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January 11, 1925 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1-11-1925

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StNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1925





National Women's Golf Champion Of Fifteen Years Ago Wins Again


Professional Education for the Journalist

"Chic" is Keynote of New Year Fashions


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"Do I believe in a school of journal- lisher that you have brains, or that By lKatherine E. Fitch but plain shoe she wears. It is of
isa? I do most emphatically," said. you will make good, but it will guar- More significant to the New Year dull tan kid with a low curved heel
A! iss Louise 11 IDew, consulting edi-
sor (A1 New Yok city, who was i antee that you have had definite, than resolutions is the new costume!and rounded toe. She rates an A in
Aun Arbor during the recent conven- specific training for your job, and of 1925. Michigan women welcome fashionablefoot-gear.
lion of the Michigan Women's Press that it is up to you to make good. the new in time with the new in fash- If you notice the same young lady at
Association. "Moreover, were I a .Just brains will never carry anyone ion. The dictates of vogue have the you
teSophomore Prom, ouprobably
millionaire I would endow a school of through. It must be brains, plus hard changed a little with the advent of the aw that she wore gold or silver slip-
jrurnalism in every state university.si
Not that we need more writers, but work, plus accuracy, plus conscien- new season and ne~w rules must gov- pers of lovely but simple design. Per-
fewer, well-trained ones, picked men tiousness and a lot of other things ern selection. The key-word of the baps they were of soft kid embroid-
and women who have recived specific whiche within yourselves." costume should be "chic. Tob red in color or they may have been
aining Miss Dew believes that the young "chic" is to be correct. From ;the erocaded metal cloth with kid straps.
literary aspirant should be trained novel decorations at the top of the If th were cut low at the instep and
Miss Dw sa Mfithywere ctolow awthedistps.n
jonalthe same as any other specialist, that new hats to the small, leather bow onsbut
ha s hadI a b~roadl andl varied junl i."hc if the toe was gracefully tippedhu
istic career as an editor, writer, and journalism should be taken as seri- the toe of the opera pump," is not pointed, they were right and must
lecturer. Her experiences have fur-!ously as any other profession such as the word that describes everything. have added to the charm of her cos-
nished a basis for many interesting law or mediume. Small1ess m I1's e. un.
stories. She has ridden across the "Publishers are already recognizing Fashion decrees that bobbed heads miannisli Costumes Popular
couhtry on a locomotive, crossed the the fact that schools of journalism shall wear small hats for another j Ever copying the masculine mode
Pacific cin a freight ship as the guest have passed the experimental stage, season. The small, close-fitting hat and improving upon it in smart dis-
of the California and Oriental Steam- that they are more than necessary is almost universally becoming, tinction the sport costume of the
ship company, visiting various ore-1 evils. It is all right to quote Abraham charmingly simple, and certainly use- modish woman is individual and man-
( ial _ports, and was the first woman Lincoln and other great men as shin- ful and sensible. None of the so- nish. Blouses, sweaters, tweed suits,
to make a trin in the aerial tramway ing examples of what has been achiev- tcalled "playful breezes" can disturb slippers, even hats and hair-cuts copy
at. I long Kong which was the only one ed without college training. Self-edu- its poise; cold weather proves its 1 the masculine style. They are smart,
in existence at the time aside from cation is a great thing and the world !useful comfort. neat and easy to wear and in the right
the one at Gibraltar. is filled with men and women who Shapes vary little, distinctive novel- combinations, extremely chic. There
During the recent joint meetings of have "arrived" without the back ties vary much. From thehigh are a few warnings, however, that the
tHie University Press club and the ground of a college education. But I pompon or the winged bow at the very well-dressed must heed if she wishes
Woman's Press association, Miss Dew if these self-made men and women top to the dropping feathers or bunch- to be hailed as "MissI 1925" at her
was approached by several students were asked to express their candid ed drop at the neck-line, decorations best.
with the question as to the value of opinion on the subject they would are novel. In imitation of the Tyro- First: Beware of combining the
schools of;journalism. One of the undoubtedly say, 'I have always felt lhan are silk felt and especially leath- wrong colors. It is well to avoid
sc ns sod oualism. p Onse ofd i handicapped that I was not privi- er models,--no sport outfit is complete contrast and cling to harmony unless
cotudtaged her by his frank statement leged to lay the foundation of my edu- without one. The newest French you are sure of your color scheme.
rae herbylhiserankplostaentcation by specific training.' model is the "Pierrot" with a tiny Seconfl: Too much severity is
fro a school of journalism. "That is about all a school of turned-up rim and a big fluffy pompon, monotonous but too much detail is
afJournalism can do for you, just lay a a high at the top. Novel still is the tragic. Be sure you do not wear that
Miss Dew urged the students not to foundation. But in the structure of a Arab-like turban, close-fitting and chic patterned sweater with your
let such a biased remark affect them. building, great or small the founda- 1 low. The mannish shapes, so popular equally stylish striped skirt and plaid
"Such a man," she said "Is built on tion is very important. Lay yours in early fall, are disappearing. Small- scarf. Each is mddish but the com-
narrow-gauge lines. He is suffering well. Study English with a real love I ness is chic, distintcion without a bination is impossible. A' single in-
inm acute petrifaction and you would for iti Read good English. Write difference is artistic. consistent detail may ruin an effect
not enjoy being i his employ. Who good English. But above all, learn Favor Simplicity in Pumps otherwise charming.
wants to work for a man who is al- that the knowledge a man has does Keeping step with fashion in foot- Finally: If yoi are small, inclin-
ways looking backward, who ses only not insure usefulness if lie has ac- wear leads down various well-defined ! d to be dainty in this age when all
t ie hole in tihe doughnut? This is an
age ofholirim, ot pessimism, of nquired it lop-sider fashion. That is paths where vogue, supreme, is meas- that is feminine strives toward mas-
S of optimis, not pessimism,ofwhat Huxley meant when he said: ured by feet. If you wonder at the culinity,--leave the sport costume out
conlstruction, insteal c estruction. 'lhe value of a cargo does not com- busy lady who gets to her eight of your wardrobe. Let the swagger
Sud o uran, like Lot s wife, is destin- pensate for a ship being out of trim. 'o'clock class on time, notice the smart ! swagger, but you be yourself
c(I to turn into a pillar of salt. The
time is not. far distant when the up-
to-ate publisher will say, 'I am un-
wiling to employ anyone who does ! ii

