PARTLY (JOt-'P ; #iN 1
I an>p
V OL :.XXV. No. 73
,._.._......,_........,... a... .., ,_..
CEIATL nrrrffe
Use Of Tobacco By Fair Sex
dLIflL LIflLJIs Opposed.*, By Woman's Club
NORRI 'M us [E '-Ii the bel ie^ that the use of toba ccr0 effects, hot h phy.ical a nd.imoral, or the
N R I MU LE by kXonhjen<"if pelrsisted inw] iibecome e UOof oaciyluuai sa i
UNIJEIWOILL RE 11M A I N S 0O1'N .adptcd iniaiiini'usly a resolution i-the (in(rrcr5(iirf, la eLst, few yea,11
VOR l{AC'TION ; GAINS I tendedl to put in permnfent form its ;and see nioth ing but evil prospect", 1i1
STRlE NGTH d1 isylea54ure at the growth of the habit ;it continuance.I
-- among nmembers of the fair sex. It was lrnlekJat (ahit eelhourlatlss
VOTE LOSEThe resolution is as follows: W'here- night: tha~t thle claurse in tihe t 11ib'5
X~ ~as smnoking among our County Woi- resolution, "W hcrem'assinoil lug among;
L~aiDipoilio o Ves Pwe ~ en, espe'cially <amng our youngl girl;;, oir County Wonlen'' is not to be Con-f,
is lbecoanig more and mior'e ireva lenit strued as ap~plying to counlty wonien
Nitrate Fl anit Is Still In Air1; and lhaving the conviction that if p~er-; alone, and that the Clubs aim i n pa e;s
hope fo >' csonisidted in it. will become a pernicious ing the resolution was not to discour-
habit, fage the use of the weed in Waslt-
Washington, Jan. 8.---(By A. I'.1-- Be it Resolved, that the W'omnls' n iaw county only, but to deCplore' its
Government operation of Mguscle; Cluib of Ann A ror place itself onl rec- use everywhere.' Members of the clubs
Shoals was disapproved' today by the! ord as being oIposed to the practice." declare that the resolution is milled1
Senate, 48-37, but the whole question ; Th1is resoli tion, which came after at all women who smloke, irresp~ective
of .the final disposition of the great a considlerale discussion of the evil of their place of residlence.l
towver and nitrate plant was leftnt--l
WpI p[I PO'PSSPoet ry And Art Shape Lives
YY I pH0p5[SOf Aesthetic Maj Performers
111i inrc II nlibiilipV ' omiiieul.;if.-t ions
of I'resideilt, 114"Staw-1 ill
A111111al ales . e
\V.-shington, Jan. 8. (fly AlP.)-
A resolut ion p~roposing en try of this
nation into the World courit was in-
t roduced today 1_,y Senator' Willis, Rie-
p~ubl ican, Ohio. It (carries a provision
embodying the reconunendations" of
President Coolidge that the U. S. shall
not be tbound by any adlvisoi'y ~0pilnlon
of. thle coui't.
Thle resolul ioo is in t he nall ire of
a substitute for that offered by Sen-
ator Pepper, lRep~ublican, 1Penimyl-
vania., at, thle la 6t session. and, w itlh
other proposalIs, will comie bet'sre
the sen ate forcign relations coimmit-
tee \Vednfsda y whltin te whole world1
courit 511lajt'if is to be considered. 3~e-
s;des eiii Isdylis g the l'( onIllien(In dons
bl ade by I 'resident (Cool idge in his
annual lt mage last, mon th the Will is
(By 11r. Jason Cowles) I asked how they stoed on thm pet-
"The mlost highbrow bunch of girls quest ion. A howl of derisiont
th at. ever plaiyed at ti, e IMjestic'' is from all three. "No!. It's the lowest
the( wvay m\anyagz'r Gerald I bag tde -diesin nea
scrib~es the company that is no0w play-;!
ing; at his theater in ''A Symlphouiy of; Sticking conservatively to the tra-
Tone and Color.'' "I went into the: inaIvices of t roupers, I askedj
dIressing rooms," saidl 1Mr. Hloag, ex- (about drinking. "Do you driink, Miss
p~ecting to find 'Snappy Stories.' 'What ! \nd e ?'' "No,'' said Aliss Andre. "You,
didl I find?'1]. G. Wells' Outline (if VMiss cldi?"' 'No," said Miss
I tl istory,' ;all kinds of poetry books-- Eckloud. "'You, M is3 WHills?'
