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January 11, 1925 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1-11-1925

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Dooks and W riters

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-iscue nmefrhisrfbahslttle acu
In R FibaI direct and trenchant criticism of con Life of Hl
bliorap Ea andPersnaltemporary literature and is now endArvl
Br1a rc iEeD Fom the book jacket) Manieto tering the fed f t noveists Hs h and ha
I m ~Artiiur Annesley Ronald Firbanle, lshed by G. P. Ptaman's Sons, New You ma
.._ the second and only surviving son of ---- York, oetm ti ot."n_..am_
the late Major Sir (Joseph) Thomas) "It will not be necessary for us, B .Hesh aig ae nobthr
TIE FLOWER BENEATH THE FOOT. T H'1E REIIABILITA:'TIONV OF E VE. By Frirbank, M. P., and Jane Harriette, Godfrey D. Eaton, '23, has secured (.hANp.ubebshhrhavngttakenuto butscrrebi
y Ronld Frban. NewYork Salie Hvey. hicao. Hmmi-daughter of the late Reverend James- unto himself a page in the New York the kind of page Mr. Eaton will con- h sevsanwpaeobsnssathfrm
A 2 . ce, 121. $250- Perkins Garret of Kilgarron County' Sunday Telegraph where he will re duct. Those who ksnow him know 30 Irving Place, N. Y. C., have issued "He is,h
u- is a touch- !Toying with an old theme of Rder ?Carlow, was born in London in 1886- ,bosoerhsodsgatr-wa oexetadtoe h o' lestyelwiruat nnnchdag,
as of a group. Its' Haggard, Sallie Hovey here attempts Hie was educated "abroad" and at G. D. E. The sample page'that we t may readily find out by reading histh acaswlassvr ren portrait b
:, aimost be called a' to prove his statement. "Life is won- Trinity College, Cambridge. Hle still have seen composed in much the same " aife. ,gwthats o factnd s he l asr e vlrnc utte n g
literary current if it weren't more derful. That there should be means travels extensively. Last summer warm and flowing style as the delicate on this page.''! Scotch Iaia
likely (since they get nowhere) that! of perpetuating it is not." She's found him1 in Spain and Portugal; trifles he used to pound off in the old, In the "Manifesto,'' Eaton cuts him- eighth volume of Gerhart Haupt-; authentic
thtte r ned.quite a woman, is Miss Hovey. Sen this winter finds him in Rome. Daily Sunday Magazine. self off from every group, cursing mann's plays in translation, this vol-I same tim
While far from legion, their names head of the National Woman's Part:,i Elkin Mathewvs issued Firbank's{ All the old Eaton is still here. AllI horribly at them. Then he talks mie to include three titles one of mne than t
are sufficienty' brilliant to give pause 'and an early leader in the suffrage first bunk, Odette d'Antrevernes, in the old railing, all the old targets- about his own honesty and Integrity which, if we are not mistaken, is has ever
to anyone who must perform a review movement, and you ought to sec the 190. This slender volume of forty- Christopher Morley, Brander Matt- and fearlessness. Then he gracefully! Indipohdi. instead o
on any work of Mr. Firbank Aldous authorities she quotes -Nietzsche five pages, bound in grey wrappers, hews, John Farrar, Heywood Broun,;admits his own faults, prejudices and * * P
Huxley, VanVechten, Michael Arlen,- Shaw , Christ, Cmar Khaayyam and a stamrped in gol-d, also contains A the log-rollers. Still the old refrain blindness. Mr. Eaton is getting along Thsiswho readtgAeianMr sr
onecoud cnjue nwadys iththelotof the modern philosophers- Study in Temperance, suggestive in about his grog ---e.g. "I have never in the world. ryaeriytthfathtMraha,
names of these charming people. They, Chas. T. Russell, Joseph F. Ruther~ tyle of his later work. Of OdetteI met Mr. Monahan, but I hope to some -J., cKop reprbishetoathewfactkthatMr.s - hamsw.
are the six hest sellers-of a certain ford, E. S. Martin. there was also a tall paper edition, day--preferably over the best beer; Kn.pfapuitses y a nehooeof mated himein
kind: Being a suffragette Miss Hovey ad limited to ten copies, bound in vellum, obtainable." Age has not withered It is with pleasure that we can ob- iRed; bys addedhtelnd caw-edy vamking
Charm is the index to their manner; dresses herself to Eve, desirous of re- from which A Study in Temperam ent Mr. E th.asi adpdyseedld se v the Blicti n o b o fnd Ca an vas sc pe f o the% st alk ng r
albeit in some instances, an acidu- storing her to er pre-apple c ndi-' was omitted. This story was also ex- tricks of vho pin g up a little known poems entitled Sonnets from the P t-oal C12a sa'scape , t.)o the or lthas?' 'C
loo s charm . So far as I know M r. Fir- tion but there's a lot of good dope wc' eluded fro m Grant R ichard's re p int Beadsas he gr ate t yr c p et A mtno as an byoax Ethgenalu nu P cke B ok ser esha d p oj ct a en T!
