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January 15, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1-15-1925

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PAar 52Y




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A New Pose


HIard XorkohidtFeaturiies Fii'sI 1): 3.'w ICoach George Little, Michigan Var- y'jj r110 ToIssiw hormna: (OtllFor
Si inmhagh Practice Unider , it y football field coach for the past T1raiek In M eeting,:_
ewMIifet' three years and (director of minor V 111011.
spsorts. is one of two men b~eing ser-, --
WILL MEET CHICAGO iously considered for the position of JINTEREST MO1{UNTS HIGH;
Coah Mtt ann wh yeteray e--director of interc olleg"iate athletics ats
Coah Mtt ann wh yeteray e ithe University of Wisconsin, it became1 All arrangemnents for the truck p
gan his work as Varsity swimming known yesterday on advice~s -foi meeigtngti om88o
coac, nu hi chagesthrogh n adiiion. The other coach being arre-,ee a~ veyhn
of the stiffest workouts that they have ; gat dod as a likely candlidate for the Uinaecmltdadeeyhn
had this year. With the Chicago meet!is nredesfo Cac Stv
,lpositioni is lDr. Walter Mean well, Ares- ~~ edns o oc tv
only a week and two (lays away,! ent basketball coach at Wisconsin. [Flarrell, veteran track mentor, to for- '
Coach Mann intends to work his men I Coach Itittle refused to comment onmly pn h 923taksesnb
to the limit in order that they may ' tlIructtc r yesterday morning but it maighssfiil alfrIrc n
i~~~~~~~er infrtcassae'o hi pn sunderstood that he has receivedl field candlidates. The committee inj
ing eet Wih te exepton f Cp- ommzunication s in regard to the posi- charge has arranged a program ofl
lain Kerr, Johnson, and Whittmigham, tLion. Coach Little was offered thefiesakrllowhm rencoe
the~~~~~~~~ pqa a a rcicly~owikIosit ion of headl footbiall coach at Wis- cotc with the track team.
under fire this season. The abovecott
trio~ way to (~i~two ye ars ago hut ait that time1 A. Va an Herrick tirack mianager
f~toioulght their waytothird place i-lr tej'ed to remain at Mlichigan. is chiairm~an andl he will have with'
he medlely relay in the state meta t iring the past two years Coach hmo h ltom 'ahFrel
l~tritlat atrdy igt.f..ittle has taken over a large part ofI Professor Ilarry C. C'arve r of fihej
Coach Mann declaredci himself as ithle rersponsibility of directing the mtmtc lhatinJm- K
wel 1)00 od ithth ('fl~itiil f teBoothall 5(108 d andi preparing it for ;lBrooker, ca a am of lthe ttackf t('87:a,
t earn both as a talyd1(1as;to md ivid- itziiie.,"a lehasadd oni
.,aienosi.According to the' ry to his rcCoah hyttieln durting his'11
1St]iilflhl('iShi . liy eputtio (luinghisand Eghert It. ISIloell,.U) ririer (Confer -1
niow Varsity mentor, the first Uay'S caaciiii careter at Michigan. Dunring ,en rce :ross counrn toiii
practice showed 11h0 squad to be well !the tim he has taken over the man- jchampion.to-nil
balanced andl whiile lacking individii- agne ftemnr5)P5svrlI chasben. teos 0 o oxe
a 1ciforneswit te ece~tionofIhave been adde~d to the number of
lhe shinie, every evenit; has inienILcapf- eooizdatice ciiis~ .M- yearsi to begin the t raC k seasonr in +h':
able of holding their own with other - manndthose stAitiyearicawlargeircrowd<,"a
igal oA11I i U ict p or s W a ca ere oi' pre en t and withli thlie gr o "w lr I i j tel-
Con fernce swimers. neo ly weak have been considerably est in tr ack monlt inug each veal., 111l'e
Anrnouncemrent was made yesterday :.tr liten ed.coiit 0icoiiignai'cid0i-
lbhatt the injury which 1 Milziner su f- _________________is________________n____________________
fered, while skating, will probably out.
keep himiout. of thle Chicago meet with Michigan, Ililinois, anad Iowa made rsrnsbrt fhsls otestld 'i ,trecree aels , S1
for thle ent ire season. Mielzin or iias (quite olttcla ssing the ot her ('onfe tIc ee
been showing real ability in the breast:! teams, but this year IlhreeO others, i.) i1
stroke and was counted on as a paoint tate, Wvis.on si H. and(1Clit (.p o laki e
txr,~.. r .h ________________moot_______________----_-Irisen oil the horizon and t ia ek l,.it

