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January 22, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1-22-1925

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VOL. XXXV. No. 89






Dr. D. M. Cowie, who has been
attending President Marion L.
Burton during his illness, issued
the following report at 7 o'clock
last night:
"President Burton continues to
show definite improvement. He
Sis up)about the house twice each
day. Realizing the nature of his

REQUESTING EXECUTIVE recent illness, he is cooperating
TO ACT in every way to secure as com-j
plete a recovery as possible. The
NOT DEBATED UrON chief factor in accomplishing
I this is rest, accordingly his ap-
~tI pearance on the campus Will be
Resolution Offered Stggetiug That delayed perhaps longer than isI
President Report O Violation Iabsolutely necessary."
Of Arms Pact-
Washington, Jan. 21. (By A. P.)-
Coolidge is authorized and requested
to call a second arms conference under
an amendment to the naval appropria- O A 8 LINES
tion bill approved today by the Sen-
ate without either discussion or a
record vote before that amendment j
was passed.
At the same time Senator McKellar,;----
Democrat, Tennessee, offered a reso- Coaches of Latest Model To Travel
lution requesting the president to in- Six Routes Throughout
form the Senate if the last arms con- Ann Arbor
Terence treaty limiting the navies of
the great powers was violated by U
Great Britain in the construction of
the Rodney and the Nelson, which
have been described in the Senate as Ann Arbor's new motor bus line,
combination battleships and aircraft which will begin operating Sunday,
carriers. Feb. 1. will have in its service 14 bus-
The resolution went over under the s
rules, but Senator McKellar said he ses costing $10,400 each. The coaches
would preys for early action on it. are of the latest model, finished in-
The amendment relating tp a second side with Spanish leather upholstery
arms conference which would deal and with dual tires on the rear. This
with both land and naval forces was system will supplant the present trol-
sponsored by Senator King, Democrat'a
Utah, and accepted without objection ley cars.
by Chairman Hale of the Naval Com- There will be six coach routes at

,,Hayden Blames Franco-Soviet
Crisis On Debt Differences
In explanation of the present Fran- of the French grievances now being
co-Russian difficulty which is threat- discussed by her parliament," contin-
enilug to cause the severing of diplo- ued Professor Hayden. "Beginning
'fl'atic relations between the French with the exhibition tut on by the So-
government and the Soviets, Prof. J. viet minister to France, M. Krassin,
R. Hayden stated in an interview yes- from his arrival in Paris to the pres-
terday that there are two main caus- ent time. Red propoganda has been
es of the trouble which has resulted rapidly increasing until it has caus-
In the severe criticism of Premier ed consideralle comment and critic-
Herriot and his sending of an ambas- ism on the part of anti-radicals."
sador to Moscow. Professor Hayden also explained
"The most important consideration -that the proposal to discontinue the
and worry of the French at the pre- French embassy to the Vatican is
sent tiiMie." declared the professor, duo tb the fact that the radical socia-
"is the reputed attempt on the part lists who are in power at the present
of theSoiet to repudiate the debts 1 time are avowed enemies of the chur-
owed to French holders of Russian ch and thus see no necessity of con-}
securities. There is every indication tinning the mission.
that relations would be discontinued "A similar embassy is maintained
in the event of such action on the part by all predominatingly Catholic coon-
of the bolshevists." tries. which accounts for the fact that
"Strenuous objectionis to Soviet pro- the United States has no such mis-
poganda in Paris make up the second sion," he concluded.


Fosdick May Discuss Church
('nfrb v iVTI mIrr I V Nig

Expect Secretary of State to Take
Advantage of Clause; Declines
To Discuss Action
Washington, Jan. 21. (By A. P.)-
The Senate formally asked Secretary
Hughes for a copy of the much dis-
cussed Paris reparations agreement,
together with such information, con-
cerning its negotiations, "as may be
revelent to a full understanding of its
There was neither discussionof nor
a record vote on the resolution offered
last week by Senator Johnson, one of
the irreconcilables, on the Versailles !
treaty, and it was approved today.
with an ammendment broadening its
scope, by the foreign relations com-
mittee lust before the Senate met.
Secretary Hughes declined to dis-
cuss the Senate action, but it was sug-
gested in some quarters that the see-
retary of state would take full advant-
age (f the clause in the resolution
calling for the text and report "if not1
incompatible with the public interest."
While the secretary has announced
that he will make public the text of
the agreement as soon as it is received!
from Paris, some administration sup-
porters contend that publication of
the details of the actual negotiationsj
between Ambassador Kellogg, the see-!
retary of state designate, and ' the
representatives of the allied and asso-
ciated powers would not be desirable.