bank is a pioneer In the extravagant men can make use of. of Odette (wrappers) in 1916 Fir- erica has produced-this time J3., of the progenitor of this page.BueJd Lbry fbkswchfyur
pursuit of this elusive characteristic It seems there is a continual push-,bank's other books, are: Vainglory( Nicholson, the Line O' 'Type artist of fPAROIZ DILnDVRTSyedha grpakeffct.tl certi)Bu adeirr f booswichbof enyoem
htthpakafts Hecrany ing out from within natural to all. (1910), Inclinations (1916), Caprice the Chicago Tribune. ...And "ave ejoATdONIZE DAILYity ADtERTIleEa
antedates Pater Whiffle and quite existence, which accounts for thr, lack (1917), Va1mouth (1919), The Princess'the same old trick, s;wiped from the IIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
possibly the early work of Huxley. of flat surfaces in 'living obiects. Zoubaroff, (a comedy in three acts; Mnknh al eecno rg
Word went around at the time When this ceases we begin to weaken, 1920), Santal (wrappers, 1921), The; ging into his discourses the mtouthy
Chrome Yelow' was given to a wait- the muscles become flabby and nee- Flower Beneath the Foot (1923), and technical puses he learned in ZoRMCrwl 'O
Ing world that the style and manner less, the eyes flatten and become Prancing Nigger (1924). These vol- ology one: 'Iack cf appreciation and4
of 'Thomas Love' Peacock was the myopic, the legs become straight and~ umes are embellished by designs by lack of poets are dtead chromosme in
Negro in Mr. Huxley's woodpile; Mr. weak. This flattening process can be Felicien Reps, Albert Rutherston, the same unfertilized egg."
VanVechten's enthusiasm seems to stopped by concentration upon that Augustus John, Michel Sevier, Al-I He calls his page "The Court of Pl
point to certain drafts on Ouda and portion of the anatomy afflicted. Con- Bert Buhrer, C. R. W. Nevinson, Books-with its Nobles, Knaves, and .
on Firbank himslf. But Firbank---- centration starts the old power pusb-'Wyndham Lewis, and Robert Locher.1 Fools." The publishers' note.about MMS r n o , ) f n
what of him? Hs, at any rate, has no ing again (it's been there all the timre,- him, in large type at the top of the Billo ,D.& H.a
obvious literary antecedents; it may, just lying down on the jiob) and then To trim that bath. .. Rafael Saba- page, says that his name "has appear-
be that he has "digested them more first thing you -kiow: you've beat tn picked off the Adolf Zukcor $10,- ed in a number of literary sections ARAMie ertn
thoroughly than the others. Faust and Jurgen-X000 prize for the story made into the and critical magazins. . ..within the A ta ie e o
There is an aspect of his style Of course there ire tther things best moving picture past few years,.." and that he hasRA
which, while amusing to the accus-'which help. Take osteopathy, for in- S lC k
beginner in the perusal of his esoteric. short-sightedness, deafness, and
art. He always approaches his narra- colds.°
tive sidewise. Thus the fleeting tale Then to you want to relax, avoid Ge Re A.3 Pc
of Ir,cnations takes place almost tension because thats what stops this JohnSays l e u n o o a
entirely between th quotation marks; power thats pushing out and aboveEg a d mp.
toits characters' conversation;- the all things learn to dne vroeCm ni n aeyu
temperamntal flctuations of the ele- knows how a stenographer can dance.;C t rr o 1aidhv yO "'
ental Mouth menage in Prancing' all night, no matter how tired she's irst Sunday dinner here a etV rii and Ke,
ZUger drift casually through the been at the office all day-that shows y ou wvet eaveVtheinaalanereea
"gs of that book; and the incipient' Eve used to dan(ce from place to placeyo WrtaetemifHr. snu
dy of Laura de Naziani in the! instead of walking, before thre sherift C?
twork occurs with the rapid angel serve eviction papers on her p h aX u 1alsadchp hAM!1F ad20--fle
of scene and snujet of a cinema.) The best of all this is,.ta thte/nte asousem adch s ; Pne8-Fad 07-OleC
1 euse to discuss the hopeless love! camnpaign has divine sanction. Re )ave always been considered tic ",
of Laura and the Heir Apparent to the member what Christ said: "He that befOrhihsadrdhsni
Thrgaae of Pisuerga, Prince Youseff~' believeth in )Ve shall have everlat- -t u hg tnad esntM
an! how he was finally betrothed and ing life." Of course this has been i-Changed. _
_nted to ,the English princess, leay- ;terpreted Co mean heavenly existenceFET E lIAa o n Mo lcg
n, aur ocliec e uaiebtS.alwsr os3frtainthood in the convent of the Flam-'and you know what Nietzsche says of 0
ng-Hood The story doesn't matterl St Paul s
ar i, iSfimm+ oh. h r~ nMrm;nV. ovin." " fse