cI i$il > Ile ,' t ro
ie p r gbI tistoR
The-aiiiSVl;ty(511011li teo
~a }lls0iwas liiiIl Ikthaher
ill Si<.S8 118 h l l Whlichl t(
j oin(!1w eoI t erl to recogi
Ii (' 1lilioi fash 11s'5 5101)
(1iOIi.: }]t.t1£give(?thl~e glad b and
overtholiera dio. 'AoulId that '
"plc(!his at arlav a fte0111(
~xavnext. fall.
1'.112,e . re nceaed fo
:Mann at.1 lie nion front 1
! ill o'clock. andl at thYe Y.
A . 'cool after thaIt tinge.
'CET;'PVOUII811111 TI h IA

4 'Vhen the I hii'lit Ii-au4a1 in'.ii rmeet
thi tL . C , Iigii G i ~~' ti at ' f i
> 111 g Saturiidaty li t. det ,".ill Ie .-
ce to(11 gina P Ie M11Wit n fec 1 thestrop l -
est; mat le'arns tla'. lahabeen 1 trl'd
o11t at ithe Lans;,ng -:dool ill nan v
. V IYears.\Wit hithe o x( ept ion 01 one ,ri i
the Faramers will be represented1 by thle
>samle vete~ran tearin that faced the
IWolverines last. season.
!Last sea son the meeot with the gi
vr tler s was the hi .t match of the
year, t he WVol verines winning bay a
" close marigin, Il-11. 'The YMic, lgari
u -ionad (1th it. Will lthtii( hetrip) to [,an-
Siff- will b El)~ie 5tosed all 11(iel'e-
ni-b, vet eran 125 pouinder. il b
",:.ur,:: ( i:' 1 )eund (iii div ision wil b
,c (I I by ( 2'.s t0-15 gg;ie 1 ('811.,
t I i Is, who x;as (:u o1 school Ia st
< r: i ¢ 1 year2',,i a vtter ai )of a ie 19}238 .',a il.j
St 1\Williamnson rv ill w restlte iii i lie 125
'**' pounid division against 1K a rhel , li
(}Iionly \Wolverine 'Veleranl. Williamisioni
lkd the Michigan lealnt last, Year in
the 11 5 pound wreight, losing to Ile
. ; Foe (in a decii 501.
Capt amin loiler 1I lasoll, who woll
f e very ogle 0f his108atchies hiast Yearn
will w r('tlC at ait hoavi('Pweight this;
1v elar, taking care of t he l ighit weighlt.
past m( Class. M1anson threw D oty last yeali-
pas. to iin the 125 p)ounmid(i vision.
photo- ; loth Teeter and(I Gutnnate vete(rains
c picii 11' from last year's team and are fi ght-
W pe~ople iiig for honors inllihe 145 pound class.
tize hire. ose, star of thle Wol verine( teain,
p0(1 long thriew Gtinn last year. 'F'eet er dle=
to a few flated FeI+' enz inl the 158 pond class;
adhmirers last year, hut is wrestling in a lighter
lie might w eight ibhis season.
los tha t Berquist andIl Iouglitonl are hot h
'working to win the assignmiet:itini tle
:158 pound (divisioni.
The Aggies will have ;hurray, at vet--
i? {cranl with t wo)ye'ars experience, aga iii
iin the light b1a vywveigit (divisionl.
or the Meads, of the WVolverine team, was (1e-
s are (feated by iltirray last winteor.
Coachl' Ii ogan amnd 1Eckert are the two Ag-
12 atn- g ie heavyweight candi(fates. E+1ckert
M. C' ililet d.efeat at the hands of Galloway,
till spite (of the fact that, he had a i ig
j weight adtvantage over the light. Wol-