TJenntysoni! " 'C ," s;aid miss Willianms-''Nobod;
So l went over to interview tliis ex- iIn thleshow does."
rvpltional troupe. I found Miss Andre "Paftled, I sought. their views onI
imuried deeps in "Tihe Golden Treasury" art--a nd at last founed tilie customary
-ia ding Keats. TIwo mnor'e came in I thing. ''Yes," said Miss And re, "four
-one a college graduate and sorority years ago we usedl to give 'em straight
mnembler. classical. 'But the demand for jaz ti
I showed themi the resolution just Is too strong. In our act now we give'
psassedl by tho Woman's Club against 'ems the first twelve bars of Thais'--
smuoking in Waslitenaw County, andj and then we give 'em ia jazzed version
asked for their views on the question. 1 of it. They won't take any more."
y Oeothmare whleatdyi As, the girls were beginning to cast
with the resolution; one thought girls longing looks toward their "Outlines
might smoke in their boudoir:;, but oif history" and their Tennysons, their I
not in Ipublic; the third thought girls Oimar lKhayyains and their Rachtnan-
;shouldl be allowed to smoke all the inoff pireludles in C sharp minor, I left
time anywhere. them.
Will1 Sell Tr raIsfei-able Books ofl2
Sw int Tiekets for *:; ,a l A d t n iiu
Promises of active co-operation
from the inter-fraternity council have
given new impetus to the interest
aroused in the completion of the Un-
ion swimming pool by the offer of the
Alumni association to raise poart of
the necessary funds provided the stu-
dents raise the rest. It has been dle-
cided by the U~nion , to hold a final cam-,
p'zign to finish the 'tank and plans are
being made for the drive.
The vote came oni liehe uestion of
substituting the Underwood leasing 0 O F R O O S C N I E
bill for the Norris govermnt opei'a-W s [ N
tioni plan. The effect of the vote was fp
to kill the Norris measure, but the
ljn1derwood 1bi11 still is before thle
cra(l substitutes for it have bseen 1pro-
posedr. Consideration of these wi li be P.LnlrlWl ~bosc ritSnti lxe'Ssui (wI~i~
begun tomiorrow with the Refpullicsanj Ii 11taS1(rnofNwA,#ii.lso fNemke
leaders hopeful of getting the subject Color Org'ai 01O thlief Exec tivc
on the Senate caleildar, templorarily,
at least, b~y the end of this week or TICKETS SELL RAPIDLY I GOY. G ROESBECK SPEAKS
early next wee(k.- -
Whatever the final form of the Sern-''i. Tickets for Thomas Wtilfred'si re- Lansing, Jan. .- By A. P'.)- -11igli
ate bill, It must go to confei'ence fo twatnaehihloiis
cosdr inter ihte busczital on his Coloar Organ, the (lavi - wyfnne hc zu)i, t wt
co:Ieain eewt tefosI ouatstandling issue olb s ession of
I-easur~e accepiting thle offer of H-enr'lux, have been selling uap;idly li- the s;taite legisrla t ire, wasr brourght
Ford dspite the fact that the offer ;luig the two days of their sale!. Tlhe forcibly becfore t1w assremsbly today.
