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January 13, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1-13-1925

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7' E ,;1A , JANUARY 1-), 192




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........ . .




He re T1'11ha I a of Q uotad Raiisedl
By Met hod of hiiiividiial
F ina~l reportIs of the Ann Arbor
a 1ijumuac fall campaign for the Uni-
v-i'sjity of Mchigan ILeague building
funid will be given at a luncheon at
thel Lanfltern 1 ho)l)at. t o'clock FrSiay.
Aiss C'atherine Ha wley is chair-
man of the Ann Arbor g;roupe, and Mrs.
(rU W. P)atterson has arge of the
: iwcial committee. A methodl of in-
dIividual I -oli('itait ion is being used(1,
and over halIf of the quota hias al ready
i'ecen secured. Itis hoped that all
pledlges will be fulfilled so that a
c miilelte report canm be made Friday.
One million dollars must be secured
by Juno, 1927, if the l'resent Fite which
Nvas presentedl to( the womien by the
Regents ofT the Ulniversil y for this pur'-
* pose is to be obtained. Of' the $ 570,3)67
p~ledged last sp~ring $185,590 has al-
readly been Ilaid in andI is being in-
vested to earn more money for the

White Hair Fad
On Threshold

n n FT /.4.rF's{sorts the conipetit ioU is based upon Profess or (' i!)*eu illuis' rated lhis1
C610 11M51 CH MI aniasth. annualA.uHasPant Prou. Th i n i s Iby t(Ii i:> of(chais and statt is-t
"Puff Pant Prom "IThe most succc isful financi l von-I tic tables. ltt discussing thie (debits
,¢ywyee iture lionorezlbN lie KnsasW. A.Atu!and cedntsoreGrmby bthee an Ini theW. A.al A.f Indt creditsThisafteGereanyld beforeroeand
BA S K[IDA [1110A~ ofScholarsh~ip, at least. to the extent ;f~ ~~~si 'L ne omk amnst
'"Color teams" ConlsistLing of thme wo- tions for membership in the W. A. A. m~ien, and Inake dates,, requtest dances; have an excess of exports over im-
Wien who have turned out [01 fresh - at the University of Kansas, accord- ±and do their bheat to lid "perf'ect. ent'n-; ports."
mian bash cetba 11 pract ices, will complete 1'"to a let tem'recently receivedi by men~f.". The 1fou1'ooutst anding chaeracteris-
at h o'clock, today, in Ilarbour igzin- j the p(sidl('It of the Michigan AV.A- f h a A.ln ~eethnot
11111 I'nnr nnnrrii l dand conI ntuted upon by the'
In his, as well as in s some other fea- f. I:IIl sealker, who Explained the iilortance
Due o tlehe e n uinher of fresh- i ure- it dhffeirs from Michigan or- 1WuU s,"U iII hL of the foiu1rti and howy it would effect,
mein who signed up for iner-class ganization iltI TOW~III~ nn
basketball this yecar, it was necessary ,II( " lyaadsgveyth *a-~ IINTEfhR IUINAL ~l
T eol wrsgvnb h a-to dlivide t hem into i1 group, for anit ra- ,as associationi havei been grey sweat-Abclscoptin.'1Kcaansfth
clas (011 1ititO~.'lie cpt iii ofIhe'i's with crimson and blue letters,
team~s are as follows; Euicie Chlild, which were awardled for 1200 hionor E'o . C.F. riffen, of the School
of the Yellow team, 1,iizalbet~h Ilibar- i oizi~ , won in a manner simillar to o cf 1 usintess Adinistration, ypoke on
ger, Blue, H elen Ileaumuont., Green, and i o \ihP'. Btti era 'Lprain n nentoa rd'
Evelyn Ogborn, Rced. The games tins way he given for 600 p)oints, andt at the third luncheon sporisered byj
afternoon wvilhe the first of a series in tile majior sports letters will be t he internatlonal rel.ations commnittee!
of light gamies which will be pilayed <t I c> ~.1'(for1 team mnibeh~rlip. (o teAnn Arbor brainch at thie}
during the reguilar i'iesliioan priacie ift i a-n-ural basket. ball and sm-u !American Association' of Unlversitty
low, anodi R1Iewill ppoeGienP''~Sili illlay imga inst Y N Irin,_; nects aire held, but inI other 'women yesterday at, tlic Lrnlon
ucation xor illdants ofphyscialseo-
uc t o h il as s ofc a s f ..the ga me are; Irene Field, I helen
jSearigh1t, Mary ,lo 1311enti inlai'ga ret
Cramier, Evelyn Johnson. Ferry Fild" Lunch
The final fre~shu tea ora n i 11 het l r a
p~icked1 fromt all the color tcaoos by! State Street and Packardj
iss (e'fl er niot, ando ,i'is iii uihji
['rice, of the de a rinen of 01 11 y s cr I. I U
e ducationl. Other classa tecam>;~ will be WIH-ERE QUALITY AND QUANTITY COUN
chosen as usualI, at theirrlpractices.