-$ "~ -~ oMANt EOR 'to 7
~- 3 SnOTS AMD _
eAas -ONLYX 25 tARtiS 11.
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0. A
By N4)RMAN E. BROWN. and long. High collars were chic.
Mrs. Dorothy Hurd may be placed Gloves guarded milady's hands from
on a pedestal as representing the the callouses of clubbing and the
feminist spirit of 1925. ravages of the wind and sun.
Her achievement more than any Could this woman of another day-
one other feature in the sport world 15 years ago- hope to compete with
typifies the "new woman"-That it those who had grown up with the
should is unusual and doubly inter- modern game; those who had grown
esting in view of Mrs. Hurd's age-if up with the free stride, mannish swing
we may mention that. and carefree game of the men as
Mrs. Hurd won the national women's women "invaded" the field of recent
golf title by defeating Miss Mary years?
Browne in the finals in a tournament Evidently she could. At least she
that produced some of the most bril did.
liant golf exhibited by the feminine But it was not the Mrs. Hurd of 15
sex since they invaded the Scottish years ago. She had changed her garb I
game on a general scale. and her style of play
Her personal magnetism as well as a
her play won the attention of thi Up to a year or two ago she had
galleries from the first day's play., clung to her early training-her
Here was a woman of yesterday gloves and her ladylike grip. She
come back to claim her own. held the club with her palms. The
They remembered her "heyday" gloves further restricted her driv-
when, in 1909 and 1910 she don the ing. Her drives were accurate but
national title. That was back in the i not powerful.
days of the balloon tire skirts, roomy When she decided to seek her lost

