THlE WEATHER PARTLY (JOt-'P ; #iN 1 TODIA Y EIGHT PAGES I an>p MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, I1'. 'I D' csonisidted in it. will become a pernicious ing the resolution was not to discour- habit, fage the use of the weed in Waslt- Washington, Jan. 8.---(By A. I'.1-- Be it Resolved, that the W'omnls' n iaw county only, but to deCplore' its Government operation of Mguscle; Cluib of Ann A ror place itself onl rec- use everywhere.' Members of the clubs Shoals was disapproved' today by the! ord as being oIposed to the practice." declare that the resolution is milled1 Senate, 48-37, but the whole question ; Th1is resoli tion, which came after at all women who smloke, irresp~ective of .the final disposition of the great a considlerale discussion of the evil of their place of residlence.l towver and nitrate plant was leftnt--l WpI p[I PO'PSSPoet ry And Art Shape Lives YY I pH0p5[SOf Aesthetic Maj Performers IN WORLD COURT TAI, DfOES NOT INVOLVE ANY JRELATIONS ITiH LElAGU'E 01F NATIONS U. S. TO PAY S JJ AF 111i inrc II nlibiilipV ' omiiieul.;if.-t ions of I'resideilt, 114"Staw-1 ill A111111al ales . e \V.-shington, Jan. 8. (fly AlP.)- A resolut ion p~roposing en try of this nation into the World courit was in- t roduced today 1_,y Senator' Willis, Rie- p~ubl ican, Ohio. It (carries a provision embodying the reconunendations" of President Coolidge that the U. S. shall not be tbound by any adlvisoi'y ~0pilnlon of. thle coui't. Thle resolul ioo is in t he nall ire of a substitute for that offered by Sen- ator Pepper, lRep~ublican, 1Penimyl- vania., at, thle la 6t session. and, w itlh other proposalIs, will comie bet'sre the sen ate forcign relations coimmit- tee \Vednfsda y whltin te whole world1 courit 511lajt'if is to be considered. 3~e- s;des eiii Isdylis g the l'( onIllien(In dons bl ade by I 'resident (Cool idge in his annual lt mage last, mon th the Will is (By 11r. Jason Cowles) I asked how they stoed on thm pet- "The mlost highbrow bunch of girls quest ion. A howl of derisiont th at. ever plaiyed at ti, e IMjestic'' is from all three. "No!. It's the lowest the( wvay m\anyagz'r Gerald I bag tde -diesin nea scrib~es the company that is no0w play-;! ing; at his theater in ''A Symlphouiy of; Sticking conservatively to the tra- Tone and Color.'' "I went into the: inaIvices of t roupers, I askedj dIressing rooms," saidl 1Mr. Hloag, ex- (about drinking. "Do you driink, Miss p~ecting to find 'Snappy Stories.' 'What ! \nd e ?'' "No,'' said Aliss Andre. "You, didl I find?'1]. G. Wells' Outline (if VMiss cldi?"' 'No," said Miss I tl istory,' ;all kinds of poetry books-- Eckloud. "'You, M is3 WHills?' TJenntysoni! " 'C ," s;aid miss Willianms-''Nobod; So l went over to interview tliis ex- iIn thleshow does." rvpltional troupe. I found Miss Andre "Paftled, I sought. their views onI imuried deeps in "Tihe Golden Treasury" art--a nd at last founed tilie customary -ia ding Keats. TIwo mnor'e came in I thing. ''Yes," said Miss And re, "four -one a college graduate and sorority years ago we usedl to give 'em straight mnembler. classical. 'But the demand for jaz ti I showed themi the resolution just Is too strong. In our act now we give' psassedl by tho Woman's Club against 'ems the first twelve bars of Thais'-- smuoking in Waslitenaw County, andj and then we give 'em ia jazzed version asked for their views on the question. 