the ha lanceoof Itrade ill the.vari:ous.
countrics c ollce :2 ed.
'1lie ihest luncheon \willI eJ) br"r
Memnber's of the Sara Ii('asel- NV
Angl el cli apter of the D)aubglters of the
Ame ric,. m Revolution wvill meet at
o'clock Thursday ;it lie home of Mrs.
' 13. Coe, 809 E,,st Kingsley street.
1-funoralble Addison Pr'octor will speak
onl " Remis(ce1ces of ILincolln."



I rl I1,.. .., 1,:1 r. 11 .-1 ;., 41.,.1 411 .,11 ..11.,..1 .1 4 :..

The Nv II (to iair fa ktItill 'daLtoS t_-_i(
spread from111Enro me to I lie Un ite(1 Dop't delay--- ay you r 5mm bacri jmt Iom
States. \Vhite wigs, iinuciiseeni at!tca?
snia.rt affairs last seaLson, have been




lnic class bastha b 11 pra ctices v iL
~'be held th is week as follIows : 4 o'c loch;
, day, frcshmen ; 4 :40, seniors; 5:20,
~C junior's; 4 o'clock, Thursday, sopho-
miores ; 4 :40, freshm en ; 5 :210,seiors;
t;:10t , mide , juliior ,,,38:50d, S- lliO-
']jhE t'micrsitv Gxirl s' glee club willI
meet. at 4 :30 o'clock today in R om
; 805, school of Music.
P'i Lambd(a Theta vvill hold a short
b~Iusi ness meeting at 7 :30 o'cl ock to-
m iorriow in the Martha Coos library.
Tuie next regular meeting of the
jN. andlolin club witllhe held at 5 o'clock
~'Atomorr('1ow in New~berriy hall.
Mlembers of the publllicity c:ommfitt e
of the Y. W. C. A. will 1h01( a 11eet21ing
at. 4:15 o'clock Thursday in Newberry
hall instead of t heir us>ual tim e on
Cabinet. Inelcrs 01f the Y. WV. C. A
will meet at 4:15 o'clock Iodumy in
New berry hall with the nen hers )of
time Inter-Church council.
D~ecember pledges to ltme Y. W. C. A.
are bast (due. All women~i are ur'ged
to pay at once at Newberr'y liii 11anmy:
timue between 9 and 12 o'clock and 2
andI 4 o'clock daily excepit Saturday.
January pledges are (due0 now.<

discar'dedl in favor of locks (dyed in
albino shade. Ev4en the younger set is
taking up tho fashion, as you see.
Sigma Delta Phi
HTolds n1 itiation
Sfima lclta Phli, i'ationmi hoiii rai'
drania tic amdid ii lrit-a soce(ty he ld
it itsi1ti atiomn Sundaiy milring at thle
hiomie of Marge rept FEff igem'. '26. The
initiates were Minnma Nl ill er,'2t3, Mary
Van Bum'enm, '26, anmd Ieat~a Wagner,
Followijng the imii iatiomi ceemnmy a
boeaktast, wvas scrivel. Mlizabetm Van
Valken burg a '100(1a:-astoastiistress
and Clhar] ot te Blagdon, '25, gave; a
Welconme to time new iniber s, to which
Miss Wagn ler 1'c5 iondod. Aine Me-
Gurk, last year's national president
of Sigmna Delta I'lM, riesp,)nd ed to a
coast with arItalk on mlwie il irati on of'
last ye,.r's :onmvenion i1. IPriof. TI. '. Trune-
blood, thle imst iga m'ci f Sigima Delta
Phi, eowpe:cd Ii: e grog ri: mu, giving
thle vist omy of )liaI hapter.
The alum iii lpre-a-i it for iniitilation
Natmheinia ('aim liu anaadMuntil Chrilst-
W. A. A. Tea Room
Proves Popular
11iniacm(ia 1 '-u( ( ( ss >f5(crown'iing tihe
tea.-r'oom veniture1 of thle NV. A A., ac-
coii((lmmg t) oi-ise 1ioorits, '263, whol)has

