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September 28, 1924 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 9-28-1924

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TZEaaversi y




eague Policy
Proves Success
irger receipts than ever beforo
e proved the wisdom of the newj
,y which was adopted by the WVo-'
i's League buildling campaign con-
e last year. Formerly, each house
encouraged to compete with the
r in respect to the amount ot
ey that it could turn over to the
gue. By the new plan, the energy
ll the womnen was concentrated
r. two or three algre projects and a
smaller ones, but all under the
ction of the League rather than
dividual houses. This did away
1 the duplication and unnecessary l
fusion as to dates of events, to-
er with excessive demands for
a-curricular work. With Helen
Brown, '25, as chairman of the
paign committee, the new methol
continue to be employed this





On Child Labor Ban


Unity Of Life Essential,
States President OfLeague

Making Michigan women feel at,
home is the first duty of the Women's


The financial success which marked
o Christmas bazaar, tea room, and
oe ance which was held in Barbour
rmnasium last December, was suf-
:ent to warrant a similar and even
ore elaborate affair this year.
A contest for the prizesmoney-mak-
g idea resulted in the plans for a
_heckerboard Inn" which where sub-
itted by Westminster house. It was
ld April 4, in Betsy Barbour resi-
nce, and consisted of a tea room in
nnection with a sale of brass ar--
Iles. This was a decided success,
d it is expected that son essimilar
,et will be included in this year's
Last year for the first time, pro-
sion was made for independent
>men to participate in the Panhelle-
c ball, and this event also yieldedl
ofits for the League.
The rummage sale which was held'
the spring proved excedingly pro-1
able, as did the booth in University
II at which candy and blue books
cre sold during the year. The
ague also received some of the re
rns from the Junior and Senior:
ays, and a certain per cent on goods
rchased by Michigan students at
me Ann Arbor and Detroit stores.
>st of the successful features of the
st year's plans will be repeated this
Vomen Continue
Work Of League
During Summer
Activities of the Women's League
ntinued to play an important role
the life of University women dur-
g the summer due to the large num-
r registered in the summer session.
One of the first social events plann-
by Rosalea Spaulding, '25, presi-
nt of the eLague during the summer
s a reception held in the gardens
d on the terrace of Martha Cook
ilding... Dean Jean Hamilton was

- - - - - - -- -- -

Ratification of the Child Labor
amendment has become the chief
work of the National League of Wom-
en Voters, and in support of this pol-
icy, members will endeavor to get out
75 'per cent of the women vote in

November. Women directing the
work, snapped at a meeting in Wash-
ington, D. C., are: Front row--(left to
right) Miss Ruth Morgan, New York
City; Miss Julia Lathrop, Phila-
delphia; Miss jBelle Sherwin, national
president; Mrs. Ann Webster, New

Mexico. Back row (left to right):
Mrs. John J. Chapian, Mrs. Harris
T. Baldwin, Mrs. W. D. Brookings, all
of Washington; Miss Esther Dunshee,
Chicago; Miss Mollie Ray Carroll,
Baltimoge; Minnie Fisher Cunning-
ham, Texas.

guest of honor at thereception andEW
fnew women on the campus had the ca El i s h ta d
opportunity to become acquainted
with the Dean before she left for Used In w zsterzng women
New York where she -spent the re-
mainder of the summer. Michigan
songs and Tang and Taveras, campus Mrs. Amy Hobart, assistant Dean Use of the cards is expected to re-
serenaders made up the entertain- of Women, is largely responsible for sult in the better combination o0
ment for the afternoon. the new system of registration for groups which have congenial inter-
"The Puppet Review" was present- women which was inaugurated this gests. it is practically impossible in
ed under the auspices of the Women's year. Large white cards were filled t
League July 10, in the Mimes campus out by all womeni students. Starting bralartogethace as the Uvrsinter
theater. The plays were given by their year of entrance into the Uni-
the Puppeters, a group of students versity, their various interests out- ested in dramatics or music or athle-
in the University. side of their actual college work, and tics merely as a hobby.
The third: party given by the Wo- the year they expect to graduate. In organizing these cards it was
men's League was a tea held July 11, They furnish the office of the Dean desired falso to obtiain a systematic
at Adelia Cheever house for all Uni- of Women as well as the Women's and thorough knowledge of the needs
versity women. More than 50 women League with a catalogue of the wo- 'of self-supporting girls, in order to
attended this League function. men students and their interests. obtain for them the type of work they
D gk J Heretofore when such data was desir- are fitted to do. It has been charged
During the week of July 21 tothe ed it was necessary to go to the eg that there is a general tendency to
whenreprsenttive fro allof N istai oie to look it up.'I is ex- ovecrowd certain lines of work and
states in the fourth region of the NaIt
_Tac_.__.nectedl thtesec1 will It a on as possible these lines willabe