1 of it. They won't take any more." y Oeothmare whleatdyi As, the girls were beginning to cast with the resolution; one thought girls longing looks toward their "Outlines might smoke in their boudoir:;, but oif history" and their Tennysons, their I not in Ipublic; the third thought girls Oimar lKhayyains and their Rachtnan- ;shouldl be allowed to smoke all the inoff pireludles in C sharp minor, I left time anywhere. them. FRATERNITIES AID UNION DRIV1E FOR POOL COMPLETION REPRETT'SENTATIVES AMEE'T AT1 ('AMPA(AN OPENS ON T UESDAY Will1 Sell Tr raIsfei-able Books ofl2 Sw int Tiekets for *:; ,a l A d t n iiu Promises of active co-operation from the inter-fraternity council have given new impetus to the interest aroused in the completion of the Un- ion swimming pool by the offer of the Alumni association to raise poart of the necessary funds provided the stu- dents raise the rest. It has been dle- cided by the U~nion , to hold a final cam-, p'zign to finish the 'tank and plans are being made for the drive. The vote came oni liehe uestion of substituting the Underwood leasing 0 O F R O O S C N I E bill for the Norris govermnt opei'a-W s [ N tioni plan. The effect of the vote was fp to kill the Norris measure, but the ljn1derwood 1bi11 still is before thle cra(l substitutes for it have bseen 1pro- posedr. Consideration of these wi li be P.LnlrlWl ~bosc ritSnti lxe'Ssui (wI~i~ begun tomiorrow with the Refpullicsanj Ii 11taS1(rnofNwA,#ii.lso fNemke leaders hopeful of getting the subject Color Org'ai 01O thlief Exec tivc on the Senate caleildar, templorarily, at least, b~y the end of this week or TICKETS SELL RAPIDLY I GOY. G ROESBECK SPEAKS early next wee(k.- - Whatever the final form of the Sern-''i. Tickets for Thomas Wtilfred'si re- Lansing, Jan. .- By A. P'.)- -11igli ate bill, It must go to confei'ence fo twatnaehihloiis cosdr inter ihte busczital on his Coloar Organ, the (lavi - wyfnne hc zu)i, t wt co:Ieain eewt tefosI ouatstandling issue olb s ession of I-easur~e accepiting thle offer of H-enr'lux, have been selling uap;idly li- the s;taite legisrla t ire, wasr brourght Ford dspite the fact that the offer ;luig the two days of their sale!. Tlhe forcibly becfore t1w assremsbly today. has been withdrawn since the hiouse Clavilux will be pi'esented on Tues-i Wit hin a few nliiiiutes aifter (governor acted at the last session. Grcbchi nhdAiei~rgb' Although it has been the i.;hirct. day, Ja inary 1:,, in IHil and itornum ose'khdcnlulo c df 3 Imnessage urgims gtle speedy e fna ..i mint of sharp and concerted attacks sriucs by thie dAnn Arbor branch of the Am1ier- I£ot a. finar;!c4? 10311, a{plir Of blls, sug- its coinsitleration began imlmediatel, ican "s-ociatio.n of iii Ves'sity \Wosen.gets wihangson txlvs upon the opening of this session 0ofrrlThe tickets are priced at $1.50, $1,! were suhuril I ed ill lie enat by Senl Congress, the Undlerwood bill devel. ;Ijat or li o'r, r rd St. Pax erv, of' I i'a tiidI al opol ,raterunepetef sren~tli ri$.75} and $.50J, and are onl sale at the i( thie voting today, with moos t(if the:Stte strieet, bookstores . TIhe weil?t iii e"« i n'' l rle:; tha~t. Republican leaders ,uiipporting it. j Dr. Warren 11. Lombard, piiresident I li('ensers be is-suid finrI192- on the a sis Whether it can hold this strength of the Ann Arbor' Art asso ciationi has 'Iof7ceta iide'wigtorp- whe, (n the testl comes(in the;! Jones and' consented to introduce Mr. WilIfredl, rad8)c''tsoondl- Vadsworth suirbstituite pr lmosing r'd-; and many of the. professors Iin the var-i las- for tiraclks. 