and His Spiritual Ances-
try," at 4:15 o'clock on Monday, in the
Natural Science auditorium.
Dr. De Bosis is one of the most
prominent of the younger generation
of Italians, according to authorities. I
He is a graduate of the Classical
school In Rome, is a lecturer in the
Classical department of the Univer-
sity of Rome, and one of the leading
Greek and Latin scholars of the youn- I
ger generation. He founded and dir- j
ected 'for two years the classical the-
ten on the Palatine, and has to his
credit, among other things, an admir-
able Italian version of Hamlet. He is ;
the son of the poet, Adolfo De Bosis, {
and is himself a poet of some note.
Dr. De Bosis is a disciple of Croce]
in the philosophical field and has been1
actively interested in educational re-
form. Outside the cultural field he has
been for several years interested in l
the social and political problems of
Italy, and has spoken extensively on
these subjects in England and Italy.'
At present he is making a lecture
tour of America. Dr. De Bosis has
been secured for the purpose of obta-
ining first-hand information on the
present Italian situation. The lecture
will be illustrated with two reels of
moving pictures.
Famous Actress
May Be Present
At Annual J-Hop
Many are the rumors which are
heard each year at J-Hop time to the
Aff et tht t hian that mnia nrc

Assails Pettiness of Controversies
In Regard To Theological
Form Of Faith
"Not its theological form but its re-
produceable experiences is what mat-
ters in religion." Thus Dr. Harry
Emerson Fosdick who lectured on,
"The Need of Modern Leadership in
Church," speaking last night in Hill
auditorium, struck at the basis of the
pettiness of the controversies which
have so disturbed various sects of
the Presbyterian church.
Defining reproduceable experiences
in the light of knowing God as a
transforming power in man, Dr. Fos-
dick further stated that "The clothes,
habitations, and mental attitudes have
changed but the reproduceable experi-
ences have remained the same. The
glory of the Bible is not in the change-
able mental frameworlis, not the
transient forms of thought but the
abiding experiences."
"They say that we liberals are try-
ing to destroy something. In reality
we are teaching abiding truths and
convictions to this modern genera-
tion in terms that they can under-
stand. Nine-tenths of the things that
bring about our controversies are not
reproduceable experiences. Thank
heavens the swallowing of Jonah by
the Whale wasn't a reproduceable ex-
As stated by Dr. Fosdick, two prob-
lems necessitate the need of modern
leadership in the Church. First, there
is the problem of 'the nature of the
religion that you are going to have,
and secondly, the intellectual difficul-
ties that must be faced. "We face
a problem because religion can be
either good or bad. Religion puts
behind man that powerful motive, the
consciousness of doing the eternal
will. How broadd a e and
how it tears othersAun .
"Real education and real religion
are the two greatest needs of the re-
public today. Two factors which ex-
ert their influence from the inside out,
not the outside in." Stressing the
importance of inner relationship to
religion, Dr. Fosdick referred to the
business of religion as "approaching
life from within. We need a modern
religious leadership because the only
salvation for life is from the soul
"We have gone as far as possible in
approaching the human problem from
the outside in. To govern from the
inside out, is the problem facing us.
We need leadership from the inside
out, from the soul."
Schnectady, N. Y., Jan. 23.-Blair K.
Swartz, '23 of the University of Michi-
gan will be one of the soloists on the



te d LnaL tis, or a L L, m ovi e actress + I ni
will be the guest of some fraternity International intercollegiate night of
for the occasion. Verified information the air program which will be broad-
has been given out that Miss Eleanor cast by WGY, the local General Elec-
Boardman has been invited to the tric Company's broadcasting studio,
Sigma Phi house for the Hop andtrcCm nysbadstg td,
smary ihuedirect from the Edison club hall here,
house party.-
Miss Boardman received her invita- at 7:30 o'clock Saturday, Jan. 31.
from George F. Fiske, '27, who, has 1 Mr. Swartz, who will be accompanied
known her for some time.EIt is by Paul Wells, 22 of the U. S. Naval
thought that she is coming East at Academy, will sing a tenor solo "On
that time to look for a location forthe Road to Madalay" Michigar
a picture which she is planning to Songs and cheers, rendered by Michi-
make, and if she is in this part of- the gs an cheers, redered by Mh
country, it is expected that she will gan alumni, will be featured on the
stop here for the Hop.saeporm
sto here ___rthe _Ho _. _Other features of the evening will
include songq and cheers of at least
Smoked Glasses 45 other colleges and universities, rep-
resented by more than 500 college
sc eOmen. Included in this number of
Eclipse Viewers college men will be representatives
of New Zealand, Australia, South Af-
rica, India, Canada, the British Isles,
"No one should attempt to look at Sweden, and China.
the eclipse, even for an instant, with-i While collegiate nuniers will com-
out heavily smoked glasses," was the Ire l'oro f r

statement made yesterday by Prof.
George Slocum of theOpthalmological
department. "Numerous cases of in-
jured eyes, some probably permanent-
ly, have been brought to my attention-
following eclipses of past years.
"Due to the very high magnifying
power of the eye, 50 times, the effect
of the ultra-violet rays is much the
same as that upon paper or a board
when the light from the sun is focused
I through a magnifying glass upon it,"
r Professor Slocum stated. "The fact
that there is moisture in the eye
nnrohab1v would nrevent actua1 hnn.r-

pi.Y .' gt44 p't .. ,r ..nl p. g an.
there will be numerous classical solo
numbers. Many of the men on the
program were prominent in musical
circles while in college, having been
members of their glee and musical
Will Give Final
In English -,Today
Students taking English as a teach-
ing major or minor, are to take the
examination required for the snecial


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