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January 22, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1-22-1925

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_._ -

o e s y by the Bord U,
lMem~bers of Wes. tern C 111e1ence Ecito;1
.h Asociated Press is exclosivcly ii
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-'
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Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
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Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
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Telephones 2414 and 176-3
Editor..............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
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Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. 1 al
Sports Editor........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Roeer neaS. M ansfield
Women's Editor.............Vernea Moran
Music and Drama......Robert B, Henderson
Telegraph LEditor......William J. Walthour
Louise Barley A lelen S: Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
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Lovis W. 'Kramer
TJII' 'ti J).N'Ait\ 22. JN
*~~ ~ ~ A ?P~i-mm 4X~~ il
Japan, in sininY g a t real of a imun
diplomatic recognition wuih th i u; -
sian Soviet government, Tuesday, tool
the very step whigh the United Stateo
government, through the firm insist-
ence of Secretary of State Hughes,I
has so far failed to take. In other
words, she has sacrificed her interna-
tional dignity in order to secur,
economic advantages rcr i,'self a.

day when she made the pact just as
the United States, in all probability,
would also learn if she were to reco, -
nize the treacherous trio of Russia,
namely: Stalin. Vameneff. -nl IO
The republican government in Ger-
many has another strong defender is
its new chancellor, Dr. Hans Luther,
who presented himself to the Reich-
stag for the first time Monday night,
and made definite assertions concern_-
ing both his national and interna-
tional policy. The fact that his ro-
ceptfon was not enthusiastic seens to
bode ill for the success of his regime,
( bi t oin th , other had there i s eery
l-rpe dnt. iCi sane -olcy fnr Cc-,
mAny - will predominate.. thee be'ng
iany in positions of influence who
sincerely back the republic and the'
eonstitut ion.
Practical work in the service of the
German nation, Dr. Luther d clared
to be the predominating aim of his;
program. He insisted on the efficacy
of the Constitution and declared that{
"every violent, illegal blow at that
Constitution will be iret as high trea-
son." In matters of foreign policy
the new ministry will follow directly
in the steps of former Chancellor
larx, supporting the Dawes plan to
the limit, and working towards parti-
cipation as a member in tho LeagufA
of Nations when it shall have been
successful in combattin a the senti-
ment expressed by the Veroailles
treaty giving Germany fu'l rerponsi-
bility for the war.
Those who are anxious th't Ger-
many again attain a sound position in
world affairs should be gratified at
Dr. Luther's statements, especially
since it was rumored that he was not
in full accord with the Dawes plan.
If stability is to come. Germanyv must
resume her pre-wnr commercial po-
sition, and the Dawes elan appears to
he the best way of accomplishing
this. It is also encouraging to note
that the new ministry is essentially
conservative, that its prinoipal on-
Iponent, ere commnists and (trerP
monarchists. It is to he exprer!
that the first few years of the repub-
lic will he turbulent-this has been
'the experience of hictory. Sneh fi-
ns re the u -nf-w 01t0 1e h no
California b otleggers must be
ri.raidl of having Mrs. Mabel Walker
WiVllebrandt on their Federal bench
judg ng from the howl Senator Short-'
ridge of California ha set up against
the proposition.
N!'Nws dispatchet would indi'te ftat

