DEDICATED TO JUSTICE 447 41F aLk ~UiI33 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 91 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURlDAY, JANUARY 24, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRicE, Fi v-zCENT~S CLOUDY IWEATHER MAY MAR EFFECT OF ECLIPSE T09AY 98 PER CENT OF SURFACE OF SUN WILL BE OBSCURED CLIM AX AT 9:02 Professor Hussey Will Observe Pheno- menon From Balloon Over Geneva, N.Y. BULLETIN "Mosfty cloudy tonight and 'at- urday, probably snow, and aris- ing temperature" was the f ficial weather forecast for the Ann Ar- bor district, as given out last night. Generafly fair weather in sfates east of the Mississippi was Modernist Leader Advocates Experimenting With Religions) "I do not believe in an infallible re-!tnde toward religion. Doctor Fosdick ligion, 1 believe in an experimental el Glared that he is satisfied that these religion," Said Dr. Ilarry Emerson covictons illresult iu a larger view of Christianity, whether they he Fosdick, noted leader in the "M4odern- consistent with certain sectarian ideas ist" movement in Christian theology, or not. when interviewed last night after his ..s.e lecture in hill auditoriumhe radio is undeniably one of the lstrongest factors of the present day Doctor Fosdick believes in a scion- for sprcading propaganda, both of a tif e method of attacking the religious religious and non-religious nature, problems of the day. Religion, he and I cannot see how as great an in- says, must be life-like, and in so fax stituticn as the University of Michigan as life is a series of experiments on can long do without one," said Dr.I I the part of an individual, so must the Fosdick unconsciously touching upon various phases of religion be tested one cf the live issues of the campus. and tried. Dr. Fo',dick broadcasts a sermon During his early life he was pre- every Sunday afternoon in New York, cociously religious, and had very and it is his idea that greater things strong convictions along ethical and are yet to be accomplished in a re- moral lines. But his chief fight ligious line by use of the radio. throughout his college career was not A reception was held for Dr. Fos-! along moral lines, but along intellec- dick after his lecture in Hill audi-' tual lines. When he left school he torium in the nariors of the Congre- had only a small piece of ground on gational church under the auspices. which he felt secure, a few funda- of the Student Fellowship of that mental convictions upon which he has church. More than 125 persons at-' based, and built up his present atti- tended the reception. FRENCH CHAMBER NEARS RIOT OVER DEBTS QUESTION' SENATE APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS IMEETS OPPOSITIONI FAILUIRE TO POST SPEECH IMARIN CAUSES BITTER CRITICISM OF ACTION OF DEPARTMENT JUSTICE RESULTS IN DELAY OF Senate Gives Clear Road To Increase Bill Washington, Jan. 23.-(By A. P.)- The postal- pay and rate increase bill awas given a clear road in the Senate today when a point of order against all of the proposed rate advances was defeated 60 to 29, although consider- able debate and some changes in these provisions are in prospect. Further consideration of the meas- ure went over after the vote which came late today, as there is a likeli- hood also that Senator Moses, Repub- lican, New Hampshire, in charge of the bill, will permit it to be laid aside tomorrow for the War department appropriation measure. Eleven Democrats and one Farmer- Labor, Johnson, of Minnesota, joined the Republicans in defeating the point of order against the rate increase sec- tion, which if sustained would have caused a delay until the House which1 H ERRIOT DERIDED When President Tainleve Suspends Session Deputies Remain ut Desks Paris, Jan. 23.--(By A. P.)-The Chamber of Deputies today was thej scene of the greatest disorder thatj ever has been witnessed here. TheI trouble arose over the failure of the Chamber to vote an order for the DEBATE PREDIC~I ElD Nomination of Warren Presented Old Committee by Judic- lary Body to Washington, Jan. 23.-(By A. P.)- Further delay in Senate action on the. nomination of Harlan F. Stone of New York, to be a Supreme court justice, and of Charles Beecher Warren of Michigan to succeed him as attorney- looke for by Me nationa weatu er bureau at Washington. All Ann Arbor will gaze eastward j O ois 'WIJLL LEAD at the rising sun this morning to wit- ness one of nature's rarest pheno- mena, an eclipse of the sun. Of the sun's surface, 98 percent will be cov- ered by the moon at 9:02 o'clock, and Cored Scholar Will Speak on "Afrca the city will be almost as dark as at A nd America" Sunday Niglht midnight. It will be 10:15 o'clock be- InI lill Auditorium fore the shadow of the moon has en-i tirely disappeared. EDITOR OF "THE CRISIS" EMINENT PIANIST IWILL APPEAR HERE posting of the recent speech of Deputy general was indicated today by both Marin on the subject of interallied surface and under-surface develop-, ;debts. Bitter criticism was launched ment. against the government majority by Additional opposition to the con- Deputy M. DesJardins because of its firmation of Mr. Stone's appointment refusal to adopt the Marin's theory has resulted from the action of the with regard to France's debt, and I department of justice in moving to! after 25 minutes of uproar, President| seek an indictment in the District of Tainleve suspended the session. ' Columbia against Senator Burton K. Nevertheless the excited deputies Wheeler, Democrat, Montana, in con- ' remained at their desks shouting and nectien with the same case in which gesticulating until finally Premier an indictment against him is now Herriot ascended the rostrum. Hependingein the federal court in his was greeted with a mixed reception own state. of applause and shouts of derision. With respect to Mr. Warren's nomi When a degree of quiet had been ob; nation, a Senate judiciary sub-eom- tained, M. Herriot stated that he mittee decided to present it to the oldj would not discuss the debt question, Alfred Cergot Will Give Fourth Colert of (hraI Unlen Series WILL PLAY WEDNESDAY Preparations for observing this ec- but would take up the matter of the after Senator Walsh, Demort Mon lipse, the nearest approach to totality William E. B. Du Bois, who will Alfred Corwot, the eminent French suppression of the French embassy tana, had submitted a compilation of 1 that will be experienced by this sec. speak at the University service Sun- Pianist, will be piresnted by the Uni- to the Vatican. teitimony given by Mr. Warren before tion of the country until the year 2-