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December 19, 1924 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 12-19-1924

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TIHE MCHIGAN DAILY____ __________

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O 1I[DN1~ 10P~T Ne Fiind enw ctivitics In U. S. Navy Yards
1 .S7
AIM 0ST [.....00..U.....-

ATNm) Riiln date'fNeess'iftt


S)3Iia i i 8 at~ e A tlli )IIIIC/',' #1(S $ :)8 -l. t ;7 9 t Q Vst c i
Six 3foll hs

F "y

EXL U D R V T I T uring the last six n-onths the Ifni-
~r ity has put into use new build-
ings and( new\Vconstructions estinmatedr
at; more than $3,294,079, while closes t*.r**.:
to $5r,000,000 in construction is now
un derway ando will be ready by the1 s{ >
end of01 the present school yea r, ac-
cording to the latest report issued by
the building committee and madepulcysedy
This is exclusive of the privateyF
grants totaling close to $3,000,000 in- ;W °
volved in the two gifts to the Ufni-
versity: the Lawyers' club, the gift°f"<
of W. W. Gook; and the Nurses' Ironic,
the gift of Senator James Couzens.
The largest single University uin-
(lertaking among those already in use,'C
is Angell hall, which in its present
form rep~resents an outlay of $1,060J,- 1'
985. This is exclusive of equipment,
valued at $95,407.
The -report shows $481,310 spent on
the University high school, plus $40,-1 In sintofo the contro versy AN
521 in equipment. bur over the proposal t~o spend1 enoi
Together with its equipment, the vidled for in the Washington arms 1
new Physics building represents an without iflteCriiItiofl. The recent cc
investment of $523,856. a i'ei anlt ion of the repairing and rE
To providle heat for the newest,pat:o fl .Th~e 1photo) shows
buildings, the power plant has been; Iflere g;rounad. ;'he Wyoming, larg(
p~ractically (doubledl in size, at a cost______________-

t. V Z' qvC .m... -'u./$i C, 'N f IS'7 ~. ..& Y. W fov ., v +V a,7 ..' -."' 6 c'w .
I Moving Of Entire Observatory
l: xjinii O the IUni"Yersity Will j A set of seismographs for the regis-
soon l11.-ho it n'cessary to move Ithe, trat ion of vibrations due to oarth-
entire Obsfer'vatory equipmnlt to a qu(':'kes has been continuously in1
slev Site Where it; will he free of the ol)PrS tie!' 5IiCe 1909, the records ofI
ob7 ti uizctions now initerp oSed by tihe Wineli are included in the annualr-
c~tre- io., th le ew v(TIivErsity p~oJt of the Observatory.
h lospital, the Nurses' home, andl the# A shop, supplied with excellent mna-
new 1 bu osilg for emedical 0,0researchchn an hndtosis anaid
mad pO~iile y te $00,00gift of at the Observaty.thaben n
!Mrs. Christie Sinlpson' of Detroit, in im1portant factor in dleveloping the re-
the opinion of the adinisth rative oflic- sourees of the Observatory, by the
ials of the Un ierity. consitruction of new instrumnents and
These buildings will obscure the; tho mcdification of 0o(d ones to meet !
visibility of the horizon to the north, t he requirements of instruction and
east, and wxest of the Observatory.' re.sesrch.
Another difficulty is caused by thle rAmiong the sites which have been
fact that the p~ro sint Obse~rvatory is! coisidoei'il by the authorities, to
not far enough Irlnove'l from the rn Ii~hthite Ob ,ervatory might be
traclks of the Michigan Cent ral rsil- -'rn, -) ihe high hill west of the
roadl to secure hkat fi'edoin from icii y, on1i' Liberty Si,°<?et road. 'Thi's
:jaring Whlich 11neesayfor e xaCI:. til, Loweveri, has been o (cit into
scientific work., The nearness of the lby gravel quiarries,, arid there is soi
U~ni versit y heating and power pt;-5t niuch prospect that railroad develop-
frequently obsc 3res the air by (loud" ,"n!as iiay. in a comparatively shortj
of smloke. t -ne hi jugtr acks close to it, that the
Th-': Obi ervZa.L ry Was f'ui led in ia trononiel's re considlering other-10-o-
I1852, thlroighli te I ihe ri~i of ciUi- c(tbonls.
Zeus ofl Detroit, and onil s iace aunt Wheii a Tlow location is (decided
it was named th'e Bet""olt obs.erva- noo_)n, all the large instrumients Nvill
tory. Originally the pr incipal in ti i- he nmovedl to the site. The new Ob-
aliusicluded""ve r'act h1 l tesCape<?C '. V'atOry will provide residences for
of 12 1 -4 inchics aperture, ai kreridiin the zast:conmer in charge and pos-j
circle of six inchies a';er(.ure, a sideral! sibly for the advanced students of
clock by Tiede, a chronograph by, the department who may be working
IBend, andl a four inmch comet-seeker. w vithi the instruments.
Since that time several valuable' All tihe advanced work in the do-
iiistriiei s, incllflud ig . i ch re- .ria,,trncn t woulr ld be movd to the new




~\call h:as been secn%'1.?i.:i1Cl't Ifo
(lauc pictures showingtea
tivities (t of woen on tecnps
lpartica,, rly atletics. e
should be broughlttotei ch
iganensian office as soon as uzi,
ibe ]net With.