ity in particular are nothing unless
they are the embodiment of morality.
.nd morality does not consist in the C
b'r4 in God and his revelations as AND
b.y are written down in the Bible
o c'ndnsed in creed. But morality 0 R A M A
consists in acquiring the laws of
nature in order that our life could be
made happier and lcnger. Hinduism j TONIGHT: Student Recital in the
as a religion has collapsed. Because University School of Music at 8
Mahatma Ghandi promised to secure o'clock.
"iome Rule" for India and failed to * * *
get it. In" our mythology you will "THE PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN
find hundreds such as the one which ! WORLD"
I am stating. If a Mahatma wishes to I A review, by Marion Barlow.
have trees in a desert, trees begn o A hit of the flavor of the shamrock,
take root. Those Mahatmas in my-
thology succeeded in their wishes but with the sordid atmosphere of Edgar
Mahatma Ghandi failed to get it . He Allen Poe, gives the proper back-
is variously described as Ghandi the ground for our melodramatic corned-
ph'losopher. politician patriot Ghandi ian, Robert Barton Henderson. The4
tCln theMartyrGhdi vein of humor and naivete, with occa-
"tihe grtst Yaposithe oMartyriolanceisional spots of melancholy was faith-
fully interpreted by the Playboy.
>nc dovs of Budha and Jesus;" Phyllis Turnbull's vivacious per-
"The prophet of spiritualzed democ- sonality was the high light of abstrac-
racy." The greatest man in the world tion. Her natural and easy movement
today was tried for ten minutes by 1 lent realism to this drama, a result of
an English judge and condemned to subtle understanding of her part, and
six years imprisonment. India never elimination of superficiality.
thought that the British would put The rural virility of Edward T. Gib-
ahatni in prison nd I Twasone of Ison condones this actor's ability for
inrie... ofcharacterization. Widow Quin, with
them. After Gtandi's imprisonment 1her innate quality for dittology of in-
lost my complete faith in God. trguing femininity must be compli- I
Christianity as a religion has dis- mented. However, more interest and
astrously collapsed. Even after the vigor could, be emanated from the
preaclhing of Christianity for so many The appearance of Claude Sifritt
years the world war took place be- was faithful to the role.
twean the two foremost Christian na- Three habitual drunkards, uttering
tions of the world and they are Ger- inarticulate sounds, told each otbei
many and England. Even after the Irish jokes, and drank large coffee
cups of beer-verv mechanically.
war Christianty wromised to secure These sons of Erin might have done
peace in the world but it never had for cowboys. . . .
more of strife and hatred. The war Buoyant, buxom maidens ,relievej
was fought to bring peace in the the boredom of the tragedy. This
world but in reality it scattered more I shade of interest was enhanced by
ill-feeling among the nations by the Kathryn Clarke with her ever pleas-
so-called peace conference. Christian- ing voice.
ity has failed because it promised to In Moscow the greatest players in


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(Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk)

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.r..A~. ~rN

C~iropodist Orthopedist
107 . UiverityAve Phone 2652
Occass ion
Week End
J-Ho p

. ...
1 -. i


uhe Green Tree
Luncheon., 12-1:30
Afternoon Tea, 3:30-5:00
Dinner, 5:30-7:00
Special Parties by Arrangement
Salted Nuts on Sale. Orders taken
for Cakes and Candy.


'f q

" :.s/1. .1.!.r'lI.. "..P, '. °. ".P. .o , ". . 1.I".r"s"../", ". r, '.r ",. . , . ^.J". ","' ".A,. "".1.I.i..E"./.I. J





secure love among all the nations of
the world . But today we find among
the foremost Christian nations of the!
world, and that is America, this racialq
hatred is at its pinnacle. Nowhere
else in the world we find such ra-t
clai hatred among the heathen coun-
f ics, boathen from the point of view1
of Christianity, liko China, Japan and
Ildia. The vrry existence of the Ku1
Klii Klan is unchristian. The fun-
danental rights are denied in Americaj

existence portray their parts and con-
vey tlh'ir meanings to American audi-
ences by action alone, since words
are unintelligible. The budding art-
ists of Professor Hollister's class in
Play Production may be compared to
these great people.
"The Playboy" was at a disadvan-
tage in that no common bond existed
between the audience and the play.
The feeling of the production is un-
known to the average playgoer, to
'uot of the actors, and possibly even
to the director.