has been withdrawn since the hiouse Clavilux will be pi'esented on Tues-i Wit hin a few nliiiiutes aifter (governor
acted at the last session. Grcbchi nhdAiei~rgb'
Although it has been the i.;hirct. day, Ja inary 1:,, in IHil and itornum ose'khdcnlulo c df 3
Imnessage urgims gtle speedy e fna ..i mint
of sharp and concerted attacks sriucs by thie dAnn Arbor branch of the Am1ier- I£ot a. finar;!c4? 10311, a{plir Of blls, sug-
its coinsitleration began imlmediatel, ican "s-ociatio.n of iii Ves'sity \Wosen.gets wihangson txlvs
upon the opening of this session 0ofrrlThe tickets are priced at $1.50, $1,! were suhuril I ed ill lie enat by Senl
Congress, the Undlerwood bill devel. ;Ijat or li o'r, r rd St. Pax erv, of' I i'a tiidI al
opol ,raterunepetef sren~tli ri$.75} and $.50J, and are onl sale at the i(
thie voting today, with moos t(if the:Stte strieet, bookstores . TIhe weil?t iii e"« i n'' l rle:; tha~t.
Republican leaders ,uiipporting it. j Dr. Warren 11. Lombard, piiresident I li('ensers be is-suid finrI192- on the a sis
Whether it can hold this strength of the Ann Arbor' Art asso ciationi has 'Iof7ceta iide'wigtorp-
whe, (n the testl comes(in the;! Jones and' consented to introduce Mr. WilIfredl, rad8)c''tsoondl-
Vadsworth suirbstituite pr lmosing r'd-; and many of the. professors Iin the var-i las- for tiraclks. 'The gasolisie bill calls
ervilce of the i u- stion to a prfesiden. ions (lelpaituients of the University If~r a levy of 2 cenrts a;i. ;.11011 on fuel
tial commission aidmitt(dly is probe-1 have endorsed the en :.gagemrent. ; i ;r in ' i vcl i i's:,, tbutsot ffee'
lnatical. Seone of thelieRepuiblicatns FMi. Wilfred's, detailfed progra ~n t}gie p it il, anua ifry ut; , 91.Tiw
toting for the I'nderwood ]bill today1 which has jU~t. hbeen re~ceived by the vr'i gis.t.-oie' roex ciiie,. wbih it is
;;az~c they kwce r opseo to ,government' local comiiiiit~, sasf(>Ioivs : festin t''1d xx ol y iebi lighttby i1i +,-.
(qperat ion Il i emPnot. ye~t prepzared P'irii i i5 l~i~iOi0.wudb' i
0o markn lcdecision1 asto the final dis- In trodution ........... I~..Wv' ilIfred ;Ilils i'iien ut ;nilert his vo' ;"-Vheliii'01
pu);it ion of fthe ilant. I;f r ".lxt a lff+r ~~~.v:}lf
('hief :suporriers fom' t le l'iid ier.viood a.orins . scc iinchsKea: r(ilsevia1g;ol i ~' tax I cwould' e f r' rI ed io
bill came from the majority Side, 30) oi usbUCr'idoghey: a ru 5iS Wig t edis Ic ousit.lerdardI
7te n 1''ti nsvoting I'or it .as against rango. al'O itiidWaioi.
18 ] lemocra ts. 'Twenty DeinoraVii U. COp. 341. trngtua 4nyiir3F tusde. Te Ii it r nie rai lfre' i iiioill-,'s s
and 10; Repubilicanus and one l'a r t c O. 4 S nt re. tlilyh- lgI 1 l iutii mi strat i';Ju 1 a fti)'ri ao
labor member opposed it.depth and in ajo'sti,,snot io !!_._; jlrrli'a1.with (ey wer drw tift 'rck
prioposal1 (01
put for ardt
approved I
splvcifically I
taluess to i
k etwel the'~l
'The 1.llitc 'I
onl eqimalit y
' l'lse ti it e
I l aa''lof the
E :sall nlot. be
G',f'51 of tle1
The I"' igna
iusd1;1i' t h tt~i t'd lii
I 10 ia i"+c'S I tie
Prsor. flow
z i
rota ned the res5ervatious
by Scrret a syr11 sig;hesand
by I 'iesioleiit Yk iding.
they: proi'oP5(that
adheicreance sln: II not lie
volvye aniy legal relationsl
U.S. and t he League of1
lste;Irsihll Iialit'pate
WillIi otlmev statc's whirls
rf';~"2iviy of the
.1 t!b: a :,,iionlly oft' I
cl States will lazy a fali'
cx' e ()fs c threcourst.