Boxers Preparing
For Big Carnival
Mn 1 .gan's- boxing team has start-
00 active preparation for tihe schedul-
cif rtookt withI the College of the city of
iX'troit, and the boxing show to be
jiCAd at Waterman gym., St. Patrick's
night, March 17.
Advance reports from Detroit in-
(icate that the Muny's are out for
ifootl because in last seasons fight,
Alaro1 'wit ', (lid' of the heavyweight Ma-
ie a ad Blue le~a Iher pushers, decisi-
v;,I,;wid a;ped Michaels, the City's best
Any man that makes the team this
yea , will Itatye to go into tr1aining, andl
':,.8(h Sullivanm has decidedI to have a
rc ,;tlUt training schedlule. One day
the t eaii is going to (d0 road work
111111 caishenics; and the next will be
takhen up) with boxing, punching tile
t;,g in1(] 111010 calisthenics, It is plan-
ned to alternate thlis schedule to re-
1 '.C 1010(ilony.
I I'ek(i asoni, (Ceach 17Mil ivail's p~remuier
i ('8 vy V eighit r-lioI'te0(1forn practi(ce the
nt litis today.ie is a little over.
we"""t t d llthe (oac-il ave him a
.;,011,0wo1, ouit :iand sentenlcedlIi hit(toA
r,11 Utwig ('X('isM('.- Dick inson is fast
88 d cartries a goodl ptchi. Me Kelver
8 ud( "I tcol'' A'!eyries are two lighlt-
ofx erlt; 1 arie('abi lit y. Neither of
-i 1wereo wiipped last year, and Sul-
lyv expect; a lot.ilmorf 1them this,
;5('ll.(iti.I Sklar, the coach has a new
com11eir of mote fthlitordlinary imerit.
lie is a i('tli (aded light weight excel)-
ti a:.I ly fast olileiis feelt, anid is the,-
best '"in"''fighteri the 'coach has.
Coaich Still ivan is ionking elIaboratte
plans tot the show inii arcb, -and is
askinig till Camipus to slipiPorI it. as
t he( prios'.'i'slfo io hmly iiore equtip-
meal for- be xing. AtI lie pre'senit timel
i~h l'Squad is hbad(ly in need of gloves.
('harles I Itookimis world champion
lovIihurdler intendus to _ sake sure of'
hiis; inicords by keeping ini condition
afte (he to rece(ivyes his degi-ec this mionth
ii an (effort 10 bette0'i hiiiarks. lie is
m~ihligible for farther varsity coumpet-
it imilot intends t o keep his amateur,
Istan ifti g for at least o110eImore year.
J(1111 1i. "IHans'' Lob('1t has 1)0en
reapp~~ointed lheadI coach of01'the Army's
Iite bill squad(.