Offered Position
As Badger Leader


, l

Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, who be a Presbyterian and his subsequent
will speak Otn "The Need of Modern i expulsion from the ministry by the
C General Assembly. "Whether it is the
Church Leadership' at 8 o'clock to- last chapter or the beginning of a
morrow night in Hill auditorium, may new volume is conjectural."
introduce his version ofl the Modern- "I am an evangelical Christian,'
ist-Fundamentalist controversy in states Dr. Foidick in reply to accusa-
which be has been involved since his fions that he is an agitator. And re-
widely known sermon, "Shall the garding the alternative of accepting I
Fundamentalists Win?" the theological subscription imposedl
The sermon, delivered ia the First or leaving his pulpit Dr. Fosdick, in
Presbyterian Church of New York in declining the invitation to join the,1
May 1322 accnrding to a discussion of Presbyterian fold, stated that "Cree-
the controversy in the Literary Digest, Idal subscription to ancient confes-
branded Dr. V'osdick as a "modernist" sions of faith is a practice dangerous
and mariked the beginning of a strug- to the welfare of the Church and to
gle "which has serously disturbed the the integrity of the indivitlual con-
Presbyterian Church" and which has science."
culminated in Dr. Fosdick's refusal to (Continued on Page Two)

While President Coolidge has indi-
cated that he favored a second con-
ference, administration officials have
made it plain that he did not con-
sider the time appropriate. For that
reason administration senators had
been expected to oppose the King
C. Of C. Supports
University In
Rooming Dispute
Officials of the Chamber of Com-
inerce yesterday explained the attitude
of the Chamber towards the rooming
(juestion in Ann Atbor at, the present
time and the general feeling of that
body toward the University and its
studlents as a whole.
Reiteration of the steadfast support
of the group, both through its officers
and its miembers as a whole, was made
by Hackley Butler, '31, president, and
P. P. Woodbridge, secretary, who also
expressed the opinion that the land-
ladies had rushed matters too muchj
in advancing upon such insufficient
*evidence as to the University's inten-
tion in the matter of dormitories.
"We feel," said Mr. Woodbridge,
"that if the University investigation
shows that dormitories are going to
do a little harm to Ann Arbor, but a
whole lot of good to the University
students, that the University, which is
in itself half of Aim Arbor should be
supported." Ile and Mr. Butler both
stated they were sure that if the Uni-
versity authorities did at anytime in
the future investigate the m;atter of
the dormitories more fully, that the
authorities would consider the ques-
tion both from the side of the stu-
dents and the landladies.
At the present time the whole mat-
ter. which has caused the landladies
so much concern and which was the
result of the Housing league seeking
to state their views to the special
Chamber committee on the matter and
the committee appointed by the Real
Estate board of Ann Arbor, is re-
garded by everyone concerned as too
indefinite to be worthy of much con-
sideration. Both University and city
authorities are universal in condem-
ing the hasty action of the landladies,
reports indicate.
As for the Chamber of Commerce,
whose commnitte has unwittingly been
drawn into the controversy with' the
real estate men and the landladies, it
is seeking. according to Mr. Butler, to
investigate the whole matter from all
three sides. Having found how the ro-

the beginning and if this advanced
method of transportaton meets with
public approval, as evidenced by re-
munerative patronage, these routes
will be extended or increased in num-
ber as the development of the service
Coach operation will be in the hands
of the Peoples' Motor Coach Co., in-
stead of the rail concern, the substit-
ution with the consent of the munici-j