League in the opinion of Charlotte
Blandon, '25, president insterviewed.
recently. It is the only organization
on the campus, she believes to which
every woman student belongs, and{
because of this must make the great- ,
est efforts toward its goal.
The first aim of the League is to
make Michigan women feel that there
is a unity of life at the University.
The privileges shared on campu:i
succeed, in part, in this and the
League furthers the feeling by the
co-peration which its work requires,
There is something for everybody to
do as its activities are numerous. Tea
rooms are operated, candy boothsI
ir-anaged, and a big bazaar and rum-
mage sale given during the year from
which the proceeds go into the fund
for the new League building.
"Every year, "Miss Blangdon says,"
it is easier to find girls who are will-.
ing to drop lesser activities and de-
vote themselves to League work. 'They
find it a profitable pleasure for'the
Classes Now Forming
State and Williams
ever composed is improved if it
be written on dainty stationery.
You know how you judge other
people's letters. Well yours
comes in for the same criticism.
Get your stationery here and
your correspondence will be
above reproach. Your good taste
and refinement will be plainly
reflected in the stationery we have
supplied you.
The Stationery and Typewriter Store

Arcade Bran~ch

New and

wideness of associatins and broaaler =
possibilities of contact makes the k
average student life less humdrum
and the girls themselves more cap-1o k -
able." =
This coming year the League is ="
contInuing the same policy as that = Try Our
of last year There is a general comDj
mittee cglled the Undergraduate Cam-
paign Fund commuitte which has
charge of all efforts to raise money 1
for the League. As has been the atthe
custom the League will take three or
four major activities and carry them g
through successfully thus interesting =-
as large a number of people as pos- GO D.S
Socially the League fills a very nec
essary part in the life of the womenfe
students. Many parties take place
in Barbour gymnasium which pro- 2 699 E WILLIAMS
motes new friendships as well as af-
fording an afternoon of amusement.-
The fancy dress party is the largest
enter1tainment of the year given by 1l
the League. Individuals and groups
ten for the cleverest masquerrade. d the W ant Ads





Sweaters, Blouses,
Underwear, Hos-

1;. ;:



and Novelties.

tional League of Women voters met
and took part in the Institute of
Government and Politics held at the
University the Women's League as
sisted in the entertainment planned
for the guests in Ann Arbor.
Helen Newberry residence and Bet-
sy Barbour house held a reception
and open house for the League of Wo-
men voters and their guests. Mrs.
George Patterson, president of the
local League of Women voters, was
assisted in receiving the women by
the wives of the Deans of all of the
schools and by the professors who
directed ttie courses in the Institute.

aid in the efficiency of the work of extended and enlarged.
the League. Ars. lobart explains In addition a growing tendency
the new system as merely an expan-. among the women to enter after the
sion of last year's registration, with Freshman year has been noticed.
a view to simplifying the accumula- The new registration cards will make
tion of important dada concerning the it possible to. determine just how
women students on campis. great is the percentage of increase.



Sunday Night Special

What's what for Fall xi
Women's Coats, Dresses
Skirts, Blouses and


1 11

Tenor and Dixie.
Martin String Instruments
Trap Drummers Supplies
Leedy and Ludwig.
Victor Victrolas
Portable, Vertical and Console Styles, $25 to $500.
Victor Records
Up-to-Date Stock Always.
Pianos, Grand and Upright
Pianos to Rent.
Schaeberle & Son Music House
110 South Main St.



. ....



C 1 .



1 I11 1


Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Fall Semester Begins Sept. 23



Student Owned and Operated





E IR V. MOORE, Musical Director
THEODORE HARRISON, Head of Voice Department
GUY MAIER, Head of Pianoforte Department
SAMUEL P. LOCKWOOD, Head of Violin Department
PALMER CHRISTIAN, Head of Organ Department
WILFRED WILSON, Head of Wind Instrument Department
JOSEPH E. MADDY, Head of Methods Department
BYRL FOX BACHER, Dean of Women
and the following artist teachers:







Roo 3211

L'Iterary building

Ava Comin Case (Piano), Mariai Struble Freeman (Violin), Andrew Haigh
(Piano and Theory), Nora Crane Hunt (Voice), Maude C. Kleyn (Voice), Grace John
son-Konold (Voice), Edith Koon (Piano), Ora Larthard (Cello), Clara Lundell, (Piano),
Martha D. Merkle (Piano), Maude Okkelberg (Piano), Mabel Ross Rhead (Piao),
Grace Richards (Piano), Helen Snyder (English), Otto J. Stahl (Piano and Theory),
Nell B. Stockwell (Piano), Nora B. Wetmore (Voice), Anthony J. Whitmire (Violin).

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