Pratc d( I( Ioliiglit lo Polish O ff IDrills~
F or Tilt.111th As.
sx tiiiji jl
Tonight's pmaticl(e will b)e the last
workout for the varsity hockey squlad
before the first gamne of the seasonm,
which wil1l be played1-tomnorrow night
at the Coliseum with Assumption col-
The Wolverine pock cliasers showedl
flashes of excellent form in latst night's
practice which included a drill -iii lpas-
sing and na fast scrimmnage. TPhe teami
worked tilp andl down the ice for a
hmalf hour, working on getting the iuicko
ac-ross the ice. Numelrous shifts were
mlade in the linetups of the two teaims
playing in thle scriimage.
Coach Barss has not. annlounced1 his
,openling lineup for the game andl will
wait unutil af'ter toiight's practice to
do( s0. Ic has reducedl his list t(1112
inames, fronm whih h te lam wvilba
licked, The squad as it now stands
includles the following nilan: Captain
Peteriman, Reynolds, Levi, ILider-
strotn, Denton, McGinnis, Weitzel,
.Jones, 'Goniberg, W1Aright., ilendry, and
[lobillard. The six to start tomorrow
nlight will lie picked from this l ist.,
and will incitide the macn who show
fornm il t oniiglit's workout.. Capt a n
Petrial will itmdoaubi edly lie at 11is
old dhefense position, as hie 'playedI in
the scrimmage last i'figt without1
trouible fronm his itinured knee0 which
has hiampered his effort s beret ofore.
The remaining posit ions, with the
excepitioni of center, are still inl(10o11t.
Reynolds will play center. D)ent on
and Mcinis showed good form at
the wing posit;ions last nighlt, andl will
p~robablly have the call if 'their 'work
tonight is as good. Levi is a strong
p~ossiblility for one defense post. The
goal position will he fi lled by either
Weitzel, Goniberg, Jpnes or Robillard.
The Assumption. sextet will furnlish
the inexperienced Michigan tedam with
exceedingly stiff opposition. They
hiave hmeld the c'hamphionship of the Bor-
dher City League ill Canada for two
yeairis, which is sti flicieit 0evidenceO of
class, ats this ci-cuit is made,(10tip of
fast complany.'


Mann is working Vail and lWhili tilg
hiai hard so thlat lie will still have i

E'lmtri-es for class basketball Ire be-

two competeilt macn in this dIepartment. ing taken at the lntm'anurahl office
Papenguithl who has 1b001 working;tis week. Tlhme schedule will not ble-
cut at. the field house in the sawrdust i n until aftemr exams.
box will lie transferred to tlme pool.1
now that lie has mastered the tumbml- Entries are now being received( for
inig principles which thle dry practice the all-Camlpus foal throwing contest
affor led. If Papenguth can master which will start immediately follow-
the back-ogle-and-a-half and the pl1ain ing examinations. Each (contestant
front;(ive, lie should lie a strong cony will have 100 tries in three blocks,
tendfer fomr Conference honors, ac- the first block consisting (if 25 tries,
corthiig to1 the new director. The Con- ! the second 35, and third 40. Fist
ference rutles will thlis year requir'e 1and( secondl place winners receive ini-
six optional dives in adlditionl to the di<lvidujal loving cups in this event.
required dives, which should lieaall --
vantage to Pannmutlm as lie alreadylth Owing to a revision of the schedule
is fairly proficie'nt in a numbellr of te fraternities in time Foul throw-
these, instead of Having one or two I ing tournament will report tonighit
slecil events, attfime following- times:
Samsonwn with a little mlore exheri-18 :30 : Acacia, Alpha Delta Plli, Al-
01100 andi plenty of real work will de- ! 11151-Rhec Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Al-
veyap iwirsonore o the b onestnca.ll-amouind 'hiha'Taum Omega, Beta Phi Delta, Betal
swimmrs inthieConfeence Th leta Pi, Chi Phii, Delta Alpha E+psi-
Ypsilaniti boy has natural swimnming loll, Delta Chi.
style and endurance 'in addition to 9:30: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phli, Ganm-
lcigmth and strength which attributes ma Delta, Phi Mu Alpha, Phi Sigma
should make hil(a dangerous 4nan ipn Delta, Phi Sigma Kapp~a, Sigma Alpha
and wvent from time 40 yard to thme Epsilon, Sigma Alph~a Mu, Sigma Chi,
220 yard free style. Captain Kerr is; Sigmia Na, Signma Phi.
pro;rc-ssing steadily in his backstroke 9:0(0: Delta Siguma P1hi, Delta Upsi-
work aind so far has turn'med in tines ~ion.; Hermitage, Kaippa Nai, Lamblda
evemn better than those recorded last Chi Alpha, Tall Kappa Epsilon, 'Pi
year. Kerr will probably also lie used l (Conitinuedl on Page Seven)
in the relay. __________________
Coach Mann is at present comlillmitut-
ing between Detroit andl Anim Arbom.
andl therefore will he able to devote
(lily his afternoons to thmeteaum, hbut
lie expects to (-hilige his residhence 1 ch
this city the early part of next week.I
After next week 'Coach Mann intendls
to devote all of his time to thle swim-
mning squladl; holdiiiz Varsity practice
from 3unut il 6 o'clock every after noon
andl devoting his mornings, eveninig:.jAft
and early afternoonls to givimig ind~iv--?
ideall members of the squtad personail
-attention. '(hli M. A. C.mmet lwich'
was card(edl for thlis Saturday has
been changed to March 5, at Lansing - TPCl 1
I All assista:nt track mnamaer OfQ
t ryouits report t his afternoon or I
amny afternoomn this week at thie_______________________
I Yost fi(eld house. _____________________________