J ality.d 1111 L1I U U UI L I U i11i L IiiiL ITentative dates for spring events
Ann Arbor's change in the method Tw setby the. Student council a t
of local transportation is due to a re-
soluton adopted by the city council on me'. 'ased Interes" {;rt5m e i'acul1y WI siR Employ Three Ochestrats; Two meeting held last night at the Union.
Dec. 15, the resolution being the re- to Add 'rppical and Asiatic 'to hlav i Waterman And One ap night will be held on either May
15 or 22. It was suggestedi that theI
suit of many conferences between "tti ly to ('urricula In Barbour Ginasium anal burning of freshmen ptsatake
municipal and rail officials. -- ---place on the latter date since a large
The six regular routes are as fol- PLAN ANNUAL CAMP TO FEATURE MUSIC number of visitors will be in Ann
lows: No. 1, Packard-Huron, starting Arbor at that time.
from Glendale drive, east on Jackson,
In e to the increased intere 't i Permission has been granted to the At that time, in addition to the!
east on Huron to Main, south on Mdain ag rwsatrce otect
to Packard, southeast on Packard tc geography since the enlargement of Military Ball committee to hold the large crowds attracted to the city
Shadford road, east on Shadford road the departmient last year, members o Military lBall of 1925 on April 24, the high school athletes, representing all
Ito Lincoln, north on Lincoln to Gran- that fu'culty ha e found it adviseaile first Fi iday following Easter vacation. sections of the Middle West, will be
ger, west on Granger to Packard, re- to add two new courses to tme reg- here to participate in the annual inter-
turning northwest on Packard to ular Summer session curricula. Thes; scholasticmeet.
Main, north on Main to Huron, west courses will be given in addition tolias, also been approvedl. A committee was appointed to take
on 1-uron, west on Jackson to Glen- the regular s:uner icaimi iof the de- Special einphasis will be placed this charge of the Cap Night exercises. It!
1 dale drive. Ii(artimn E'lt -, year on securing orchestras of nation- will consist of Robert J. Hummer, '25,
Route No. 2,--Milker-South Main, i prof.:. Jamesv ill rpgivea ose al repute to furnish music for the chairman; Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L;
starting from Hoover and Green to on lhi(' "roTls inrr Tropic onen Ball. Three orchestras will be employ- and Kenneth C. Kellar, '26.
South Main, north on South Main to ; gi'lalhY .'' is coursie a new one in fl,_toof_______illlay_____er.Kellr,_2 _
Miller, west on Miller to Spring, nor- the Uiversity curricula, is said to ed, two of which ill play in Water-
on pring t~o scock, west on Hisgno- 'cover mat erial whii is both ira'tical man and the other in Barbour gym- iiOF1 B"(Ill
th oi Spring to Hiscock, west on His- and interestinlt. It is being offered n.asiun. The nu.aic fori this dance will NbflIa nAe5faVIts g u
Miller at ros on BtoMa smth largely becaise (If the great commier- lbe one of the outstanding features of
Miller, east on Miller to Main, south cil expision o many troical cOn- the iffair. and every effort will be
on Main to Hoover, and east on Hoo- tries in i ceni years. made to engage the best bands obtain-
vrto Greeni street.getebs intersectioncrr ta1et ei~l ~ nd oban- C NIEST CLOSES TODAY
Rer Noe -treet.s,. - The other new course, "The ('=- able in the Middle West,
Route No,, -$,roradway-vtdaShtern- iOgral~hi of Asia," whic .iwil be given*.
;starting from h rof lMyr. s. a,' li also Being given - [he Military [all is an annual fun- The contest fostered by the Arcade
Washtenaw and Austin, northwest on for "m m..cial " raso than "- ction of the military organizations on theatre for the best review of "North'
for'conmercialI,'' irather than "ge-
Washtenaw to South University, west ogrpic," reasons. Asia, standing the campus. Those who attend the of 36," appearing at that theatre this
on South University to State. north 1 ( apif , great udiiiievelopedl cont nent eve,t aren members of the faculy. vet- week, will close at 5 o'clock today,
on State to Williams, west on Wil- (s it does, offers unlimited )Ossibiii- erans of the Army. Navy, and Marine and all who have not handed in their
liams to Main, north on Main to (at- t.iand it is Qth aim of th depart- Corps, iembei s and staff of the Uni- reviews at the Arcade box office are
herine, east on Catherine to Detroit, mxent to bring out thosf' posibilities in versity, lt. O. T. C,, Naval Reserves, urged to do so at the earliest possible
northwest on Detroit and Broadway this cour . and all students who have been con- time.
to Moore northwest on Moore to Pon- Two other courses, both of which' w ih tary s i 'the object of the contest is to help
tiac road, south on Pontiac road to hav( b'een given before, will also be camims or elsewhere 1 by ofein of swimbok
Swift, southeast on Swift to Broad- offered during the Summer session.i E, ,ml by offerng prizes of swim-boo.
wasuhetotBoda ~Oiofrt hnn h umrssin I Milo E. Olinhant, '25E,.1i; chairman: The management has purchased five
way, southwest on Broadway and De- Mr. Ijal will give a course in the f e general committee of the Ball. of the books, which will be given to
troit to Catherine, west on Catherine "Geography of mercal Produc-ene F. Crdwell, '26E, assis- the writers of the five best reviews
to Main, south on Main to W illiams, tion," and Professor James one in the and EugenmaF. T he , 'rso ,n as is t he w riteds of ie re iy
east on Williams to State, south on "Element; of Geography." taut chairman. Thieisonnelofthed 'rh Dramatic editor of The Daily
State to South University, east on Members of thlie go ;;:aphy faculty - ii-cOd ineit tees will be announcd will act as judge in the contest, anid
South University to Washtenaw, sou.. have announced tiir i intention of do- andn iore definite ualns formulated one of the five winning reviews will be
theast O Washtenaw to AustinAve. ing everything po:Bible to chn,, af'er the final examinations. ;iplished in the Dranma column tomor-
(Continued on Page Two.) :1 " (io roes from i he aold boundary Iw length.
tvne, Whichi dealt. mainly with the!200-wordsi