'The gasolisie bill calls ervilce of the i u- stion to a prfesiden. ions (lelpaituients of the University If~r a levy of 2 cenrts a;i. ;.11011 on fuel tial commission aidmitt(dly is probe-1 have endorsed the en :.gagemrent. ; i ;r in ' i vcl i i's:,, tbutsot ffee' lnatical. Seone of thelieRepuiblicatns FMi. Wilfred's, detailfed progra ~n t}gie p it il, anua ifry ut; , 91.Tiw toting for the I'nderwood ]bill today1 which has jU~t. hbeen re~ceived by the vr'i gis.t.-oie' roex ciiie,. wbih it is ;;az~c they kwce r opseo to ,government' local comiiiiit~, sasf(>Ioivs : festin t''1d xx ol y iebi lighttby i1i +,-. (qperat ion Il i emPnot. ye~t prepzared P'irii i i5 l~i~iOi0.wudb' i 0o markn lcdecision1 asto the final dis- In trodution ........... I~..Wv' ilIfred ;Ilils i'iien ut ;nilert his vo' ;"-Vheliii'01 pu);it ion of fthe ilant. I;f r ".lxt a lff+r ~~~.v:}lf ('hief :suporriers fom' t le l'iid ier.viood a.orins . scc iinchsKea: r(ilsevia1g;ol i ~' tax I cwould' e f r' rI ed io bill came from the majority Side, 30) oi usbUCr'idoghey: a ru 5iS Wig t edis Ic ousit.lerdardI 7te n 1''ti nsvoting I'or it .as against rango. al'O itiidWaioi. 18 ] lemocra ts. 'Twenty DeinoraVii U. COp. 341. trngtua 4nyiir3F tusde. Te Ii it r nie rai lfre' i iiioill-,'s s and 10; Repubilicanus and one l'a r t c O. 4 S nt re. tlilyh- lgI 1 l iutii mi strat i';Ju 1 a fti)'ri ao labor member opposed it.depth and in ajo'sti,,snot io !!_._; jlrrli'a1.with (ey wer drw tift 'rck i i i i j i . . si t i + i i si t 3y prioposal1 (01 put for ardt approved I splvcifically I taluess to i k etwel the'~l 'The 1.llitc 'I onl eqimalit y ' l'lse ti it e I l aa''lof the E :sall nlot. be G',f'51 of tle1 The I"' igna iusd1;1i' t h tt~i t'd lii I 10 ia i"+c'S I tie Prsor. flow I :j i , .- This year authorities liave a de fi- nounced yesterldaay. It. C. Chaing, 0 pounds, and for 1 926, if the gas-, nile Basis upon which to work, andi grad., who announced his inutention ol !ohine tax becomes effective, 5C cents the Secretary's office hopes that with I resigning from the University becau-se on jassenger cars. 60 Cents for' truck,;!L tlie co-opierations of the student bodyl of the falsity (if the Opera in pl)(is'~Y- flap to 8a,000 pounds andt81) cents for' these annual t heft s may be stopped, j ing Chinese cusistolls, Bariaaa (SOy leavyie' trucksi. and the Coats stolen recovered. I with idrawn. # Ii) gi -al l in''at '8 cenice usdi user on thI ('e of -(fthe car'ch s 50ie is lecture, mspor'tant Ii ly thle disc 'eating iii C I 'sofesisor vrmk of Dr. hue dliscovel ;pea6k her'e sal su.bjecl ThIis lecture couirse'Iwa) isistitulted nil. da i fieo h er- According to the alumni offer, they by Alpha ()nega Alp as to wiee), a (Ie-- f i'ies of the schools by the first of weili guarantee toi raise f$2,00 for every sino of thIe sttudent alinthfie owdrIal next; weelp. $1.00 raised among the. student body 01(1 ltoI, carli Aiv butiied-!.provided the entire ,anmut is ra