al distribution." Stendhal's
nri Brulard and Barbey
's Diaboliques are the first.
,y not care for either Cun-
Graham or Bernard Shaw,
s what the latter says about
I understand, a Spanish
ence the superbity of his
y Lavery (Velasquez being
available). He is, I know, a
ird. H-ow he contrives to be
Uly the two things at 'the
e is no more intelligible to
he fact that everything-that
happenedatohim seem t
fin Spain or Scotland. He
et to addan Impenitent' and
ould have dazzled d'Orsa r
With that hat he once salut-
Regenlt Street whsere T' vas
with my mother. Her inter-
instantly kindled. 'Who is
unninghame Graham.' 'Non,
unnin:ghame Graham is one
Socialists. That man is a
,d Pittston
. . 10.45
7 ' .f
. .9.50
ntucky Coal
ornwell Blocke
t N




x _1


r ?i1': rthing, matters but the way o s Z5 ey uvv3
tf doe Mr.- Firbanik's. sidlri7 ge© le is to .ock forw rd to theffis
f trscu ada. ayproceeding as it does byc and sixties with p-easur E, retlax,
innuendo permits him to mention theI dance, concentrate upon the harts of
plvumbing and the less conventional: your body that are weakening, aind
styles of sex with impuity from cen- enjoy life. Above all things Will to
sors- because he can't be very seri- live. Sell yvo-_rselr on the idea you're
ous. It may be Art, but' is it Litera- .going'toreh three hundred and you
tore?I will for (and here is the keynote of
-Jno. PanurgeI the book) man can do anything he
iwills to.
Why You Nlay Always
Have a Goodh T im
at G.ranger 's
Many contentions h-ave been 0,dvanced
as to what were the essentials t,,, good
entertainment at dincing. S1ome ld
that music was the imnportanlt element
some cniphasized that the 11oor and the
place of dancing was more vital, w
others contended that the congeniali yc I
the dancers counted mnost.
At. Granger s you are assured ofI a , nod
time becau'e all these requirenrts tare'
Most satisfactorily answered. The mnuSzac
by Bill Watkins and his Granger E; ,ht '
iS real good MUSIC. The appoina~te !r' t. of
the surroundings-the Academy illen
eru --are Ideal andte cro vdis a- : ,-
srenial cas one could wish. for.-'
Da ncing 4.s usual on We~dnes d, md q'1i r
and Saturday Nights

Across from D. F. R. Depot .m
"We've been serving the beef for years."
. x
'. Ii11111 E]p ltiSil llilif flf llllillllflifo11111111i1111l1lIIIIIIIClIllllllllllilliwlllllllllillllllh'


11% Cho ce o a Career
From the Yale News?
T Someone, probably an insurance
! ~agent, was quoted recently as saying
that from the mass of one hundred
college graduates one individual only
rose to the Polo and butler class, peril-
~ously near the top of the financial lad- "
der. Five others became comfortably
off and found themselves after twenty
"i X years at the small yacht and chauffeur
stage. The other ninety-four presum-
ably congregate in the great section of
the American people who drive teir
own Buicks to the golf club. In other
words, dreaming about being a rich f
a' ~man is one thing, and making the grade
is "something else again."
Yet the ninety-four presumably work
I~r just as hard as the sumptuous six. Their
business is the axis on which a small
and uninteresting world revolves. They
have become devotees of the dollar 7
and when that fickle deity deserts, have
nowhere else to turn. Jammed in a
dull, straight rut of business they can
never leave the road and jump the f ence
gj, into finer fields of life. This, then, is
'I" ~the portion of ninety-four men out of i
every hundred now on the campus.
The answer to the problem lies in
the proper choice of a career. P
Between now and Commencement we Io
shall have something to offer on the
rwi subject of "Careers." Watch for the space
I~j , with the Famous Signature. ,

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Memory Tonic
It is surprisig how the ever-read-
iness of Eversharp prompts the
jotting down of passing thoughts,
and facts-and ow quickly the
habit of ccwriting it down" improves
the ability for accurate remembrance.
Six new features make Eversharp
a finer writing instrument than
before.-non-clogging rifled tip,
quick reloading, complete inter-
changeability of parts, are the most
Put a new Eversharp in your
pocket. And for complete prepared-
ness, match it with a Wahl Pen.
Prices $1 to $45, at all dealers.
Made in the U. S. A. by
Capradian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto
Maufratrers f heWl .7v~ersarp and the Wahl


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tom, mom: __a.

ipi-d t1 -r

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