Local Authorities Ready to Duplicate
Salary Offer, But Will Not Stand
In Way of Advancement
(Speclm to The Daily)
Madison, Wis., Jan. 21.--George Lit-
i tie, football coach of the University
t 1 of Michigan, was chosen as Wisconsin
university's new athletic director late
today to succeed T. E. Jones ,who re-
cently resigned his post, according to
the announcement made by the Board
of University Regents.
Geor~e . LitleLittle's appointment came as a sur-
Coach GeorgeELitle was last prise to those who had considered him
Coh ere th ittle was D latr as a fixture at Michigan, where he was
nighttendered the position of Director recently made head football coach to
of Intercollegiate athletics at the Uni- succeed Fielding II. Yost, veteran Wol-
versity of Wisconsin. Providing he I verine -football mentor, who has re-
accepts, le will become the youngest tired from active coaching to devote
director of athleites in tay major edu- full time to his position as athletic
cational institution in the United j director.
States. Little's salary, according to local
newspapers, will be $7,50 yearly. The
January Issue conmference for selection of a new di-
j rector began Monday evening, and
/ j,,Dr Walter Meanwel, basketball
Of Chin i 's oes 'coach, deadlocked with Little for the
position, each having three votes. This
n ale Today morning the . conference continued,
Artis - ending when Little was selected.
Articles of intellectual interest pre
o Coach Little refused to comment
dominate in this month's number of I upon his appointment to the post of
Chimes, campus opinion monthly, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
which will appear today. Aside from at the University of Wisconsin when
interviewed last evening, desiring to
the cross-word puzzle on the cover! await official advice of his appoint-
and two or three humorous contribu- Iment before issuing a statement.
tions, this issue deals entirely with the It has not been definitely decided as
more serious side of under-graduate yet whether Coach Little will accept
life. the offer, and it was announced yes-
"Digging for Ruins Centuries Old," terday that the Michigan authorities
written by Easton T. Kelsey, son of stand ready to duplicate any salary
IProf. F. W. Kelsey of the latin depart- offer that Wisconsin cares to make.
ment, contains an account of the, find- It was further stated, however that
ings and experiences of the Michigan Michigan does not care to stand in
Archeological expedition at Antioch, the way of Coach Little's advance-
while "The Rhodes Scholarships" have ment to a post of such importance.
been written reviewed by Prof. Brand With his acceptance of the Wiscon-
Blanchard of the philosophy depart- sin appointment Coach Little would
ment and E. F. Garritt, visiting pro- become the youngest director of ath-
fessor in philosophy from England. letics in a major educational institu-
Prof. George E. Myers of the voca- tion in the country.. At the age of
tional education department has also 35, Coach Little has been chosen to
contributed to"the issue, his article I oneof the most important positions
being entitled "From Campus to Vo-! of its kind in the Middle West.
cation." "'rhe Negro Question" is I Coach Little graduated from Ohio
touched upon by Ralph M. Gilbert, Wesleyan in 1912, with a fine record
minister of the local colored Baptist of athletic achievement behind him.
church. He was a star in football, basketball,
Winners in the editorial contest and track. He went to Ohio State
recently conducted by Chimes are an-' university, where he studied agri-
nounced, and the three best contribu- culture for two years, acting as as-
tions which tied for first place, are sistant football coach to the famous
1 reprinted in this issue. The winners 1 Jack Wilce at the same time.
are N. P. Feinsinger, '26, J. A. Amter, For the next two years, he acted as
'28, and Louis Tendler, '27. head football and basketball mentor
Solution of the cross-word puzzle on at the University of Cincinnati. Then
the cover may be submitted either to Ihlie transferred to Miami, where he
the Chimes office or to Pratt and Dunn held the same positions until the out-
before 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. break of the War. He joined the
j army, serving 15 months overseas as
t an infantry captain.
OIL 10 0,fof At the close of hostilities, he was
made base athletic director at Brest,
I France, where all American troops
ON if NEW C00999 L were centered immediately upon their
arrival in France, or prior to their
embarkation for America. During his
Prof. Julio del Toro of the romance stay abroad 'after the signing of the
languages department will lecture at Armistice, Coach Little took part in
7:30 o'clock tonight at Tappan hall [te EA. B. F. games, taking second
on "New Cuba" before the members olae in the pentathlon.
of La Socledad Ilispanica and all oth- after the war, Coache United States
''sintresed Prfesor 1elTraoerhe a, CochLittle resumed
ers mterested. Professor dl T010 his position at Miami, where he was
ranged the subt ays of i n speech given the office of Athletic director in
from "The Last Days of Spain in addition to his former duties.
Anmerica" to "New Cuba" in order to E His work at the Ohio institution
have an illustrated lecture which stu- attracted the attention of Director
dents of Spanish would be better able Yost of Michigan, who started ne-
to follow. Igotiations with Coach Little in the
In his talk tonight, Professor del spring of 1922. The results were sue-
Toro will speak of the progress of the cessful, and Little came to Michigan
island and the changes which have in the fall of the same year as as-
taken place in it during the last few sistant football coach.
years, employing a complete collec- With the gradual adaptation of
tion of slides on modern Cuba. The Coach I .ittle to his new duties and to
lecture tonight is the third on the the Michigan style of football, Coach
series of five which is being held un- Yost gave up by degrees his position
der the auspices of La Sociedad His- as head football mentor, and the 1924'
panica. Iseason found Little in complete
charge of practically all of the grid-
iron operations.
flUI fl 41 I If Coach Little accepts the position
at Wisconsin; he will leave Ann Arbor