are expecting an exciting race.c
The large nunmber o01 le i( s oni
tihe Western ('onferemnce whio are- ('10"-
ible for(comipetitionl iwill 81(1i it 0test
to the umeets this year.
Over 80 fmen tyre womrking out d,:lv
in thme lVeld hlotisohunler (Coach iar-
roell an1(1 prospects am-c ibiight: for1 a
winnming teaml. With the e'xception~ of
tile hlumles and thme highl jump e (volrv
e'vent is ifi-tified wit h proveni veter-
anms, while in these two deliatmcni s
ther'e is some e xcellIont. mat erialh :avail-
able from last, season's freshimn
Two year-s ago TMiciligan won hothb
the idoolr and out door ('oilferen cc
meets atndl the National jilleror((l'gi ae
melet at(Chicamgo andIit iP wvithIt 1w
h1ope of regininig thiese lost lion or
that the Nlichig;an ;rac!iteam will
seek add~it ional recruits in thmeinet:-
ilg tonight.
Janesville, W,\is . 1a1. 1-1.--(Stpec(ialiI
B~rothmer will be against hiot hem-whemn
lie Univem-sity of Wisconsin and t he
University of M~innesota hockey teams
clashl On Felb. 22 and(12:3, Rov Iversonl,
fornmer instruictor at Chicago rinks, is
coach of the Wisconsin teamll'and I1,i!l
is coaichingmt at. Minnemsota.
IAUnfliCof, 1 2-1 :30
ternoon1 Tea, 3 :30-5 :00
Dinner, 5 :30-7:00
fl Parties by Al- , rangemrt
es and Salted Nuts for S.gal
iders Taken for Cakes











College Men Watt
The Best!
College men dlesire a shavin'g creaim that is
reaily msed and (If the finest qulaity. Palinolivye
plleases themn immmemnsely, for it formls a (.hici, heaivyv
lather easily and makes for easy shaviiig. It corniea
ill 'a comvenienit sizedltuble at (oily 315c.
mennen"s Shaving Cream
Is U niv ersall y Liked !
The 1beardI softening shaving.,c(1011--'40111101's?
It elimlinates'- after shaving sumart andld (oesn't.(dry
oni hle facoe. Pricedl only 50c,

Regular styles and °finest quality
.-always wort $'1LO to $12- spe-
cially priced to close the season.
Immediate selection is advised.

to mleet a itch heavier mamn this ye'ai
_verne ilat manm. Eckert will lie torced MAassachulsetts institute' of techmiol-
in GIoldistein, whmo tolls the scales at (,-y will raw tEme Navy varsity eight
215 .po)und''. cam-cd 1ci ow~ at Annapolis next spring.
Sp~ecial for T is,
eek Ol
One Thouisand Pair of Domestic and
'NS1Imported Fancy Wool
Half Hose
'75C,$1.00, and $1.25 ose
$1.50 and $2.00 Hose
S$2.5011,1$3009 And'$3.50H o se
South State St. at William St.


It IlM-, - Sup lose'
Youl (w10 ,AIget it.
If. 1I(1 U'--- Suppose
You do--- 1'iB11,A1.
II, ges it.

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