"famed for


a government and for li:r pet;Ip0 .' the olclevik leaders have told Trot-
individual capitalists. sky to trot. as far as the Soviet War
Without attempting in any wOy to Council is concerned.
cast reflections upon the Japanese
government for her action, which is With both the pool fund and the
really nobody's business but her own, church fund drives going over the top,
it would seem that she has not only University students will soon be able
ignored the experience of several to cleanse themselves both inside and
other European nations, notably Great out.-
Britain and France, in their relations
with the Soviets but also has express- C
a confidence in the Bolshevists which CAMPUSOmNION
few American statesmen entertain. disregarded. The names of c nmmni-
An analysis of the new pact re- ,ants will, owever,beregarded as
conidntalupon request.
veals the fact that Japan has included confidential
at least one proviso by which she may RELIGION
hope to avoid complications similar To the Editor:
to those which have arisen in France, Before I start to write ion the proper
although she has left a real loophole ,ubiect T want to make one request
in her failure to guard against the to the readers that I will ask them
most outstanding difficulty which ji-.not to read this article if they are re-
facing the French government at the" ligio'is fanatics. My olbject ill writ-
present time. By insisting on mutual ing this article is not to hamper the
abstinence from propaganda she has work of the churches nor do I want!
at least attempted to avoid such trou- to challenge anybody's beli-f in God.
ble as has but recently been experi- In this article I am repeatedly mun-
enced in Paris. The great weak point boning the word Christianity because
in the negotiations, however, is her all people know what it is. But as a
acquiescence to the proposal that the matter of fact that word stands for
settlement of the debts owed to Ja- religion and all the relgions in the
pan and her people by the Russian world. These are my own convictions
government to be postponed until and I am again. requesting all the
some'future date. people that my intention is not to
The explanation of her laxity in fail- harm anyone's belief in God. I want
ing to demand some promise of the to put my ideas before the campus be-j
future settlement of these debts, in (,rse all the boys and girls are edii-
spite of the fact that France is facing cated, broadminded and liberal. With
a possible repudiation of a great this introduction I start to wr te on
amount of the Russian ohligat ions to the subject.
her government and her people, can What is religion? Why is it in the
easily be discovered when the tre- world? How it exists today in tho
mendous economic advantages for World? Whether religion is a science?
Japan made possible by the treaty And if it is a science whether it is'
are considered. Among the Russian progressing or decaying? It religion