Ito for' the Woi'tbr'dour't
('i I .=n -;i wat hols . O o
iii'e of the u nitedb States
-v a ffixed toiIIhe jprot ocol
,nrtJsy sswsr-s shiall havef
Itcoughi a ii 'exchange (of
cpt anct'oeHe 111Mh iuii
yar B.( L tax ewis of thIse phy-
ruen] strsy deplartmient mn
schoiol will speatk (inl "In-
o'clock tonight at Natural
it oriuni as thle second lee:-
le coursse under the aus-
Sigmna Xi and ,Junior Re-
eties. Professor Lewis, inl
will emiphasize the inore
nces of thought, opeileolupI
covery (of this subistan ce,}
esubject chiefly from the
of biological chemistry.
Lewis' talk will cover the
Fr'eder'ick Grant Panting,
'rer on insuilin, who is to
next 'T'uesday onl the gen-
t, of "INled ira 1 Rtcea ch.''
Iieib a ci'rt dLectlure (of Series on
Oci elopmiesif of Bbiddler
Ileanr htugh ,('abot of the i'l't
:_,che'drsoke on "'The H istoirical De
velopmecnt. of ()pci'at 1(111 for' Stone
in thw imaildci'' last night atitl''West
;iuiphl ic ts'of tho Medical buldtin. I
giving; tlus Jir st lectusre onl a coursec
isunr t lie autspices of' Alpha Onwtea ift
!'t I
Imore than fifty fraternities was held
l~u oilesterday HftUrnoon . inythei Uion to
discuss, h eal o h rv.Albert
Adans '71:, hoIsgeneral chairman
OF E AMIATINS~the plans that have been made. Next
Tueday an. 3,has been set as the
Finals Will Begin M~onday, January oeigdtan the campaign will
:,?t, ando Conltinue Until Thursday, flie waged for the remainder of the
February week.
-- ''he principle of the drive this year
AkR ANC E PECIAL HOURS is niot to ask for outright donations of
-- I nian'3y foir the pool3. Instead hooks of
Evxamninatloji schedules for the first. twenty-five tickets, good for that num-
b'ur of swimgs, will be sold. The book;
semrester for the literary college, will be transferrable, which means
graduti toschool, school of education, that any piurchasei' of one may-allow
and tlie eng ineering; and ai'chitectural sotieone lse to use it, or as3 in the
school have iseenl arranged by the cas e of ;eniors who expect to grad-
I nate in ,June, the books may be sold
commnitteesi in charge asnd accepted by it any time. Th'1e transferrability of
the administrative boards of these the books will also enable several
sclniols. They may be obtained at( studenuts to go together in purchasing
Al IhI salnat ionaIlihonor'ary usedical fra-
I~~~ they.Il~'i' i~e i':,a. 1''c a# cpinTUn iversity
I i
P.-art T mt n
.a P 2a .I.mAA amo IIno-
... .. .
_____d____L___________ a'''Secret a i'y of :,thate (b a si l eland.
Introdluction ........... Mr. Wlfred 1<.. linp'5, DO iseihr0
.Ict'iv sI d. Op}. 29. -S:ingle form, the " iiiliilt lil ies coninlis sign andt
pe '~a ' a g iIopening, rising, closingtreceding, )hTasiti lto'e gni'l a
FofOv rcratsS. iSudy aatt rneygecrlend
Op. 30.acefiry Ta~le fte re t an wei'e l)"C~icting itS aSSa ge iii.:'1
f. h. 0. Fary''le f te Oie t lil uppe' bria nchl, oust-state lhouse
Studnts I'( um'ed l~it ii lave I'su't hre leaders were p~reparinsg to move ani
tie it' over'coats in hallIs and other; Introduction ........... Mr. Wilfred ; illmediate effective gasoline tax.
places where athey cannot, I e watch-ed !g. Tlhe Factory:. 'The weight txhi Xll priopioses lthiat~ I ti
in a warning issued yesterday after- h,. The Ocean1. Two pirojectedl four the levy on passenger car's be reduced = '
noon biy Secretary Shirley W. Smith. I dillensional stage settings for a fan- fromi- 70 cenits to 501 cents when the !