ised. cal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I fi~-r. smtin bu sd- inals w-il begin Monday lmorning ;As the total nece,saryto flnish the fI ') 1l. Undini' this system a EJan. - 2, alc noj o lpnieluntil F eb . ' s u-lih~ y ~ lectuire each1 m)onth, inl Ibte Westfo -2oclc nli imeif time student body can) raise 1$5,3133 hitsuhleae ci. IA j'ln - the ceomnilction of the tank will be as- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ''fA..Wa'lhs.I''fJi'e ftronf-m -5ocloc), ex~cept )tinjsusrod. It is believed by those in A. C oller, Prof. G'. ('am- I Ptibem', andi+ leh,.enie e reand arhtctIur;]cl (halge oft(lie drive that there are l%,of'. Alber't M. B-ai'ret t. all of the loewe! i1,gusrfn' or 00)0 students (on time campuswho care ued i cal school, have prossi ise'.I to':auatn;wilb gve isth enough for swimming to putrch~aseaa to nining fi'om 8-12 o'clock and in the! book. sp1eak and negotiat ions); are under way; after'noon from 2-6i o'clock. Acodntopashthvebn tos ,Iahain reveral other lectur'ers. I All students;)lmust, take the final ex-t worked out, more than 540 mena will anination s and ingti'tctors are re-j be working onl the drive when it opens CUM ER r niaiarnCr luii'ed to give (liewraiiiinations as Tuaesday and the'seimen will 'visit 1UVIVIDU "heduled by the committees, every man student Onl the campus to i A BD O The tue (of exaiimitionl in tile ask h ime t(o purschase a ticket book. R suiedilebelow is signified by the There will also be four boothms, placed 1 '0 OOKETS llul"at hic) th setio mets fr : diferlitIllaces about the Univers- GUMPIE~ T O OOLE ir ime Jlcin the wek. hen for ? iy werebooks may be purchased. the follows: Faculty members will also be so- Twos booklets are at liresent being Monday classes at 8, second Mon- liciteo to buy swime books and these compiled by (lie Ch1anuiser of C oiui- Id' y mnorninig; at P, first 'T'uesdayj men will lie visited by a special com maerce, both of' which wvill be pu1b1- usr.!ing ; at 10, second 'T'uesday mHorn- I niittee under C'. 1). Spencer, '26. lished inl the ncr r future. One in fthe ing ; at 11, first Monday 11oiru1ing; at - Pasul Blruske, '2(1, has bieen appoint- form (i f a souver' of rann Arbor has 1, in liter'ary college, secondl Thurs-1 ed publicity chairman and John Gowa, forsom tuuebeuIiin ~i'CC5 (t:ik- day morning, in the engineering and '25, will have charge of organization 1'0) ;architectsralbcollegerfirst oaturday of the dr'ive, assisted by Gordon Rice, in;. It will contlainm scenes of Amiss! afternoon; at' 2, seconid Wednesday I '2s51,, and F'arl Fingerie, '261, while theb Arbo andof te Unversty, nd i woninv; at u, ;second Tuesdaiy efter- ' booth's will lie en the charge of Rob- fe'atuie stronly the industries, meal- ))oins at 4, seconid "'TI-llsday miorn- I ert Wilson, '25, Stdns(fcesix y61(seiimu evste, 10 -ic nivyersIt y, ai dndsammy ':-'Ther-cwill hbe-A meeting ortf alltheC f a ; l lIWTrnQ nr n ODEA nnqflI' M'Iuseum W4ill Send 1Party To VIII ILInd11r LI~fl VUVIW Dinosaur National ]Ilonumnent"TO MEET THISAFTERNOON It Pi'10 'hectiv(' 'A 5iterI Iof book:, fom? Permission has been obltainted by' Coverinmg an a rea of atone I than 8et the geology mhuseum froni the depar11t I 6acre: the terr'iitory is abusndant with w192 ii:o o~r3hael eh e iselt (If I mteriorii' 1 ( iry 0on worik ;the hines of dinosauriis. Tthis is thleInn'e M. hlt' tseoridn'f for' thr iee msointhsliduring the stininmerijq uarry fr'onk whisichi thnecleb ratedol Mi ices ot-amoat L s, at 2( o 'cck this of 1 925 in the "Dlinosaurs' Nationm l dinosauirts were taklen biy (lieCarts e i ;f Ir'rsi essiii Itic 7d iisa s'sth cati' . 