by passing the exclusion laws. There * * *
are innumerable instances that Chris- CORTOT'S PROGRAM
tlanity as a religion has collapsed. Alfred Cortot, the eminent French
Mlions of dollars are spent in the artist and one of the world's greatest I
Orient to diffuse Christianity of which pianists, who is to appear as the
he Christian natiens are not sure. It fourth number of the Choral Union
i. the greatest crime in the world to ceries in Hill auditorium Wednesday,
ask others to follow one's path of January 28, will offer the following
v. hich one is not sure. There are program-a delight, a joy, a rhapsody
a thousand and one instances to show to an audience fascinated by fascinat-
that Christianity is shattered to ing music:
pieces. We have tried Christianity for The Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27, No.
nineteen hundred years and now we 2....................Beethoven
ougIht to substitute something better. Adagio sostenuto; Allegretto, Pres-
T.r-t us give chance to the state for to agitato
some years. When we give chance Twelve Etudes ........... . ..Chopin
for religion for so many years to ex- Opus 10-No. 3, E major, Lento ma
ercise its power among the masses non troppe; No. 5, D flat, Vivace;
to bring the feeling of fellowship, No. 6, E flat minor, Andante; No.
what is the use of sticking to the 7 C major Vivace; No. 10 A flat,
same old stories when they are not Vivace assai; No. 12, C minor,
workable? If state fails after a few Allegro con fuoco.
years we will substitute some other Opus 25-No 1, A flat, Allegro so-
thing and in this way we will try to stenuto; No. 2, F minor, Presto; I
bring peace among all human beings. ( No. 3, F major, Allegro; No. 5,
Morality is the greatest thing in E minor, Vivace; No. 9, G flat, Al-
the world, because without it human legro Vivace; No. 11, A minor,
life is not worth living. This will Lentox, Allegro con brio.
seem as paradoxical but freedom is Children's Corner .......... Debussy
greater because without it morality Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum;
will be an impossibility. One can Jumbo's Lullaby; Serenade of the 1
live with this standard without the Do1Ls; Snow Is Danc ng; The Lit-
lcast mentioning the name of God. tle Shepherd; Colliwag's Cake-
Onar has said: walk.
"And that inverted bowl they call ! Carnival .................Schumann
the Sky, Preambule; Eusebius; Sphinxes:
Whereunder crawling cooped Chiarina; Pantalon et Paganini;
we live and die, Pierrot; Florescan; Papillcns;
Ilft net your hand to it for help-- Chopin; Columbine; Aveu; Are- I
I for it lequin; Coquette; Lettres )au-
As impotently moves as you santes; Estrella; Vahe Alle-
or I." mande; Promenade; Valse Noble:
Kant and Laplace showed that the Replique; Reconnaissance; Pau
earth and heavenly bodies were not se; Marche des Davidsbun-ller;
created by God at all but evolved 1 Contre les Philistines.
from gaseous nebulae. Kepler and * * *
Newton showed these bodies are not THE STUDE-TS' RECITAL
governed in their motion by God but A varied program of instrumeut-il
by the law of gravitation. Darwin and vocal numbers will be offered Iy
showed that the animals and vege- the advanced students of the Univer-
tajles were not created by God but sity School of Music at 8 o'clock this
evolved the higher from the lower 1 evening in the Recital hall of the
from a common protoplasm . These School of Music. The program is as
men are the greatest teachers in the follows:
world and every one of them is see- Prelude and Fugue, C minor. .Bach
ond to none . They have proved that Alice Manderbach
this universe is self-existing ,self- I Romance, Op. 40 ........Beethoven
sustaining and self-governing. Omar Mazurka, G major ......Mlynarsky
the poetic astronomer said: Mary Alice Case
"I :ent . my scul through the In- I Liebestraum, No. 3 ............Liszt
visible Virginia Tice
Some letter of that after life iZueingnung........Richard Strauss
to spell; Vervorgenheit.............Hugo Wolf
And by and by my soul returned Helen Martin
to me. Sonata. Op. 31, N o.2 ......Beethoven
And answered I Myself am Allegro
heaven and Hell!" - Anna Mae Lewis
It would h ave been better if he bad Berceuse Slave .............Neruda
added one more stanza saying that I Minuet, D major ............ Mozart
myself am God, as Jesus said "I and Orien Dalley
my Father are one." Andante ................. Chaminade
Gods in the skies (Jesus, Budha, Scherzeno ...............Chaminade
Allah) are all right if we attribute Margaret Mason and Albertine Lock-
them as the subjective symbols of wood
hwuman notoentianis a nd nnonm.i I A n-m-- iaf1. Rn a T- n- a

Order your J-Hop andies
We Dvill pack special
boxes to snit your
taste from a great
bariety of Pure deli-
cious caid es.
Try Our Bon-Bons and Chocolates

Next to Arcade Theater


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J 1


I 'I'

. I .

1 tog'

concessions to the Niponese are:
First, the right to exploit half
of the kinown coal fields on the
Russian island of Saghiliii Un }t
a lifty-yea r lease.
second, in the event of further
mineral discoveries on the island,
oqual rights with all other ex-
Third, certain concessions on
the Russian mainland of an un-
disclosed nature, probably bear-
ing on the early negotiations in
which Japan asked the right to
exploit the timbered areas of Si-

is decaying can we substitute some
other thing which will take the pooe
of rcligi nn? These are the only ques-
oij n ts h Tit I was infoised tar p
V"ry ha g 'tie. I hongbt ever these
jlijnl> mea;-i a time , 7lisicassed them
wi-h *J knds of people with whom
I came in contact and I read boks
of all cid^s and I cme to a certa"in
conclusion. At least today I believe;
in this conclusion; I am just a young'
college man. I am ambitious and lib-
eral in my views and if tomorrow I
F nd something better than this I am1
re,,hr to changre mv views.


m IM

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