'l'hsre warning coluies a7 a i'esult of' an jtastic play.j gasoline tax hbeconmes effectiven andw
eptidemlic of overcoat stealing on- the 1~. ' orotesqjue. A visual syncoplation. I thdi tax onil rucks lie cut from a U
c:'iipus during the plast few days. j". Op. 37. Joy. I )ouiile form revolv'- inii inuniiof S) cents and a inaxi imulnI s
Overcoats have been reporiitedl stolen i ig. Accompaniment.: 'vingiulg of one3 do(ll1ar to 60t cents ansl 890 ceints. e:
fromn almost every bu iiding onl the i nd explanding. The schedule for 1 925 would be 70)
canmpus dur'ing the short crusade of ;_____cesntIs for' pa ssenigerCar's, 8') cents for' a
the petty thi evyes, xwho have even Vur'thleur wi tldrawxalis front the t 'nitriielcus weighinsg less I a ii 8,01)1;)
Oti eg i ue to be plarticula r, stealing i veisitxr on filie part of Cii ;nes(';tit~- lii ds. 91) cents for traucks weighing ;
onily new coats. Among those taken! den~ts as a poet gis the recenit'rot;00ox,0punsadneol#
was, a valuable fur coat. opera are not ainticipalted,. it. was an-;lam' for' those weighiing more than >.-
This year authorities liave a de fi- nounced yesterldaay. It. C. Chaing, 0 pounds, and for 1 926, if the gas-,
nile Basis upon which to work, andi grad., who announced his inutention ol !ohine tax becomes effective, 5C cents
the Secretary's office hopes that with I resigning from the University becau-se on jassenger cars. 60 Cents for' truck,;!L
tlie co-opierations of the student bodyl of the falsity (if the Opera in pl)(is'~Y- flap to 8a,000 pounds andt81) cents for'
these annual t heft s may be stopped, j ing Chinese cusistolls, Bariaaa (SOy leavyie' trucksi.
and the Coats stolen recovered. I with idrawn. #
Ii) gi -al l
in''at '8
cenice usdi
user on thI
('e of -(fthe
car'ch s 50ie
is lecture,
mspor'tant Ii
ly thle disc
'eating iii C
I 'sofesisor
vrmk of Dr.
hue dliscovel
;pea6k her'e
sal su.bjecl
ThIis lecture couirse'Iwa) isistitulted nil. da i fieo h er- According to the alumni offer, they
by Alpha ()nega Alp as to wiee), a (Ie-- f i'ies of the schools by the first of weili guarantee toi raise f$2,00 for every
sino of thIe sttudent alinthfie owdrIal next; weelp. $1.00 raised among the. student body
01(1 ltoI, carli Aiv butiied-!.provided the entire ,anmut is ra ised.
cal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I fi~-r. smtin bu sd- inals w-il begin Monday lmorning ;As the total nece,saryto flnish the
fI ') 1l. Undini' this system a EJan. - 2, alc noj o lpnieluntil F eb . ' s u-lih~ y ~
lectuire each1 m)onth, inl Ibte Westfo -2oclc nli imeif time student body can) raise 1$5,3133
hitsuhleae ci. IA j'ln - the ceomnilction of the tank will be as-
I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ''fA..Wa'lhs.I''fJi'e ftronf-m -5ocloc), ex~cept )tinjsusrod. It is believed by those in
A. C oller, Prof. G'. ('am- I Ptibem', andi+ leh,.enie e reand arhtctIur;]cl (halge oft(lie drive that there are
l%,of'. Alber't M. B-ai'ret t. all of the loewe! i1,gusrfn' or 00)0 students (on time campuswho care
ued i cal school, have prossi ise'.I to':auatn;wilb gve isth enough for swimming to putrch~aseaa
to nining fi'om 8-12 o'clock and in the! book.