L '.'.
C AIAlz is''ol
C frosting; slep.You11ave
.I to get ibelow the sur1fac to
find time tr'ue character of ourm
pasti'y. Its appearance and
Wholesonieness ar'e merely
ways of telling the world of
P~urity and duq ality with iI.
Fresh every lay. Phone8:10lc
We (deliveri.



Give the children WRI
every meal. Let them
benefit to teeth, breath,
digestion. They want
W RIGLEEY'S is the swe+
for them.
H-appy children-healtl

JGLEY'S after
iget its daily
appetite and
tsweet, and
:et that's good
by .teeth.

IE ., ;
';I I
f .

XT O\ iSth time to buy a
iN cotI <rming frocks for dress-
es that Nwer formecrly, to $45
got at $ 1; and dresses ,rc'u-
larly wo. $59.50 clear, at only
$25. Scrviceabic siArt amnaz-
ing values:
124 S0VT -I.;MAIN3


Appetite and digestion, too, are
aided by


after every.mel.
4H1 W4eyquaallv


- -, i



nl i w rrr r i r rrrr r i .......


- -------------------------ch-imarge of is afeaturema. A niet lriof it of
Xnmmoniiee Emag ',lge*ttld'3lm i:2 1has"; r;!'u'le since it opened in
A nilolncememt Las boomflma( t;at, t, iJ)ecenbem-, in I i 'abomll'gylnilasiutim.It,
Denlta Gamma hollse of thle ('ligag(-- ;isexiled ed iHa1, iehotea -room will cona-
-iment of D~orothIy Koltimbacm, '2f, to Or"- Uti;e to prove puopula r especially
rill Bond, '26. With Itle jpiysicalI education students,
aiid Nomen ceo,:,ingj from Junior' play'
Mliss Elsie Wiley, of ''lhe depart u i z t 1'(i5) ri] - Thei Iea-roolll is, ol)Oflfrom
c rif j)'13sical ednewat ion, spoke bef'ore 2 to 5:,30 o'clock amid warers, mints,
the IParienit - Teach~1ers associaltiomiand a varilely of sand wi cles make up
of(I'I~1 evi le, last.,ii igh I on ''The Bo] 2lbe fihe mi. Aniyaone0i niterest ed in woi'k.-
of Play illIthe bite of the C(ld,"h' *iiiifor' thtievte'-r'ooi mlirig a Vacant.
hoaor 'hmol1 id call MiISS oberit,,898.

i 4 i 41-7



Betsy Ross

Th'le bride's sectflin of h'e1110I''d(tI !
\\'oniel'S Clubi Will 1110(A11at 3 o'clock Time mold winr)[ meet h0lofl'the Alum -
Thursday iin the dhibl)house, 22{i Soufl'Ii I ute Council oftIhoe Alumni Association
I ngallIs street. Iof h' It iiiveisit y of M ichiga ii will lhe
hieldlhere Ja11imii 'y 21. 97's. Shir'ley
HIAVYEYOU 'SUBSCRUI BED)YE'? ;j Snilihis chairimian.


ll IS
10 Student Tours D~7~~ays
All Expenses-290.u
Visiting France, England. Ireland, Scotlafd., Belgium, c"
Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Itlt~y
1 Fromt New York J1uy I on the P
1 f .OLLEGE STUDENTS! T'i s J':youir opportun ity.
l prfcty organized college sailing, azrra ngecd in
ii conjunction with the Cunard Line.
Crossing in less than six days. Highly c.,rgaxiiet enter-
taneto[or hp uicaddr iii:,Dc games. A congenial company of kin dred sp it s.. Comn-
[ fortable cabins: Excellent food.,.
! A tour through Europe to fit every purse and sui tevr
S purpose. Sight-seeing tours planned in th-a vac;n:
spirit, permitting a thorough enjoyment oI Co1Ati l,'iital p..
E life, living in good hotels, getting acquai~ite ci with
E u o e n w y f l f.Write T oday for Illusrat d l3ooidet to die{e
.14741 Broailivay





Ill II liii II



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