laurels in earnest about a year ago
she altered her game completely. She
laid aside the gloves, donned a shorter
skirt, a loose sweater, and changed
her grip on the clubs entirely. She
adopted the interlocked grip.
The first result of the changes was
a more masterful style of play. Her
drives were lengthened 25 and then
50 yards. Her irgn shots were sur-
pAising 'even to herself in the firsi
weeks of practice under the new con-
She retained one characteristic,
however-an Indian stocism and calm-
ness in her play. This helped "carry
her through to victory when she met
Glenna Collett, Edith Cummings, Mar-
ion Hollins, Miriam Burns the pick of
the feminine golfers of the country.
Most of her competitors were young.
young enough to be her daughters.
Altogether her play stands out as

not come to me with a diploma from
a school of journalism.'
"A diploma will not insure any pub-


Church Conference
The conference of religious workers
among university students which is
being held at the Chicago Beach Hotel
in Chicago this week is being attend-
e(I by several Ann Arbor delegates.
Mr. H. R. Chapman of the Baptist
church, Mr. Herbert Jump of the Con-
gregational church, Mr. H. C. Coffman
and Mr. H. A. Grafton of the Student
Christian Association, Miss Mary A.
Ross of the Y. W. C. A., Mr. L. R.
Reiman and Mrs. N. 13. Cadwell of the
Presbyterian church, and John Diel


Are You One of
---Who didn't sign up for your Daily at the
beginning of thie semester

one of the greatest bits of golfing ex- hoff and John Elliott as undergrad1
hibited in the past year. She triumph- - 2ate delegates are among those pres-
ed over a field of fair golfers who havo ent.
set the pace in making women's golfI
a. faster game, faster by from five to Cougregational Church
10 strokes than it was i1 yeai's ago. Rev. Marion Hall of Maebashi, Jap-
Truly a wonderful performance., an will be the guest of Rev. Herbert
Her showing ranks with that of Wal- A. Jump and Mrs. Jump this week
ter Hagen from the spectacular stand- end. The student fellowship group
point. (Continued on Page Fifteen)
lb i

The Last Day!!
If you want a Prize of
$25, $15 or $10
for writing a Student Letter on
"The Church I Would bike to Find"
Write Today;




Be Brief-Not Over 800 Words
Send to Box 34, Michigan Daily

owls 11


I', w .

A McClure Home for Every Family
Whatever your profession. Wherever your lot. There's a
McClure design, ready to be built, distinctive and harmonious for
that particular location. McClure homes meet the emphatic appro-
val of contractors and architects, as they comply with the most
exacting demands, structurally and in attractiveness. They appeal
to the Home Buyers of this city as we have erected over 125 in Ann
Arbor. Call at our office and investigate the McClure Complete
Home Building Service. We have thirty-eight photographs of
McClure Homes, from which Architects are continually working to
better the McClure Home and have devoted yearstto produce a home
that will prove durable, ,attractive and one that will have a high
resale value. Our financing proposition is very attractive.
Ann Arbor Home Builders Association

Martin H aller
112 East Liberty St.
Offers Decided Reductions on
WHITTALL Wilton Rugs
Discontinued Numbers, Some Are Slightly Soiled.
Anglo-Persians, 9x12 Size, Now $115.00
Spring Price, $150.00
Anglo-Kirmans, 9x12 Size, Now $103.50
Spring Price, $132.50
Royal Worcesters, 9x12 Size, Now $98.50
Reduced from $125.00
Teprac Wiltons, 9x12 Size, Now $75.00
Spring Price, $105.00
Other Sizes at Proportionate Reductions.
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---Who has been waiting until "those others"
have read their Dailies, so that you could
read THEIR paper?
---Who has a Dad and Mother at home, who
are more interested in you and what you
are doing than they are in themselves-
and you have never had the Daily sent to
---If YOU ARE one of these, stop at the Press
Building and sign up.
Prices for the remainder of the year



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