sp1eak and negotiat ions); are under way; after'noon from 2-6i o'clock. Acodntopashthvebn
tos ,Iahain reveral other lectur'ers. I All students;)lmust, take the final ex-t worked out, more than 540 mena will
anination s and ingti'tctors are re-j be working onl the drive when it opens
CUM ER r niaiarnCr luii'ed to give (liewraiiiinations as Tuaesday and the'seimen will 'visit
1UVIVIDU "heduled by the committees, every man student Onl the campus to
i A BD O The tue (of exaiimitionl in tile ask h ime t(o purschase a ticket book.
R suiedilebelow is signified by the There will also be four boothms, placed
1 '0 OOKETS llul"at hic) th setio mets fr : diferlitIllaces about the Univers-
GUMPIE~ T O OOLE ir ime Jlcin the wek. hen for ? iy werebooks may be purchased.
the follows: Faculty members will also be so-
Twos booklets are at liresent being Monday classes at 8, second Mon- liciteo to buy swime books and these
compiled by (lie Ch1anuiser of C oiui- Id' y mnorninig; at P, first 'T'uesdayj men will lie visited by a special com
maerce, both of' which wvill be pu1b1- usr.!ing ; at 10, second 'T'uesday mHorn- I niittee under C'. 1). Spencer, '26.
lished inl the ncr r future. One in fthe ing ; at 11, first Monday 11oiru1ing; at - Pasul Blruske, '2(1, has bieen appoint-
form (i f a souver' of rann Arbor has 1, in liter'ary college, secondl Thurs-1 ed publicity chairman and John Gowa,
forsom tuuebeuIiin ~i'CC5 (t:ik- day morning, in the engineering and '25, will have charge of organization
1'0) ;architectsralbcollegerfirst oaturday of the dr'ive, assisted by Gordon Rice,
in;. It will contlainm scenes of Amiss! afternoon; at' 2, seconid Wednesday I '2s51,, and F'arl Fingerie, '261, while theb
Arbo andof te Unversty, nd i woninv; at u, ;second Tuesdaiy efter- ' booth's will lie en the charge of Rob-
fe'atuie stronly the industries, meal- ))oins at 4, seconid "'TI-llsday miorn- I ert Wilson, '25,
Stdns(fcesix y61(seiimu evste, 10 -ic nivyersIt y, ai dndsammy ':-'Ther-cwill hbe-A meeting ortf alltheC
l lIWTrnQ nr n ODEA nnqflI'
M'Iuseum W4ill Send 1Party To VIII ILInd11r LI~fl VUVIW
Dinosaur National ]Ilonumnent"TO MEET THISAFTERNOON It
Pi'10 'hectiv(' 'A 5iterI Iof book:, fom?
Permission has been obltainted by' Coverinmg an a rea of atone I than 8et
the geology mhuseum froni the depar11t I 6acre: the terr'iitory is abusndant with w192 ii:o o~r3hael eh e
iselt (If I mteriorii' 1 ( iry 0on worik ;the hines of dinosauriis. Tthis is thleInn'e M. hlt' tseoridn'f
for' thr iee msointhsliduring the stininmerijq uarry fr'onk whisichi thnecleb ratedol Mi ices ot-amoat L s, at 2( o 'cck this
of 1 925 in the "Dlinosaurs' Nationm l dinosauirts were taklen biy (lieCarts e i ;f Ir'rsi essiii Itic 7d iisa s'sth cati' . 'like
Monuint'' near' Vernal, tUtahs. Institute at I ittsbur-l). -F'oir the last i'I ioi(0of liii:; i hcfli agt, ik t ~ Ot'e-
Through' the advice (of the S)it hsron- !two years 1tie Uni vei'sity of Ut: ii and.