'like Monuint'' near' Vernal, tUtahs. Institute at I ittsbur-l). -F'oir the last i'I ioi(0of liii:; i hcfli agt, ik t ~ Ot'e- Through' the advice (of the S)it hsron- !two years 1tie Uni vei'sity of Ut: ii and. !an Instituite in Waslingl on this riv- 4 the National Musiuniat Washisig oii 'sitIAsssewh 1 _.ii.. .I '.._... ...:....., ...1o,. i t { i lj 1 C LI I L y I :*i / \_ ti re adlvisedl espec ially Ito at temud Pro-- other' points oIf inter'est of thin city. rl'u(esday 'cla.3 ses at 8, first sam- 1miir who intendl to take par't in the estsom Lewis' lectu re illpr'epaati onu; aps priepar'ed by students show Ani.. rv etMnaJn 2 nte si-t~c Isil b l~. ~amtiug.Th ge- A'lor s he ener If(li autio-day morning; at 9, first ThursdayI(l'vnetMnaJ.1,inte 'ortSwladic by Dr.1 huet in.''ls_ r ro as they, colliesofthe a110(1k- nornin;; at 10), first Monlday 'after- maimn asse-ubly hall of (lie Union, at ual1,j i is as iii vitel. ilinuty and co iof texokv hich (une ,final instructionst will be noon; at 11, firsti"Friday aftem'nooni _________________let will lie sent to industrial conicerns 1 at , fistWednesday morning; at 2, given the workers. RR i ~~~~~~and home-seckors ali over' tme coun-' first. Friday morning; at 3, second JTOT Vlt B OEterecayatron t4 eod1R c etrF r jedmuesdey eftenoon;oate4,iseond Roehfsrmr1 Thursday afternoon. titn ain t ll. eti x hi' l lbof p(1- i h ed Sibcir exa mina ions for n, i~y of IEp l y 4 u ms ITO DVRTSIG tV t ill liey h oko h 'arbr 11b fe;ttred and que,?tions of v#tai the first and second year courses are to 'e-ctizn fAin Arbo gnom' a pecilsceul wih 3 Aliden C. Hoyt, '22E, until recently Detroit, Mich . .Tail. 8.- _'lime fiftIhi will Le c oiscsumsseol. }I Matheimiath's 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 51, fir t with the distribution transformter sec- listu'ict of Itle Associated Adveri'issg Teda femmon;-o_-i-51-8,-in fte etalsai -earmn C'lubs oIf the World, isuade up of the Iusayatron cnmc 1 8,;te ftecnrlsaindprmn 4ate of icmi gn, OioamidNon - ~ f~hl~li ' first Wednesday afternooni; rhetoric of the General Electric company, is tiicky xvil liolol their annual conven -i1 w uriwt andl muyctiology 3,1 first Tihurisday' now located with time Rochester, New donin hiscit Jii.29 nd 0, c-I r,.,m~r ~afternoon; Fruench 1 and Spanish I,';yoi k, Gas and Electric conipany, Miotiniug tymeaumio2i9ceneiit of a.-i Q .KilL LIU: first Satuiday afternoon; Ilistory wer1,i mloe s ommr W. Netotea nulce ~n lly of Dayton, Ohio. dist rict iY IL L rh vLiIL ~ ~ ~ fenon al engineer iii the power sales divi- ha ~~ ~. '1"lie special examinationis in tlie elm- s n ''l e Nationmal Adxvcrtisinrolt 011ii~s-- EPe'i'areJ, Jai. d. - 'pies of Greek gimmneering and arcimitectitral college 1ly a et mlyd b h sion, afhliateil xitli the otliinr bodty jnis- r- eu ie sr ho hti irsheued a froown;:E.Alrand2 General Electric company since Au- will also isie('I here at tImsx-sae' eeve eesohat fm .!.Irs.' edyatinou;F Iadgut. t,1922. After 10 months in the Clinon ". inus ofthi ciy ~ ls~h'-- pblic op~nien in Greece is very muach . '2, first. 