in April, when his present contract
[1I[O expires. Director Yost has not made
LA EXIBITIL IIN IJLITlUITIiany announcement as to the intentions
1 ! Iof the ' Athletic association should
Famous paintings by old Dutch mas-l Coach Little leave.

yifl dllp v aa. a - iI I I I I T;P 11


oming house people feel on the mat-
ter, they are also going to interview
University and alumni authorities to
secure more definite information.
What the body finally decides to do
will depend entirely on what the com-
mittee finds, and no statement would
be made by Chamber officials yester-
day as to the probable outcome of the
O$r 41% 4erI~ani

Inlander Appcars wis countries, to prictical courses o f J1 t
O.p s1 d rca I commercial value.
On Campus Today n itien to theis courses, the
teoraphy department will also con- MliE I I t0LbUhf
The second issue of the "Inlander," duct its regular summer camp on the,
campus literary magazine, until this } ruiseiland river, near Bunrnside, Kys Newark, N. J., Jan. u1.--Paavo Nur~
fall anearing under the name of Whi- during the summner, amnd ifr uiwdes msi, Finnish rmnner, shattered two -
cosies. will atnnear on th'e campus to- sBrn h timr nlicue more worl's indoor records in the i
day. The magazine will be on sale at trips down the valley of eastern Ten- 2-4ine sinds, ecors in the
(lay.2 3-4 mile special, the feature of thime
the State street bookstores, in the fo- nessee and to the Blue Grass regionsSt. Joseph Catholic club games, in the
yer of Angell hall, and probably at of Kentucky. T'hchie amp is under the Newark armory tonight. Nurmni rant
ithe Library. direction of rof. K. C. McMurry. the full distanec in 13.3 minutes,
For the first time the magazine will breaking hIannes Kolehmnainen's rec-I
attemut literary criticism. and this, Senior Engineers ord of 13.6 3-5 minutes made 12 years t
! htcoupled with two anomymus poems . ago.
and two stories. make up the maJor Will Hear L1ZttLe Nurmi also broke Kolehmainen's
r contents of the January number. "Ex- mark of 10.421-5 for 2 1-4 miles by
plicit Biography" is the heading for Coach George Little anl Edhiff L 1-5 of a second. One of the records t
the article by Lucian D. Hague, which Saughte, '25E, will address the mm- aedebenain in t
would be more correctly entitled "Ahers of the senior engineering class Irede so fre ift ed eno act seed

Senate Ratifies
Dominican Treaty
Waslington, Jan. 21.-The Senate
today ratified treaties with the Dom-
inican Republic concerning the evac-
uation of American military forces
and describing the method of the re-
funding of the Dominican debt, total-
ing $25,000,000.
Under the terms of the refunding
treaty, the President of the United
States will appoint a general receiv-
er of Dominican customs to collect all
custom duties in the Republic until
the payments for retirement of all
bonds issued for the refunding of its
present obligations are received.

ters are now on exhibit in the Detroit'
Institute of Arts. These masterpieces
comprise eight Rembrandts, five Frans K



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