!an Instituite in Waslingl on this riv- 4 the National Musiuniat Washisig oii 'sitIAsssewh 1 _.ii.. .I '.._... ...:....., ...1o,.
t {
i lj
re adlvisedl espec ially Ito at temud Pro-- other' points oIf inter'est of thin city. rl'u(esday 'cla.3 ses at 8, first sam- 1miir who intendl to take par't in the
estsom Lewis' lectu re illpr'epaati onu; aps priepar'ed by students show Ani.. rv etMnaJn 2 nte
si-t~c Isil b l~. ~amtiug.Th ge- A'lor s he ener If(li autio-day morning; at 9, first ThursdayI(l'vnetMnaJ.1,inte
'ortSwladic by Dr.1 huet in.''ls_ r ro as they, colliesofthe a110(1k- nornin;; at 10), first Monlday 'after- maimn asse-ubly hall of (lie Union, at
ual1,j i is as iii vitel. ilinuty and co iof texokv hich (une ,final instructionst will be
noon; at 11, firsti"Friday aftem'nooni
_________________let will lie sent to industrial conicerns 1 at , fistWednesday morning; at 2, given the workers.
RR i ~~~~~~and home-seckors ali over' tme coun-' first. Friday morning; at 3, second JTOT Vlt B OEterecayatron t4 eod1R c etrF r
jedmuesdey eftenoon;oate4,iseond Roehfsrmr1
Thursday afternoon.
titn ain t ll. eti x hi' l lbof p(1- i h ed Sibcir exa mina ions for n, i~y of IEp l y 4 u ms
ITO DVRTSIG tV t ill liey h oko h 'arbr 11b fe;ttred and que,?tions of v#tai the first and second year courses are
to 'e-ctizn fAin Arbo gnom' a pecilsceul wih 3 Aliden C. Hoyt, '22E, until recently
Detroit, Mich . .Tail. 8.- _'lime fiftIhi will Le c oiscsumsseol. }I Matheimiath's 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 51, fir t with the distribution transformter sec-
listu'ict of Itle Associated Adveri'issg Teda femmon;-o_-i-51-8,-in fte etalsai -earmn
C'lubs oIf the World, isuade up of the Iusayatron cnmc 1 8,;te ftecnrlsaindprmn
4ate of icmi gn, OioamidNon - ~ f~hl~li ' first Wednesday afternooni; rhetoric of the General Electric company, is
tiicky xvil liolol their annual conven -i1 w uriwt andl muyctiology 3,1 first Tihurisday' now located with time Rochester, New
donin hiscit Jii.29 nd 0, c-I r,.,m~r ~afternoon; Fruench 1 and Spanish I,';yoi k, Gas and Electric conipany,
Miotiniug tymeaumio2i9ceneiit of a.-i Q .KilL LIU: first Satuiday afternoon; Ilistory wer1,i mloe s ommr
W. Netotea nulce ~n lly of Dayton, Ohio. dist rict iY IL L rh vLiIL ~ ~ ~ fenon al engineer iii the power sales divi-
ha ~~ ~. '1"lie special examinationis in tlie elm- s n
''l e Nationmal Adxvcrtisinrolt 011ii~s-- EPe'i'areJ, Jai. d. - 'pies of Greek gimmneering and arcimitectitral college 1ly a et mlyd b h
sion, afhliateil xitli the otliinr bodty jnis- r- eu ie sr ho hti irsheued a froown;:E.Alrand2 General Electric company since Au-
will also isie('I here at tImsx-sae' eeve eesohat fm .!.Irs.' edyatinou;F Iadgut. t,1922. After 10 months in the
Clinon ". inus ofthi ciy ~ ls~h'-- pblic op~nien in Greece is very muach . '2, first. 'I'uesday afternoon, C. T+_. 2, ~s.dpmt'uutadfu otsi
manoil(li diti'ctconvenution. in favor of ox-King (ileoi'ge awld time Ilrat 'l'ucsday afternmoon; :shop 2, 3,swthorsaewrkhejidte