'I'uesday afternoon, C. T+_. 2, ~s.dpmt'uutadfu otsi manoil(li diti'ctconvenution. in favor of ox-King (ileoi'ge awld time Ilrat 'l'ucsday afternmoon; :shop 2, 3,swthorsaewrkhejidte - ~-- __-------recent attempt to a::sis sinatoe himt has 'and 4, first Wednesday afternoon; M. transfornier division at Pittsfield, cauedimmhmsiaio amngtheGrekl 3 ~ first 'T'hursday afternoon; E.iwre he was located until he left !l lfu ,u o edindgntin artngthe( i. 1 r;second1Monday afternoon; sur- IfrI cetr Ge lo y lus g ~Tcoplc. o teatep uo helf veying '2 at-d 4, second Wednesday I__________ Ob +ta ins ~f ZS tIC laily fteats ltuort~*If;iatternooal. -a 01' theFor'nei' king- disclosen that lie 3The peiriodsl for the special examl-;i Commiiittee hests Fo..ssfr ionti Sicily Awhich are mlii'was SUtlliiS(MI iinthe for'est siear-Sin --ia tion a mr.y be used asirregular' peti-Exe irL g 101 be the omly (lie:; xvio'l, have beeii a ia biya band of Greeks who fired ! od; prviVic theie is iso con fli(t xwith ~~rorlg t takenri frotm thre i siaiu'1 isavye Iven oh- sE veu'a I:shot; at tii us, none of xvls ichm , lthe i'cgLla r .c relile vb i cli i, given I i-- taitm biil y tI ,. geology nureurn hiowever, lilt thei' mark. above. !Itt order to a rrive at.(lie p'o-per tlrulil cb cwhtticIr- ''eplcaleedate vdb;-- :h"° s~a'ie of color to give the be ;t effeacts ver ssity of(I 1'a lerumto. ,'hs;muat erial Iassassins,6a11 oif 'wlhomt novvanr-, iiin o(iec eim ihtn ceio bx h e u iii ',l t s ud i ad ; ti n' c coni- ,t.ail, W('Iinilit 'lon c ('( i t (t it Ii all 05'- , I'm-os pet ive book. xwiitet's for lisriing xv il iithei loriI front other Igaii'rat ion iisAtl bests, xv Ilich 61 inus s( exteo'sMciai piiai - ,el ial c Tisest a- en count tie. Is'emoxve the ex-king from the list of I urequested to useet with IV]r. carr-ied ors by tbhs(' Building roruimttce. A -..,- -..-t ,,:.1.,1,,, ,- - - - I - - - - -5 I n,i... .rlc~ ,in'111o i r.,i l ' k I :biteru- at 4 o'clock today its Top lights back fo thi-i co lumns of.I ilege was gr'amnted. POTENT STUFF Tihi:; Aviv, takhoen fr-omu our xxom't hy ('Oilt(tloi'6ar'ylJieii i, Jr,. '"For' thse small stun of ic, per line we (!anmmlive you some i'eal effecti ve D~aily Classified Remledy (Plat. App. Fom). If taken for three it-ve been (lilt imiug- nearily cosusillel e ;to get, a tny ftirtdher iiiform51ation w'xh ic h skeilet ons fi'oss (le piac'e. "timeyN d eSire The expedition whirls will go fr'ntsii It isin 1wt irsuharly"hsohnd thutIan i.- this Univemsity next suiniulor will bei si.tial book wilt b"'' ssuissited, asx, the how0(1led' by Prof. Es'uiii-e (C. or or i Up" 'a xx- ll ls(ba hIyimake n easterni thin geology dlepam'tsnemut andl it is I trip n)iiext yeari. All b'ooks miusthum' ho~pedl that suifficient .fisud:wllierc hmandd is)to -atI'hiltcrmm sinl 55 (5)1-- cur'ed to inclusde severlal uo'uu frontI tlet e a for'i i a I-'': in the, It ih' othecr depa'tssieumts iim the lparlty. IPro- ililO."rist or dih ''-um'- <,t ;;riay, Simi- fes:'aii Case f'eels that lat. ss is an en - 'ar y 17. I ieclily fine oppor1t unsit y as pc iu is- -- - - -- --,- sionmnis not easiiy obtaimnd anmiiisot- i - eral 1ther hutittuhins Isave bee s 1s - ,' IMlMU E1N I'i'IE~S ter'estedI iiiIthe ple lge. .+ ', 1 11 pit ; +i