Read the Wrant


, , r ' s ' ;;



Vilich mmon7, It') iw l)']Iil P r iVCci ' O',dfl?,; '))lidge {and Secrotar'- il-
i ,hl mmo''; Is)J01:11;theoc I):1 : CI l 1)tes xm ta i il v_ to the 5-5-u ration pro -
Al nit al~icn A3 n ei'. '",1{",ar' tith.i i e.1inth IFi criltii )nvy va :-d are goingor.
'e li~blg 01 } tl. ti rir C3[ iJ521(: Pauf111's ri;to (; ci 5, lrn y ilicI bI"e
c3 :, l,li)'c {) 0 1 i I' i~si': 'is ;g yar Iwh l h tue ' !'3i 'iu'iit 'Iyt,'c;uii a
;Ct0'1 tiC S'''i> a! ns:"he va'!.. 11 iid b ' [i2 j ;r:v .

f -actinug tI eherope, a mean timhe clock,
(; xi'C Iieiri( I r;'<1)(ad1acaInrafori11)nak-
ga:I i frc h'a 1;I phoatographs, lhave

of. $1,%56,000. ITh iiclud1es auiti Low
equipment, tunnels, sewers, and 1]
Smaller expenditures listed inclu4
$37,000 spent. in changes in Wate
man gymnasium and <$20,000 for, ti
._an imal house -v~ich is operatd

i) 075
'' oth
t4i wil
'"1 I
t MaW~&': I
a ;sue

iunction with the hospit al.
the report indicates that t he ie)
,lical building is now- 78 per cei
aiplete. Its estimated cost is $84]
a. Work at the new hospitali
gressing rapidly, indicating th
building will be readly for in.
wntiine next spring. Its total co:
1 be more than $4,000,000.
B3OWLI1 V rj (X ~ E
All men who have enterted
their names for the Union bowl-
ing tournament anal have nomt
yet rolled their first gaiiies are
urged to find their partners and
have these games rolled by to-
lay, which. will be the last day
onl which first round matches
may be ,played.

. ,.f


()llicm sfor the comi n ,)ea wIre ,,!
I( Z-"cena ly chlosen by the I. a mvor:;*t" 01o fft f>''t *! 41"t-
]1 J'viclig-a~n .Afiirliniclub of 0'". a1 . '1 i d '! ,jy --~~J
(duclihis ola ining two parties during " - } °.,+ A".. rl" a 'r -' / AN k- p
{ Ciristimar Vacation0, ocue for i a o- _ il'Icb' L\lK.t.
it, in thle oer a st anid 01nefor foreig~n .-'
stuent :; of F.1E ' Jrivetrsillv who .arei
~I iinhoeinthat ct.~~~ ~'II
e' Iluui'iiell l, 'J 8A'1; i ce-pre sident, Jos- .- Arz?
't(ph I1 balnishl, ev-'1,);see. et ry-treas. I 1I zthi e Ql~id
orcr, Elton W . V iet . the rest o h o r f d ct r o h lt , b - tIof t e t t e~ r , ar : :crr 3.-. ....Jj iE zii-it li . .M 1ti
B la c k , c x - ' 1 5 , D r . W . I t . D a v i s , '0 3 1 )1iJ h i r e 0 1 n l e i i i , j" _ ° ~ w °" - .
'1 ,14 "I . o ' ci"'I'"
To to Dc 18.- Prince Chichtibu,
second s3on of the emperor, ism on hi.
w xay to London to study social Eel- 11 " .
ences at Oxford for three years.'
!. London, Dec. 18.-The house of comn- 1?eX Fach ;
cons last evening adopted the king's
C-a Qramount .-icture
p # ''S WE A AIO~
ir bt
- ,1 rti :'~ I,' i~:tas: ,lARA 11M V, Forrest S,,anl,
r drier and more brittle than ever. I ~ h'i::. a . w Icox,hrt Ag!(,' 51a(d lter Lonz
e Stacomib has changed all that.____
t Everywhere -- in classroom,
theatre, club - you notice the y qd/ 7
y improvement this delicate, _invi=rm- ."' iI0(il~''A
ble cream has made i the looks W. ' i'('~I IA !IA NC EIMF, '
of' me n's and won en's hair. It y
will Ikeep yot~rn ju,,th theay you c r.1C
want it- from mn-orni ng L!night. - " t pt A "
l Non-staining m-rd non-grcasy.
f In jars and tube s, t:tyour )c1gc 's r-t 2 (
: drug store. Usc S juuom:b tomar-%
;n roar mornztng, and look your bcst .. NNYXi1)adA!l'EI'lY
t ali cay! h ,i ouLa: wn 'm


001114'~l''( to tha q.iml7nen!, In 1911
LL t; (h niy - ua
izal y .
statIlo 1~
w !FN

As tle o ountr'y kid who ,has
fl) mnother his younger
brothers, Wesley Barry
'vs the richest entertain-
janzt of his career. The ac-
ioeu will make your throat
hi slay with laughter as Wes-
Ncy ploughs up an acre of
fant and pathos.


location, leaving on the canmpus only
t he smaller instruments and the ele-
utenitary classes in astronomy, pro-
visions f omr which have b~eeni made in I
Antgell hall.
Don't delay---Pay your Subscription



.Ein'tst. rx hc~io


The 'way y
your ha
you canl
P ERHAPS you part your hair
on the side. Perhaps in the
middle. Perhaps you comb it
straight back.
How long does it stay the way
you like it best?
Before Sta comb was introduced,
men tried countless methods to
make their hair lie smoothly and
stay that way - from old-fashioned
pomades, which only matted the
hair and made it greasy, to plain
water, which kept it in place axn
hour at the most and then left it
/[ . .T.I 4, FJ

Itaiir Raising
Howls of Hilarity!




Mittiiiee-2 :rn, 3 :39
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SeatIs I~c wr ved



Sp.1ldid Holiday I'ragraills



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