- ~-- __-------recent attempt to a::sis sinatoe himt has 'and 4, first Wednesday afternoon; M. transfornier division at Pittsfield,
cauedimmhmsiaio amngtheGrekl 3 ~ first 'T'hursday afternoon; E.iwre he was located until he left
!l lfu ,u o edindgntin artngthe( i. 1 r;second1Monday afternoon; sur- IfrI cetr
Ge lo y lus g ~Tcoplc. o teatep uo helf veying '2 at-d 4, second Wednesday I__________
Ob +ta ins ~f ZS tIC laily fteats ltuort~*If;iatternooal. -a
01' theFor'nei' king- disclosen that lie 3The peiriodsl for the special examl-;i Commiiittee hests
Fo..ssfr ionti Sicily Awhich are mlii'was SUtlliiS(MI iinthe for'est siear-Sin --ia tion a mr.y be used asirregular' peti-Exe irL g
101 be the omly (lie:; xvio'l, have beeii a ia biya band of Greeks who fired ! od; prviVic theie is iso con fli(t xwith ~~rorlg t
takenri frotm thre i siaiu'1 isavye Iven oh- sE veu'a I:shot; at tii us, none of xvls ichm , lthe i'cgLla r .c relile vb i cli i, given I i--
taitm biil y tI ,. geology nureurn hiowever, lilt thei' mark. above. !Itt order to a rrive at.(lie p'o-per
tlrulil cb cwhtticIr- ''eplcaleedate vdb;-- :h"° s~a'ie of color to give the be ;t effeacts
ver ssity of(I 1'a lerumto. ,'hs;muat erial Iassassins,6a11 oif 'wlhomt novvanr-, iiin o(iec eim ihtn ceio
bx h e u iii ',l t s ud i ad ; ti n' c coni- ,t.ail, W('Iinilit 'lon c ('( i t (t it Ii all 05'- , I'm-os pet ive book. xwiitet's for
lisriing xv il iithei loriI front other Igaii'rat ion iisAtl bests, xv Ilich 61 inus s( exteo'sMciai piiai - ,el ial c Tisest a- en
count tie. Is'emoxve the ex-king from the list of I urequested to useet with IV]r. carr-ied ors by tbhs(' Building roruimttce.
A -..,- -..-t ,,:.1.,1,,, ,- - - - I - - - - -5 I n,i... .rlc~ ,in'111o i r.,i l ' k I :biteru- at 4 o'clock today its Top lights back fo thi-i co lumns of.I
ilege was gr'amnted.
Tihi:; Aviv, takhoen fr-omu our xxom't hy
('Oilt(tloi'6ar'ylJieii i, Jr,. '"For'
thse small stun of ic, per line we
(!anmmlive you some i'eal effecti ve
D~aily Classified Remledy (Plat.
App. Fom). If taken for three
it-ve been (lilt imiug- nearily cosusillel e ;to get, a tny ftirtdher iiiform51ation w'xh ic h
skeilet ons fi'oss (le piac'e. "timeyN d eSire
The expedition whirls will go fr'ntsii It isin 1wt irsuharly"hsohnd thutIan i.-
this Univemsity next suiniulor will bei si.tial book wilt b"'' ssuissited, asx, the
how0(1led' by Prof. Es'uiii-e (C. or or i Up" 'a xx- ll ls(ba hIyimake n easterni
thin geology dlepam'tsnemut andl it is I trip n)iiext yeari. All b'ooks miusthum'
ho~pedl that suifficient .fisud:wllierc hmandd is)to -atI'hiltcrmm sinl 55 (5)1--
cur'ed to inclusde severlal uo'uu frontI tlet e a for'i i a I-'': in the, It ih'
othecr depa'tssieumts iim the lparlty. IPro- ililO."rist or dih ''-um'- <,t ;;riay, Simi-
fes:'aii Case f'eels that lat. ss is an en - 'ar y 17.
I ieclily fine oppor1t unsit y as pc iu is- -- - - -- --,-
sionmnis not easiiy obtaimnd anmiiisot- i
- eral 1ther hutittuhins Isave bee s 1s - ,' IMlMU E1N I'i'IE~S
ter'estedI iiiIthe ple lge.
.+ ', 1